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DevExpress.Web.ASPxTreeList Namespace

In This Article

Contains classes which implement the functionality of the ASPxTreeList control.

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxTreeList.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


Name Description
ASPxTreeList Represents a server ASPxTreeList control.
ASPxTreeListAutoFilterEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.ProcessColumnAutoFilter event.
ASPxTreeListBatchUpdateEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.BatchUpdate event.
ASPxTreeListBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems event.
ASPxTreeListEditorCreateEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.AutoFilterCellEditorCreate event.
ASPxTreeListEditorEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize event.
ASPxTreeListExporter Represents an ASPxTreeListExporter control used to export the ASPxTreeList control’s data.
ASPxTreeListExportRenderBrickEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeListExporter.RenderBrick event.
ASPxTreeListHeaderFilterEditorInitializeEventArgs Provides data for the HeaderFilterEditorInitialize event.
ASPxTreeListHeaderFilterEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.HeaderFilterFillItems event.
ASPxTreeListInsertNodeInfo Contains information on a tree list cell.
ASPxTreeListOnClickRowFilterEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.ProcessOnClickRowFilter event.
ASPxTreeListPrintSettings Provides print settings for a ASPxTreeList control.
ASPxTreeListSearchPanelEditorCreateEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.SearchPanelEditorCreate event.
ASPxTreeListSearchPanelEditorEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.SearchPanelEditorInitialize event.
ASPxTreeListTemplateReplacement Represents a server control that allows the regular Edit Form’s cells and buttons to be displayed within the Edit Form’s template.
PageMargins Provides the margins for a report page.
PageSettings Provides settings for a printed (exported) document.
ReadOnlyTreeListColumnCollection<T> Represents the TreeList’s read only column collection.
TreeListAlternatingNodeStyle Provides the style settings used to paint alternating nodes.
TreeListBatchEditCellTemplateContainer A container for the templates used to render edit cells in Batch Edit Mode.
TreeListBatchEditSettings Contains Batch Edit Mode specific settings.
TreeListBinaryImageColumn Represents a data column that displays images from a binary stream.
TreeListButtonEditColumn Represents a data column with the button editor.
TreeListCellStyle Provides the style settings used to paint data cells and footer cells.
TreeListCellTemplateContainerBase Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render cells within the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListCheckColumn Represents a Boolean data column.
TreeListClientSideEvents Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListColorEditColumn Represents a data column used to display and edit color values.
TreeListColumn Serves as a base for classes that represent columns displayed within the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListColumnCollection Represents the ASPxTreeList’s column collection.
TreeListColumnDateRangeCalendarSettings Contains settings that relate to a calendar displayed in the header filter.
TreeListColumnDateRangePeriodsSettings Contains settings that relate to a periods section displayed in the header filter.
TreeListColumnDateRangePickerSettings Contains settings that relate to a date range picker displayed in the header filter.
TreeListColumnDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomColumnDisplayText event.
TreeListColumnEditFormSettings Provides the edit cell’s settings.
TreeListColumnEditorEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CellEditorInitialize event.
TreeListColumnSettingsHeaderFilter Contains the column’s header filter specific settings.
TreeListComboBoxColumn A data column with the combo box editor.
TreeListCommandCellStyle Provides the style settings used to paint command column cells.
TreeListCommandColumn Represents a Command Column.
TreeListCommandColumnApplyFilterButton A command button that allows you to apply filter criteria.
TreeListCommandColumnButton Represents a command button.
TreeListCommandColumnButtonEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CommandColumnButtonInitialize event.
TreeListCommandColumnCancelButton A command button that allows you to cancel data editing.
TreeListCommandColumnClearFilterButton A command button that clears the filter applied to the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListCommandColumnCustomButton Represents a custom command button.
TreeListCommandColumnCustomButtonCollection Represents the collection of custom command buttons.
TreeListCommandColumnRecoverButton A command button that allows you to recover the deleted data.
TreeListCommandColumnUpdateButton A command button that allows you to update data on the server.
TreeListCustomButtonCallbackEventArgs Provides data for the CustomButtonCallback event.
TreeListCustomCallbackEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomCallback event.
TreeListCustomDataCallbackEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomDataCallback event.
TreeListCustomErrorTextEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomErrorText event.
TreeListCustomFilterNodeEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomFilterNode event.
TreeListCustomizationWindowPopupSettings Contains Customization Window specific settings.
TreeListCustomizationWindowPopupStyle Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a customization window.
TreeListCustomJSPropertiesEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomJSProperties event.
TreeListCustomNodeSortEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomNodeSort event.
TreeListCustomSummaryEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomSummaryCalculate event.
TreeListCustomUnboundColumnDataEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CustomUnboundColumnData event.
TreeListDataCellTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render data cells within the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListDataColumn Represents a data column displayed within the ASPxGridView.
TreeListDateTimeColumn Represents a data column used to display DateTime values.
TreeListDropDownEditColumn Represents a data column with an editor containing a customizable dropdown window.
TreeListEditCellTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render edit cells.
TreeListEditDataColumn Serves as a base for classes that represent edit data columns.
TreeListEditFormTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render the Edit Form.
TreeListEditingOperationEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.EditingOperationCompleted event.
TreeListExportAppearance Contains appearance settings used to paint the ASPxTreeList’s elements (cells, column headers, footer, etc.) when it is exported.
TreeListExportStyles Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements displayed within the ASPxTreeList when it is exported.
TreeListExportSystemStyles Contains the ASPxTreeList’s export styles.
TreeListFilterBuilderPopupStyle Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a filter control.
TreeListFilterCellStyle Provides the style settings used to paint cells within the tree list’s filter row.
TreeListFilterCellTemplateContainer A container for the templates that are used to render a filter row‘s cell.
TreeListFilterControlPopupSettings Contains filter control specific settings.
TreeListFilterNodeIterator Represents an object that enables you to traverse through nodes displayed within the ASPxTreeList when it is filtered.
TreeListFilterRowStyle Provides the style settings used to paint cells within the tree list’s filter row.
TreeListFilterRowTemplateContainer A container for the templates that are used to render a filter row.
TreeListFooterCellTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render footer cells within the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListFooterStyle Provides the style settings used to paint the Footer and Group Footer.
TreeListHeaderFilterPopupSettings Contains Header Filter specific settings.
TreeListHeaderFilterPopupStyle Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a tree list’s header filter.
TreeListHeaderStyle Provides the style settings used to paint column headers.
TreeListHeaderTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render column headers.
TreeListHtmlCommandCellEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.HtmlCommandCellPrepared event.
TreeListHtmlDataCellEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.HtmlDataCellPrepared event.
TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.HtmlRowPrepared event.
TreeListHyperLinkColumn Represents a data column with hyperlink functionality.
TreeListImageColumn Represents a data column that displays images located at the specified URLs.
TreeListImages Contains the settings that define images displayed within the ASPxTreeList’s elements.
TreeListIndentStyle Provides the style settings used to paint node indents.
TreeListIndentStyleBase Serves as a base for the TreeListIndentStyle class that provides style settings used to paint node indents.
TreeListMemoColumn Represents a data column used to display memo data.
TreeListNode Represents a node displayed within the ASPxTreeList control.
TreeListNodeCancelEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.NodeCollapsing and ASPxTreeList.NodeExpanding events.
TreeListNodeCollection Represents a collection of nodes.
TreeListNodeDragEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.ProcessDragNode event.
TreeListNodeEditingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.CancelNodeEditing and ASPxTreeList.StartNodeEditing events.
TreeListNodeEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.NodeExpanded and ASPxTreeList.NodeCollapsed events.
TreeListNodeIterator Represents an object that enables you to traverse through nodes displayed within the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListNodeStyle Provides the style settings used to paint nodes.
TreeListNodeValidationEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.NodeValidating event.
TreeListPagerPanelStyle Provides the style settings used to paint the pager panel.
TreeListPopupControlSettings Contains specific settings for different popup elements.
TreeListPopupControlStyle Contains styles settings defining the common appearance of popup elements within a tree list.
TreeListPopupControlStyles Contains settings that allow the appearance of popup elements within the ASPxTreeList to be defined.
TreeListPopupEditFormStyle Contains Popup Edit Form styles.
TreeListPreviewTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render preview rows.
TreeListProgressBarColumn Represents a data column with the progress bar editor.
TreeListSettings Provides view options for ASPxTreeList controls.
TreeListSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes that represent options.
TreeListSettingsBehavior Provides behavior options for ASPxTreeList controls.
TreeListSettingsCookies Provides cookies and layout settings for ASPxTreeList.
TreeListSettingsCustomizationWindow Provides settings that affect the Customization Window‘s position and functionality.
TreeListSettingsDataSecurity Contains security settings that allow you to disable data operations in the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListSettingsEditing Provides editing settings for ASPxTreeList controls.
TreeListSettingsExport Contains the export settings to be applied when the TreeList’s data is exported.
TreeListSettingsFilterControl Provides settings that affect the filter control functionality.
TreeListSettingsLoadingPanel Provides settings that affect the Loading Panel’s appearance and functionality.
TreeListSettingsPager Contains pager settings.
TreeListSettingsPopupEditForm Contains Popup Edit Form settings.
TreeListSettingsResizing Provides settings that affect the ASPxTreeList resizing functionality.
TreeListSettingsSearchPanel Provides settings that affect the search panel functionality.
TreeListSettingsSelection Provides selection settings for ASPxTreeList controls.
TreeListSettingsText Provides text options for the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListSpinEditColumn Represents a data column used to display numeric data.
TreeListStyles Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements displayed within the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListSummaryCollection Represents a collection of summary items.
TreeListSummaryItem Represents a summary item.
TreeListTemplateContainerBase Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render the ASPxTreeList’s elements.
TreeListTemplates Contains the templates used to display the ASPxTreeList’s data cells, nodes, etc.
TreeListTextColumn Represents a data column used to display string values.
TreeListTimeEditColumn Represents a data column used to display and edit time portions of DateTime values.
TreeListTokenBoxColumn A data column that uses the ASPxTokenBox to edit column values.
TreeListToolbar A base class for the TreeList’s toolbar.
TreeListToolbarCollection Represents the ASPxTreeList’s toolbar collection.
TreeListToolbarItem Implements the Vertical Grid’s toolbar item functionality.
TreeListToolbarItemClickEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.ToolbarItemClick event.
TreeListToolbarItemCollection Represents a collection of an ASPxTreeList’s toolbar items.
TreeListTreeLineStyle Provides the style settings used to paint tree line.
TreeListVirtualModeCreateChildrenEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.VirtualModeCreateChildren event.
TreeListVirtualModeNodeCreatingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.VirtualModeNodeCreating event.
TreeListVirtualNodeEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxTreeList.VirtualModeNodeCreated event.


Name Description
ASPxTreeListAutoFilterEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.ProcessColumnAutoFilter event.
ASPxTreeListBatchUpdateEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.BatchUpdate event.
ASPxTreeListBeforeExportEventHandler A method that will handle the BeforeExport event.
ASPxTreeListBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems> event.
ASPxTreeListEditorCreateEventHandler A method that will handle the related event.
ASPxTreeListEditorEventHandler A method that will handle the related event.
ASPxTreeListHeaderFilterEditorInitializeEventHandler A method that handles the ASPxTreeList.HeaderFilterEditorInitialize event.
ASPxTreeListHeaderFilterEventHandler A method that will handle the related event.
ASPxTreeListOnClickRowFilterEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.ProcessOnClickRowFilter event.
ASPxTreeListRenderBrickEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeListExporter.RenderBrick event.
ASPxTreeListSearchPanelEditorCreateEventHandler A method that will handle the corresponding client event.
ASPxTreeListSearchPanelEditorEventHandler A method that will handle the corresponding client event.
TreeListColumnEditorEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CellEditorInitialize event.
TreeListCommandColumnButtonEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CommandColumnButtonInitialize event.
TreeListCustomButtonCallbackEventHandler A method that handles the CustomButtonCallback.
TreeListCustomCallbackEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CustomCallback event.
TreeListCustomColumnDisplayTextEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CustomColumnDisplayText event.
TreeListCustomDataCallbackEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CustomDataCallback event.
TreeListCustomErrorTextEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CustomErrorText event.
TreeListCustomFilterNodeEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CustomFilterNode event.
TreeListCustomJSPropertiesEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CustomJSProperties event.
TreeListCustomNodeSortEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CustomNodeSort event.
TreeListCustomSummaryEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CustomSummaryCalculate event.
TreeListCustomUnboundColumnDataEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CustomUnboundColumnData event.
TreeListEditingOperationEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.EditingOperationCompleted event.
TreeListHtmlCommandCellEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.HtmlCommandCellPrepared event.
TreeListHtmlDataCellEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.HtmlDataCellPrepared event.
TreeListHtmlRowEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.HtmlRowPrepared event.
TreeListNodeCancelEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.NodeCollapsing and ASPxTreeList.NodeExpanding events.
TreeListNodeDragEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.ProcessDragNode event.
TreeListNodeEditingEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.CancelNodeEditing and ASPxTreeList.StartNodeEditing events.
TreeListNodeEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.NodeExpanded and ASPxTreeList.NodeCollapsed events.
TreeListNodeValidationEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.NodeValidating event.
TreeListToolbarItemClickEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.ToolbarItemClick event.
TreeListVirtualModeCreateChildrenEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.VirtualModeCreateChildren event.
TreeListVirtualModeNodeCreatingEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.VirtualModeNodeCreating event.
TreeListVirtualNodeEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxTreeList.VirtualModeNodeCreated event.


Name Description
TreeListColumnEditCaptionLocation Lists values that specify the location of the edit cell’s caption.
TreeListColumnSortMode Lists the values that specify how a tree list column’s data should be sorted.
TreeListCommandColumnButtonType Lists values that specify a command button‘s type.
TreeListCustomButtonVisibility Lists values that specify in which nodes a custom button is displayed.
TreeListDataCacheMode Lists values that specify whether data caching is enabled.
TreeListEditFormTemplateReplacementType Lists values that specify which edit form controls are displayed by the ASPxTreeListTemplateReplacement control.
TreeListEditingOperation Lists values that identify which data editing operation has been performed.
TreeListEditMode Lists values that specify the ASPxTreeList’s editing mode.
TreeListExpandCollapseAction Lists values that specify how end-users can expand/collapse nodes.
TreeListPagerMode Lists values that specify navigation in the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListRowKind Lists values that identify rows within the ASPxTreeList.
TreeListToolbarCommand Lists the values that specify names of commands that can be performed by clicking toolbar items.