DevExpress.Web.ASPxSpreadsheet Namespace
Contains classes which implement the functionality of the ASPxSpreadsheet control.
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxSpreadsheet.v24.2.dll
Name | Description |
ASPxSpreadsheet | A spreadsheet control. |
ASPxSpreadsheetBehaviorOptionsBase | The base class for Spreadsheet behavior option classes. |
ASPxSpreadsheetBehaviorSettings | Specifies the restricted operations that cannot be performed by end-users over the Spreadsheet’s document. |
ASPxSpreadsheetColumnBehaviorOptions | Provides options to restrict an end-user’s ability to manage columns in a worksheet of the workbook loaded into an ASPxSpreadsheet. |
ASPxSpreadsheetLoadingPanelSettings | Contains settings that relate to the Loading Panel’s functionality. |
ASPxSpreadsheetRowBehaviorOptions | Provides options to restrict an end-user’s ability to manage rows in a worksheet of the workbook loaded into the ASPxSpreadsheet. |
ASPxSpreadsheetSettings | Contains the main settings of the ASPxSpreadsheet control. |
ASPxSpreadsheetSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes that define different settings of the ASPxSpreadsheet. |
ASPxSpreadsheetWorksheetBehaviorOptions | Provides options to restrict an end-user’s ability to manage a document within the ASPxSpreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxSpreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetDialogFormSettings | Contains settings concerning customization of dialog form elements. |
SpreadsheetDialogSettings | Contains settings concerning customization of dialog form elements. |
SpreadsheetDocumentSelectorCommonSettings | Contains common settings of the ASPxSpreadsheet’s built-in Document Selector. |
SpreadsheetDocumentSelectorSettings | Contains settings that are related to the Document Selector used within the Save File dialog. |
SpreadsheetFileManagerCommonSettings | Contains the base settings of the embedded FileManager used within certain built-in dialogs. |
SpreadsheetFileManagerEditingSettings | Contains settings that relate to the editing functionality of the embedded FileManager which is used within certain built-in dialogs. |
SpreadsheetFileManagerFoldersSettings | Contains settings that relate to the folder functionality of the embedded FileManager used within certain built-in dialogs. |
SpreadsheetFileManagerUploadSettings | Contains settings that relate to the file upload functionality of the FileManager embedded into certain built-in dialogs. |
SpreadsheetFileManagerValidationSettings |
This class is not in effect for the ASPxSpreadsheet control. Contains settings that relate to the validation of document files, uploaded using the ASPxSpreadsheet’s Open File (Document Selector) dialog. |
SpreadsheetFormatCellsDialogSettings | Contains customization settings for the Format Cells dialog‘s form elements. |
SpreadsheetFormsSettings | Contains settings that are specific to customizable versions of the ASPxSpreadsheet‘s built-in dialogs. |
SpreadsheetFormulaAutoCompeteStyles | Contains settings that defined the appearance of elements used by the Spreadsheet’s Formula AutoComplete feature. |
SpreadsheetFormulaBarButtonImageProperties | Contains settings that define a Formula Bar button’s image. |
SpreadsheetFormulaBarButtonSectionStyles | Contains settings that defined the appearance of elements used within the Formula Bar’ button section. |
SpreadsheetFormulaBarStyles | Contains settings that defined the appearance of elements used within the Spreadsheet’s Formula Bar. |
SpreadsheetImages | Contains settings that define images displayed within the ASPxSpreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetInitializeDocumentEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxSpreadsheet.InitializeDocument event. |
SpreadsheetInsertLinkDialogSettings | Contains customization settings for the Insert Link dialog’s form elements. |
SpreadsheetInsertPictureDialogSettings | Contains customization settings for the Insert Picture dialog’s form elements. |
SpreadsheetRibbonContextTabCategoryCollection | A collection of ribbon context tab categories in the ASPxSpreadsheet control. |
SpreadsheetRibbonTabCollection | A collection of Ribbon tabs related to the ASPxSpreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetSaveFileDialogSettings | Contains customization settings for the Save File dialog’s form elements. |
SpreadsheetViewSettings | Contains settings that allows you to manipulate the control’s view mode. |
ViewModeChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxSpreadsheet.ViewModeChanging event. |
WorksheetDisplayArea | An object that enables you to specify the visible worksheet area. |
Name | Description |
InitializeDocumentEventHandler | A method that will handle the ASPxSpreadsheet.InitializeDocument event. |
ViewModeChangingEventHandler | A method that will handle the ASPxSpreadsheet.ViewModeChanging event. |
Name | Description |
FormatCellsSampleUpdateMode | Lists values that specify the Sample section update mode in the Format Cells dialog. |
SaveFileDialogDisplaySectionMode | Lists values that specify the visibility of a section within the Save File dialog. |
SpreadsheetRibbonMode | Lists values that specify the type of the ribbon navigation element used by the ASPxSpreadsheet control. |
SpreadsheetViewMode | Lists values identifying the Spreadsheet’s view modes. |