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DxListBox<TData, TValue>.ColumnCellDisplayTemplate Property

Specifies a template used to display column cells in the List Box.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v23.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public RenderFragment<ListBoxColumnCellDisplayTemplateContext<TData>> ColumnCellDisplayTemplate { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The template for column cells.


The ColumnCellDisplayTemplate allows you to specify custom content and change cell appearance in List Box columns. The template accepts a ListBoxColumnCellDisplayTemplateContext<TData> object as the context parameter. You can use the parameter’s members to get information about a column cell:

The code below customizes the appearance of different columns.

@inject NwindDataService NwindDataService

<DxListBox TData="Product" TValue="Product" Data="@Data"
        <DxListEditorColumn FieldName="@nameof(Product.ProductName)" Caption="Product" Width="30%"/>
        <DxListEditorColumn FieldName="@nameof(Product.UnitPrice)" Caption="Unit Price"/>
        <DxListEditorColumn FieldName="@nameof(Product.Quantity)"/>
        <DxListEditorColumn FieldName="@nameof(Product.Discount)"/>
        <DxListEditorColumn FieldName="@nameof(Product.Total)" />
            object displayValue;
            string cssClass = string.Empty;
            switch (context.Column.FieldName) {
                case nameof(Product.UnitPrice):
                    cssClass = alignRightCssClass;
                    displayValue = $"{context.Value:c}";
                case nameof(Product.Quantity):
                    cssClass = alignRightCssClass;
                    displayValue = context.DisplayText;
                case nameof(Product.Discount):
                    displayValue = $"{context.Value:p}";
                case nameof(Product.Total):
                    var value = context.DataItem.UnitPrice * context.DataItem.Quantity;
                    var valueCssClass = value >= totalPriceCeiling ? textGreenCssClass : textRedCssClass;
                    cssClass = $"{alignRightCssClass} {valueCssClass}";
                    displayValue = $"{value:c}";
                    displayValue = context.DisplayText;
        <div class="@cssClass">@displayValue</div>

@code {
    IEnumerable<Product> Data { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<Product> SelectedProducts { get; set; }
    int totalPriceCeiling = 100;
    string alignRightCssClass = "align-right";
    string textGreenCssClass = "text-green";
    string textRedCssClass = "text-red";
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
        var invoices = await NwindDataService.GetInvoicesAsync();
        var products = await NwindDataService.GetProductsAsync();
        Data = invoices.Join(products, i => i.ProductId, p => p.ProductId, (i, p) =>
            new Product {
                ProductName = i.ProductName,
                UnitPrice = i.UnitPrice,
                Quantity = i.Quantity,
                Discount = i.Discount
        SelectedProducts = Data.Skip(1).Take(3);
    public class Product {
        public string ProductName { get; set; }
        public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; }
        public int Quantity { get; set; }
        public float Discount { get; set; }
        public int Total { get; set; }
        public override bool Equals(object obj) {
            return obj is Product product && string.Equals(product.ProductName, ProductName) && product.Quantity == Quantity;
        public override int GetHashCode() {
            return HashCode.Combine(ProductName, Quantity);

ListBox - Column Cell Display Template

Run Demo: List Box - Column Cell Display Template


DevExpress.Blazor.IListBox<TData, TValue>.ColumnCellDisplayTemplate
See Also