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DxCalendar<T> Properties

A monthly calendar that supports multiple date selection.
Name Description
Attributes Specifies a collection of standard HTML attributes applied to the Calendar.
CssClass Assigns a CSS class to the editor. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
DayCellTemplate Specifies the template used to display day cells.
Enabled Specifies whether an editor is enabled. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
EnableMultiSelect Specifies whether multiple dates can be selected in the calendar.
FirstDayOfWeek Specifies the first day of a week in the calendar.
HeaderCssClass Assigns a CSS class to the Calendar’s header.
Id Specifies the component’s unique identifier. Inherited from DxComponent.
MaxDate Specifies the maximum date that can be selected in the calendar.
MinDate Specifies the minimum date that can be selected in the calendar.
ReadOnly Specifies whether read-only mode is active. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
SelectedDate Specifies the selected date.
SelectedDateExpression Specifies a lambda expression that identifies the SelectedDate property’s bound value when the Calendar is placed in the EditForm.
SelectedDates Specifies a collection of dates selected within the calendar.
SelectedDatesExpression Specifies a lambda expression that identifies the SelectedDates property’s bound value when the Calendar is placed in the EditForm.
ShowClearButton Specifies whether the Clear button is displayed in the calendar’s footer.
ShowValidationSuccessState Specifies whether the editor indicates successful validation. When an input value is valid, the editor displays a green outline and can show a success icon. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
SizeMode Specifies an editor size. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
ValidationEnabled Specifies whether the editor validates user input. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
VisibleDate Specifies the month and the year to display on the calendar.
WeekNumberRule Specifies the first week of the year.
See Also