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DxCheckBoxSettings.IndeterminateDisplayText Property

Specifies the display text string that corresponds to the checkbox editor’s indeterminate state.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public string IndeterminateDisplayText { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
String null

A text string.


Specify the IndeterminateDisplayText property to change the display text string that corresponds to the checkbox editor’s indeterminate state. Grid and TreeList display this string in the following UI elements:

  • Column filter menu, if the column’s FilterMode is set to DisplayText.
  • Column cells, if the ShowCheckBoxInDisplayMode property is set to false and the component is in display mode.

The following code snippet displays custom strings in the Discontinued column:

Check Box Setting

@inject ProductService ProductData

<DxGrid Data="@products">
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ProductName" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="UnitPrice" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="UnitsInOrder" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="Discontinued">
                <DxCheckBoxSettings ShowCheckBoxInDisplayMode="false"
                                    UncheckedDisplayText="No" />

@code {
    private Product[]? products;
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
        products = await ProductData.GetData();

To change the display text string that corresponds to the indeterminate state at runtime, use the ICheckBoxSettings.IndeterminateDisplayText property.

See Also