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DevExpress.Web.ASPxHtmlEditor Namespace

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Contains classes which implement the functionality of the ASPxHtmlEditor control.

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxHtmlEditor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


Name Description
ASPxHtmlEditor An HTML text editor control.
ASPxHtmlEditorAudioUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to a control’s audio uploading functionality.
ASPxHtmlEditorAudioUploadValidationSettings Contains settings that relate to the validation of audio files, uploaded using the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
ASPxHtmlEditorFlashUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to a control’s flash uploading functionality.
ASPxHtmlEditorFlashUploadValidationSettings Contains settings that relate to the validation of flash files, uploaded using the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
ASPxHtmlEditorHtmlEditingSettings Contains settings that relate to a control’s HTML editing functionality.
ASPxHtmlEditorImageUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to a control’s image uploading functionality.
ASPxHtmlEditorImageUploadValidationSettings Contains settings that relate to the validation of image files, uploaded using the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
ASPxHtmlEditorLoadingPanelSettings Contains settings that relate to the loading panel‘s functionality.
ASPxHtmlEditorRoundPanel Represents a round panel used internally within the ASPxHtmlEditor dialogs.
ASPxHtmlEditorSettings Contains settings that relate to the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s base functionality.
ASPxHtmlEditorSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes that define different settings of the ASPxHtmlEditor.
ASPxHtmlEditorSpellCheckerSettings Represents a set of settings related to spell checking of the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s content.
ASPxHtmlEditorSpellCheckerSpellingSettings Represents a container of settings that affect spell checking of the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s content.
ASPxHtmlEditorTextSettings Contains settings that relate to texts displayed within tabs.
ASPxHtmlEditorUploadControl Represents the ASPxHtmlEditor’s built-in upload control.
ASPxHtmlEditorUploadSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes that contain settings related to a control’s media files uploading functionality.
ASPxHtmlEditorUploadValidationSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes that contain settings related to validation of media files, uploaded using the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
ASPxHtmlEditorVideoUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to a control’s video uploading functionality.
ASPxHtmlEditorVideoUploadValidationSettings Contains settings that relate to the validation of video files, uploaded using the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
BarDockStyle Defines style settings for the bar dock control.
CustomCssItemPreviewStyle Defines preview style settings for the ToolbarCustomCssListEditItem within the ToolbarCustomCssEdit object.
CustomToolbarButton Implements a custom toolbar button functionality.
DialogCssClassItem An individual custom CSS class defining element style settings.
DialogCssClassItems A collection of custom CSS classes defining element style settings.
HEAlignmentCenterRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows a paragraph whose content is selected within the design view area to be centered.
HEAlignmentJustifyRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows a paragraph whose content is selected within the design view area to be fully justified (aligned with both the left and right margins).
HEAlignmentLeftRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows a paragraph whose content is selected within the design view area to be left aligned.
HEAlignmentRightRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows a paragraph whose content is selected within the design view area to be right aligned.
HEBackColorRibbonCommand A ribbon item that allows the background color to be specified for the text selected within the design view area.
HEBoldRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows bold formatting to be applied to the text selected within the design view area.
HECheckSpellingRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows checking the spelling of the content within the design view area.
HEClipboardRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items related to working with the clipboard.
HECopySelectionRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the content selected within the design view area to be copied to the clipboard.
HECustomCssRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that can contain a list of custom CSS styles, and allows a particular style to be applied to the text content selected within the design view area.
HECustomDialogRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows a custom dialog to be invoked.
HECutSelectionRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the content selected within the design view area to be cut and copied to the clipboard.
HEDeleteTableColumnRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that deletes a table within the design view area.
HEDeleteTableRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that deletes a column in the table within the design view area.
HEDeleteTableRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items that allow deleting table elements.
HEDeleteTableRowRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that deletes a row in the table within the design view area.
HEEditingRibbonGroup A default ribbon group that contains items related to editing operations.
HEExportToDocxDropDownRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows exporting editor content to the Office Open XML (Docx) document format.
HEExportToMhtDropDownRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows exporting editor content to the MIME HTML (Mht) document format.
HEExportToOdtDropDownRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows exporting editor content to the Open Document (Odt) document format.
HEExportToPdfDropDownRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows exporting editor content to the Portable Document (Pdf) document format.
HEExportToRtfDropDownRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows exporting editor content to the Rich Text (Rtf) document format.
HEExportToTxtDropDownRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows exporting editor content to the Plain Text (Txt) document format.
HEFindAndReplaceDialogRibbonCommand Initializes a new instance of the object.
HEFontColorRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the required color to be applied to the text selected within the design view area.
HEFontNameRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the font name to be selected and applied to the text content selected within the design view area.
HEFontRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items that allow you to customize font settings.
HEFontSizeRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the font size to be selected and applied to the text content selected within the design view area.
HEFullscreenRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that toggles the full-screen mode within the design view area.
HEHomeRibbonTab A default ribbon tab containing the basic ribbon groups.
HEImagesRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items related to working with images.
HEIndentRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the indent formatting to be applied to a paragraph whose content is selected within the design view area.
HEInsertAudioDialogRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the “Insert Audio” dialog allowing an audio file to be inserted into the design view area.
HEInsertFlashDialogRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the “Insert Flash” dialog allowing a flash file to be inserted into the design view area.
HEInsertImageRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the “Insert Image” dialog allowing an image to be inserted into the design view area.
HEInsertLinkDialogRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the “Insert Link” dialog, allowing a hyperlink to be inserted into the design view area.
HEInsertOrderedListRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the ordered list formatting to be applied to a paragraph whose content is selected within the design view area.
HEInsertPlaceholderDialogRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the “Find and Replace” dialog.
HEInsertRibbonTab A default ribbon tab containing Images (HEImagesRibbonGroup) and Links (HELinksRibbonGroup) ribbon groups.
HEInsertTableByGridHighlightingRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows you to insert a new table by grid highlighting.
HEInsertTableColumnToLeftRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows insertion of a new column to the left in a table within the design view area.
HEInsertTableColumnToRightRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows insertion of a new column to the right in a table within the design view area.
HEInsertTableDropDownRibbonCommand A Ribbon drop-down item that allows you to insert a new table.
HEInsertTableRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the “Insert Table” dialog, allowing insertion of a table into the design view area.
HEInsertTableRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items that allow inserting rows and columns in a table.
HEInsertTableRowAboveRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows insertion of a new row above in a table within the design view area.
HEInsertTableRowBelowRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows insertion of a new row below in a table within the design view area.
HEInsertUnorderedListRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows unordered list formatting to be applied to a paragraph whose content is selected within the design view area.
HEInsertVideoDialogRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the “Insert Video” dialog allowing a video file to be inserted into the design view area.
HEInsertYouTubeVideoDialogRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the “Insert YouTube Video” dialog allowing a YouTube video to be inserted into the design view area.
HEItalicRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows italic formatting to be applied to the text selected within the design view area.
HELinksRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items related to working with links.
HEMediaRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items related to working with media.
HEMergeTableCellDownRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows merging a cell down in a table within the design view area.
HEMergeTableCellRightRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows merging a cell to the right in a table within the design view area.
HEMergeTableRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items that allow you to merge and split table elements.
HEOutdentRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the outdent formatting to be applied to a paragraph whose content is selected within the design view area.
HEParagraphFormattingRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows a predefined paragraph style to be applied to a selected paragraph within the design view area.
HEParagraphRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items that allow customizing paragraph settings.
HEPasteFromWordRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the “Paste from Word” dialog allowing the copied Word text to be inserted into the design view area.
HEPasteSelectionRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the data from the clipboard to be pasted within the design view area.
HEPrintRibbonCommand A ribbon item that invokes a standard ‘Print’ dialog, allowing the editor’s content to be printed.
HERedoRibbonCommand A ribbon item that allows a previously canceled action performed within the design view area to be returned.
HERemoveFormatRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows text formatting to be removed from the text selected within the design view area.
HEReviewRibbonTab A default ribbon tab containing ribbon groups related to a review.
HERibbonColorCommandBase Serves as a base for the HEBackColorRibbonCommand and HEFontColorRibbonCommand classes.
HERibbonComboBoxCommandBase Serves as a base for classes providing the combo box functionality.
HERibbonCommandBase The base class for Ribbon toolbar items.
HERibbonCustomCssListBoxProperties Contains settings specific to the custom CSS Ribbon item.
HERibbonDropDownCommandBase Serves as a base for classes specifying Ribbon items with a dropdown list.
HERibbonGroupBase The base class for default ribbon groups.
HERibbonTabBase The base class for default ribbon tabs.
HERibbonToggleCommandBase Serves as a base for classes specifying toolbar items that support toggle functionality.
HESelectAllRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows you to select all content.
HESpellingRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing the Check Spelling (HECheckSpellingRibbonCommand item.
HESplitTableCellHorizontallyRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows splitting a table’s cell horizontally within the design view area.
HESplitTableCellVerticallyRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows splitting a table’s cell vertically within the design view area.
HEStrikeoutRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the strike through text formatting to be applied to text selected within the design view area.
HESubscriptRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the subscript text formatting to be applied to text selected within the design view area.
HESuperscriptRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the superscript text formatting to be applied to text selected within the design view area.
HETableCellPropertiesRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the Cell Properties dialog, allowing modification of a cell’s properties in a table within the design view area.
HETableColumnPropertiesRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the Column Properties dialog, allowing modification of a column’s properties in a table within the design view area.
HETableLayoutRibbonTab A default ribbon tab containing ribbon groups related to working with a table layout.
HETablePropertiesRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the Table Properties dialog, allowing modification of a table’s properties within the design view area.
HETablePropertiesRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing items that allow you to customize table properties.
HETableRibbonTab A default ribbon tab containing ribbon groups related to working with tables.
HETableRowPropertiesRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that invokes the Row Properties dialog, allowing modification of a row’s properties in a table within the design view area.
HETablesRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing an Insert Table item (HEInsertTableRibbonCommand).
HETableToolsRibbonTabCategory A default ribbon context tab category containing table-related commands that is displayed when a selection is in a table.
HEUnderlineRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows the underline text formatting to be applied to text selected within the design view area.
HEUndoRibbonCommand A ribbon item that allows the previous action performed within the design view area to be canceled.
HEUndoRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing Undo (HEUndoRibbonCommand) and Redo (HERedoRibbonCommand) items.
HEUnlinkRibbonCommand A Ribbon item that allows a link contained within the text or image selected within the design view area to be removed.
HEViewRibbonTab A default ribbon tab containing a Views (HEViewsRibbonGroup) ribbon group.
HEViewsRibbonGroup A default ribbon group containing a full-screen mode item (HEFullscreenRibbonCommand).
HtmlCorrectingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxHtmlEditor.HtmlCorrecting event that allows any custom check or transformation of the editor’s HTML code to be perfromed.
HtmlEditorAdaptivitySettings Contains settings that relate to the HTML Editor’s adaptivity.
HtmlEditorAreaStyle Defines style settings for content areas.
HtmlEditorAreaStyleBase Defines the base style settings for different areas within the ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorAudioSelectorCommonSettings Contains common settings of the ASPxHtmlEditor’s built-in Audio Selector.
HtmlEditorAudioSelectorSettings Contains the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s Select Audio dialog’s settings.
HtmlEditorAudioSelectorUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in Audio Selector‘s file upload functionality.
HtmlEditorButtonStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of button elements used within the ASPxHtmlEditor to be defined.
HtmlEditorChangeElementPropertiesDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the form elements of the Element Properties dialog.
HtmlEditorChangeElementPropertiesDialogSettingsBase Serves as a base class for classes that contain customization settings for the form elements of the Element Properties dialog.
HtmlEditorChangeElementPropertiestDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the form elements of the change element properties dialogs.
HtmlEditorClientSideEvents Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorCommonViewAreaStyle Defines style settings for view areas.
HtmlEditorContentElementFiltering Contains settings that relate to content element filtering.
HtmlEditorContextMenuItem Denotes an individual context menu item within the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
HtmlEditorContextMenuItemCollection A collection that maintains context menu items.
HtmlEditorCssFile Represents a link to the CSS file.
HtmlEditorCssFileCollection Represents a collection of HtmlEditorCssFile objects.
HtmlEditorCustomDialog An individual custom dialog within the ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorCustomDialogs A collection of custom dialogs within the ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorDefaultDialogSettings Contains customization settings of the built-in dialogs.
HtmlEditorDialogFormElementSettings Contains settings concerning customization of dialog form elements.
HtmlEditorDialogFormStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of specific elements within dialog forms to be defined.
HtmlEditorDialogSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes containing customization settings for form elements of the built-in dialog.
HtmlEditorDocumentFontInfo Contains the font properties of the document’s text.
HtmlEditorDocumentSelectorBreadcrumbsSettings Contains breadcrumbs settings used by the File Manager embedded into built-in dialogs.
HtmlEditorDocumentSelectorCommonSettings Contains common settings of the ASPxHtmlEditor’s built-in Document Selector.
HtmlEditorDocumentSelectorFileListSettings Contains settings to customize the file list within the Image Selector or Document Selector.
HtmlEditorDocumentSelectorFoldersSettings Contains settings to customize the folder container within the Image Selector or Document Selector.
HtmlEditorDocumentSelectorSettings Contains the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s Document Selector dialog’s settings.
HtmlEditorDocumentSelectorToolbarSettings Contains settings to control the visibility of toolbar items within the Image Selector or Document Selector.
HtmlEditorDocumentSelectorUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in Document Selector‘s file upload functionality.
HtmlEditorDocumentStyles Contains the editor’s document style settings.
HtmlEditorDropDownItemPickerItemStyle Contains styles settings defining the appearance of items, displayed within a dropdown item picker toolbar item‘s drop-down window.
HtmlEditorDropDownItemPickerStyle Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a dropdown item picker toolbar item.
HtmlEditorEditorImages Contains settings that allow images to be defined for specific elements of editors used within the ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorEditorStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of different editor elements used within the ASPxHtmlEditor to be defined.
HtmlEditorErrorFrameCloseButtonStyle Contains styles settings defining the appearance of the close button displayed within the editor’s error frame.
HtmlEditorErrorFrameStyle Contains styles settings defining the appearance of the editor’s error frame.
HtmlEditorFileManager A built-in file manager used to in editor media dialogs.
HtmlEditorFileManagerAdaptivitySettings Contains the settings that relate to the adaptivity settings of the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s built-in dialogs.
HtmlEditorFileManagerBreadcrumbsSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in file manager’s breadcrumbs.
HtmlEditorFileManagerCommonSettings Contains the base settings of a built-in Image Selector.
HtmlEditorFileManagerEditingSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in ImageSelector‘s editing functionality.
HtmlEditorFileManagerFileListSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in file manager’s file list view.
HtmlEditorFileManagerFilteringSettings Provides settings that affect the file manager’s filtering functionality within an ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorFileManagerFoldersSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in ImageSelector‘s folder functionality.
HtmlEditorFileManagerImages Contains settings that allow images to be defined for specific elements of the built-in file manager.
HtmlEditorFileManagerPermissionsSettings Contains settings that relate to the Image Selector‘s and Document Selector‘s permissions.
HtmlEditorFileManagerSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes that define functional settings of ASPxFileManager control built in editor media dialogs.
HtmlEditorFileManagerStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of elements, used within the Image Selector and Document Selector, to be defined.
HtmlEditorFileManagerToolbarSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in ImageSelector‘s toolbar functionality.
HtmlEditorFileManagerUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in dialog‘s file upload functionality.
HtmlEditorFileManagerValidationSettings Contains settings that relate to an ASPxHtmlEditor’s uploaded file validation.
HtmlEditorFlashSelectorCommonSettings Contains common settings of the ASPxHtmlEditor’s built-in Flash Selector.
HtmlEditorFlashSelectorSettings Contains the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s Select Flash dialog’s settings.
HtmlEditorFlashSelectorUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in Flash Selector‘s file upload functionality.
HtmlEditorFormsSettings Contains settings that are specific to customized versions of the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s built-in dialogs.
HtmlEditorHtmlEditingSettings Contains settings that relate to a control’s HTML editing functionality.
HtmlEditorHtmlViewSettings Contains settings that relate to the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s Html view.
HtmlEditorImages Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s specific elements.
HtmlEditorImageSelectorSettings Contains the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s Select Image dialog’s settings.
HtmlEditorImageSelectorUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in Image Selector‘s file upload functionality.
HtmlEditorInsertAudioDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Insert Audio dialog’s form elements.
HtmlEditorInsertFlashDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Insert Flash dialog’s form elements.
HtmlEditorInsertImageDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Insert Image dialog’s form elements.
HtmlEditorInsertLinkDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Insert Link dialog’s form elements.
HtmlEditorInsertMediaDialogSettings Serves as a base for classes containing customization settings for form elements of the built-in media dialogs.
HtmlEditorInsertMediaDialogSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes containing customization settings for form elements of the built-in media dialogs.
HtmlEditorInsertTableDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Insert Table dialog’s form elements.
HtmlEditorInsertVideoDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Insert Video dialog’s form elements.
HtmlEditorMenuStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of specific elements within the editor’s context menu to be defined.
HtmlEditorPasteFromWordDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Paste from Word dialog’s form elements.
HtmlEditorPasteOptionsBarItemStyle Defines style settings for the paste options bar items.
HtmlEditorPasteOptionsBarStyle Defines style settings for the paste options bar.
HtmlEditorPasteOptionsBarStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of paste options bar elements to be defined.
HtmlEditorPlaceholderCollection A collection of placeholders available in the HtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorPlaceholderItem An individual placeholder within the HtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorPlaceholdersSettings Contains settings that relate to placeholders in ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorRequiredFieldValidationPattern Contains settings that relate to the required field validation type.
HtmlEditorResizeSettings Contains settings that relate to the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s sizing capabilities.
HtmlEditorRibbonContextTabCategoryCollection A collection of ribbon context tab categories in the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
HtmlEditorRibbonPopupMenuStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of popup elements within the ribbon toolbar to be defined.
HtmlEditorRibbonStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of ribbon toolbar elements used within the ASPxHtmlEditor to be defined.
HtmlEditorRibbonTabCollection A collection of Ribbon tabs.
HtmlEditorRibbonTabControlStyles Contains settings that define the appearance of tab control elements used by the ribbon toolbar.
HtmlEditorRibbonToolbarSettings Contains specific settings for the HTML Editor’s ribbon toolbar.
HtmlEditorRoundPanelStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of specific elements within round panels used by the ASPxHtmlEditor to be defined.
HtmlEditorSelectorSettings Serves as a base for classes that define functional settings of file selectors within an ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorShortcut An individual shortcut within the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
HtmlEditorShortcutCollection A collection of HtmlEditorShortcut objects.
HtmlEditorSpellCheckerStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of specific elements within the spell checking dialog of the ASPxHtmlEditor to be defined.
HtmlEditorStatusBarSizeGripStyle Contains style settings that define the appearance of the ASPxHtmlEditor’s size grip.
HtmlEditorStatusBarStyle Defines style settings for the status bar .
HtmlEditorStatusBarStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of the status bar‘s elements to be defined.
HtmlEditorStatusBarTabStyle Defines style settings for tabs displayed within the status bar.
HtmlEditorStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s different elements to be defined.
HtmlEditorTableCellPropertiesDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Cell Properties dialog’s form elements.
HtmlEditorTableElementPropertiestDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the form elements of the Column Properties and Row Properties dialogs.
HtmlEditorTagInspectorSelectedTagContainerStyles Contains the style settings that define the appearance of a selected tag container in the tag inspector.
HtmlEditorTagInspectorSelectionStyles Contains the style settings that define the appearance of an element, selected by the tag inspector.
HtmlEditorTagInspectorStyles Contains the style settings that define the appearance of the tag inspector.
HtmlEditorToolbar Represents a base class for toolbars.
HtmlEditorToolbarCollection Represents a collection of toolbar objects.
HtmlEditorToolbarItem Implements the base toolbar item functionality.
HtmlEditorToolbarItemCollection Represents a collection of toolbar item objects.
HtmlEditorUploadControlFileSystemSettings Provides settings allowing you to specify a folder where uploaded files will be automatically saved.
HtmlEditorUploadControlStyles Contains style settings defining the appearance of the ASPxHtmlEditor built-in upload control.
HtmlEditorUserControl Represents a user control class to be used within the ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorValidationEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxHtmlEditor’s ASPxHtmlEditor.Validation event.
HtmlEditorValidationSettings Contains the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s content validation settings.
HtmlEditorVideoSelectorCommonSettings Contains common settings of the ASPxHtmlEditor’s built-in Video Selector.
HtmlEditorVideoSelectorSettings Contains the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s Select Video dialog’s settings.
HtmlEditorVideoSelectorUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in Video Selector‘s file upload functionality.
HtmlEditorViewAreaStyle Defines style settings for a particular view area.
HtmlEditorViewModeTabControlStyles Contains settings that allow the tabs‘ appearance to be defined.
InsertImageCssClassItem An individual custom CSS class defining image style settings.
InsertImageCssClassItems A collection of custom CSS classes defining image style settings.
InsertMediaCssClassItem An individual custom CSS class defining media player style settings.
InsertMediaCssClassItems A collection of custom CSS classes defining media player style settings.
PastedImageSavingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxHtmlEditor.PastedImageSaving event.
PopOutImageProperties Contains settings that define a toolbar item’s pop-out image.
PopOutImageSpriteProperties Contains settings that define different states of a toolbar item’s pop-out image (disabled, hottracked, selected) when it’s taken from a sprite image.
RtfContentPastingProcessedEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxHtmlEditor.RtfContentPastingProcessed event.
ToolbarBackColorButton A default toolbar button that allows the background color to be specified for the text selected within the design view area.
ToolbarBoldButton A default toolbar button that allows the bold formatting to be applied to the text selected within the design view area.
ToolbarCheckSpellingButton A default toolbar button that allows checking the spelling of the content within the design view area.
ToolbarColorButtonBase Serves as a base for the ToolbarFontColorButton and ToolbarBackColorButton classes.
ToolbarComboBox Implements a combo box custom toolbar item functionality.
ToolbarComboBoxBase Serves as a base for classes providing the combo box functionality.
ToolbarComboBoxProperties Contains settings specific to a combo box toolbar item.
ToolbarCopyButton A default toolbar button that allows the content selected within the design view area to be copied to the clipboard.
ToolbarCustomComboBoxProperties Contains settings specific to a combo box toolbar item.
ToolbarCustomCssEdit A default toolbar editor that can contain a list of custom CSS styles, and allows a particular style to be applied to the text content selected in the design view area.
ToolbarCustomCssListEditItem Represents an individual list item within the ToolbarCustomCssEdit‘s list.
ToolbarCustomCssListEditItemCollection Represents a collection of list items within the ToolbarCustomCssEdit.
ToolbarCustomDialogButton A toolbar button that allows a custom dialog to be invoked.
ToolbarCustomDropDownBase Serves as a base for classes specifying custom toolbar items with dropdown lists.
ToolbarCustomItem A base class for list items maintained within custom lists of toolbar buttons.
ToolbarCustomListEditItem An individual item within a ToolbarCustomListEditItemCollection collection.
ToolbarCustomListEditItemCollection A collection that maintains a ToolbarComboBox‘s dropdown list items.
ToolbarCutButton A default toolbar button that allows the content selected within the design view area to be cut and copied to the clipboard.
ToolbarDeleteTableButton Represents a default toolbar button that deletes a table within the design view area.
ToolbarDeleteTableColumnButton Represents a default toolbar button that deletes a column in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarDeleteTableRowButton Represents a default toolbar button that deletes a row in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarDropDownBase Serves as a base for classes specifying toolbar items with dropdown lists.
ToolbarDropDownItemPicker Implements a dropdown item picker custom toolbar item functionality.
ToolbarDropDownMenu Implements a dropdown menu custom toolbar item functionality.
ToolbarExportDropDownButton A default toolbar button that invokes a drop down menu containing a list of available document formats, to which the editor’s content can be exported.
ToolbarExportDropDownItem An individual item within a toolbar drop down export menu.
ToolbarFindAndReplaceDialogButton A default toolbar button that invokes the Find and Replace dialog.
ToolbarFontColorButton A default toolbar button that allows the required color to be applied to the text selected within the design view area.
ToolbarFontNameEdit A default toolbar editor that allows the named font to be selected and applied to the text content selected in the design view area.
ToolbarFontSizeEdit A default toolbar editor that allows the font size to be selected and applied to the text content selected within the design view area.
ToolbarFullscreenButton Represents a default toolbar button that toggles the full-screen mode within the design view area.
ToolbarIndentButton A default toolbar button that allows the indent formatting to be applied to a paragraph whose content is selected in the design view area.
ToolbarInsertAudioDialogButton A default toolbar button item that invokes the “Insert Audio” dialog, allowing an audio file to be inserted into the design view area.
ToolbarInsertFlashDialogButton A default toolbar button item that invokes the “Insert Flash” dialog, allowing a flash file to be inserted into the design view area.
ToolbarInsertImageDialogButton A default toolbar button that invokes an image dialog allowing an image to be inserted into the design view area.
ToolbarInsertLinkDialogButton A default toolbar button that invokes a link dialog allowing a hyperlink to be inserted into the design view area.
ToolbarInsertOrderedListButton A default toolbar button that allows the ordered list formatting to be applied to a paragraph whose content is selected in the design view area.
ToolbarInsertPlaceholderDialogButton A default toolbar button item that invokes the “Insert Placeholder” dialog, allowing a placeholder to be inserted into the design view area.
ToolbarInsertTableColumnToLeftButton Represents a default toolbar button that allows insertion of a new column to the left in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarInsertTableColumnToRightButton Represents a default toolbar button that allows insertion of a new column to the right in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarInsertTableDialogButton Represents a default toolbar button that invokes the “Insert Table” dialog, allowing insertion of a table into the design view area.
ToolbarInsertTableRowAboveButton Represents a default toolbar button that allows insertion of a new row above in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarInsertTableRowBelowButton Represents a default toolbar button that allows insertion of a new row below in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarInsertUnorderedListButton A default toolbar button that allows the unordered list formatting to be applied to a paragraph whose content is selected in the design view area.
ToolbarInsertVideoDialogButton A default toolbar button item that invokes the “Insert Video” dialog, allowing a video file to be inserted into the design view area.
ToolbarInsertYouTubeVideoDialogButton A default toolbar button item that invokes the “Insert YouTube Video” dialog, allowing a YouTube video to be inserted into the design view area.
ToolbarItalicButton A default toolbar button that allows italic formatting to be applied to the text selected in the design view area.
ToolbarItemBase The base class for toolbar items.
ToolbarItemCollectionBase<T> The base class for collections of toolbar items.
ToolbarItemImageProperties Contains settings that define a toolbar item‘s image.
ToolbarItemPickerItem An individual item within a ToolbarItemPickerItemCollection collection.
ToolbarItemPickerItemCollection A collection that maintains a ToolbarDropDownItemPicker‘s dropdown list items.
ToolbarItemStyle Defines style settings for toolbar items.
ToolbarJustifyCenterButton A default toolbar button that allows a paragraph whose content is selected in the design view area to be centered.
ToolbarJustifyFullButton A default toolbar button that allows a paragraph whose content is selected in the design view area to be fully justified (aligned with both the left and right margins).
ToolbarJustifyLeftButton A default toolbar button that allows a paragraph whose content is selected in the design view area to be left justified.
ToolbarJustifyRightButton A default toolbar button that allows a paragraph whose content is selected in the design view area to be right justified.
ToolbarListEditItem An individual item within a ToolbarListEditItemCollection collection.
ToolbarListEditItemCollection A collection that maintains a default toolbar item‘s dropdown list items.
ToolbarMenuItem An individual item of the ToolbarDropDownMenu.Items collection.
ToolbarMenuItemCollection A collection that maintains a ToolbarDropDownMenu‘s menu items.
ToolbarMergeTableCellDownButton Represents a default toolbar button that allows merging a cell down in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarMergeTableCellRightButton Represents a default toolbar button that allows merging a cell to the right in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarOutdentButton A default toolbar button that allows the outdent formatting to be applied to a paragraph whose content is selected in the design view area.
ToolbarParagraphFormattingEdit A default toolbar editor that allows a predefined paragraph style to be applied to the selected paragraph within the design view area.
ToolbarPasteButton A default toolbar button that allows the data from the clipboard to be pasted in the design view area.
ToolbarPasteFromWordButton Represents a default toolbar button that invokes the “Paste from Word” dialog allowing the copied Word text to be inserted into the design view area.
ToolbarPrintButton A default toolbar button that invokes a standard ‘Print’ dialog allowing the editor’s content to be printed.
ToolbarRedoButton A default toolbar button that allows a previously canceled action performed within the design view area to be returned.
ToolbarRemoveFormatButton A default toolbar button that allows text formatting to be removed from the text selected in the design view area.
ToolbarSelectAllButton A default toolbar button that selects all editor content.
ToolbarSplitTableCellHorizontallyButton Represents a default toolbar button that allows splitting a table’s cell horizontally within the design view area.
ToolbarSplitTableCellVerticallyButton Represents a default toolbar button that allows splitting a table’s cell vertically within the design view area.
ToolbarsStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of specific elements within the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s toolbars to be defined.
ToolbarStrikethroughButton A default toolbar button that allows the strike through text formatting to be applied to the text selected in the design view area.
ToolbarStyle Defines style settings for toolbars.
ToolbarSubscriptButton A default toolbar button that allows the subscript text formatting to be applied to the text selected in the design view area.
ToolbarSuperscriptButton A default toolbar button that allows the superscript text formatting to be applied to the text selected in the design view area.
ToolbarTableCellPropertiesDialogButton Represents a default toolbar button that invokes the Cell Properties dialog, allowing modification of a cell’s properties in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarTableColumnPropertiesDialogButton Represents a default toolbar button that invokes the Column Properties dialog, allowing modification of a column’s properties in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarTableOperationsDropDownButton A default toolbar button that provides a set of operations useful for working with tables in the design view area.
ToolbarTablePropertiesDialogButton Represents a default toolbar button that invokes the Table Properties dialog, allowing modification of a table’s properties within the design view area.
ToolbarTableRowPropertiesDialogButton Represents a default toolbar button that invokes the Row Properties dialog, allowing modification of a row’s properties in the table within the design view area.
ToolbarUnderlineButton A default toolbar button that allows the underline text formatting to be applied to the text selected in the design view area.
ToolbarUndoButton A default toolbar button that allows the previous action performed within the design view area to be canceled.
ToolbarUnlinkButton Represents a default toolbar button that allows a link contained within the text or image selected within the design view area to be removed.


Name Description
PastedImageSavingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the ASPxHtmlEditor’s ASPxHtmlEditor.PastedImageSaving event.


Name Description
ActionType Lists values that specify which action type is executed when a shortcut is pressed.
AllowedDocumentType Lists values that specify allowed document types for the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
DropDownItemClickMode Contains values that specify how a click on a toolbar item should be processed.
HtmlEditorEnterMode Specifies the tag element that is entered in the markup after pressing the ENTER key.
HtmlEditorExportFormat Lists values that specify the document formats available for export from editor contents.
HtmlEditorFilterMode Lists values specifying the filtering mode for the HtmlEditor elements (such as tags, attributes and style attributes).
HtmlEditorHtmlEditingMode Lists values that specify how HTML code is displayed in the Html view: as plain text, or using the Html code editor.
HtmlEditorImportFormat Lists values that specify the document formats available for import to editor contents.
HtmlEditorPasteMode Lists values that specify how the HTML content is pasted to ASPxHtmlEditor.
HtmlEditorToolbarMode Lists values that specify the type of the toolbar that is rendered in the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
HtmlEditorView Specifies the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s active view
ResourcePathMode Lists the values that specify if resource paths should be changed to absolute, relative, or root relative.
ToolbarItemPickerImagePosition Lists values that specify the image position within item picker items.
ViewStyle Specifies how a toolbar button is represented within a toolbar.