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File Upload

  • 3 minutes to read

The ASPxFileManager control supports file upload. The file extensions that can be uploaded are specified by the FileManagerSettings.AllowedFileExtensions property. If this property value is empty, all file extensions are allowed.

When the file manager uploads a file in Advanced mode (the FileManagerSettingsUpload.UseAdvancedUploadMode property is set to true), the file is sent to the server in small packets (one at a time). The packets are saved into a temporary file until upload is complete. After that, the access rules are applied. If the file upload is denied, the file manager deletes the temporary file and displays an error message. Set the FileManagerUploadAdvancedModeSettings.EnableClientAccessRuleValidation property to true to allow access rule validation on the client side. In this case, file accessibility is checked before it is uploaded to the server side.

Users can upload files in the following ways:

If the FileManagerSettingsUpload.AutoStartUpload property is set to true, file upload starts automatically when a user adds a file to the upload panel.

ASPxFileManager - UploadFiles

You can restrict uploads to a specific folder determined by the AllowedFolderPath property if the AllowedFolder property is set to SpecificOnly. To mark the folders as locked for upload, use special folder icons specified by the FileManagerImages.FolderLocked property. Note that the FileManagerSettingsFolders.ShowLockedFolderIcons property should be set to true.

Set the FileManagerSettingsUpload.Enabled property to false to prohibit file upload.


Since the AllowedFolder and AllowedFolderPath properties are now obsolete, you should use the FileManagerSettingsPermissions.AccessRules property instead. AllowedFolder and AllowedFolderPath properties are still in effect, but they have a lower priority than AccessRules property.

Member Description
FileManagerSettings.AllowedFileExtensions Gets or sets the file extensions allowed for display in the ASPxFileManager.
FileManagerSettingsUpload.Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the upload panel is enabled.
FileManagerImages.FolderLocked Gets the settings that define the image displayed within the locked folder.
FileManagerSettingsFolders.ShowLockedFolderIcons Gets or sets a value specifying whether the ASPxFileManager control displays a special icon for folders that are locked for upload.
FileManagerStyles.UploadPanel Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the upload panel.
FileManagerSettingsUpload.ValidationSettings Gets the upload validation settings.
Members Description
ASPxClientFileManager.FileUploaded Occurs on the client side after a file has been uploaded.
ASPxFileManager.FileUploading Fires on the server side before a file is uploaded, and allows you to cancel the action.