DevExpress.Web.ASPxGantt Namespace
Contains classes which implement the functionality of the ASPxGantt control.
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxGantt.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web
Name | Description |
ASPxGantt | A Gantt control. |
Daily | Contains settings for a daily recurrence pattern. |
DailyRule | Provides settings that allow you to specify a rule for a day. |
GanttAddTaskToolbarItem | A toolbar item that adds a new task. |
GanttCheckColumn | A column that displays Boolean values. |
GanttClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxGantt. |
GanttCollapseAllToolbarItem | A toolbar item that collapses all tasks. |
GanttColorEditColumn | A column that displays color values. |
GanttColumnBase | Serves as a base class for classes that manage Gantt columns. |
GanttColumnCollection | Represents the Gantt’s column collection. |
GanttCommandColumn | A command column. |
GanttCustomCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the CustomCallback event. |
GanttCustomJSPropertiesEventArgs | Provides data for the CustomJSProperties event. |
GanttCustomToolbarItem | A custom toolbar item. |
GanttDataColumn | A base class for classes that display data. |
GanttDataInsertValues | Contains information about inserted values. |
GanttDataUpdateEventArgs | Provides information for the DataUpdate event. |
GanttDateEditProperties | Contains settings specific to the GanttDateTimeColumn editor. |
GanttDateEditTimeSectionProperties | Contains settings of the time section in the GanttDateTimeColumn editor’s drop-down window. |
GanttDateTimeColumn | A column that displays date and time. |
GanttDefaultToolbarItem | Serves as a base class for classes that implements standard toolbar items. |
GanttEditingSettings | Provides access to editing settings. |
GanttExpandAllToolbarItem | A toolbar item that expands all tasks. |
GanttFocusedTaskChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the FocusedTaskChanged event. |
GanttFullScreenToolbarItem | A toolbar item that switches the Gantt control to full screen mode. |
GanttImages | Represents image settings. |
GanttItemInsertedEventArgs | Provides data for the related events. |
GanttMappingInfoBase | Serves as a base class for the classes that specify mappings. |
GanttMappings | A collection of mappings for the Gantt’s objects (tasks, dependencies, resources) to data fields. |
GanttProgressBarColumn | A column that displays progress. |
GanttRedoToolbarItem | A toolbar item that repeats the undone action. |
GanttRemoveTaskToolbarItem | A toolbar item that removes a task. |
GanttResourceManagerToolbarItem | A toolbar item that invokes the Resource Manager dialog. |
GanttSettingsBase | Serves as a base class for classes that provide Gantt settings. |
GanttShowDependenciesToolbarItem | A toolbar item that shows or hides dependencies. |
GanttShowResourcesToolbarItem | A toolbar item that shows or hides task resources. |
GanttSpinEditColumn | A column that displays a spin editor. |
GanttStripLineSettings | Provides access to strip line settings. |
GanttTaskDependencyMappingInfo | Provides information on the dependency properties’ mappings to the appropriate data fields. |
GanttTaskDetailsToolbarItem | A toolbar item that invokes the Task Details dialog. |
GanttTaskListSettings | Accesses the task list settings. |
GanttTaskMappingInfo | Provides information on the task properties’ mappings to the appropriate data fields. |
GanttTaskResourceAssignmentMappingInfo | Provides information on the resource assignments properties’ mappings to the appropriate data fields. |
GanttTaskResourceMappingInfo | Provides information on the resource properties’ mappings to the appropriate data fields. |
GanttTextColumn | A column that displays text. |
GanttTimeEditColumn | A column that displays time. |
GanttToolbarItemBase | A base class for classes that implement standard and custom toolbar items. |
GanttToolbarItemCollection | Represents the toolbar item collection. |
GanttToolbarSettings | Contains toolbar settings. |
GanttUndoToolbarItem | A toolbar item that reverses the last action. |
GanttValidationSettings | Contains validation settings. |
GanttViewSettings | Provides access to the gantt control’s view options. |
GanttZoomInToolbarItem | A toolbar item that zooms in. |
GanttZoomOutToolbarItem | A toolbar item that zooms out. |
Monthly | Contains settings for a monthly recurrence pattern. |
MonthlyRule | Provides settings that allow you to specify a rule for a month. |
RuleBase | Serves as a base class for the DailyRule, WeeklyRule, MonthlyRule and YearlyRule object. |
StripLine | A strip line. |
StripLineCollection | A collection of strip lines. |
Weekly | Contains settings for a weekly recurrence pattern. |
WeeklyRule | Provides settings that allow you to specify a rule for a week. |
WorkTimeRange | Provides settings for a work time range. |
WorkTimeRulesCollection | A collection of work time rules: DailyRule, WeeklyRule, MonthlyRule, YearlyRule. |
Yearly | Contains settings for a yearly recurrence pattern. |
YearlyRule | Provides settings that allow you to specify a rule for a year. |
Name | Description |
ASPxGanttDataUpdateEventHandler | A method that handles the DataUpdate event. |
GanttCustomCallbackEventHandler | A method that handles the ASPxGantt.CustomCallback event. |
GanttCustomJSPropertiesEventHandler | A method that handles the CustomJSProperties event. |
GanttFocusedTaskChangedEventHandler | A method that handles the FocusedTaskChanged event. |
GanttItemInsertedEventHandler | A method that handles the related events. |
Name | Description |
DayOfWeekMonthlyOccurrence | Lists values that specify the occurrence of a day of week. |
GanttTaskTitlePosition | Lists task title position. |
GanttToolbarAlignment | Lists values that specify the Gantt toolbar alignment. |
GanttViewType | Lists views to display tasks. |
Month | Lists 12 months of the year. |