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ASPxDateEdit.CalendarDayCellInitialize Event

Occurs on the server side before a day cell has been created within an ASPxDateEdit control.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


public event EventHandler<CalendarDayCellInitializeEventArgs> CalendarDayCellInitialize

#Event Data

The CalendarDayCellInitialize event's data class is CalendarDayCellInitializeEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Date Gets the cell processed in the calendar. Inherited from CalendarPickerViewCellEventArgs.
DisplayText Gets or sets the processed day cell’s display text.
EncodeHtml Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the cell display text keeps any of its values that are HTML as HTML, or instead, strips out the HTML markers.
IsOtherMonthDay Gets a value that indicates whether the processed date is in a month other than the month displayed in the calendar. Inherited from CalendarDayEventArgs.
IsOtherPeriodDate Returns the value that specifies whether the processed cell doesn’t refer to the current period (month, year, century). Inherited from CalendarPickerViewCellEventArgs.
IsSelected Gets whether the cell has been selected. Inherited from CalendarPickerViewCellEventArgs.
IsWeekend Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the processed date is a weekend day.
NavigateUrl Gets or sets a URL that defines the navigation location for the date hyperlink.
NavigateUrlTarget Gets or sets the window or frame for which to target the contents of the URL associated with the day cell via the CalendarDayCellInitializeEventArgs.NavigateUrl property.


Write a CalendarDayCellInitialize event handler to specify whether the processed day is a weekend day (CalendarDayCellInitializeEventArgs.IsWeekend), change the day text (CalendarDayCellInitializeEventArgs.DisplayText), or set the cell’s hyper link (CalendarDayCellInitializeEventArgs.NavigateUrl) and a target (CalendarDayCellInitializeEventArgs.NavigateUrlTarget).

Other event parameter’s properties can be used to get the additional information about the processed day.

See Also