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DevExpress.Web.ASPxGantt Namespace

In This Article

Contains classes which implement the functionality of the ASPxGantt control.

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxGantt.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


Name Description
ASPxGantt A Gantt control.
Daily Contains settings for a daily recurrence pattern.
DailyRule Provides settings that allow you to specify a rule for a day.
GanttAddTaskToolbarItem A toolbar item that adds a new task.
GanttCheckColumn A column that displays Boolean values.
GanttClientSideEvents Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxGantt.
GanttCollapseAllToolbarItem A toolbar item that collapses all tasks.
GanttColorEditColumn A column that displays color values.
GanttColumnBase Serves as a base class for classes that manage Gantt columns.
GanttColumnCollection Represents the Gantt’s column collection.
GanttCommandColumn A command column.
GanttCustomCallbackEventArgs Provides data for the CustomCallback event.
GanttCustomJSPropertiesEventArgs Provides data for the CustomJSProperties event.
GanttCustomToolbarItem A custom toolbar item.
GanttDataColumn A base class for classes that display data.
GanttDataInsertValues Contains information about inserted values.
GanttDataUpdateEventArgs Provides information for the DataUpdate event.
GanttDateEditProperties Contains settings specific to the GanttDateTimeColumn editor.
GanttDateEditTimeSectionProperties Contains settings of the time section in the GanttDateTimeColumn editor’s drop-down window.
GanttDateTimeColumn A column that displays date and time.
GanttDefaultToolbarItem Serves as a base class for classes that implements standard toolbar items.
GanttEditingSettings Provides access to editing settings.
GanttExpandAllToolbarItem A toolbar item that expands all tasks.
GanttFocusedTaskChangedEventArgs Provides data for the FocusedTaskChanged event.
GanttFullScreenToolbarItem A toolbar item that switches the Gantt control to full screen mode.
GanttImages Represents image settings.
GanttItemInsertedEventArgs Provides data for the related events.
GanttMappingInfoBase Serves as a base class for the classes that specify mappings.
GanttMappings A collection of mappings for the Gantt’s objects (tasks, dependencies, resources) to data fields.
GanttProgressBarColumn A column that displays progress.
GanttRedoToolbarItem A toolbar item that repeats the undone action.
GanttRemoveTaskToolbarItem A toolbar item that removes a task.
GanttResourceManagerToolbarItem A toolbar item that invokes the Resource Manager dialog.
GanttSettingsBase Serves as a base class for classes that provide Gantt settings.
GanttShowDependenciesToolbarItem A toolbar item that shows or hides dependencies.
GanttShowResourcesToolbarItem A toolbar item that shows or hides task resources.
GanttSpinEditColumn A column that displays a spin editor.
GanttStripLineSettings Provides access to strip line settings.
GanttTaskDependencyMappingInfo Provides information on the dependency properties’ mappings to the appropriate data fields.
GanttTaskDetailsToolbarItem A toolbar item that invokes the Task Details dialog.
GanttTaskListSettings Accesses the task list settings.
GanttTaskMappingInfo Provides information on the task properties’ mappings to the appropriate data fields.
GanttTaskResourceAssignmentMappingInfo Provides information on the resource assignments properties’ mappings to the appropriate data fields.
GanttTaskResourceMappingInfo Provides information on the resource properties’ mappings to the appropriate data fields.
GanttTextColumn A column that displays text.
GanttTimeEditColumn A column that displays time.
GanttToolbarItemBase A base class for classes that implement standard and custom toolbar items.
GanttToolbarItemCollection Represents the toolbar item collection.
GanttToolbarSettings Contains toolbar settings.
GanttUndoToolbarItem A toolbar item that reverses the last action.
GanttValidationSettings Contains validation settings.
GanttViewSettings Provides access to the gantt control’s view options.
GanttZoomInToolbarItem A toolbar item that zooms in.
GanttZoomOutToolbarItem A toolbar item that zooms out.
Monthly Contains settings for a monthly recurrence pattern.
MonthlyRule Provides settings that allow you to specify a rule for a month.
RuleBase Serves as a base class for the DailyRule, WeeklyRule, MonthlyRule and YearlyRule object.
StripLine A strip line.
StripLineCollection A collection of strip lines.
Weekly Contains settings for a weekly recurrence pattern.
WeeklyRule Provides settings that allow you to specify a rule for a week.
WorkTimeRange Provides settings for a work time range.
WorkTimeRulesCollection A collection of work time rules: DailyRule, WeeklyRule, MonthlyRule, YearlyRule.
Yearly Contains settings for a yearly recurrence pattern.
YearlyRule Provides settings that allow you to specify a rule for a year.


Name Description
ASPxGanttDataUpdateEventHandler A method that handles the DataUpdate event.
GanttCustomCallbackEventHandler A method that handles the ASPxGantt.CustomCallback event.
GanttCustomJSPropertiesEventHandler A method that handles the CustomJSProperties event.
GanttFocusedTaskChangedEventHandler A method that handles the FocusedTaskChanged event.
GanttItemInsertedEventHandler A method that handles the related events.


Name Description
DayOfWeekMonthlyOccurrence Lists values that specify the occurrence of a day of week.
GanttTaskTitlePosition Lists task title position.
GanttToolbarAlignment Lists values that specify the Gantt toolbar alignment.
GanttViewType Lists views to display tasks.
Month Lists 12 months of the year.