VerticalGridFormatConditionColorScale Class
A grid format condition that allows you to color grid cells.
Namespace: DevExpress.Web
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web
Related API Members
The following members return VerticalGridFormatConditionColorScale objects:
ASPxVerticalGrid supports conditional formatting, i.e., automatically applies cell formatting based on the specified rules. The ASPxVerticalGrid.FormatConditions property provides access to a collection of rules which are represented by the GridFormatConditionBase class descendants.
Use the VerticalGridFormatConditionColorScale object to create a format condition allowing you to color grid cells. The conditional formatting is determined for the row specified by the GridFormatConditionBase.FieldName property. By default, the formatting is applied to the same row. The format (color scale) can be specified by the GridFormatConditionColorScale.Format property. If the GridFormatConditionColorScale.Format property is set to Custom, you can specify custom colors for a scale by using the GridFormatConditionColorScale.MinimumColor, GridFormatConditionColorScale.MiddleColor (optional), and GridFormatConditionColorScale.MaximumColor properties.