DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid Namespace
Contains classes which implement the functionality of the ASPxPivotGrid control.
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid.v24.2.dll
Name | Description |
ASPxPivotCustomizationControl | An ASPxPivotCustomizationControl. |
ASPxPivotGrid | Represents the ASPxPivotGrid control. |
ASPxPivotGridExporter | Represents an ASPxPivotGridExporter control used to export the ASPxPivotGrid control’s data. |
ASPxPivotGridPager | This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code. |
ASPxPivotGridPopupMenu | Represents a popup menu displayed within the ASPxPivotGrid. |
ASPxPivotGridResLocalizer | Provides a means to localize the ASPxPivotGrid‘s UI elements at runtime. |
CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomCustomizationFormSort event. |
CustomFieldDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomUnboundFieldData event. |
CustomizePivotCellEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotXlsExportOptions.CustomizeCell and PivotXlsxExportOptions.CustomizeCell events. |
CustomServerModeSortEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomServerModeSort event. |
DataSourceColumnBinding | Defines a data binding to a source data column. |
DifferenceBinding | Defines the difference calculation between values across a window. |
ExpressionDataBinding | Defines a calculation based on a string expression. |
FieldValueCell | Represents a field value cell. |
MovingCalculationBinding | Defines aggregations across a specified number of values before and/or after the current value. |
OLAPExpressionBinding | Allows you to use an expression to evaluate values for a Pivot Grid’s field in OLAP mode. |
PercentOfTotalBinding | Allows you to calculate the input of all values in the window as a percentage of the total. |
PivotAddPopupMenuItemEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.AddPopupMenuItem event. |
PivotAreaChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.FieldAreaChanging event. |
PivotAreaStyle | Provides style settings for header areas. |
PivotCellBaseEventArgs | Provides data for events which are invoked for particular cells. |
PivotCellDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomCellDisplayText event. |
PivotCellStyle | Provides style settings for cells. |
PivotCellValueEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomCellValue event. |
PivotChartDataSourceRow | A row in the datasource passed to the chart control. |
PivotCustomCellStyleEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomCellStyle event. |
PivotCustomChartDataSourceDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomChartDataSourceData event. |
PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomChartDataSourceRows event. |
PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomFieldValueCells event. |
PivotCustomFilterPopupItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomFilterPopupItems event. |
PivotCustomGroupIntervalEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomGroupInterval event. |
PivotCustomizationFormImages | Contains the settings that define images displayed in Customization Forms and ASPxPivotCustomizationControl controls. |
PivotDataAreaPopupCreatedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.DataAreaPopupCreated event. |
PivotFieldDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.FieldValueDisplayText event. |
PivotFieldEventArgs | Provides data for all field handling events. |
PivotFieldFilterChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.FieldFilterChanging event. |
PivotFieldPropertyChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.FieldPropertyChanged event. |
PivotFieldStateChangedCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.FieldValueCollapsing and ASPxPivotGrid.FieldValueExpanding events. |
PivotFieldStateChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.FieldValueCollapsed and ASPxPivotGrid.FieldValueExpanded events. |
PivotFieldValueEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for events used to customize field values. |
PivotFieldValueStyle | Provides style settings for field values. |
PivotFilterButtonPanelStyle | Provides style settings used to paint filter button panel. |
PivotFilterButtonStyle | Provides style settings for filter buttons. |
PivotFilterItemStyle | Provides style settings used to paint filter items within the filter dropdown. |
PivotFilterStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the filter dropdown. |
PivotGridCallbackStateEventArgs | Provides data for the events related to saving/loading the pivot grid’s callback state. |
PivotGridCellTemplateContainer | Represents a container for a template that is used to render cells. |
PivotGridCellTemplateItem | Contains data that can be used for data binding of a cell template’s child controls. |
PivotGridClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the pivot grid control. |
PivotGridCustomCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomCallback event. |
PivotGridCustomFieldSortEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomFieldSort event. |
PivotGridCustomSummaryEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomSummary event. |
PivotGridCustomTotal | Represents a custom total which can be calculated for an outer column field or row field. |
PivotGridCustomTotalCollection | Represents a collection of custom totals for a field. |
PivotGridEmptyAreaTemplateContainer | Represents a container for a template that is used to render the empty area. |
PivotGridField | Represents a field within the ASPxPivotGrid control. |
PivotGridFieldCollection | Represents a field collection for the ASPxPivotGrid control. |
PivotGridFieldValueTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render field value cells. |
PivotGridFieldValueTemplateItem | Contains data that can be used for data binding of a field value template’s child controls. |
PivotGridHeaderTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render field headers. |
PivotGridImageProperties | Contains the settings which define the image that can be displayed within the ASPxPivotGrid control. |
PivotGridImages | Contains the settings that define images displayed within the pivot grid’s elements. |
PivotGridMenuItemStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the pivot grid’s item menu. |
PivotGridMenuStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the pivot grid’s pop-up menu. |
PivotGridPagerStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint the pivot grid’s pager. |
PivotGridStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint the elements within the pivot grid. |
PivotGridWebFieldOptions | Provides options for pivot grid fields. |
PivotGridWebFieldOptionsFilter | Contains options that define the filter popup appearance and behavior for the current field. |
PivotGridWebGroup | A group of fields. |
PivotGridWebGroupCollection | Represents the ASPxPivotGrid’s group collection. |
PivotGridWebOptionsBehavior | Provides behavior options for ASPxPivotGrid. |
PivotGridWebOptionsChartDataSource | Contains chart options. |
PivotGridWebOptionsCustomization | Provides customization options for an ASPxPivotGrid control. |
PivotGridWebOptionsData | Provides data specific options for ASPxPivotGrid. |
PivotGridWebOptionsDataField | Provides options which control data fields presentation in the ASPxPivotGrid control. |
PivotGridWebOptionsFilter | Contains options that affect the appearance and behavior of filter windows. |
PivotGridWebOptionsLayout | Contains options that specify how a control layout is stored to, and restored from a storage (a stream or string). |
PivotGridWebOptionsLoadingPanel | Provides settings that affect the Loading Panel’s appearance and functionality. |
PivotGridWebOptionsPager | Contains the pivot grid’s pager settings. |
PivotGridWebOptionsView | Provides view options for ASPxPivotGrid controls. |
PivotGroupEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.GroupFilterChanged event. |
PivotHeaderStyle | Provides style settings for field headers. |
PivotHtmlCellPreparedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.HtmlCellPrepared event. |
PivotHtmlFieldValuePreparedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.HtmlFieldValuePrepared event. |
PivotOlapExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.OLAPException event. |
PivotOlapQueryDataEventArgs | Provides data for the OLAPQueryData event. |
PivotPopupMenuCreatedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.PopupMenuCreated event. |
PivotQueryExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGrid.QueryException event. |
PivotXlsExportOptions | Contains options that define how a Pivot Grid control is exported to XLS format in the data-aware export mode. |
PivotXlsxExportOptions | Contains options that define how a Pivot Grid control is exported to XLSX format in the data-aware export mode. |
RankBinding | Defines the calculation of a ranking in the window. |
RunningTotalBinding | Defines the calculation that aggregates values cumulatively in the window. |
WebCustomExportCellEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGridExporter.CustomExportCell event. |
WebCustomExportFieldValueEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGridExporter.CustomExportFieldValue event. |
WebCustomExportHeaderEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPivotGridExporter.CustomExportHeader event. |
WebPivotGridOptionsPrint | Provides export options for the ASPxPivotGrid control. |
WindowExpressionBinding | Defines the calculation that uses a custom string expression with window functions. |
Name | Description |
FilterPanelMode | Lists values that specify the Pivot Grid’s Filter Panel mode. |
MenuItemEnum | Lists values that identify menu items displayed within the Field Value Popup Menu and Field Header Popup Menu. |
PagerAlign | Specifies the pager’s position within the pivot grid. |
PivotCollapsedStateStoreMode | Contains values that specify how the grid stores information about the collapsed rows/columns. |
PivotDataHeadersDisplayMode | Lists values that specify how data headers are displayed within the Data Header Area. |
PivotGridHeaderFilterListBoxSearchUIVisibility | Lists values that specify whether a search control in the popup filter is visible or hidden. |
PivotGridPopupMenuType | Lists values that identify a popup menu. |
PivotGridResetOptions | Lists values that specify which options are reset before loading the layout. |
PivotScrollingMode | Lists values that specify the scrolling mode of the ASPxPivotGrid. |