ForbiddenZoneItem Class
Denotes a zone disallowed from panel docking.
Namespace: DevExpress.Web
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web
Each ASPxDockPanel control allows you to specify zones where the panel cannot be docked. Within an ASPxDockPanel control, the zones are denoted by ForbiddenZoneItem objects, held within a collection, which can be accessed via the ASPxDockPanel.ForbiddenZones property.
Use the properties of the ForbiddenZoneItem class to specify the zone denoted by the current item (ForbiddenZoneItem.Zone and ForbiddenZoneItem.ZoneUID), the collection, which contained the item (CollectionItem.Collection), and an item index (CollectionItem.Index), which can be used to access the item within a collection.