DevExpress.Web Namespace
Contains classes which implement the main functionality of all DevExpress controls for ASP.NET.
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.1.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web
Name | Description |
AccessRulesCollection | A collection of access rules that specify access permissions for files and folders within a file manager. |
AccountBase | A base class for classes that provides settings of cloud storage accounts. |
AccountManager | Provides an API to register cloud storage accounts. |
AddButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to add buttons. |
AllButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, displays the content of all the pages. |
AmazonAccount | Provides Amazon account settings allowing the control to be connected to an Amazon storage account. |
AmazonFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of the Amazon File System Provider. |
AppearanceItemStyle | Serves as a base for classes which define style settings for different item elements (such as menu items, navbar items, etc). |
AppearanceSelectedStyle | Contains style settings for different item elements (such as menu items, navbar items, etc) being selected. |
AppearanceStyle | Serves as a base for classes which define style settings for different elements of web controls. |
AppearanceStyleBase | Serves as a base for classes that define appearance styles of different elements within web controls. |
ASPxAutoCompleteBoxBase | Serves as the base type for the ASPxComboBox and ASPxTokenBox objects. |
ASPxBinaryImage | Represents an editor capable of displaying images from a binary stream. |
ASPxButton | A button control. |
ASPxButtonEdit | Represents an edit control with embedded buttons. |
ASPxButtonEditBase | Represents a base class for editors that allow edit buttons to be displayed within the client region. |
ASPxCalendar | Represents the calendar control. |
ASPxCallback | A non-visual component that allows you to make a round trip to the server (send a custom callback request) and perform server-side actions. The component cannot update other controls in a callback. |
ASPxCallbackPanel | A callback panel control that allows you to update its content on a callback. |
ASPxCaptcha | A control used for the challenge-response authentication. |
ASPxCardView | A server ASPxCardView control. |
ASPxCardViewAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings that relate to the card view’s adaptivity. |
ASPxCardViewAfterPerformCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.AfterPerformCallback event. |
ASPxCardViewBeforeColumnSortingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.BeforeColumnSorting event. |
ASPxCardViewBeforeColumnSortingGroupingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.BeforeColumnSortingGrouping event. |
ASPxCardViewBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxCardViewBehaviorSettings | Provides behavior options for ASPxCardViews. |
ASPxCardViewBreakpointsLayoutSettings | Contains settings related to the Card View’s grid layout adaptivity settings. |
ASPxCardViewCardLayoutCreatedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CardLayoutCreated event. |
ASPxCardViewClientJSPropertiesEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomJSProperties event. |
ASPxCardViewColumnDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomUnboundColumnData event. |
ASPxCardViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomColumnDisplayText event. |
ASPxCardViewCommandButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CommandButtonInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewCommandButtonSettings | Provide access to command buttons properties. |
ASPxCardViewCookiesSettings | Provides cookies and layout settings for ASPxCardView. |
ASPxCardViewCustomButtonCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomButtonCallback event. |
ASPxCardViewCustomCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomCallback event. |
ASPxCardViewCustomCommandButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomButtonInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomDataCallback event. |
ASPxCardViewCustomErrorTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomErrorText event. |
ASPxCardViewDataSecuritySettings | Contains security settings that allow you to disable data operations in the ASPxCardView. |
ASPxCardViewDataValidationEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CardValidating event. |
ASPxCardViewEditingSettings | Provides editing settings for ASPxCardViews. |
ASPxCardViewEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CellEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewExporter | An ASPxCardViewExporter control used to export the ASPxCardView control’s data. |
ASPxCardViewExportRenderingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardViewExporter.RenderBrick event. |
ASPxCardViewExportSettings | Contains the export settings to be applied when the CardView’s data is exported. |
ASPxCardViewFilterControlSettings | Contains settings for the filter control. |
ASPxCardViewGroupSelectorFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.GroupSelectorFillItems event. |
ASPxCardViewGroupSelectorInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.GroupSelectorInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewHeaderFilterEditorInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the HeaderFilterEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewHeaderFilterEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.HeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxCardViewHtmlCardPreparedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.HtmlCardPrepared event. |
ASPxCardViewLoadingPanelSettings | Provides settings that affect the loading panel‘s appearance and functionality. |
ASPxCardViewPagerSettings | Provides settings that affect the pager appearance and functionality. |
ASPxCardViewPopupControlSettings | Contains specific settings for different popup elements. |
ASPxCardViewSearchPanelEditorCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.SearchPanelEditorCreate event. |
ASPxCardViewSearchPanelEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.SearchPanelEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewSearchPanelSettings | Provides settings that affect the search panel functionality. |
ASPxCardViewSettings | Provides view options for ASPxCardView controls. |
ASPxCardViewSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.SummaryDisplayText event. |
ASPxCardViewSummaryItem | Represents a summary item. |
ASPxCardViewSummaryItemCollection | Represents a collection of ASPxCardView summary items. |
ASPxCardViewTextSettings | Provides text options for ASPxCardViews. |
ASPxCardViewToolbarItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.ToolbarItemClick event. |
ASPxCheckBox | The check box control. |
ASPxCheckBoxList | A control to display a list of check boxes. |
ASPxCheckListBase | The base class for list editors. |
ASPxClientLayoutArgs | Provides data for a web control’s ClientLayout event. |
ASPxCloudControl | A cloud control. |
ASPxCollapsiblePanel | Represents a base class for the ASPxPanel and ASPxCallbackPanel controls that provides collapsing functionality. |
ASPxColorEdit | Represents a color editor control that has a dropdown window with a color palette. |
ASPxComboBox | An editor which displays a list of items within its dropdown window. |
ASPxDataView | An ASPxDataView control. |
ASPxDataViewBase | Serves as a base for the ASPxDataView and ASPxNewsControl classes. |
ASPxDataWebControl | Serves as the base class that defines methods, properties and events common to all ASPx web controls that can be bound to data. |
ASPxDataWebControlBase | Serves as the base class for controls that can be bound to data. |
ASPxDateEdit | A date editor control. |
ASPxDockManager | A component that is used to manage panels and zones on a page. |
ASPxDockPanel | A panel control that acts as a movable window. |
ASPxDockZone | A zone where panels can be docked. |
ASPxDropDownEdit | An editor that provides the drop-down list functionality. |
ASPxDropDownEditBase | Represents the base class for editors capable of using the dropdown window. |
ASPxEdit | Represents the base class for editors that allow their values to be changed by end users. |
ASPxEditBase | Represents the base class for all editor types. |
ASPxFileManager | A file management control. |
ASPxFilterControl | Represents a filter control. |
ASPxFilterControlBase | Serves as a base for the ASPxFilterControl class. |
ASPxFloatingActionButton | A floating action button. |
ASPxFormLayout | A form layout management control. |
ASPxGlobalEvents | Represents an ASPxGlobalEvents control. |
ASPxGridAfterPerformCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.AfterPerformCallback and ASPxCardView.AfterPerformCallback events. |
ASPxGridBase | Serves as the base class that implements the main functionality of grid-like controls (such as ASPxGridView, ASPxCardView and ASPxVerticalGrid). |
ASPxGridBeforeColumnGroupingSortingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.BeforeColumnSortingGrouping and ASPxCardView.BeforeColumnSortingGrouping events. |
ASPxGridBeforeExportEventArgs | Provides data for the BeforeExport event. |
ASPxGridBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems and ASPxCardView.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems events. |
ASPxGridBehaviorSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide behavior options for grid-like controls (such as ASPxGridView, ASPxCardView and ASPxVerticalGrid). |
ASPxGridColumnDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomUnboundColumnData and ASPxCardView.CustomUnboundColumnData events. |
ASPxGridColumnDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomColumnDisplayText, ASPxCardView.CustomColumnDisplayText, and ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomRowDisplayText events. |
ASPxGridCommandButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CommandButtonInitialize and ASPxCardView.CommandButtonInitialize events. |
ASPxGridCommandButtonSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide settings for command buttons customization in grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridCookiesSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide cookies settings for grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridCustomButtonCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomButtonCallback and ASPxCardView.CustomButtonCallback events. |
ASPxGridCustomCallbackEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for the CustomCallback events. |
ASPxGridCustomCommandButtonEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for command button related events. |
ASPxGridCustomDataCallbackEventArgs | Serves as a base class for the ASPxCardViewCustomCallbackEventArgs, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs, and ASPxVerticalGridCustomDataCallbackEventArgs classes. |
ASPxGridCustomErrorTextEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for the CustomErrorText events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridDataSecuritySettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide security settings for grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridDataValidationEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for the validation events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridEditingSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide edit settings for grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridEditorCreateEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for editor creation events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridEditorEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for editor initialization events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridExporterBase | Serves as a base class for the |