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Image Gallery Elements

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This topic lists the ASPxImageGallery elements that are displayed onscreen. Each section contains a screenshot that illustrates the element, with a brief overview of its functionality.


The visual elements of the ASPxImageGallery are as follows:


A Thumbnail denotes an image in the image gallery.


If a thumbnail image is not specified explicitly, it is automatically created by the ASPxImageGallery control.

The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Size ASPxImageGallery.ThumbnailHeight, ASPxImageGallery.ThumbnailWidth
Image Size Mode ASPxImageGallery.ThumbnailImageSizeMode
Content ImageGalleryItem.ThumbnailUrl

#Thumbnail Text Area

The Thumbnail Text Area displays item text over thumbnails.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Visibility ASPxImageGallery.TextVisibility
Style ImageGalleryStyles.ThumbnailTextArea
Text ImageGalleryItem.Text
Template ASPxImageGallery.ItemTextTemplate, ImageGalleryItem.TextTemplate
Behavior ASPxImageGallery.AllowExpandText


The Pager is displayed in the image gallery and allows an end user to navigate through thumbnails.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Settings ASPxImageGallery.PagerSettings
Alignment ASPxImageGallery.PagerAlign
Styles ImageGalleryStyles.PagerSummary, ImageGalleryStyles.PagerPanel, ImageGalleryStyles.PagerPageSizeItem, ImageGalleryStyles.PagerPageNumber, ImageGalleryStyles.PagerDisabledButton, ImageGalleryStyles.PagerCurrentPageNumber, ImageGalleryStyles.PagerButton, ImageGalleryStyles.Pager

#Fullscreen Viewer

The Fullscreen Viewer is displayed when an end user clicks a thumbnail. The viewer displays images and allows the user to navigate through them.


The Fullscreen Viewer can display the following elements.

The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Settings ASPxImageGallery.SettingsFullscreenViewer
Images ASPxImageGallery.ImagesFullscreenViewer
Styles ASPxImageGallery.StylesFullscreenViewer

#Close Button

The Close button is displayed in the fullscreen viewer and allows end users to close it.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Visibility ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerSettings.ShowCloseButton
Image ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerImages.CloseButton
Style ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerStyles.CloseButton

#Play and Pause Buttons

The Play and Pause buttons are displayed in the fullscreen viewer, and allow end users to play and pause a slide show.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Visibility ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerSettings.ShowPlayPauseButton
Image ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerImages.PlayButton, ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerImages.PauseButton
Style ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerStyles.PlayPauseButton

Previous and Next navigation buttons are displayed in the fullscreen viewer and allow end users to navigate between images.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Visibility ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerSettings.NavigationButtonVisibility
Image ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerImages.PrevButton, ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerImages.NextButton
Style ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerStyles.PrevButton, ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerStyles.NextButton

#Fullscreen Viewer Text Area

The Fullscreen Viewer Text Area displays the current item’s text in the fullscreen viewer.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Visibility ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerSettings.ShowTextArea
Style ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerStyles.TextArea
Text ImageGalleryItem.Text, ImageGalleryItem.FullscreenViewerText
Template ASPxImageGallery.FullscreenViewerItemTextTemplate, ASPxImageGallery.FullscreenViewerTextTemplate, ImageGalleryItem.FullscreenViewerTextTemplate

The Navigation Bar Marker is displayed in the fullscreen viewer and allows end users to show the Navigation Bar.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Visibility ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerSettings.NavigationBarVisibility
Image ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerImages.NavigationBarMarker
Style ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerStyles.NavigationBarMarker

The Navigation Bar is displayed in the fullscreen viewer and allows end users to quickly navigate through images.


The Navigation Bar displays fullscreen viewer thumbnails and page navigation buttons.

You can use the ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerSettings.NavigationBarVisibility property to specify the Navigation Bar visibility mode.

#Fullscreen Viewer Thumbnail

The Fullscreen Viewer Thumbnail is displayed in the navigation bar and denotes an image.


If a thumbnail image is not specified explicitly, it is automatically created by the ASPxImageGallery control.

The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Size ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerSettings.ThumbnailHeight, ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerSettings.ThumbnailWidth
Content ImageGalleryItem.FullscreenViewerThumbnailUrl

Page Navigation Buttons are displayed in the navigation bar and allow end users to navigate through image pages.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance.

Characteristics Members
Paging Mode ImageSliderNavigationBarSettings.PagingMode
Image ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerNavigationBarImages.PrevPageButton, ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerNavigationBarImages.NextPageButton
Style ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerNavigationBarStyles.PrevPageButton, ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerNavigationBarStyles.NextPageButton