Upgrade to a New Version
- 2 minutes to read
The Project Converter allows you to update your .NET projects after you installed a new version of DevExpress components. You can run the Project Converter as a dialog window or as a console application.
The Project Converter replaces references to outdated DevExpress assemblies with references to the most recent libraries. The converter updates the following files:
project files (.csproj and .vbproj);
resource files (.resx) for forms that were localized in the Visual Studio Form Designer;
web application files (Web.config, .aspx, .ascx, .asax, and .master);
other files (.cs, .vb, .xaml, .skin, .config, .config.xml, .licx, .svc, .refresh, .uitest, and .lsml).
#Important Notes
Before you start upgrading a project, refer to the Upgrade Your Application to a New DevExpress Version section and to the Breaking Changes page.
The Project Converter does not modify names of classes and API members.
The Project Converter does not upgrade NuGet packages. Refer to the following section for information on how to upgrade the packages: Updating Packages.
The Project Converter does not substitute assemblies that are placed in a project’s bin folder. To upgrade the bin folder content, select Build → Clean Solution in Visual Studio’s main menu and rebuild the project.
Use the Localization Service to download the latest version of localization resources. The service allows you to copy your existing translations to a different DevExpress assembly version.