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CompatibilitySettings Properties

Contains an API for compatibility.
Name Description
AddSpaceAroundFormLayoutContent static Specifies whether the Form Layout adds a space around its content.
CompatibilityMode static Specifies the component suite version used for compatibility.
DisableEditorAutoGenerationInGrid static Specifies whether to disable automatic editor generation in DxGrid.
DisableKeyboardNavigationInGrid static Specifies whether to disable keyboard navigation and shortcuts in all DxGrid components.
IgnoreClientDateTimeOffsetInDateEdit static Specifies whether the Date Edit displays DateTimeOffset values without conversion to the client’s time zone.
ReverseRightAlignedToolbarGroups static Specifies whether the Toolbar renders its right-aligned items in reverse order.
UseDetachedEditorRenderModeInGrid static Specifies whether all DxGrid components render editors in Detached or Integrated mode.
UseDropDownInGridColumnChooser static Specifies whether the DxGrid component renders the Column Chooser as a window or drop-down component.
See Also