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Folder Container

The Folder Container is the ASPxFileManager object’s area that contains folders.

ASPxFileManager - FolderContainer

You can use the FileManagerStyles.FolderContainer property to specify the element’s appearance.

Use the ASPxFileManager.SettingsFolders property to specify the behavior and appearance of folders within a container.

Adaptive Folder Container

Users can click the Expand/collapse folder container button to collapse/expand the folder container when ASPxFileManager is in adaptive mode. Do the following to enable adaptive mode in the file manager:

The table below lists the main members that affect the Expand/Collapse folder container button’s appearance and functionality:

Characteristics Members
Availability FileManagerSettingsAdaptivity.EnableCollapseFolderContainer
Settings FileManagerSettingsToolbar.ExpandFolderContainerButtonSettings
Image FileManagerImages.ExpandFolderContainerButton