- 2 minutes to read
#Image Zoom (Overview)
ImageZoom is an extension that provides you with the capability to display images in high-res detail. ImageZoom combines two image zoom effects. Hovering over the image displays a zoomed area, a clicking on the image enlarges it to a full-screen popup.
To see the ImageZoom in action, refer to its online demos.
#Implementation Details
The ImageZoom is implemented by the ImageZoomExtension class. To access its instance, use the ExtensionsFactory.ImageZoom helper method, which is used to add an ImageZoom extension to a view. This method’s parameter provides access to ImageZoom settings implemented by the ImageZoomSettings class.
The code sample below demonstrates how to add an ImageZoom to a project.
@Html.DevExpress().ImageZoom( settings => {
settings.Name = "imageZoom";
settings.ImageUrl = Url.Content("~/Content/ImageZoom/my_image.jpg");
settings.LargeImageUrl = Url.Content("~/Content/ImageZoom/my_image_large.jpg");
The Partial View should contain only the extension’s code.
The code result is demonstrated by the image below.
#Image Zoom Navigator (Overview)
ImageZoomNavigator is a data extension that displays a set of thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail opens a corresponding image within an associated ImageZoom extension.
To see the ImageZoomNavigator in action, refer to its online demo.
#Implementation Details
The ImageZoomNavigator is implemented by the ImageZoomNavigatorExtension class. To access its instance, use the ExtensionsFactory.ImageZoomNavigator helper method, which is used to add an ImageZoomNavigator extension to a view. This method’s parameter provides access to ImageZoomNavigator settings implemented by the ImageZoomNavigatorSettings class.
The ImageZoomNavigator‘s client counterpart is represented by the ASPxClientImageZoomNavigator object.
The code sample below demonstrates how to add an ImageZoom and ImageZoomNavigator to a project.
<div style="float: left;">
@Html.DevExpress().ImageZoom(settings => {
settings.Name = "imageZoom";
settings.AssociatedImageZoomNavigatorName = "zoomNavigator";
<div style="margin-top: 10px;">
@Html.DevExpress().ImageZoomNavigator(settings => {
settings.Name = "zoomNavigator";
settings.SettingsAutoGeneratedImages.ImageHeight = Unit.Pixel(350);
settings.SettingsAutoGeneratedImages.ImageWidth = Unit.Pixel(350);
settings.SettingsAutoGeneratedImages.LargeImageHeight = Unit.Pixel(900);
settings.SettingsAutoGeneratedImages.LargeImageWidth = Unit.Pixel(900);
settings.SettingsAutoGeneratedImages.ThumbnailHeight = Unit.Pixel(75);
settings.SettingsAutoGeneratedImages.ThumbnailWidth = Unit.Pixel(75);
settings.SettingsAutoGeneratedImages.ImageCacheFolder = "~/Thumb/";
settings.Styles.Thumbnail.ImageHeight = Unit.Pixel(75);
settings.Styles.Thumbnail.ImageWidth = Unit.Pixel(75);
The Partial View should contain only the extension’s code.
The code result is demonstrated by the image below.