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RibbonGalleryBarItem Class

A ribbon item used to display the gallery bar functionality.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


public class RibbonGalleryBarItem :


The RibbonGalleryBarItem object is a ribbon item that implements the gallery bar functionality. The bar displays items which are objects of the RibbonGalleryItem type. End users can scroll items in the gallery bar using the Scroll Up and Scroll Down buttons, or invoke the drop-down window by clicking the Pop-Out button.


The RibbonGalleryBarItem object provides access to a collection of gallery groups (RibbonGalleryGroup) with the RibbonGalleryBarItem.Groups property. A RibbonGalleryGroup object contains a collection of gallery items (RibbonGalleryItem) that can be accessed by the RibbonGalleryGroup.Items property.

You can get a list of all gallery items in the RibbonGalleryBarItem object using the RibbonGalleryBarItem.GetAllItems method.

Gallery Bar Size

The maximum number of item rows which can be displayed in a gallery bar is controlled by the RibbonGalleryBarItem.RowCount property. Since the ASPxRibbon control has an adaptive layout, the number of item columns is changed based on the control width. However, you can limit the number of columns by specifying the RibbonGalleryBarItem.MinColumnCount and RibbonGalleryBarItem.MaxColumnCount properties.


Drop-Down Window

The properties of the item’s drop-down window can be customized using the RibbonGalleryBarItem.PropertiesDropDownGallery property. It allows you to specify the number of rows displayed in the window (RibbonDropDownGalleryProperties.RowCount) and the group text visibility (RibbonDropDownGalleryProperties.ShowGroupText). The number of columns cannot be specified explicitly and is equal to the current number of columns displayed in the gallery bar item.

To learn more about ribbon item types, see the Item Types and Ribbon Gallery Items topics.

See Also