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Tree View Elements

  • 3 minutes to read

This section lists the ASPxTreeView’s elements that you can see on a screen. Each topic contains a screenshot that outlines the specific element, and a brief overview of the element’s function.


TreeView - VE - Visual Elements


A Node represents an item within the hierarchical structure. The node content can include a check box, an image and a text.

 TreeViev - Node

The table below lists the main properties which affect the node content:

Visual element Content Members Appearance Members
Check box ASPxTreeView.AllowCheckNodes, TreeViewNode.AllowCheck TreeViewStyles.NodeCheckBox, TreeViewNode.CheckBoxStyle, TreeViewImages.CheckBoxChecked, TreeViewImages.CheckBoxGrayed, TreeViewImages.CheckBoxUnchecked
Image ASPxTreeView.Images.NodeImage, TreeViewNode.Image TreeViewNode.Image, TreeViewNode.ImageStyle, TreeViewImages.NodeImage
Text TreeViewNode.Text TreeViewNode.TextStyle, TreeViewNode.TextTemplate, ASPxTreeView.NodeTextTemplate


The table below lists the main properties which affect the node’s appearance:

Characteristics Members
Visibility TreeViewNode.Visible
Appearance ASPxTreeView.Styles, TreeViewNode.NodeStyle
Templates TreeViewNode.Template, ASPxTreeView.NodeTemplate

#Node Image

Node Image represents an image displayed within a node.


TreeView - VE - Image

The ASPxTreeView control allows you to specify an image for all nodes within ASPxTreeView or customize the particular node image. You can change the image position (on the left or on the right of text) within a node.


The table below lists the main members which affect the element’s appearance:

Characteristics Members
Image TreeViewImages.NodeImage, TreeViewStyles.NodeImage, TreeViewNode.Image, TreeViewNode.ImageStyle, TreeViewImages.NodeImage
Position ASPxTreeView.NodeImagePosition

#Tree Lines

Tree Lines represent the ASPxTreeView’s visual element, which serves to show links between nodes. This element can be hidden by using ASPxTreeView.ShowTreeLines property.

TreeView - VE - TreeLines


The following themes do not display tree lines for the Tree List and Tree View controls:

  • DevExpress Style
  • Metropolis and Metropolis Blue
  • Office 2010 (all)
  • Office 365
  • Office 365 Dark
  • Moderno
  • Mulberry
  • Material
  • iOS

#Expand Buttons

An Expand Button is displayed if the corresponding node has children, and enables end-users to expand or collapse it.


TreeView-VE-Expand and Collapse Button

When a node is collapsed, the expand button displays a ‘plus’ sign, indicating that the node can be expanded by clicking the button. Once a node has been expanded, the button displays a ‘minus’ sign.

You can toggle the visibility of expand buttons via the ASPxTreeView.ShowExpandButtons property. Regardless of the property value, end-users can expand or collapse nodes by double-clicking them.

The table below lists the main properties which affect the element’s appearance:

Characteristics Members
Visibility ASPxTreeView.ShowExpandButtons
Image TreeViewImages.ExpandButton, TreeViewImages.ExpandButtonRtl, TreeViewImages.CollapseButton, TreeViewImages.CollapseButtonRtl

#Member Table

Member Table: Expanding and Collapsing Nodes

#Check Box

Check Boxes allow end-users to check/uncheck nodes. The ASPxTreeView allows you to change the appearance and visibility of all check boxes or customize a particular node’s check box.

TreeView - VE - Check Boxes

The table below lists the main members which affect the element’s appearance:

Characteristics Members
Visibility ASPxTreeView.AllowCheckNodes, TreeViewNode.AllowCheck
Appearance TreeViewStyles.NodeCheckBox, TreeViewNode.CheckBoxStyle, TreeViewStyles.NodeCheckBoxFocused

A check box can be in one of the states listed in the table below. You can specify an image for check boxes in a particular check state.

Check Box State Appearance CheckState property value Image Member
Grayed TreeView_CheckState_Indeterminate CheckState.Indeterminate TreeViewImages.CheckBoxGrayed
Checked TreeView_CheckState_Checked CheckState.Checked TreeViewImages.CheckBoxChecked
Unchecked TreeView_CheckState_Unchecked CheckState.Unchecked TreeViewImages.CheckBoxUnchecked

#Member Table

Member Table: Check Box Support

#Loading Panel

When the ASPxTreeView control’s ASPxTreeView.AutoPostBack property is set to false, and the ASPxTreeView.EnableCallBacks property is set to true, the first expansion of a node initiates a callback to the server to obtain the node’s child nodes. In this case, a specific Loading Panel is displayed for the child content of the node being expanded while waiting for a callback response.

Upon the TreeViewSettingsLoadingPanel.Mode property value, a loading panel can be displayed either at the center of ASPxTreeView (TreeViewLoadingPanelMode.ShowAsPopup) or near the expanding node (in place of the expand button) (TreeViewLoadingPanelMode.ShowNearNode).

ShowAsPopup ShowNearNode
TreeView - Loading Panel TreeView - Near Loading Panel

The table below lists the main members that affect the appearance of a Loading Panel and the way in which it functions.






ImagesBase.LoadingPanel, TreeViewImages.NodeLoadingPanel

Image’s Visibility


Image’s Position


