Track Bar Elements
- 3 minutes to read
This topic describes the visible ASPxTrackBar elements. Each section contains a screenshot and a brief overview of the element’s function.
The following visual elements are available:
- Bar Highlight
- Decrement Button
- Drag Handle
- Increment Button
- Item
- Scale
- Scale Label
- Ticks
- Track
- Value Tooltip
#Bar Highlight
Bar Hightlight is the track‘s highlighted part that indicates either the selected value range (if range selection is allowed) or the area from the minimum value to the currently selected one.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.
Characteristics | Members |
Appearance | ASPx |
#Decrement Button
The Decrement Button decreases the active drag handle‘s position value by a single step.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.
Characteristics | Members |
Visibility | ASPx |
Appearance | ASPx |
Localization | ASPx |
#Drag Handle
Drag Handles are draggable elements that users can move along the track to change ASPxTrackBar’s current value (value range).
When the TrackBarProperties.AllowRangeSelection property is set to true
, an ASPxTrackBar displays two drag handles (main and secondary) to support the value range selection. The main drag handle specifies the range’s start position. The secondary drag handle specifies the end position.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.
Characteristics | Members |
Visibility | ASPx |
Behavior | ASPx |
Main Drag Handle | ASPx |
Secondary Drag Handle | ASPx |
Tooltip | ASPx |
Localization | ASPx |
#Increment Button
The Increment Button increases the active drag handle‘s position value by a single step.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.
Characteristics | Members |
Visibility | ASPx |
Appearance | ASPx |
Localization | ASPx |
An Item is a rectangular area that corresponds to an individual item from the ASPxTrackBar.Items collection. Items define the possible positions to which users can move a drag handle.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.
Characteristics | Members |
Accessibility | ASPx |
Item Label | Track |
Appearance | ASPx |
The Scale is an area that contains tick marks and scale labels.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.
Characteristics | Members |
Appearance | ASPx |
#Scale Label
Scale Labels display the corresponding values of large ticks.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.
Characteristics | Members |
Content | ASPx |
Appearance | ASPx |
Ticks are scale marks that indicate trackbar values in a predefined range from ASPxTrackBar.MinValue to ASPxTrackBar.MaxValue. A trackbar can display large ticks and small ticks. Large ticks are displayed in customizable intervals, and their values are indicated with scale labels. Small ticks fill spaces between large ticks based on a specified frequency.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.
Characteristics | Members |
Large Tick | ASPx |
Small Tick | ASPx |
Appearance | ASPx |
A Track is a rectangular area that visualizes the TrackBar’s value. Users can click the track or move drag handles along it to change the TrackBar’s current value or selected range.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.
Characteristics | Members |
Appearance | ASPx |
#Value Tooltip
A Value Tooltip is a tooltip that displays ASPxTrackBar’s current position or selected range.
The ASPxTrackBar displays a tooltip (an item’s value) for each item when a user changes track bar values.
The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.
Characteristics | Members |
Appearance | ASPx |
Content | ASPx |