DxRibbonColorPaletteItem.PaletteCssClass Property
In This Article
Assigns a CSS class to the color palette.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
public string PaletteCssClass { get; set; }
#Property Value
Type | Description |
String | CSS class names delimited by spaces. |
Assign a CSS class name to the PaletteCssClass
property to customize the appearance of the color palette.
.palette-style {
background: #FDF2F4;
<DxRibbonColorPaletteItem @bind-Value="color"
<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M10.4642 2.3143C10.3883 2.12448 10.2045 2 10 2C9.79556 2 9.6117 2.12448 9.53577 2.3143L6.53577 9.8143C6.43322 10.0707 6.55792 10.3617 6.81432 10.4642C7.07071 10.5668 7.36169 10.4421 7.46425 10.1857L8.53707 7.50364H11.4629L12.5358 10.1857C12.6383 10.4421 12.9293 10.5668 13.1857 10.4642C13.4421 10.3617 13.5668 10.0707 13.4642 9.8143L10.4642 2.3143ZM10 3.84629L11.0629 6.50364H8.93707L10 3.84629Z" />
<path fill="@color" d="M4.5 12C3.67157 12 3 12.6716 3 13.5V16.5C3 17.3284 3.67157 18 4.5 18H15.5C16.3284 18 17 17.3284 17 16.5V13.5C17 12.6716 16.3284 12 15.5 12H4.5" />
@code {
string color = "";
public List<string> Colors = new List<string> {
"#2B0000", "#4F0000", "#740000", "#980000", "#B50000", "#D30000", "#EB1D1D", "#F50F0F", "#FF0000", "#FF0000",
"#9C191B", "#AC1C1E", "#BD1F21", "#D02224", "#DD2C2F", "#E35053", "#E66063", "#EC8385", "#F1A7A9", "#F6CACC",
"#FF0A54", "#FF477E", "#FF5C8A", "#FF7096", "#FF85A1", "#FF99AC", "#FBB1BD", "#F9BEC7", "#F7CAD0", "#FAE0E4"
See Also