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DevExpress.Web.ASPxScheduler Namespace

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Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the ASPxScheduler control.

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxScheduler.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Scheduler


Name Description
ActiveViewChangingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.ActiveViewChanging event.
AgendaAppointmentCellStyle Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of layout cells displayed within the Agenda View‘s appointments.
AgendaAppointmentStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of appointments displayed by the Agenda View.
AgendaCellStyle Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of layout cells displayed within the Agenda View.
AgendaCellStyleBase Serves as a base for classes that define the appearance styles of Agenda View‘s layout cells.
AgendaDateCellStyle Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of layout cells displayed within the Agenda View‘s date header.
AgendaEmptyCellStyle Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of empty layout cells displayed within the Agenda View.
AgendaHorizontalDateHeaderStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Agenda View’s date headers.
AgendaStylesBase Provides base settings defining the appearance of different Agenda View visual elements.
AgendaTodayHorizontalDateHeaderStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Agenda View’s today date header that is horizontally oriented.
AgendaTodayVerticalDateHeaderStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Agenda View’s today date header that is vertically oriented.
AgendaVerticalDateHeaderStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Agenda View’s date headers.
AgendaView Represents an Agenda View.
AgendaViewStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Agenda View‘s visual elements.
AgendaViewTemplates Contains the templates used to display the Agenda View elements.
AppointmentDialogLayoutSettings Contains settings that relate to an appointment dialog layout.
AppointmentFormBaseEventArgs Serves as a base class for the objects, providing data for events occurring before displaying the appointment form.
AppointmentFormEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.AppointmentFormShowing event.
AppointmentFormTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render the Edit Appointment form.
AppointmentFormTemplateContainerBase Represents a base class for different Appointment Form template container objects.
AppointmentImages Holds images used to display within the appointments.
AppointmentImagesEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.InitAppointmentImages event.
AppointmentInplaceEditorEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.AppointmentInplaceEditorShowing event.
AppointmentInplaceEditorTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render the Inplace Editor form.
AppointmentLabel Represents an appointment’s identification label.
AppointmentLabelCollection Represents a collection of appointment labels.
AppointmentStatus Represents an appointment’s availability status.
AppointmentStatusCollection Represents a collection of appointment statuses.
AppointmentTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render the appointment’s visual representation.
AppointmentViewInfoCustomizingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.AppointmentViewInfoCustomizing event.
ASPxAgendaViewAppointmentDisplayOptions Contains settings specific to displaying appointments in the Agenda View.
ASPxAppointmentCustomFieldMapping Represents a mapping of a custom property of an appointment to an appropriate data field.
ASPxAppointmentCustomFieldMappingCollection Represents a collection of mappings of the custom properties of appointments to appropriate data fields.
ASPxAppointmentMappingInfo Provides information on the mapping of the appointment’s properties to the appropriate data fields.
ASPxAppointmentStorage Represents a storage which holds a collection of appointments.
ASPxDateNavigator Represents a Date Navigator.
ASPxDayViewAppointmentDisplayOptions Contains settings specific to displaying appointments in the Day View and its descendants.
ASPxMonthViewAppointmentDisplayOptions Contains settings specific to displaying appointments in the Month View.
ASPxResourceCustomFieldMapping Represents a mapping of a custom property of a resource to an appropriate data field.
ASPxResourceCustomFieldMappingCollection Represents a collection of mappings of the custom properties of resources to appropriate data fields.
ASPxResourceMappingInfo Provides information on the mapping of the resource’s properties to appropriate data fields.
ASPxResourceNavigator Represents the Resource Navigator control.
ASPxResourceStorage Represents a storage which holds appointment resources.
ASPxScheduler A scheduler control.
ASPxSchedulerCustomErrorTextEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.CustomErrorText event.
ASPxSchedulerDataBaseUpdatedEventArgs Represents the base class for the handlers of the events which are raised on data operation with the appointment’s data source.
ASPxSchedulerDataDeletedEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowDeleted event.
ASPxSchedulerDataDeletingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowDeleting event.
ASPxSchedulerDataInsertedEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowInserted event.
ASPxSchedulerDataInsertingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowInserting event.
ASPxSchedulerDataUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowUpdated event.
ASPxSchedulerDataUpdatingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowUpdating event.
ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase Serves as a base class for the scheduler-based controls.
ASPxSchedulerDialogLayoutSettings Contains settings that relate to a control’s dialog layout.
ASPxSchedulerFormDataHelper static Provides methods used to create data sources for appointments.
ASPxSchedulerImages Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the scheduler’s specific elements.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsAdaptivity Contains settings that relate to the scheduler’s adaptivity.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsBehavior Holds options, specifying certain basic characteristics of the scheduler.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsCellAutoHeight Holds options used to set an auto height cell behavior.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsCookies Holds parameters used to save a control’s state in cookies.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsForms Contains settings that specify the templates location for displaying the end-user dialog forms (appointment editing, reminder processing and date navigation).
ASPxSchedulerOptionsLoadingPanel Represents a window that is briefly displayed when an ASPxScheduler control reloads itself on a page.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsMenu Provides options for displaying the popup menu.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsToolTips Provides access to options characterizing appointment and selection tooltips.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsView Provides view options for the ASPxScheduler control.
ASPxSchedulerPopupForm Represents a form based on a web control with popup window functionality.
ASPxSchedulerPopupMenu Represents a popup menu of the ASPxScheduler.
ASPxSchedulerPrepareFormPopupContainerEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.PrepareAppointmentFormPopupContainer, the ASPxScheduler.PrepareAppointmentInplaceEditorPopupContainer, the ASPxScheduler.PrepareGotoDateFormPopupContainer, the ASPxScheduler.PrepareRecurrenceAppointmentDeleteFormPopupContainer, the ASPxScheduler.PrepareRecurrenceAppointmentEditFormPopupContainer, and the ASPxScheduler.PrepareRemindersFormPopupContainer events.
ASPxSchedulerRelatedControl Serves as a base class for controls, accompanying the ASPxScheduler control in a suite.
ASPxSchedulerRelatedControlBase Serves as a base class for controls, accompanying the ASPxScheduler control in a suite.
ASPxSchedulerResourceHeaderOptions Contains appearance settings specific to Resource Headers.
ASPxSchedulerStorage Represents a storage which holds data for the ASPxScheduler control.
ASPxSchedulerStorageControl Represents a non-visual component that implements all scheduler-based data operations using third-party web controls.
ASPxSchedulerStyles Contains the scheduler element’s style settings.
ASPxSchedulerTimeCellPreparedEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.HtmlTimeCellPrepared event.
ASPxTimelineViewAppointmentDisplayOptions Contains settings specific to displaying appointments in the Timeline View.
ASPxTimeZoneEdit A combo box editor used to specify a time zone.
ASPxViewNavigator Represents the View Navigator control.
ASPxViewSelector Represents the View Selector control of the ASPxScheduler suite.
ASPxViewSelectorOptionsAdaptivity Contains settings that relate to adaptivity settings of the scheduler’s view selector.
ASPxViewVisibleInterval Represents the View Visible Interval control.
ASPxViewVisibleIntervalOptionsAdaptivity Contains settings that relate to adaptivity settings of the scheduler’s view visible interval.
ASPxWeekViewAppointmentDisplayOptions Contains settings specific to displaying appointments in the Week View.
BottomLeftCornerStyle Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the bottom left corner of the Scheduler.
CellBodyStyle Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the cells in the Scheduler’s Timeline view.
ClientSideAppointmentFieldNames static Lists appointment property names for a client-side appointment.
ClockImages Contains settings that allow images to be defined for different clock states.
CustomizeElementStyleEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.CustomizeElementStyle event.
DateNavigatorClientSideEvents Contains a client-side date navigator’s event list.
DateNavigatorProperties Represents settings specific to the calendar functionality of the ASPxDateNavigator control.
DayView Represents a Day View.
DayViewStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Day view’s visual elements.
DayViewTemplates Contains the templates used to display the Day view elements.
FABCreateAppointmentAction Represents the floating action button’s action that allows you to create a new appointment.
FABCreateAppointmentActionGroup Represents the floating action button’s action group that contains action items related to appointment creation.
FABCreateAppointmentActionItem Represents the action item that is located within the action group related to appointment creation.
FABCreateRecurringAppointmentActionItem Represents the action item that allows you to create a recurring appointment.
FABDeleteAppointmentActionItem Represents the action item that allows you to delete an appointment.
FABEditAppointmentActionGroup Represents the floating action button’s action group that contains action items related to appointment editing.
FABEditAppointmentActionItem Represents the action item that allows you to edit an appointment.
FullWeekView A class for the Full Week View.
FullWeekViewStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Full Week view’s visual elements.
GotoDateDialogLayoutSettings Provides access to the “Go To Date” dialog’s layout settings.
GotoDateFormEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.GotoDateFormShowing event.
GotoDateFormTemplateContainer Represents a container for the templates used to render the GotoDate form.
HeaderStyle Contains settings that allow you to define the header appearance.
InitClientAppointmentEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.InitClientAppointment event.
MonthView Represents a Month (Multi-Week) View.
MonthViewStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Month view’s visual elements.
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.PopupMenuShowing event.
PreparePopupMenuEventArgs Obsolete. Provides data for the PreparePopupMenu event.
RecurrenceDialogLayoutSettings Provides layout settings of the recurrent appointment dialog.
RecurrentAppointmentDeleteDialogLayoutSettings Provides layout settings of the recurrent appointment “Delete” dialog.
RecurrentAppointmentEditDialogLayoutSettings Provides layout settings of the recurrent appointment “Edit” dialog.
ReminderDialogLayoutSettings Provides access to the reminder dialog’s layout settings.
ResourceNavigator Represents the Resource Navigator control.
ResourceNavigatorPagerProperties Contains settings specific to the Pager‘ Resource Navigator navigation mode.
ResourceNavigatorProperties Serves as a base class for classes that contain settings specific to the Resource Navigator navigation modes.
ResourceNavigatorPropertiesBase A base class for classes that contain settings for the resource navigator control.
ResourceNavigatorTokensProperties Contains settings specific to the Tokens‘ Resource Navigator navigation mode.
SchedulerCallbackCommandEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.BeforeExecuteCallbackCommand and ASPxScheduler.AfterExecuteCallbackCommand events.
SchedulerCallbackCommandId static Lists command identifiers for correct command interpretation on the server.
SchedulerClientSideEvents Contains a list of client-side events concerned with processing callbacks within the scheduler control.
SchedulerCustomShortcutCollection Represents a collection of custom keyboard shortcuts.
SchedulerFABActionItem Serves as a base class for classes that represent the floating action button’s actions and action groups related to the ASPxScheduler.
SchedulerFormEditorsImages Contains settings that allow images to be defined for specific elements of editors used within the ASPxScheduler.
SchedulerFormEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.AppointmentFormShowing and ASPxScheduler.GotoDateFormShowing events
SchedulerFormTemplateContainer The base class for all form templates used by ASPxScheduler.
SchedulerShortcut Represents a keyboard shortcut.
SchedulerShortcutCommands static Contains a set of the available shortcut commands.
SchedulerStorageClientSideEvents Contains a client-side scheduler storage’s event list.
SchedulerTemplates Contains the templates used to display the ASPxScheduler’s elements.
SchedulerViewBase Serves as a base class for different scheduler Views.
SchedulerViewRepository Represents the storage area for Scheduler’s Views.
SelectionBarStyle Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the selection bar in the Scheduler.
TimeIndicatorDisplayOptions Contains options which determine how the Time Indicator is displayed in the Scheduler view.
TimelineView Represents a Timeline View.
TimelineViewStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Timeline View‘s visual elements.
ViewNavigatorProperties Represents settings specific to the calendar functionality of the ASPxViewNavigator control.
WeekView Represents a Week View.
WeekViewStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Week view’s visual elements.
WorkWeekView Represents a Work-Week View.
WorkWeekViewStyles Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the Work Week view’s visual elements.


Name Description
ActiveViewChangingEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.ActiveViewChanging event.
AppointmentFormEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.AppointmentFormShowing event.
AppointmentImagesEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.InitAppointmentImages event.
AppointmentInplaceEditorEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.AppointmentInplaceEditorShowing event.
AppointmentViewInfoCustomizingEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.AppointmentViewInfoCustomizing event.
ASPxSchedulerCustomErrorTextEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.CustomErrorText event.
ASPxSchedulerDataDeletedEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowDeleted event.
ASPxSchedulerDataDeletingEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowDeleting event.
ASPxSchedulerDataInsertedEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowInserted event.
ASPxSchedulerDataInsertingEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowInserting event.
ASPxSchedulerDataUpdatedEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowUpdated event.
ASPxSchedulerDataUpdatingEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.AppointmentRowUpdating event.
ASPxSchedulerPrepareFormPopupContainerHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.PrepareAppointmentInplaceEditorPopupContainer, the ASPxScheduler.PrepareGotoDateFormPopupContainer, the ASPxScheduler.PrepareRecurrenceAppointmentDeleteFormPopupContainer, the ASPxScheduler.PrepareRecurrenceAppointmentEditFormPopupContainer, and the ASPxScheduler.PrepareRemindersFormPopupContainer events.
ASPxSchedulerTimeCellPreparedEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.HtmlTimeCellPrepared event.
CustomizeElementStyleEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.CustomizeElementStyle event.
GotoDateFormEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.GotoDateFormShowing event.
InitClientAppointmentHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.InitClientAppointment event.
PopupMenuShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.PopupMenuShowing event.
PreparePopupMenuEventHandler Obsolete. A method that will handle PreparePopupMenu event.
SchedulerCallbackCommandEventHandler A method that will handle ASPxScheduler.BeforeExecuteCallbackCommand and ASPxScheduler.AfterExecuteCallbackCommand events.


Name Description
AgendaDayHeaderOrientation Lists values that specify the direction in which a day header is arranged in the Agenda View.
AgendaIconCellVisibility Lists values that specify when an icon cell is visible in the scheduler in Agenda View.
AgendaResourceLocation Lists values that specify the Resource location.
AppointmentDatesHighlightMode Lists values specifying how to highlight the Date Navigator’s dates that contains appointments.
AppointmentSelectionAppearanceMode Lists values that specify how appointment selection is visually indicated.
AppointmentToolTipMode Lists values specifying the tooltip mode for the scheduler’s appointments.
ASPxSchedulerChangeAction Lists actions used to determine how the ASPxScheduler control instance should be updated.
AutoHeightMode Lists modes for cell auto height behavior in certain views.
ResourceColorFillArea Lists values that specify what parts of a grouped view are filled with resource colors.
ResourceNavigatorMode Lists values that specify the resource navigation mode.
SchedulerFormAction Specifies the operation mode of the form.
SchedulerFormVisibility Specifies whether and how the scheduler form is displayed.
ToolTipCornerType Lists designs applied to the tooltip form.
ViewVisibleIntervalRenderMode Specifies the render mode of the View Visible Interval.
WebElementType Specifies the web element type to which the custom style should be applied.