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IChartSeriesPointImage.Url Property

Specifies the image URL.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


string Url { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The image URL.


A Chart point’s image URL is specified by the Url property. You can override this value for individual points. For this purpose, handle the CustomizeSeriesPoint event and use the PointAppearance.Image.Url property to set the new image.

The following example illustrates how to:

Point images are specified based on CloudCover field value that comes from the chart’s data source. Images with the corresponding names are stored in the wwwroot/images folder.

<DxChart Data="@WeatherForecasts" CustomizeSeriesPoint="@PreparePointImage">
    <DxChartLineSeries AggregationMethod="@(i => (int)i.Average())"
                       ValueField="@((WeatherForecast i) => i.TemperatureF)"
                       ArgumentField="@(i => i.Date.Date)"
                       Name="Temperature, F">
            <DxChartSeriesPointImage Width="50" Height="50" />
    <DxChartLegend Position="RelativePosition.Outside" />

@code {
    WeatherForecast[] WeatherForecasts;
    protected void PreparePointImage(ChartSeriesPointCustomizationSettings pointSettings) {
        IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> dataItems = pointSettings.Point.DataItems.Cast<WeatherForecast>();
        var weatherType = dataItems.GroupBy(x => x.CloudCover).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count()).First().Key;
        pointSettings.PointAppearance.Image.Url = $"images/{weatherType}.png";

Charts - A series point image

Run Demo: Charts - Series Point Image

See Also