DevExpress.Web.ASPxTreeList Namespace
Contains classes which implement the functionality of the ASPxTreeList control.
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxTreeList.v24.2.dll
Name | Description |
ASPxTreeList | Represents a server ASPxTreeList control. |
ASPxTreeListAutoFilterEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.ProcessColumnAutoFilter event. |
ASPxTreeListBatchUpdateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.BatchUpdate event. |
ASPxTreeListBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxTreeListEditorCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.AutoFilterCellEditorCreate event. |
ASPxTreeListEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxTreeListExporter | Represents an ASPxTreeListExporter control used to export the ASPxTreeList control’s data. |
ASPxTreeListExportRenderBrickEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeListExporter.RenderBrick event. |
ASPxTreeListHeaderFilterEditorInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the HeaderFilterEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxTreeListHeaderFilterEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.HeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxTreeListInsertNodeInfo | Contains information on a tree list cell. |
ASPxTreeListOnClickRowFilterEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.ProcessOnClickRowFilter event. |
ASPxTreeListPrintSettings | Provides print settings for a ASPxTreeList control. |
ASPxTreeListSearchPanelEditorCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.SearchPanelEditorCreate event. |
ASPxTreeListSearchPanelEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.SearchPanelEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxTreeListTemplateReplacement | Represents a server control that allows the regular Edit Form’s cells and buttons to be displayed within the Edit Form’s template. |
PageMargins | Provides the margins for a report page. |
PageSettings | Provides settings for a printed (exported) document. |
ReadOnlyTreeListColumnCollection<T> | Represents the TreeList’s read only column collection. |
TreeListAlternatingNodeStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint alternating nodes. |
TreeListBatchEditCellTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render edit cells in Batch Edit Mode. |
TreeListBatchEditSettings | Contains Batch Edit Mode specific settings. |
TreeListBinaryImageColumn | Represents a data column that displays images from a binary stream. |
TreeListButtonEditColumn | Represents a data column with the button editor. |
TreeListCellStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint data cells and footer cells. |
TreeListCellTemplateContainerBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render cells within the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListCheckColumn | Represents a Boolean data column. |
TreeListClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListColorEditColumn | Represents a data column used to display and edit color values. |
TreeListColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent columns displayed within the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListColumnCollection | Represents the ASPxTreeList’s column collection. |
TreeListColumnDateRangeCalendarSettings | Contains settings that relate to a calendar displayed in the header filter. |
TreeListColumnDateRangePeriodsSettings | Contains settings that relate to a periods section displayed in the header filter. |
TreeListColumnDateRangePickerSettings | Contains settings that relate to a date range picker displayed in the header filter. |
TreeListColumnDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomColumnDisplayText event. |
TreeListColumnEditFormSettings | Provides the edit cell’s settings. |
TreeListColumnEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CellEditorInitialize event. |
TreeListColumnSettingsHeaderFilter | Contains the column’s header filter specific settings. |
TreeListComboBoxColumn | A data column with the combo box editor. |
TreeListCommandCellStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint command column cells. |
TreeListCommandColumn | Represents a Command Column. |
TreeListCommandColumnApplyFilterButton | A command button that allows you to apply filter criteria. |
TreeListCommandColumnButton | Represents a command button. |
TreeListCommandColumnButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CommandColumnButtonInitialize event. |
TreeListCommandColumnCancelButton | A command button that allows you to cancel data editing. |
TreeListCommandColumnClearFilterButton | A command button that clears the filter applied to the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListCommandColumnCustomButton | Represents a custom command button. |
TreeListCommandColumnCustomButtonCollection | Represents the collection of custom command buttons. |
TreeListCommandColumnRecoverButton | A command button that allows you to recover the deleted data. |
TreeListCommandColumnUpdateButton | A command button that allows you to update data on the server. |
TreeListCustomButtonCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the CustomButtonCallback event. |
TreeListCustomCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomCallback event. |
TreeListCustomDataCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomDataCallback event. |
TreeListCustomErrorTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomErrorText event. |
TreeListCustomFilterNodeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomFilterNode event. |
TreeListCustomizationWindowPopupSettings | Contains Customization Window specific settings. |
TreeListCustomizationWindowPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a customization window. |
TreeListCustomJSPropertiesEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomJSProperties event. |
TreeListCustomNodeSortEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomNodeSort event. |
TreeListCustomSummaryEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomSummaryCalculate event. |
TreeListCustomUnboundColumnDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomUnboundColumnData event. |
TreeListDataCellTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render data cells within the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListDataColumn | Represents a data column displayed within the ASPxGridView. |
TreeListDateTimeColumn | Represents a data column used to display DateTime values. |
TreeListDropDownEditColumn | Represents a data column with an editor containing a customizable dropdown window. |
TreeListEditCellTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render edit cells. |
TreeListEditDataColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent edit data columns. |
TreeListEditFormTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Edit Form. |
TreeListEditingOperationEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.EditingOperationCompleted event. |
TreeListExportAppearance | Contains appearance settings used to paint the ASPxTreeList’s elements (cells, column headers, footer, etc.) when it is exported. |
TreeListExportStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements displayed within the ASPxTreeList when it is exported. |
TreeListExportSystemStyles | Contains the ASPxTreeList’s export styles. |
TreeListFilterBuilderPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a filter control. |
TreeListFilterCellStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint cells within the tree list’s filter row. |
TreeListFilterCellTemplateContainer | A container for the templates that are used to render a filter row‘s cell. |
TreeListFilterControlPopupSettings | Contains filter control specific settings. |
TreeListFilterNodeIterator | Represents an object that enables you to traverse through nodes displayed within the ASPxTreeList when it is filtered. |
TreeListFilterRowStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint cells within the tree list’s filter row. |
TreeListFilterRowTemplateContainer | A container for the templates that are used to render a filter row. |
TreeListFooterCellTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render footer cells within the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListFooterStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the Footer and Group Footer. |
TreeListHeaderFilterPopupSettings | Contains Header Filter specific settings. |
TreeListHeaderFilterPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a tree list’s header filter. |
TreeListHeaderStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint column headers. |
TreeListHeaderTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render column headers. |
TreeListHtmlCommandCellEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.HtmlCommandCellPrepared event. |
TreeListHtmlDataCellEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.HtmlDataCellPrepared event. |
TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.HtmlRowPrepared event. |
TreeListHyperLinkColumn | Represents a data column with hyperlink functionality. |
TreeListImageColumn | Represents a data column that displays images located at the specified URLs. |
TreeListImages | Contains the settings that define images displayed within the ASPxTreeList’s elements. |
TreeListIndentStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint node indents. |
TreeListIndentStyleBase | Serves as a base for the TreeListIndentStyle class that provides style settings used to paint node indents. |
TreeListMemoColumn | Represents a data column used to display memo data. |
TreeListNode | Represents a node displayed within the ASPxTreeList control. |
TreeListNodeCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.NodeCollapsing and ASPxTreeList.NodeExpanding events. |
TreeListNodeCollection | Represents a collection of nodes. |
TreeListNodeDragEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.ProcessDragNode event. |
TreeListNodeEditingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CancelNodeEditing and ASPxTreeList.StartNodeEditing events. |
TreeListNodeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.NodeExpanded and ASPxTreeList.NodeCollapsed events. |
TreeListNodeIterator | Represents an object that enables you to traverse through nodes displayed within the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListNodeStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint nodes. |
TreeListNodeValidationEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.NodeValidating event. |
TreeListPagerPanelStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the pager panel. |
TreeListPopupControlSettings | Contains specific settings for different popup elements. |
TreeListPopupControlStyle | Contains styles settings defining the common appearance of popup elements within a tree list. |
TreeListPopupControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of popup elements within the ASPxTreeList to be defined. |
TreeListPopupEditFormStyle | Contains Popup Edit Form styles. |
TreeListPreviewTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render preview rows. |
TreeListProgressBarColumn | Represents a data column with the progress bar editor. |
TreeListSettings | Provides view options for ASPxTreeList controls. |
TreeListSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent options. |
TreeListSettingsBehavior | Provides behavior options for ASPxTreeList controls. |
TreeListSettingsCookies | Provides cookies and layout settings for ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListSettingsCustomizationWindow | Provides settings that affect the Customization Window‘s position and functionality. |
TreeListSettingsDataSecurity | Contains security settings that allow you to disable data operations in the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListSettingsEditing | Provides editing settings for ASPxTreeList controls. |
TreeListSettingsExport | Contains the export settings to be applied when the TreeList’s data is exported. |
TreeListSettingsFilterControl | Provides settings that affect the filter control functionality. |
TreeListSettingsLoadingPanel | Provides settings that affect the Loading Panel’s appearance and functionality. |
TreeListSettingsPager | Contains pager settings. |
TreeListSettingsPopupEditForm | Contains Popup Edit Form settings. |
TreeListSettingsResizing | Provides settings that affect the ASPxTreeList resizing functionality. |
TreeListSettingsSearchPanel | Provides settings that affect the search panel functionality. |
TreeListSettingsSelection | Provides selection settings for ASPxTreeList controls. |
TreeListSettingsText | Provides text options for the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListSpinEditColumn | Represents a data column used to display numeric data. |
TreeListStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements displayed within the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListSummaryCollection | Represents a collection of summary items. |
TreeListSummaryItem | Represents a summary item. |
TreeListTemplateContainerBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render the ASPxTreeList’s elements. |
TreeListTemplates | Contains the templates used to display the ASPxTreeList’s data cells, nodes, etc. |
TreeListTextColumn | Represents a data column used to display string values. |
TreeListTimeEditColumn | Represents a data column used to display and edit time portions of DateTime values. |
TreeListTokenBoxColumn | A data column that uses the ASPxTokenBox to edit column values. |
TreeListToolbar | A base class for the TreeList’s toolbar. |
TreeListToolbarCollection | Represents the ASPxTreeList’s toolbar collection. |
TreeListToolbarItem | Implements the Vertical Grid’s toolbar item functionality. |
TreeListToolbarItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.ToolbarItemClick event. |
TreeListToolbarItemCollection | Represents a collection of an ASPxTreeList’s toolbar items. |
TreeListTreeLineStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint tree line. |
TreeListVirtualModeCreateChildrenEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.VirtualModeCreateChildren event. |
TreeListVirtualModeNodeCreatingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.VirtualModeNodeCreating event. |
TreeListVirtualNodeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.VirtualModeNodeCreated event. |
Name | Description |
TreeListColumnEditCaptionLocation | Lists values that specify the location of the edit cell’s caption. |
TreeListColumnSortMode | Lists the values that specify how a tree list column’s data should be sorted. |
TreeListCommandColumnButtonType | Lists values that specify a command button‘s type. |
TreeListCustomButtonVisibility | Lists values that specify in which nodes a custom button is displayed. |
TreeListDataCacheMode | Lists values that specify whether data caching is enabled. |
TreeListEditFormTemplateReplacementType | Lists values that specify which edit form controls are displayed by the ASPxTreeListTemplateReplacement control. |
TreeListEditingOperation | Lists values that identify which data editing operation has been performed. |
TreeListEditMode | Lists values that specify the ASPxTreeList’s editing mode. |
TreeListExpandCollapseAction | Lists values that specify how end-users can expand/collapse nodes. |
TreeListPagerMode | Lists values that specify navigation in the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListRowKind | Lists values that identify rows within the ASPxTreeList. |
TreeListToolbarCommand | Lists the values that specify names of commands that can be performed by clicking toolbar items. |