DevExpress.Web Namespace
Contains classes which implement the main functionality of all DevExpress controls for ASP.NET.
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll
Name | Description |
AccessRulesCollection | A collection of access rules that specify access permissions for files and folders within a file manager. |
AccountBase | A base class for classes that provides settings of cloud storage accounts. |
AccountManager | Provides an API to register cloud storage accounts. |
AddButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to add buttons. |
AllButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, displays the content of all the pages. |
AmazonAccount | Provides Amazon account settings allowing the control to be connected to an Amazon storage account. |
AmazonFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of the Amazon File System Provider. |
AppearanceItemStyle | Serves as a base for classes which define style settings for different item elements (such as menu items, navbar items, etc). |
AppearanceSelectedStyle | Contains style settings for different item elements (such as menu items, navbar items, etc) being selected. |
AppearanceStyle | Serves as a base for classes which define style settings for different elements of web controls. |
AppearanceStyleBase | Serves as a base for classes that define appearance styles of different elements within web controls. |
ASPxAutoCompleteBoxBase | Serves as the base type for the ASPxComboBox and ASPxTokenBox objects. |
ASPxBinaryImage | Represents an editor capable of displaying images from a binary stream. |
ASPxButton | A button control. |
ASPxButtonEdit | Represents an edit control with embedded buttons. |
ASPxButtonEditBase | Represents a base class for editors that allow edit buttons to be displayed within the client region. |
ASPxCalendar | Represents the calendar control. |
ASPxCallback | A non-visual component that allows you to make a round trip to the server (send a custom callback request) and perform server-side actions. The component cannot update other controls in a callback. |
ASPxCallbackPanel | A callback panel control that allows you to update its content on a callback. |
ASPxCaptcha | A control used for the challenge-response authentication. |
ASPxCardView | A server ASPxCardView control. |
ASPxCardViewAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings that relate to the card view’s adaptivity. |
ASPxCardViewAfterPerformCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.AfterPerformCallback event. |
ASPxCardViewBeforeColumnSortingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.BeforeColumnSorting event. |
ASPxCardViewBeforeColumnSortingGroupingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.BeforeColumnSortingGrouping event. |
ASPxCardViewBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxCardViewBehaviorSettings | Provides behavior options for ASPxCardViews. |
ASPxCardViewBreakpointsLayoutSettings | Contains settings related to the Card View’s grid layout adaptivity settings. |
ASPxCardViewCardLayoutCreatedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CardLayoutCreated event. |
ASPxCardViewClientJSPropertiesEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomJSProperties event. |
ASPxCardViewColumnDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomUnboundColumnData event. |
ASPxCardViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomColumnDisplayText event. |
ASPxCardViewCommandButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CommandButtonInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewCommandButtonSettings | Provide access to command buttons properties. |
ASPxCardViewCookiesSettings | Provides cookies and layout settings for ASPxCardView. |
ASPxCardViewCustomButtonCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomButtonCallback event. |
ASPxCardViewCustomCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomCallback event. |
ASPxCardViewCustomCommandButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomButtonInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomDataCallback event. |
ASPxCardViewCustomErrorTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomErrorText event. |
ASPxCardViewDataSecuritySettings | Contains security settings that allow you to disable data operations in the ASPxCardView. |
ASPxCardViewDataValidationEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CardValidating event. |
ASPxCardViewEditingSettings | Provides editing settings for ASPxCardViews. |
ASPxCardViewEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CellEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewExporter | An ASPxCardViewExporter control used to export the ASPxCardView control’s data. |
ASPxCardViewExportRenderingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardViewExporter.RenderBrick event. |
ASPxCardViewExportSettings | Contains the export settings to be applied when the CardView’s data is exported. |
ASPxCardViewFilterControlSettings | Contains settings for the filter control. |
ASPxCardViewGroupSelectorFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.GroupSelectorFillItems event. |
ASPxCardViewGroupSelectorInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.GroupSelectorInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewHeaderFilterEditorInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the HeaderFilterEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewHeaderFilterEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.HeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxCardViewHtmlCardPreparedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.HtmlCardPrepared event. |
ASPxCardViewLoadingPanelSettings | Provides settings that affect the loading panel‘s appearance and functionality. |
ASPxCardViewPagerSettings | Provides settings that affect the pager appearance and functionality. |
ASPxCardViewPopupControlSettings | Contains specific settings for different popup elements. |
ASPxCardViewSearchPanelEditorCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.SearchPanelEditorCreate event. |
ASPxCardViewSearchPanelEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.SearchPanelEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxCardViewSearchPanelSettings | Provides settings that affect the search panel functionality. |
ASPxCardViewSettings | Provides view options for ASPxCardView controls. |
ASPxCardViewSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.SummaryDisplayText event. |
ASPxCardViewSummaryItem | Represents a summary item. |
ASPxCardViewSummaryItemCollection | Represents a collection of ASPxCardView summary items. |
ASPxCardViewTextSettings | Provides text options for ASPxCardViews. |
ASPxCardViewToolbarItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.ToolbarItemClick event. |
ASPxCheckBox | The check box control. |
ASPxCheckBoxList | A control to display a list of check boxes. |
ASPxCheckListBase | The base class for list editors. |
ASPxClientLayoutArgs | Provides data for a web control’s ClientLayout event. |
ASPxCloudControl | A cloud control. |
ASPxCollapsiblePanel | Represents a base class for the ASPxPanel and ASPxCallbackPanel controls that provides collapsing functionality. |
ASPxColorEdit | Represents a color editor control that has a dropdown window with a color palette. |
ASPxComboBox | An editor which displays a list of items within its dropdown window. |
ASPxDataView | An ASPxDataView control. |
ASPxDataViewBase | Serves as a base for the ASPxDataView and ASPxNewsControl classes. |
ASPxDataWebControl | Serves as the base class that defines methods, properties and events common to all ASPx web controls that can be bound to data. |
ASPxDataWebControlBase | Serves as the base class for controls that can be bound to data. |
ASPxDateEdit | A date editor control. |
ASPxDockManager | A component that is used to manage panels and zones on a page. |
ASPxDockPanel | A panel control that acts as a movable window. |
ASPxDockZone | A zone where panels can be docked. |
ASPxDropDownEdit | An editor that provides the drop-down list functionality. |
ASPxDropDownEditBase | Represents the base class for editors capable of using the dropdown window. |
ASPxEdit | Represents the base class for editors that allow their values to be changed by end users. |
ASPxEditBase | Represents the base class for all editor types. |
ASPxFileManager | A file management control. |
ASPxFilterControl | Represents a filter control. |
ASPxFilterControlBase | Serves as a base for the ASPxFilterControl class. |
ASPxFloatingActionButton | A floating action button. |
ASPxFormLayout | A form layout management control. |
ASPxGlobalEvents | Represents an ASPxGlobalEvents control. |
ASPxGridAfterPerformCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.AfterPerformCallback and ASPxCardView.AfterPerformCallback events. |
ASPxGridBase | Serves as the base class that implements the main functionality of grid-like controls (such as ASPxGridView, ASPxCardView and ASPxVerticalGrid). |
ASPxGridBeforeColumnGroupingSortingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.BeforeColumnSortingGrouping and ASPxCardView.BeforeColumnSortingGrouping events. |
ASPxGridBeforeExportEventArgs | Provides data for the BeforeExport event. |
ASPxGridBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems and ASPxCardView.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems events. |
ASPxGridBehaviorSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide behavior options for grid-like controls (such as ASPxGridView, ASPxCardView and ASPxVerticalGrid). |
ASPxGridColumnDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomUnboundColumnData and ASPxCardView.CustomUnboundColumnData events. |
ASPxGridColumnDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomColumnDisplayText, ASPxCardView.CustomColumnDisplayText, and ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomRowDisplayText events. |
ASPxGridCommandButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CommandButtonInitialize and ASPxCardView.CommandButtonInitialize events. |
ASPxGridCommandButtonSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide settings for command buttons customization in grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridCookiesSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide cookies settings for grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridCustomButtonCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomButtonCallback and ASPxCardView.CustomButtonCallback events. |
ASPxGridCustomCallbackEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for the CustomCallback events. |
ASPxGridCustomCommandButtonEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for command button related events. |
ASPxGridCustomDataCallbackEventArgs | Serves as a base class for the ASPxCardViewCustomCallbackEventArgs, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs, and ASPxVerticalGridCustomDataCallbackEventArgs classes. |
ASPxGridCustomErrorTextEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for the CustomErrorText events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridDataSecuritySettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide security settings for grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridDataValidationEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for the validation events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridEditingSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide edit settings for grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridEditorCreateEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for editor creation events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridEditorEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for editor initialization events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridExporterBase | Serves as a base class for the ASPxCardViewExporter and ASPxGridViewExporter classes. |
ASPxGridExportSettings | Serves as a base class for the ASPxGridViewExportSettings, ASPxCardViewExportSettings, ASPxVerticalGridExportSettings classes. |
ASPxGridFilterControlSettings | A base class that provides settings affecting the built-in filter control functionality. |
ASPxGridHeaderFilterEditorInitializeEventArgs | A base class for classes that provide data for the HeaderFilterEditorInitialize events of the grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridHeaderFilterEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for events related to filling header filter dropdowns in grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridItemEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for different data item related events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridLoadingPanelSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide settings affecting the loading panel‘s appearance and functionality in grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridLookup | An editor that allows a user to easily select values from a dropdown grid containing lookup items. |
ASPxGridPagerSettings | Serves as a base for classes that implement pager settings for grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridPopupControlSettings | Serves as a base for classes that implement settings for different popup elements of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridSearchPanelSettings | Serves as a base for classes that implement settings affecting the search panel functionality in grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridSettings | Provides view options for grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes that implement different settings of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs | Serves as a base class for the ASPxGridViewSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs and ASPxCardViewSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs classes. |
ASPxGridSummaryItemCollectionBase<T> | Serves as a base class for the ASPxCardViewSummaryItemCollection and ASPxSummaryItemCollection classes. |
ASPxGridTextSettings | Provides text options for ASPxGridViews. |
ASPxGridTextSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes that implement text settings of grid-like controls. |
ASPxGridToolbarItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the grid’s toolbar item click event. |
ASPxGridView | A grid control. |
ASPxGridViewAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings that relate to the grid’s adaptivity. |
ASPxGridViewAddSummaryItemViaContextMenuEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.AddSummaryItemViaContextMenu event. |
ASPxGridViewAfterPerformCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.AfterPerformCallback event. |
ASPxGridViewAutoFilterEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.ProcessColumnAutoFilter event. |
ASPxGridViewBeforeColumnGroupingSortingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.BeforeColumnSortingGrouping event. |
ASPxGridViewBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxGridViewBehaviorSettings | Provides behavior options for ASPxGridViews. |
ASPxGridViewClientJSPropertiesEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomJSProperties event. |
ASPxGridViewColumnDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomUnboundColumnData event. |
ASPxGridViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomColumnDisplayText event. |
ASPxGridViewCommandButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CommandButtonInitialize event. |
ASPxGridViewCommandButtonSettings | Provide access to properties that allow customizing settings of grid command buttons. |
ASPxGridViewContextMenuEventArgs | Provides data for the ContextMenuInitialize event. |
ASPxGridViewContextMenuInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the ContextMenuInitialize event. |
ASPxGridViewContextMenuItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.ContextMenuItemClick event. |
ASPxGridViewContextMenuItemVisibilityEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.ContextMenuItemVisibility event. |
ASPxGridViewContextMenuSettings | Provides settings that affect the context menu appearance and functionality. |
ASPxGridViewCookiesSettings | Provides cookies and layout settings for ASPxGridView. |
ASPxGridViewCustomButtonCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomButtonCallback event. |
ASPxGridViewCustomButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomButtonInitialize event. |
ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomCallback event. |
ASPxGridViewCustomCellMergeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomCellMerge event. |
ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomDataCallback event. |
ASPxGridViewCustomErrorTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomErrorText event. |
ASPxGridViewCustomizationDialogSettings | Contains specific settings for the Customization Dialog. |
ASPxGridViewCustomizationWindowSettings | Provides settings that affect the Customization Window‘s position and functionality. |
ASPxGridViewDataSecuritySettings | Contains security settings that allow you to disable data operations in the ASPxGridView. |
ASPxGridViewDetailRowButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.DetailRowGetButtonVisibility event. |
ASPxGridViewDetailRowEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.DetailRowExpandedChanged event. |
ASPxGridViewDetailSettings | Provides detail customization options for ASPxGridViews. |
ASPxGridViewEditFormEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.HtmlEditFormCreated event. |
ASPxGridViewEditFormLayoutEventArgs | Provides data for the EditFormLayoutCreated event |
ASPxGridViewEditingSettings | Provides editing settings for ASPxGridViews. |
ASPxGridViewEditorCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.AutoFilterCellEditorCreate event. |
ASPxGridViewEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CellEditorInitialize and ASPxGridView.AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize events. |
ASPxGridViewExporter | A component that allows you to export the ASPxGridView control’s data. |
ASPxGridViewExportRenderingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridViewExporter.RenderBrick event. |
ASPxGridViewExportSettings | Contains the export settings to be applied when the GridView’s data is exported. |
ASPxGridViewFilterControlSettings | Provides settings that affect the filter control functionality. |
ASPxGridViewHeaderFilterEditorInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the HeaderFilterEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxGridViewHeaderFilterEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.HeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxGridViewItemEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for data item related events of the GridView. |
ASPxGridViewLoadingPanelSettings | Provides settings that affect the Loading Panel‘s appearance and functionality. |
ASPxGridViewOnClickRowFilterEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.ProcessOnClickRowFilter event. |
ASPxGridViewPagerSettings | Contains pager settings. |
ASPxGridViewPopupControlSettings | Contains specific settings for different popup elements. |
ASPxGridViewPreviewDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomPreviewDisplayText event. |
ASPxGridViewResizingSettings | Provides settings that affect the grid resizing functionality. |
ASPxGridViewRowCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.RowCommand event. |
ASPxGridViewSearchPanelEditorCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.SearchPanelEditorCreate event. |
ASPxGridViewSearchPanelEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.SearchPanelEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxGridViewSearchPanelSettings | Provides settings that affect the search panel functionality. |
ASPxGridViewSettings | Provides view options for the ASPxGridView control. |
ASPxGridViewSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.SummaryDisplayText event. |
ASPxGridViewTableCommandCellEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.HtmlCommandCellPrepared event. |
ASPxGridViewTableDataCellEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.HtmlDataCellPrepared event. |
ASPxGridViewTableFooterCellEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.HtmlFooterCellPrepared event. |
ASPxGridViewTableRowEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.HtmlRowCreated and ASPxGridView.HtmlRowPrepared events. |
ASPxGridViewTemplateReplacement | Displays regular elements (edit cells, buttons, or a pager) within the Edit Form or Pager templates. |
ASPxGridViewTextSettings | Provides text options for ASPxGridViews. |
ASPxGroupSummarySortInfo | Contains methods and properties to sort group rows by summary values. |
ASPxGroupSummarySortInfoCollection | A collection of ASPxGroupSummarySortInfo objects that allow you to sort group rows by summary values. |
ASPxHeadline | Represents an ASPxHeadline control. |
ASPxHiddenField | Represents a non visual component to store a set of values and synchronize them between the server and client sides across round trips. |
ASPxHierarchicalDataWebControl | Serves as the base class that defines methods, properties and events common to all ASPx web controls that can be bound to hierarchical data. |
ASPxHint | A hint control. |
ASPxHttpHandlerModule | Represents a specific HTTP handler module, which allows correct server-side processing of a callback request to be performed, and a proper response to be generated. |
ASPxHyperLink | Represents a text editor with hyperlink functionality. |
ASPxImage | Represents a control for displaying images. |
ASPxImageBase | Represents the base class for editors capable of displaying images. |
ASPxImageGallery | An image gallery control. |
ASPxImageSlider | An image slider control. |
ASPxImageSliderBase | The base class for image navigation controls. |
ASPxImageZoom | An image zoom control. |
ASPxImageZoomNavigator | An image zoom navigator control. |
ASPxLabel | A label control. |
ASPxListBox | A list box control. |
ASPxListEdit | Represents the base class for editors that display a list of items. |
ASPxLoadingPanel | An ASPxLoadingPanel control. |
ASPxMemo | A multi-line text editor. |
ASPxMenu | A menu control. |
ASPxMenuBase | Represents the base class for ASPxMenu and ASPxPopupMenu menu controls. |
ASPxNavBar | Represents the web navigation bar control. |
ASPxNewsControl | Represents an ASPxNewsControl. |
ASPxObjectContainer | An ASPxObjectContainer control. |
ASPxPageControl | A navigation control made up of multiple tabbed pages. |
ASPxPager | Represents an ASPxPager control. |
ASPxPagerBase | Serves as a base for the ASPxPager class. |
ASPxPanel | Represents a panel control that acts as a container for other controls. |
ASPxPanelBase | Implements the base functionality of a panel control. |
ASPxPanelContainerBase | Implements the base functionality of panel controls. |
ASPxPopupControl | A popup control. |
ASPxPopupControlBase | Implements the base functionality of a popup window. |
ASPxPopupMenu | Represents a popup menu control. |
ASPxProgressBar | Represents a progress bar control. |
ASPxProgressBarBase | Serves as a base for a progress bar control. |
ASPxPureTextBoxBase | Represents the base class for editors. |
ASPxRadioButton | Represents a radio button control. |
ASPxRadioButtonList | Represents a group of radio button editors that allow one option from several to be selected. |
ASPxRatingControl | Represents a rating control. |
ASPxResourceManagerBase | Serves as the base type for the ASPxScriptManager and ASPxStyleSheetManager objects. |
ASPxRibbon | A ribbon control. |
ASPxRoundPanel | A rounded-corners panel control that acts as a container for other controls. |
ASPxScriptManager | A script manager component. |
ASPxSiteMapControl | Represents a site map control. |
ASPxSiteMapControlBase | Represents the class that implements the base functionality of a site map control. |
ASPxSiteMapDataSource | Represents a data source control that can be used to bind web server controls to the hierarchical site map data. |
ASPxSpinEdit | Represents the spin edit control. |
ASPxSpinEditBase | Represents the base class for editors capable of displaying and editing text data using spin buttons. |
ASPxSplitter | Represents a splitter control. |
ASPxStartCardEditingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.StartCardEditing event. |
ASPxStartItemEditingEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for data item editing events of grid-like controls. |
ASPxStaticEdit | Represents the base class for static editors which do not allow their values to be changed by end users. |
ASPxStyleSheetManager | A style sheet manager component. |
ASPxSummaryItem | Represents a summary item. |
ASPxSummaryItemBase | Serves as a base class for the ASPxCardViewSummaryItem, ASPxSummaryItem, and ASPxVerticalGridSummaryItem classes. |
ASPxSummaryItemCollection | Represents a collection of summary items. |
ASPxTabControl | Represents a navigation control used to create tabbed interfaces. |
ASPxTabControlBase | Represents the base class for tab controls of the ASPxTabControl and ASPxPageControl types. |
ASPxTextBox | A text box editor. |
ASPxTextBoxBase | Represents the base class for editors capable of displaying and editing text data. |
ASPxTextEdit | Represents the base class for editors capable of displaying and editing text data. |
ASPxTimeEdit | An editor that displays time values. |
ASPxTimer | Represents a timer. |
ASPxTitleIndex | Represents an ASPxTitleIndex server control. |
ASPxTokenBox | The token box editor. |
ASPxTrackBar | A slider editor. |
ASPxTreeView | Represents the web navigation treelike control. |
ASPxUploadControl | A file upload control. |
ASPxUploadProgressHttpHandler | An HTTP handle that allows actual information about the file upload progress to be sent to the client in response to a service callback, automatically initiated by the ASPxUploadControl. |
ASPxValidationSummary | Represents a control that allows easy validation and display of validation errors, grouped in a single panel. |
ASPxVerticalGrid | A vertical grid control. |
ASPxVerticalGridAfterPerformCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.AfterPerformCallback event. |
ASPxVerticalGridBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxVerticalGridBeforeRowSortingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.BeforeRowSorting event. |
ASPxVerticalGridBehaviorSettings | Provides behavior options for the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
ASPxVerticalGridCommandButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomButtonInitialize event. |
ASPxVerticalGridCommandButtonSettings | Provide access to properties that allow customizing settings of grid command buttons. |
ASPxVerticalGridCommandCellEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.HtmlCommandCellPrepared event. |
ASPxVerticalGridCookiesSettings | Provides cookies and layout settings for the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
ASPxVerticalGridCustomButtonCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomButtonCallback event. |
ASPxVerticalGridCustomCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomCallback event. |
ASPxVerticalGridCustomCommandButtonEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomButtonInitialize event. |
ASPxVerticalGridCustomDataCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomDataCallback event. |
ASPxVerticalGridCustomErrorTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomErrorText event. |
ASPxVerticalGridCustomRowSortEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomRowSort event. |
ASPxVerticalGridDataCellEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.HtmlDataCellPrepared event. |
ASPxVerticalGridDataSecuritySettings | Contains security settings that allow you to disable data operations in the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
ASPxVerticalGridDataValidationEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.RecordValidating event. |
ASPxVerticalGridEditingSettings | Provides edit settings for ASPxVerticalGrid. |
ASPxVerticalGridEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CellEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxVerticalGridExporter | An ASPxVerticalGridExporter control used to export the ASPxVerticalGrid control’s data. |
ASPxVerticalGridExportSettings | Contains the export settings to be applied when the VerticalGrid’s data is exported. |
ASPxVerticalGridFilterControlSettings | Provides settings that affect the filter control functionality. |
ASPxVerticalGridHeaderFilterEditorInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the HeaderFilterEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxVerticalGridHeaderFilterEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.HeaderFilterFillItems event. |
ASPxVerticalGridLoadingPanelSettings | Provides settings that affect the loading panel‘s appearance and functionality. |
ASPxVerticalGridPagerSettings | Contains pager settings. |
ASPxVerticalGridPopupControlSettings | Contains specific settings for different popup elements. |
ASPxVerticalGridRecordEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for related events of the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
ASPxVerticalGridRenderBrickEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGridExporter.RenderBrick event. |
ASPxVerticalGridRowDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomUnboundRowData event. |
ASPxVerticalGridRowDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.CustomRowDisplayText event. |
ASPxVerticalGridSearchPanelEditorCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.SearchPanelEditorCreate event. |
ASPxVerticalGridSearchPanelEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.SearchPanelEditorInitialize event. |
ASPxVerticalGridSearchPanelSettings | Provides settings that affect the search panel functionality. |
ASPxVerticalGridSettings | Serves as a base for classes that implement the main settings of grid-like controls. |
ASPxVerticalGridSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.SummaryDisplayText event. |
ASPxVerticalGridSummaryItem | Represents a summary item. |
ASPxVerticalGridSummaryItemCollection | Represents a collection of ASPxVerticalGrid summary items. |
ASPxVerticalGridTextSettings | Provides text options for ASPxVerticalGrid. |
ASPxVerticalGridToolbarItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxVerticalGrid.ToolbarItemClick event. |
ASPxWebClientUIControl | Serves as a base for controls that utilize a DevExpress JavaScript/HTML5 engine to provide a responsive user interface for in-browser use on the client. |
ASPxWebComponent | Represents the base class for the DevExpress web components. |
ASPxWebControl | Represents the base class for the DevExpress web controls. |
ASPxWebControlBase | Represents the base class for all server controls. |
AudioObjectProperties | Provides settings for audio objects. |
AutoCompleteBoxClientSideEvents | Serves as the base type for the ComboBoxClientSideEvents and TokenBoxClientSideEvents objects. |
AutoCompleteBoxPropertiesBase | Contains the base settings specific to combo box and token box editors. |
AutoGeneratedImagesSettingsBase | A base class containing settings related to automatically generating images. |
AzureAccount | Provides Azure account settings allowing the control to be connected to an Azure storage account. |
AzureFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of the Azure File System Provider. |
BackgroundImage | Represents a background image. |
BackToTopStyle | Provides style settings used to paint links that when clicked, navigate an end-user to the top of the current page. |
BackwardCompatibilitySettings | Provides the backward compatibility settings. |
BinaryImageButtonPanelSettings | Contains settings that relate to the editor’s button panel. |
BinaryImageButtonPanelStyle | Contains settings that define the style of the editor’s button panel. |
BinaryImageClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the BinaryImage. |
BinaryImageDeleteButtonImageProperties | Contains settings that define the Delete button image. |
BinaryImageEditingSettings | Contains settings that relate to the editing functionality of the BinaryImage. |
BinaryImageEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a binary image editor. |
BinaryImageOpenDialogButtonImageProperties | Contains settings that define the Open Dialog button image. |
BinaryImageUploadSettings | Contains settings that relate to the editor’s upload functionality. |
BinaryImageUploadValidationSettings | Contains settings that relate to the validation of image files, uploaded using the editor. |
BinaryImageValidationSettings | Contains the settings that relate to editor validation. |
BinaryStorageConfigurator static | Represents an object that is used for registering a binary data storage strategy. |
BinaryStorageData | Represents binary resource data. |
Border | Serves as a base for classes that define border settings of different element sides (left, right, top and bottom). |
BorderBase | Serves as a base for classes that define border settings of different elements. |
BorderBottom | Contains border settings for an element’s bottom border. |
BorderLeft | Contains border settings for an element’s left border. |
BorderRight | Contains border settings for an element’s right border. |
BorderTop | Contains border settings for an element’s top border. |
BorderWrapper | Contains settings allowing border options to be completely defined for all the four sides of different objects. |
BreakpointsLayoutBreakpoint | Provides settings that allows you to specify breakpoints at which the control rearranges its elements if the browser width changes. |
BreakpointsLayoutCollection<T> | A collection to store breakpoints objects. |
BrowseButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the browse button. |
ButtonClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side button’s event list. |
ButtonControlStyle | Contains style settings that define the button appearance. |
ButtonControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxButton‘s appearance to be defined. |
ButtonEditClickEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxButtonEditBase.ButtonClick event. |
ButtonEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side button editor’s event list. |
ButtonEditClientSideEventsBase | Serves as the base class for classes containing client-side events handlers for text editors. |
ButtonEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a button editor. |
ButtonEditPropertiesBase | Contains the base settings specific to button editors. |
ButtonImageProperties | Serves as a base for classes that provide button image settings. |
ButtonImagePropertiesBase | Serves as a base for classes that provide settings defining different states of a button image. |
ButtonImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for different states (normal, disabled, hovered, pressed, checked) of a Button extension. |
ButtonImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define different states (disabled, hottracked, pressed) of a button image when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
ButtonStyle | Defines style settings for buttons that can be displayed within the ASPxUploadControl. |
CalendarAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings that relate to the calendar’s adaptivity. |
CalendarClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side calendar editor’s event list. |
CalendarCustomDisabledDateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCalendar.CustomDisabledDate event. |
CalendarDayCellCreatedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCalendar.DayCellCreated and ASPxDateEdit.CalendarDayCellCreated events. |
CalendarDayCellInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCalendar.DayCellInitialize and ASPxDateEdit.CalendarDayCellInitialize events. |
CalendarDayCellPreparedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCalendar.DayCellPrepared and ASPxDateEdit.CalendarDayCellPrepared events. |
CalendarDayEventArgs | Provides data for events which concern the calendar day cell rendering. |
CalendarElementStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of diffrerent elements within a calendar control. |
CalendarFastNavItemStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the elements (month, year, etc.) displayed in a calendar’s fast navigation panel. |
CalendarFastNavProperties | Contains settings specific to a calendar’s fast navigation panel. |
CalendarFastNavStyle | Provides style settings used to paint a calendar’s fast navigation panel. |
CalendarHeaderFooterStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of elements within a calendar control’s header and footer sections. |
CalendarPickerViewCellCreatedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCalendar.PickerViewCellCreated event. |
CalendarPickerViewCellEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that are used as arguments for events related to the calendar day cell processing. |
CalendarPickerViewCellInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCalendar.PickerViewCellInitialize event. |
CalendarPickerViewCellPreparedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCalendar.PickerViewCellPrepareds event. |
CalendarProperties | Contains settings specific to a calendar editor. |
CalendarSelection | Represents a collection of dates selected within the calendar. |
CallbackClientSideEvents | Contains a list of client-side events available for the ASPxCallback. |
CallbackClientSideEventsBase | Contains a list of the client-side events that relate to processing callbacks within web controls. |
CallbackEventArgs | Provides data for events which concern callback processing. |
CallbackEventArgsBase | Provides data for events which concern callback processing. |
CallbackPanelClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxCallbackPanel control. |
CallbackPanelImages | Contains settings that define images displayed within the ASPxCallbackPanel. |
CallbackPanelStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxCallbackPanel‘s appearance to be defined. |
CancelButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the cancel button. |
CaptionSettingsBase | Contains settings specific to a visual element caption. |
CardViewBaseTemplateContainer | Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render the ASPxCardView’s elements. |
CardViewBatchEditSettings | Contains Batch Edit Mode specific settings. |
CardViewBinaryImageColumn | Represents a data column that displays images from a binary stream. |
CardViewBreakpoint | Provides settings that allows you to specify breakpoints at which the Card View rearranges its cards if the browser width changes. |
CardViewBreakpointsLayoutSettings | Contains settings that relate to a control’s Breakpoints layout mode. |
CardViewButtonEditColumn | Represents a data column with the button editor. |
CardViewCardBaseTemplateContainer | Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render the Edit Form, data, preview and in-line edit cards displayed within the ASPxCardView. |
CardViewCardFooterTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the ASPxCardView’s footer. |
CardViewCardHeaderTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the ASPxCardView’s header. |
CardViewCardStyle | Serves as a base for classes that provide style settings used to paint cards within the ASPxCardView. |
CardViewCardTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render cards within the ASPxCardView. |
CardViewCheckColumn | Represents a Boolean data column. |
CardViewClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxCardView. |
CardViewColorEditColumn | Represents a data column used to display and edit color values. |
CardViewColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent data columns. |
CardViewColumnCollection | Represents the ASPxCardView’s column collection. |
CardViewColumnDateRangeCalendarSettings | Contains the settings for the calendar within the Date Range Header Filter. |
CardViewColumnDateRangePeriodsSettings | Contains settings that relate to a periods section displayed in the header filter. |
CardViewColumnDateRangePickerSettings | Contains the settings of the date picker within the Date Range Header Picker. |
CardViewColumnLayoutItem | Represents a layout item within the CardView’s edit form. |
CardViewComboBoxColumn | A data column with the combo box editor. |
CardViewCommandButtonSettings | Provides settings that affect the command button‘s appearance and functionality. |
CardViewCommandLayoutItem | Represents a layout item for a command button within the CardView’s edit form. |
CardViewCustomColumnSortEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCardView.CustomColumnSort event. |
CardViewCustomCommandButton | Represents a custom command button. |
CardViewCustomCommandButtonCollection | Represents the collection of custom command buttons. |
CardViewCustomizationWindowPopupSettings | Contains Customization Window specific settings. |
CardViewCustomizationWindowPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a Customization Window. |
CardViewDataColumnHeaderFilterSettings | Contains the column’s header filter specific settings. |
CardViewDataColumnSettings | Contains settings that relate to the sorting and filtering functionality of a column. |
CardViewDataItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render a data item within the ASPxCardView. |
CardViewDateColumn | Represents a data column used to display DateTime values. |
CardViewDivBasedLayoutSettings | Serves as a base class for classes that contain settings that relate to a control’s Breakpoints layout mode. |
CardViewDropDownEditColumn | Represents a data column with an editor containing a customizable dropdown window. |
CardViewEditColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent edit data columns. |
CardViewEditFormPopupSettings | Contains popup edit form specific settings. |
CardViewEditFormPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a popup edit form. |
CardViewEditFormTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Edit Form. |
CardViewEditItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render edit cells. |
CardViewExportAppearance | Provides the appearance settings defining the appearance of CardView elements when it is exported. |
CardViewExportGroupStyle | Provides the style settings defining the appearance of groups used in cards when the CardView is exported. |
CardViewExportStyles | Provides the style settings defining the appearance of the visual elements within the ASPxCardView when it is exported. |
CardViewExportTabStyle | Provides the style settings defining the appearance of tabs used in cards when the CardView is exported. |
CardViewExportTotalSummaryPanelStyle | Provides the style settings defining the appearance of the summary panel when the CardView is exported. |
CardViewFilterBuilderPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a Filter Builder (Filter Control). |
CardViewFilterControlPopupSettings | Contains the filter control specific settings. |
CardViewFlowLayoutSettings | Contains settings that relate to the CardView’s flow layout. |
CardViewFormatConditionCollection | Represents the ASPxCardView’s format conditions collection. |
CardViewFormatConditionColorScale | Represents a color scale format condition. |
CardViewFormatConditionHighlight | Represents a highlight format condition. |
CardViewFormatConditionIconSet | Represents the icon set format condition. |
CardViewFormatConditionTopBottom | Represents the top/bottom format condition. |
CardViewFormLayoutProperties | Contains settings that relate to the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form. |
CardViewGroupRowTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render group rows. |
CardViewGroupSelectorItem | Represents the group selector’s item. |
CardViewHeaderFilterPopupSettings | Contains the header filter specific settings. |
CardViewHeaderFilterPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a Header Filter. |
CardViewHeaderPanelTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates that are used to render the header panel. |
CardViewHeaderStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint column headers. |
CardViewHeaderTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render column headers. |
CardViewHyperLinkColumn | Specifies a data column with hyperlink functionality. |
CardViewImageColumn | Represents a data column that displays images located at the specified URLs. |
CardViewImages | Contains the settings that define images displayed within the ASPxCardView’s elements. |
CardViewLayoutGroup | Represents a layout group within the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form. |
CardViewLayoutItemCollection | Represents a collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form. |
CardViewMemoColumn | Represents a data column used to display memo data. |
CardViewPagerBarTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Pager. |
CardViewPopupControlStyle | Contains styles settings defining the common appearance of popup elements within grid. |
CardViewPopupControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of popup elements within the ASPxCardView to be defined. |
CardViewProgressBarColumn | Represents a data column with the progress bar editor. |
CardViewSpinEditColumn | Represents a data column used to display numeric data. |
CardViewStatusBarTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Status Bar. |
CardViewStyleBase | Serves as a base for classes that provide style settings used to paint grid elements. |
CardViewStyles | Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the ASPxCardView‘s visual elements. |
CardViewTabbedLayoutGroup | Represents a tabbed layout group within the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form. |
CardViewTableLayoutSettings | Contains settings that relate to the CardView’s table layout. |
CardViewTemplates | Contains templates used to display the ASPxCardView‘s visual elements. |
CardViewTextColumn | Represents a data column used to display string values. |
CardViewTimeEditColumn | Represents a data column used to display and edit time portions of DateTime values. |
CardViewTitleTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Title Panel. |
CardViewTokenBoxColumn | A data column with the token box editor. |
CardViewToolbar | A base class for the CardView’s toolbar. |
CardViewToolbarCollection | Represents the ASPxCardView’s toolbar collection. |
CardViewToolbarItem | Implements the Card View’s toolbar item functionality. |
CardViewToolbarItemCollection | Represents a collection of a ASPxCardView’s toolbar items. |
CheckBoxListProperties | Contains settings specific to a checkbox list editor. |
CheckBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a checkbox editor. |
CheckBoxRequiredAttribute | Specifies that the check box is required. |
CheckBoxValuesAttribute | Specifies the check box’s values. |
CheckedButtonImageProperties | Contains settings that define a button image. |
CheckedButtonImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define the checked state of a button image when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
CheckEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side check editor’s event list. |
CheckListPropertiesBase | Contains the base settings specific to list editors. |
ClearButton | Implements the Clear button functionality. |
ClientSideEvents | Serves as the base for objects containing client-side events. |
ClientSideEventsBase | Serves as the base class for objects containing client-side events. |
CloudControlItem | Represents a tag cloud item. |
CloudControlItemCollection | Represents a collection of CloudControlItem objects. |
CloudControlItemEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxCloudControl.ItemDataBound event. |
CloudControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxCloudControl‘s appearance to be defined. |
CloudFileSystemProviderBase | Serves as the base class for providers that perform operations with cloud file systems. |
CollapseButtonImageProperties | Contains settings that define the round panel collapse button image. |
CollapseButtonImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define different states (normal, hottracked) of a collapse button image when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
CollapseButtonStyle | Defines style settings for the collapse button. |
Collection | Defines the base type for collections used by DevExpress web controls. |
Collection<T> | Represents the universal collection, which may be used as a base class for other collection classes. |
CollectionItem | Defines the base types for collection items. |
ColorEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side color editor’s event list. |
ColorEditItem | An individual item in the ASPxColorEdit control. |
ColorEditItemCollection | A collection of ColorEditItem objects. |
ColorEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a color editor. |
ColorIndicatorStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the color indicator within the color editor. |
ColorPickerStyle | Defines style settings for the color picker. |
ColorSchemeInfo | Contains settings of the custom color scheme. |
ColorTableCellStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the color table’s cell within the color editor. |
ColorTableStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the color table within the color editor. |
ColumnHoverStyle | Defines style settings for the hovered state of columns. |
ColumnLayoutItem | Serves as a base for classes that represent a layout item within the edit form of grid-like controls. |
ColumnSeparatorStyle | Defines style settings for column separators. |
ColumnStyle | Defines style settings for columns. |
ComboBoxClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side combobox editor’s event list. |
ComboBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a combobox editor. |
CommandLayoutItem | The base class for the CardViewCommandLayoutItem and EditModeCommandLayoutItem classes. |
CompressionConfigurationSection | Provides programmatic access to the DevExpress compression configuration-file section. |
ContentControl |
A container that stores the tabbed page contents. This class supports the internal infrastructure of DevExpress control hierarchy realization and is mostly used to create the tabbed page contents declaratively, in ASP.NET markup (see a sample for ASPxPageControl). To create the tabbed page contents at run-time (in code-behind files), use the ContentControlCollectionItem.Controls collection of a tabbed page (see a sample for ASPxPageControl). |
ContentControlCollectionItem | Defines the base type for collection item objects which can contain child controls. |
ContentPlaceholderLayoutItem | Serves as a base for layout item classes in ASPxGridView and ASPxCardView controls. |
ContentStyle | Defines style settings for the client region of the active tab. |
ControlResolveEventArgs | Provides data for events that relate to resolving objects that can’t be found automatically. |
CustomColorSchemes static | Contains members used to create a new theme with custom CSS files. |
CustomColumnSortEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridView.CustomColumnSort and ASPxGridView.CustomColumnGroup events. |
CustomDataCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the control’s CustomDataCallback event. |
CustomFilterExpressionDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridBase.CustomFilterExpressionDisplayText event. |
CustomJSPropertiesEventArgs | Provides data for the client CustomJSProperties events. |
DataSourceFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of a data source file system provider. |
DataViewBreakpoint | Provides settings that allows you to specify breakpoints at which the Card View and Data View rearrange their items if the browser width changes. |
DataViewBreakpointsLayoutSettings | Contains settings that relate to a control’s Breakpoints layout mode. |
DataViewBreakpointsLayoutSettingsBase | Serves as a base class for classes that contain settings that relate to a control’s Breakpoints layout mode. |
DataViewContentStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the data view’s Content Area. |
DataViewDivBasedLayoutSettings | Serves as a base class for classes that contain settings that relate to a control’s Breakpoints layout mode. |
DataViewEmptyDataStyle | Defines style settings for the empty data area of the ASPxDataView control. |
DataViewEmptyItemStyle | Provides style settings used to paint empty data items. |
DataViewFlowLayoutSettings | Contains settings related to a ASPxDataView control’s flow layout. |
DataViewItem | An individual data item in the ASPxDataView control. |
DataViewItemCollection | A collection of objects corresponding to the ASPxDataView‘s data items. |
DataViewItemCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxDataView.ItemCommand event. |
DataViewItemStyle | Provides style settings used to paint data items. |
DataViewItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates that are used to render a data item. |
DataViewPageEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxDataViewBase.PageIndexChanging event. |
DataViewPagerPanelCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxDataViewBase.PagerPanelCommand event. |
DataViewPagerPanelTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates that are used to render a pager panel. |
DataViewPagerSettings | Contains pager settings. |
DataViewPagerShowMoreItemsContainerStyle | Contains the style settings defining the appearance of the ‘Show More Items’ link container. |
DataViewPageSizeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxDataViewBase.PageSizeChanging event. |
DataViewStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the data view control. |
DataViewStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxDataView‘s appearance to be defined. |
DataViewTableLayoutSettings | Contains settings related to a ASPxDataView control’s table layout. |
DataViewTemplateContainer | Represents a container for a template used to render the empty data area within the ASPxDataView. |
DateEditCalendarAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings that relate to the calendar’s date edit adaptivity. |
DateEditCalendarProperties | Contains settings specific to a date editor’s dropdown calendar. |
DateEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side date editor’s event list. |
DateEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a date editor. |
DateEditRangeSettings | Provides settings that affect the date range functionality in the ASPxDateEdit control. |
DateEditTimeEditProperties | Contains settings specific to time edit. |
DateEditTimeSectionCellStyle | Defines style settings for a cell of the time section. |
DateEditTimeSectionProperties | Contains settings specific to the time section. |
DateTimeCollection | A collection of DateTime objects specifying dates that should be disabled for selection. |
DefaultLevelProperties | Contains the common appearance settings for all node hierarchy levels within the site map control. |
DialogBoxLauncherClickedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxRibbon.DialogBoxLauncherClicked event. |
DialogViewModelBase | Provides settings defining the View Model. |
DisabledStyle | Contains the style settings which define a control’s appearance in the disabled state. |
DockManagerCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxDockManager.BeforeDock event. |
DockManagerClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxDockManager component. |
DockManagerEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxDockManager.AfterDock event. |
DockPanelCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxDockPanel.BeforeDock event. |
DockPanelClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxDockPanel control. |
DockPanelCollection | A collection of panels that are docked to a zone. |
DockPanelStyles | Contains settings that allow the dock panel’s appearance to be defined. |
DockZoneCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxDockZone.BeforeDock event. |
DockZoneClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxDockZone control. |
DockZoneEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxDockZone.AfterDock event. |
DockZoneStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxDockZone‘s appearance to be defined for different states. |
DropboxAccount | Provides Dropbox account settings allowing the control to be connected to a Dropbox storage account. |
DropboxFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of the Dropbox File System Provider. |
DropDownButton | Represents the default edit button that invokes the editor’s dropdown window. |
DropDownClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side dropdown editor’s event list. |
DropDownEditAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings that relate to the dropdown editors’ adaptivity. |
DropDownEditBaseAdaptivitySettings | Serves as a base class for classes that contain settings to define the dropdown editors’ adaptivity. |
DropDownEditBaseCommandButton | Serves as a base class for classes that represent the command buttons in dropdown editors. |
DropDownEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side dropdown editor’s event list. |
DropDownEditCommandButton | Represents the OK and Cancel buttons in the dropdown editors. |
DropDownEditProperties | Contains settings specific to dropdown editors. |
DropDownEditPropertiesBase | Contains the base settings specific to dropdown editors. |
DropDownWindowStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s dropdown window. |
EditAreaStyle | Contains the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s edit region. |
EditButton | Represents a button for a button editor control. |
EditButtonCollection | Represents a collection of buttons in a button editor. |
EditButtonStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of button elements within different editor types. |
EditClientSideEvents | Serves as the base for objects containing client-side events. |
EditClientSideEventsBase | Contains a list of the events that are common to all client-side editor types. |
EditModeCommandLayoutItem | A layout item for command buttons in the ASPxGridView and ASPxCardView edit forms. |
EditorCaptionCellStyle | Defines style settings for the editor’s caption container. |
EditorCaptionSettings | Contains settings specific to the editor caption. |
EditorCaptionSettingsBase | The base class for editor caption settings. |
EditorCaptionStyle | Defines style settings for the editor caption. |
EditorDecorationStyle | Contains the style settings for the editor’s prompt text and focused styles. |
EditorImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for specific elements of editors. |
EditorRootStyle | Contains settings that define the style of the editor. |
EditorStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of specific editor elements to be defined. |
EditProperties | Serves as the base class for the editor properties classes that define the behavior of editors allowing data input. |
EditPropertiesBase | Serves as the base class for all the editor properties classes. |
EditStyleBase | Represents a base for classes containing editor style settings. |
EmptyImageProperties | Contains the settings which define the empty image used by web controls. |
EmptyLayoutItem | Represents an empty layout item. |
EmptyLayoutItemStyle | Defines style settings for an empty layout item. |
ErrorFrameStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s error frame. |
ErrorsConfigurationSection | Provides programmatic access to the DevExpress error-handling configuration-file section. |
ExpandBarStyle | Contains settings that define the appearance of expand bar within the ASPxPanel and ASPxCallbackPanel controls. |
ExpandButtonStyle | Contains settings that define the appearance of the expand button within the ASPxPanel and ASPxCallbackPanel controls. |
ExportBinaryImageSettings | Contains image settings that are applied when a binary image is exported. |
ExtendedStyleBase | Serves as a base for classes that define appearance styles of different elements within the ASPxTokenBox control. |
FABAction | Represents the floating action button’s action object. |
FABActionBase | Serves as a base class for classes that relate to the floating action button’s action and action group objects. |
FABActionCollection | Represents the floating action button’s action collection. |
FABActionGroup | Represents the floating action button’s action group. |
FABActionItem | Represents the action item. |
FABActionItemCollection | Represents the floating action button’s action item collection. |
FABCollectionItemBase | Serves as a base class for classes that represents the floating action button’s objects collection. |
FileManagerAccessException | The exception that is thrown when access to a file/folder is prohibited. |
FileManagerAccessRuleBase | Serves as the base type for the FileManagerFileAccessRule and FileManagerFolderAccessRule objects. |
FileManagerActionEventArgsBase | Serves as a base for classes that are used as arguments for events generated on the server side. |
FileManagerAfterPerformCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.AfterPerformCallback event. |
FileManagerAmazonProviderSettings | Provides account settings allowing the file manager to access a file system retained in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). |
FileManagerAzureProviderSettings | Provides account settings allowing the file manager to access a file system retained in the Azure Service. |
FileManagerCancelException | The exception thrown when the operation is canceled. |
FileManagerClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side file manager’s event list. |
FileManagerCloudAccessFailedException | The exception that is thrown when access to a file/folder stored in a cloud storage is prohibited. |
FileManagerCloudProviderRequestEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.CloudProviderRequest event. |
FileManagerCloudProviderSettings | Serves as a base class for classes that contain settings specific to corresponding cloud providers. |
FileManagerContainerStyleBase | Serves as a base for the file manager styles of containers. |
FileManagerContextMenuStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of context menu elements within the file manager to be defined. |
FileManagerCustomErrorTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.CustomErrorText event. |
FileManagerCustomFileInfoDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.CustomFileInfoDisplayText event. |
FileManagerCustomTooltipEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.CustomTooltip event. |
FileManagerDetailsColumn | A column used to display file information in the file list details view. |
FileManagerDetailsColumnCollection | The ASPxFileManager’s column collection. |
FileManagerDetailsCommandColumnSettings | Contains settings specific to the command column that is displayed when the file manager is in details view mode |
FileManagerDetailsCustomColumn | A column used to display custom information in the file list details view. |
FileManagerDetailsViewCustomColumnDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.DetailsViewCustomColumnDisplayText event. |
FileManagerDetailsViewCustomColumnHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.DetailsViewCustomColumnHeaderFilterFillItems event. |
FileManagerDetailsViewImages | Contains settings that define images displayed within an ASPxFileManager’s elements in details view. |
FileManagerDetailsViewItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render data cells within the FileManager’s Details view. |
FileManagerDetailsViewStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of elements, used within the ASPxFileManager file list in details view, to be defined. |
FileManagerDropBoxProviderSettings | Provides account settings allowing the file manager to access a file system retained in the Dropbox Service. |
FileManagerException | The base class for all exceptions within a file manager. |
FileManagerFile | Represents an individual file within the ASPxFileManager control. |
FileManagerFileAccessRule | Specifies an access rule for a file within a file manager. |
FileManagerFileContainerStyle | Defines style settings for a file container. |
FileManagerFileDownloadingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.FileDownloading event. |
FileManagerFileListDetailsViewAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings related to the adaptivity settings of the file manager’s details view mode. |
FileManagerFileListDetailsViewSettings | Contains settings that relate to the file list‘s details view functionality. |
FileManagerFileListThumbnailsViewSettings | Contains settings that relate to the file list‘s thumbnails view functionality. |
FileManagerFileOpenedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.SelectedFileOpened event. |
FileManagerFileProperties | Contains settings to define the File Manager’s file properties. |
FileManagerFileStateStyle | Defines style settings for different states of a file. |
FileManagerFileStyle | Defines style settings for files. |
FileManagerFilesUploadedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.FilesUploaded event. |
FileManagerFileUploadEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.FileUploading event. |
FileManagerFolder | Represents an individual folder within the ASPxFileManager control. |
FileManagerFolderAccessRule | Specifies an access rule for a folder within a file manager. |
FileManagerFolderContainerStyle | Defines style settings for a folder container. |
FileManagerFolderCreatedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.FolderCreated event. |
FileManagerFolderCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.FolderCreating event. |
FileManagerFolderProperties | Contains settings to define the File Manager’s folder properties. |
FileManagerFolderStateStyle | Defines style settings for different states of a folder. |
FileManagerFolderStyle | Defines style settings for folders. |
FileManagerGetFilteredItemsArgs | Provides data for the FileSystemProviderBase.GetFilteredItems and PhysicalFileSystemProvider.GetFilteredItems events. |
FileManagerGoogleDrivePersonalProviderSettings | Provides account settings allowing the file manager to access a file system retained in the Google Drive (personal account). |
FileManagerGoogleDriveProviderSettings | Provides account settings allowing the file manager to access a file system retained in the Google Drive. |
FileManagerGridViewCommandColumnStyle | Defines style settings for a command column in the file container. |
FileManagerHighlightStyle | Defines style settings for highlighted text. |
FileManagerImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the file manager’s specific elements. |
FileManagerIOException | The exception that is thrown when an input/output error occurs. |
FileManagerItem | An individual item within a file manager. |
FileManagerItemCopyEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.ItemCopying event. |
FileManagerItemDeleteEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.ItemDeleting event. |
FileManagerItemMetadata | Contains methods to obtain the File Manager metadata. |
FileManagerItemMoveEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.ItemMoving event. |
FileManagerItemProperties | Serves as a base for classes that provide properties for the File Manager’s file and folder. |
FileManagerItemRenamedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.ItemRenamed event. |
FileManagerItemRenameEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.ItemRenaming event. |
FileManagerItemsCopiedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.ItemsCopied event. |
FileManagerItemsDeletedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.ItemsDeleted event. |
FileManagerItemsMovedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.ItemsMoved event. |
FileManagerItemStateStyle | Defines style settings for different states of item. |
FileManagerItemStyle | Defines style settings for file manager’s items. |
FileManagerItemStyleBase | Serves as the base style for different items within ASPxFileManager. |
FileManagerOneDrivePersonalProviderSettings | Provides account settings allowing the file manager to access a file system retained in OneDrive (personal account). |
FileManagerOneDriveProviderSettings | Provides account settings allowing the file manager to access a file system retained in OneDrive. |
FileManagerPanelStyle | Defines style settings for the upload panel. |
FileManagerSettings | Contains settings that relate to the file manager’s functionality. |
FileManagerSettingsAdaptivity | Contains settings that relate to the file manager’s adaptivity. |
FileManagerSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes that define functional settings of different elements within ASPxFileManager. |
FileManagerSettingsBreadcrumbs | Contains breadcrumbs specific settings. |
FileManagerSettingsContextMenu | Provides settings that affect the context menu appearance and functionality. |
FileManagerSettingsCookies | Contains cookies specific settings. |
FileManagerSettingsDataSource | Contains a file manager’s fieldname settings. |
FileManagerSettingsEditing | Contains settings that relate to the file manager’s functionality. |
FileManagerSettingsFileList | Contains file list specific settings. |
FileManagerSettingsFiltering | Provides settings that affect the file manager’s filtering functionality. |
FileManagerSettingsFolders | Contains settings that relate to the folders‘ functionality. |
FileManagerSettingsPermissions | Contains settings that relate to a ASPxFileManager’s permissions. |
FileManagerSettingsToolbar | Contains settings that relate to the toolbar‘s functionality. |
FileManagerSettingsUpload | Contains settings that relate to the upload panel‘s functionality. |
FileManagerSharePointProviderSettings | Provides SharePoint account settings. |
FileManagerStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of elements, used within ASPxFileManager, to be defined. |
FileManagerThumbnailCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFileManager.CustomThumbnail event. |
FileManagerThumbnailProperties | Contains settings specific to the thumbnail. |
FileManagerThumbnailsViewItemTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render items displayed in the file area in thumbnails view mode. |
FileManagerToolbarAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings that relate to adaptivity settings of the file manager’s toolbar. |
FileManagerToolbarCopyButton | Implements the copy button functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarCreateButton | Implements the create button functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarCustomButton | Implements the custom toolbar item‘s functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarCustomDropDownButton | Implements the custom toolbar drop-down item‘s functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarDeleteButton | Implements the delete button functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarDownloadButton | Implements the download button functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarExpandFolderContainerButtonSettings | Provides settings that affect the button that extends the folder container when the file manager is in adaptive mode. |
FileManagerToolbarFilterBox | Implements the custom filter box functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarItemBase | Serves as a base for classes that implement the toolbar item‘s functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarItemCollection | A collection of FileManagerToolbarItemBase object descendants. |
FileManagerToolbarItemStyle | Defines style settings for toolbar items. |
FileManagerToolbarMoveButton | Implements the move button functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarPathBox | Implements the path box functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarRefreshButton | Implements the refresh button functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarRenameButton | Implements the rename button functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarSpacer | Implements the toolbar’s spacer functionality. |
FileManagerToolbarStyle | Defines style settings for a toolbar. |
FileManagerToolbarUploadButton | Implements the upload button functionality. |
FileManagerUploadAdvancedModeSettings | Contains settings that relate to the file upload functionality. |
FileManagerValidationSettings | Contains settings that relate to an ASPxFileManager’s uploaded file validation. |
FileSavingEventArgs | Provides data for events related to saving media files in the built-in dialogs. |
FilesUploadCompleteEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxUploadControl.FilesUploadComplete server event. |
FileSystemProviderBase | Serves as the base class for providers that perform operations with the file system. |
FileUploadCompleteEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxUploadControl.FileUploadComplete server event. |
FilterBox | Represents a Filter Box. |
FilterBoxEditorStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the Filter Box Editor. |
FilterBoxInfoTextStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the Filter Box Info Text. |
FilterBoxStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the Filter Box. |
FilterControlButtonEditColumn | Represents a filter column with the button editor. |
FilterControlCheckColumn | Represents a filter column which contains Boolean values. |
FilterControlClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side filter control’s event list. |
FilterControlColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent filter columns. |
FilterControlColumnCollection | Represents a collection of filter columns. |
FilterControlColumnsCreatedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGridBase.FilterControlColumnsCreated and ASPxGridBase.FilterControlColumnsCreated events. |
FilterControlComboBoxColumn | Represents a filter column with the combo box editor. |
FilterControlComplexTypeColumn | A filter column providing complex type data. |
FilterControlCriteriaValueEditorCreateEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFilterControlBase.CriteriaValueEditorCreate, ASPxGridBase.FilterControlCriteriaValueEditorCreate, and ASPxGridBase.FilterControlCriteriaValueEditorCreate events. |
FilterControlCriteriaValueEditorInitializeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFilterControlBase.CriteriaValueEditorInitialize, ASPxGridBase.FilterControlCriteriaValueEditorInitialize, and ASPxGridBase.FilterControlCriteriaValueEditorInitialize events. |
FilterControlCustomValueDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFilterControlBase.CustomValueDisplayText event. |
FilterControlDateColumn | Represents a filter column which contains DateTime values. |
FilterControlEditColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent filter columns. |
FilterControlGroupOperationsVisibility | Provides settings that affect the filter control group operators visibility. |
FilterControlHyperLinkColumn | Represents a filter column with the hyperlink functionality. |
FilterControlImageButtonStyle | Contains styles settings defining the add and remove buttons appearance. |
FilterControlImages | Contains settings that define images displayed within the ASPxFilterControl’s elements. |
FilterControlMemoColumn | Represents a filter column which contains memo data. |
FilterControlOperationVisibilityEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFilterControlBase.OperationVisibility event. |
FilterControlParseValueEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFilterControlBase.ParseValue event. |
FilterControlSettings | Serves as a base class containing filter control settings. |
FilterControlSpinEditColumn | Represents a filter column which contains numeric data. |
FilterControlStyles | Provides style settings used to define the appearance of the ASPxFilterControl visual elements. |
FilterControlTextColumn | Represents a filter column which contains string values. |
FilterValue | Represents an item within the Header Filter. |
FirstButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the first page. |
FlashObjectProperties | Provides settings for flash clips. |
FloatingActionButtonClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side floating action button’s event list. |
FloatingActionButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the floating action button. |
FloatingActionButtonStyles | Provides style settings used to define the appearance of the floating action button. |
ForbiddenZoneCollection | A collection of zones disallowed from collection owner panel docking. |
ForbiddenZoneItem | Denotes a zone disallowed from panel docking. |
FormLayoutAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings related to the FormLayout’s adaptivity. |
FormLayoutProperties | Serves as a base for classes that contain settings related to the FormLayout used in the edit form of grid-like controls. |
FormLayoutStyle | Defines style settings for the ASPxFormLayout control. |
FormLayoutStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of elements used within ASPxFormLayout to be defined. |
GenerateFileNameInStorageEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxUploadControl.GenerateFileNameInStorage event. |
GlobalEventsClientSideEvents | Contains the ASPxGlobalEvents control’s list of client-side events. |
GoogleDriveAccount | Provides Google Drive account settings allowing the control to be connected to a Google Drive storage account. |
GoogleDriveFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of the Google Drive File System Provider. |
GoogleDriveFileSystemProviderBase | Serves as a base class for the GoogleDriveFileSystemProvider and GoogleDrivePersonalFileSystemProvider classes. |
GoogleDrivePersonalAccount | Provides Google Drive account settings allowing the control to be connected to a Google Drive storage (personal account). |
GoogleDrivePersonalFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of the Google Drive Personal File System Provider. |
GridAutoFilterEventArgs | Serves as a base class for the ASPxGridViewAutoFilterEventArgs class. |
GridBaseTemplateContainer | Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render different elements of grid-like controls. |
GridBatchEditSettings | Serves as a base for classes that contain batch edit mode specific settings. |
GridBreakpointSettings | Contains settings that relate to a control’s adaptive grid layout. |
GridClientSideEvents | Serves as a base for classes that list client-side events available for grid-like controls. |
GridColumnDateRangeCalendarSettings | Serves as a base for classes that contain settings related to a calendar displayed in the header filter of grid-like controls. |
GridColumnDateRangePeriodsSettings | Serves as a base for classes that contain settings related to a periods section displayed in the header filter of grid-like controls. |
GridColumnDateRangePickerSettings | Serves as a base for classes that contain settings related to a date range picker displayed in the header filter of grid-like controls. |
GridColumnEditFormSettings | Provides the edit cell‘s settings. |
GridColumnEditFormSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes that provide settings for a grid edit form. |
GridColumnNumericRangeSpinEditSettings | Contains settings that relate to spin editors displayed in the header filter. |
GridColumnNumericRangeTrackBarSettings | Contains settings of the track bar in the header filter. |
GridCommandButtonSettings | Serves as a base for classes that contain settings of grid command buttons. |
GridCustomColumnSortEventArgs | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for custom sorting and grouping events of grid-like controls. |
GridCustomCommandButton | Serves as a base for classes that implement the functionality of a custom command button in different grid controls. |
GridCustomizationDialogPopupAdaptivitySettings | Contains the Customization Dialog‘s adaptivity settings. |
GridCustomizationDialogPopupSettings | Contains the Customization Dialog‘s specific settings. |
GridCustomizationWindowPopupSettings | Serves as a base for classes that contain customization window specific settings of grid-like controls. |
GridDataColumnHeaderFilterSettings | Serves as a base for classes that contain header filter specific settings of grid-like controls. |
GridDataColumnSettings | Serves as a base for classes that provide data column settings in grid-like controls. |
GridEditFormPopupControlAdaptivitySettings | Contains the popup edit form‘s adaptivity settings. |
GridEditFormPopupSettings | Contains Popup Edit Form specific settings. |
GridExportAppearanceBase | Serves as a base for classes that contain the appearance settings used to paint the grid-like controls and their elements when a grid is exported. |
GridFilterControlPopupSettings | Serves as a base for classes that contain filter control specific settings in grid-like controls. |
GridFormatConditionBase | Serves as a base class for the GridFormatConditionExpressionBase and GridFormatConditionIndicatorBase classes. |
GridFormatConditionCollection | Serves as a base class for the CardViewFormatConditionCollection and GridViewFormatConditionCollection classes. |
GridFormatConditionColorScale | Serves as a base class for the CardViewFormatConditionColorScale and GridViewFormatConditionColorScale classes. |
GridFormatConditionExpressionBase | Serves as a base class for the GridFormatConditionHighlight and GridFormatConditionTopBottom classes. |
GridFormatConditionHighlight | Serves as a base class for the CardViewFormatConditionHighlight and GridViewFormatConditionHighlight classes. |
GridFormatConditionIconSet | Serves as a base class for the CardViewFormatConditionIconSet and GridViewFormatConditionIconSet classes. |
GridFormatConditionIndicatorBase | Serves as a base class for the GridFormatConditionColorScale and GridFormatConditionIconSet classes. |
GridFormatConditionTopBottom | Serves as a base class for the CardViewFormatConditionTopBottom and GridViewFormatConditionTopBottom classes. |
GridFormLayoutProperties | Serves as a base for classes that contain settings related to the FormLayout used in the edit form of grid-like controls. |
GridHeaderFilterListBoxSearchUISettings | Contains settings that relate to the list box’s search UI within the grid’s header filter. |
GridHeaderFilterPopupSettings | Serves as a base for classes that contain popup header filter specific settings in grid-like controls. |
GridHeaderFilterValues | A collection of header filter values. |
GridLayoutGroup | Serves as a base for classes that represent layout groups in edit forms of grid-like controls. |
GridLayoutItemCollection | Serves as a base for classes that represent collections of eidt form layout items in grid-like controls. |
GridLookupClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxGridLookup control. |
GridLookupProperties | Contains settings specific to a grid lookup control. |
GridOnClickRowFilterEventArgs | Serves as a base class for the ASPxGridViewOnClickRowFilterEventArgs and ASPxTreeListOnClickRowFilterEventArgs classes. |
GridPopupControlAdaptivitySettings | Contains the settings that relate to the adaptivity settings of the grid’s edit form, filter control, and header filter popup dialogs. |
GridPopupControlStyles | Serves as a base for classes that contain popup element appearance settings in grid-like controls. |
GridPopupSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes that define functional settings of different popup elements within grid-like controls. |
GridTabbedLayoutGroup | Serves as a base for classes that represent tabbed layout groups within editor forms of grid-like controls. |
GridToolbar | A base class for the grid’s toolbar. |
GridToolbarCollection | Represents base functionality of a grid’s toolbar collection. |
GridToolbarItem | Implements the toolbar item base functionality. |
GridToolbarItemCollection | Represents a collection of a grid’s toolbar items. |
GridToolbarSettingsAdaptivity | Contains settings that relate to the grid toolbar’s adaptivity. |
GridViewAdaptiveCommandButtonSettings | Provide access to properties that allow customizing settings of grid adaptive command buttons. |
GridViewAlternatingRowStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint alternating data rows. |
GridViewBandColumn | A band column. |
GridViewBaseRowTemplateContainer | Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render the Edit Form, data, preview, group and in-line edit rows displayed within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewBaseTemplateContainer | Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render the ASPxGridView’s elements. |
GridViewBatchEditItemTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render edit cells in batch edit mode. |
GridViewBatchEditSettings | Contains Batch Edit Mode specific settings. |
GridViewCallbackCommand | Declares server constants that contain the names of the GridView’s default commands executed through callbacks. |
GridViewCellStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint data cells. |
GridViewClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent columns displayed within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewColumnCollection | Represents the ASPxGridView’s column collection. |
GridViewColumnDateRangeCalendarSettings | Contains settings that relate to a calendar displayed in the header filter. |
GridViewColumnDateRangePeriodsSettings | Contains settings that relate to a periods section displayed in the header filter. |
GridViewColumnDateRangePickerSettings | Contains settings that relate to a date range picker displayed in the header filter. |
GridViewColumnLayoutItem | Represents a layout item within the GridView’s edit form. |
GridViewColumnMenuItemVisibility | Provides settings that affect the column context menu item visibility. |
GridViewCommandButtonSettings | Provides settings that affect the command button‘s appearance and functionality. |
GridViewCommandColumn | Represents a command column. |
GridViewCommandColumnButton | Obsolete. A command column item in the GridView. |
GridViewCommandColumnCustomButton | Represents a custom command button. |
GridViewCommandColumnCustomButtonCollection | Represents the collection of custom command buttons. |
GridViewCommandColumnStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint cells within a command column. |
GridViewContextMenu | A context menu. |
GridViewContextMenuItem | Denotes an individual context menu item within the ASPxGridView control. |
GridViewContextMenuItemCollection | A collection that maintains context menu items. |
GridViewContextMenuStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a context menu. |
GridViewContextMenuStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of various context menu types to be defined. |
GridViewCustomizationDialogCommandButtonSettings | Provides settings that affect the customization dialog’s command button appearance and functionality. |
GridViewCustomizationStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the Customization Window. |
GridViewCustomizationWindowPopupSettings | Contains Customization Window specific settings. |
GridViewCustomizationWindowPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a Customization Window. |
GridViewDataBinaryImageColumn | Represents a data column that displays images from a binary stream. |
GridViewDataButtonEditColumn | Represents a data column with the button editor. |
GridViewDataCheckColumn | Represents a data column that displays Boolean values. |
GridViewDataColorEditColumn | Represents a data column used to display and edit color values. |
GridViewDataColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent data columns. |
GridViewDataColumnHeaderFilterSettings | Contains the column’s header filter specific settings. |
GridViewDataColumnSettings | Provides options for data columns. |
GridViewDataComboBoxColumn | A combo box column in the Grid View control. |
GridViewDataDateColumn | Represents a data column used to display DateTime values. |
GridViewDataDropDownEditColumn | Represents a data column with an editor containing a customizable dropdown window. |
GridViewDataHyperLinkColumn | Specifies a data column with hyperlink functionality. |
GridViewDataImageColumn | A data column that displays images located at the specified URLs. |
GridViewDataItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render data cells within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewDataMemoColumn | Represents a data column used to display memo data. |
GridViewDataProgressBarColumn | Represents a data column with the progress bar editor. |
GridViewDataRowStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint data rows. |
GridViewDataRowTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render data rows within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewDataSpinEditColumn | Represents a data column used to display numeric data. |
GridViewDataTextColumn | Represents a data column used to display string values. |
GridViewDataTimeEditColumn | A data column that displays DateTime values. |
GridViewDataTokenBoxColumn | A data column with the token box editor. |
GridViewDetailRowTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render detail rows within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewEditCellStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint edit cells. |
GridViewEditDataColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent edit data columns. |
GridViewEditFormCaptionStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint edit cell captions within the Edit Form. |
GridViewEditFormLayoutItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates that are used to render layout items in the GridView’s edit form. |
GridViewEditFormPopupSettings | Contains Popup Edit Form specific settings. |
GridViewEditFormPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a Popup Edit Form. |
GridViewEditFormStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the row where the Edit Form is displayed. |
GridViewEditFormTableStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the Edit Form. |
GridViewEditFormTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Edit Form. |
GridViewEditItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render edit cells. |
GridViewEditorImages | Contains the settings that define images displayed within editors. |
GridViewEditorStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint grid editors. |
GridViewEmptyDataRowTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Empty Data Row. |
GridViewExportAppearance | Provides the appearance settings used to paint the ASPxGridView’s elements when it is exported. |
GridViewExporterHeaderFooter | Contains settings for page headers and footers. |
GridViewExportMenuItemVisibility | Contains settings that affect the visibility of Export submenu items in the row context menu. |
GridViewExportOptionalAppearance | Contains the style settings used to paint alternating row cells. |
GridViewExportStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements within the ASPxGridView when it is exported. |
GridViewFilterBarStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the Filter Bar. |
GridViewFilterBuilderPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a Filter Builder (Filter Control). |
GridViewFilterCellStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint cells within the filter row. |
GridViewFilterCellTemplateContainer | A container for the templates that are used to render a filter row cell. |
GridViewFilterControlPopupSettings | Contains filter control specific settings. |
GridViewFilterRowTemplateContainer | A container for the templates that are used to render a auto filter row. |
GridViewFooterCellTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render footer cells within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewFooterMenuItemVisibility | Provides settings that affect the footer context menu items visibility. |
GridViewFooterRowTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the ASPxGridView’s footer. |
GridViewFooterStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint a Footer. |
GridViewFormatConditionCollection | A collection of format conditions in the ASPxGridView control. |
GridViewFormatConditionColorScale | A grid format condition that allows you to color grid cells. |
GridViewFormatConditionHighlight | A grid format condition that allows you to highlight cell values based on a custom expression. |
GridViewFormatConditionIconSet | A grid format condition that allows you to provide grid cells with predefined icons. |
GridViewFormatConditionTopBottom | A grid format condition that allows you to highlight top or bottom cell values. |
GridViewFormLayoutProperties | Contains settings that relate to the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
GridViewGroupFooterCellTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render a group footer cell. |
GridViewGroupFooterMenuItemVisibility | Provides settings that affect the visibility of group footer context menu items. |
GridViewGroupFooterRowTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render a group footer row. |
GridViewGroupFooterStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint a Group Footer. |
GridViewGroupPanelMenuItemVisibility | Provides settings that affect the group panel context menu items visibility. |
GridViewGroupPanelStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the Group Panel within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewGroupRowStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint group rows. |
GridViewGroupRowTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render group rows. |
GridViewGroupSummaryMenuItemVisibility | Provides settings that affect the visibility of Group Summary submenu items in the row context menu. |
GridViewHeaderFilterPopupSettings | Contains Header Filter specific settings. |
GridViewHeaderFilterPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a Header Filter. |
GridViewHeaderPanelStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the column header panel within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewHeaderStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint column headers. |
GridViewHeaderTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render column headers. |
GridViewImages | Contains the settings that define images displayed within the ASPxGridView’s elements. |
GridViewInlineEditRowStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the in-line edit row. |
GridViewLayoutGroup | Represents a layout group within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
GridViewLayoutItemCollection | Represents a collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
GridViewPagerBarTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Pager. |
GridViewPagerStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint a Pager. |
GridViewPopupControlStyle | Contains styles settings defining the common appearance of popup elements within grid. |
GridViewPopupControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of popup elements within the ASPxGridView to be defined. |
GridViewPopupEditFormStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the Popup Edit Form. |
GridViewPopupMainAreaStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a main area within a grid’s popup elements. |
GridViewPreviewRowTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render preview rows. |
GridViewProperties | Contains settings allowing you to customize the embedded ASPxGridView. |
GridViewRowMenuItemVisibility | Contains settings that affect the row context menu items visibility. |
GridViewRowStyle | Serves as a base for classes that provide style settings used to paint rows within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewSearchPanelStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a search panel. |
GridViewStatusBarStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the ASPxGridView’s Status Bar. |
GridViewStatusBarTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Status Bar. |
GridViewStyleBase | Serves as a base for classes that provide style settings used to paint grid elements. |
GridViewStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewTabbedLayoutGroup | Represents a tabbed layout group within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
GridViewTableStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the table that represents the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewTemplates | Contains the templates used to display the ASPxGridView’s data cells, rows, etc. |
GridViewTitleStyle | Contains style settings used to paint the ASPxGridView’s Title Panel. |
GridViewTitleTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Title Panel. |
GridViewToolbar | A base class for the Grid View’s toolbar. |
GridViewToolbarCollection | Represents the ASPxGridView’s toolbar collection. |
GridViewToolbarItem | Implements the Grid View’s toolbar item functionality. |
GridViewToolbarItemCollection | Represents a collection of a ASPxGridView’s toolbar items. |
GroupBoxHeaderStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the round panel’s header when the control looks like a group box. |
GroupHeaderCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the events whose functionality relates to processing the Command event fired by a child control within a templated group header. |
GroupHeaderTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render group headers. |
HeaderButtonCheckedImageProperties | Contains settings which define the normal, hottracked, and checked states of an image that can be displayed within header buttons of web controls. |
HeaderButtonCheckedImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define an image’s different states when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
HeaderButtonImageProperties | Contains settings which define the normal and hottracked states of an image that can be displayed within header buttons of web controls. |
HeaderButtonImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define different states (normal, hottracked) of a header button image when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
HeaderStyle | Provides style settings for panel headers. |
HeaderStyleBase | Represents a base for classes containing style settings for a panel header. |
HeadlineContentStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the content of individual headlines and headlines displayed within the ASPxNewsControl. |
HeadlineDateStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the date of individual headlines and headlines displayed within the ASPxNewsControl. |
HeadlineImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxHeadline‘s specific elements. |
HeadlinePanelStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the left and right panel of individual headlines, and headlines displayed within the ASPxNewsControl. |
HeadlineSettings | Contains headline settings. |
HeadlineStyle | Provides style settings used to paint headline headers. |
HeadlineStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxHeadline‘s appearance to be defined. |
HeadlineTailImageProperties | Contains settings that define the headline’s tail image. |
HeadlineTailStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the tail of individual headlines and headlines displayed within the ASPxNewsControl. |
HelpTextStyle | Defines style settings for the help text. |
HiddenFieldClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxHiddenField. |
HierarchicalCollection<T> | Represents a collection to store hierarchical data. |
HintClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side hint’s event list. |
HottrackedImageProperties | Contains settings which define the normal and hottracked states of an image that can be displayed within particular elements of web controls. |
HottrackedImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define the hottracked state of an image when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
Html5AudioObjectProperties | Provides settings for HTML5 audio objects. |
Html5ObjectPropertiesBase | Serves as a base class for the Html5AudioObjectProperties and Html5VideoObjectProperties classes. |
Html5VideoObjectProperties | Provides settings for HTML5 video objects. |
HyperLinkProperties | Contains settings specific to a hyperlink editor. |
ImageEditProperties | Contains settings specific to an image editor. |
ImageEditPropertiesBase | Contains the base settings specific to editors which are capable of displaying images. |
ImageGalleryBreakpoint | Provides settings that allows you to specify breakpoints at which the Image Gallery rearranges its items if the browser width changes. |
ImageGalleryBreakpointsLayoutSettings | Contains settings that relate to a control’s Breakpoints layout mode. |
ImageGalleryButtonStyle | Defines style settings for a button within the ASPxImageGallery control. |
ImageGalleryClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxImageGallery control. |
ImageGalleryCustomImageProcessingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxImageGallery.CustomImageProcessing event. |
ImageGalleryFlowLayoutSettings | Contains settings that relate to a control’s flow layout. |
ImageGalleryFolderSettings | Contains settings that relate to the folder properties in the ASPxImageGallery. |
ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the fullscreen viewer‘s specific elements. |
ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerItemTemplateContainer | A container for the templates that are used to render a fullscreen viewer text area. |
ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerNavigationBarImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for specific elements of the fullscreen viewer navigation bar. |
ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerNavigationBarStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of various navigation bar elements to be defined. |
ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerSettings | Contains fullscreen viewer specific settings. |
ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of various fullscreen viewer elements to be defined. |
ImageGalleryImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for specific elements of the ASPxImageGallery. |
ImageGalleryItem | An individual item within the image gallery control. |
ImageGalleryItemCollection | A collection of items within the ASPxImageGallery control. |
ImageGalleryItemEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxImageGallery.ItemDataBound event. |
ImageGalleryPagerAllButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, displays the content of all the pages. |
ImageGalleryPagerFirstButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the first page. |
ImageGalleryPagerLastButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the last page. |
ImageGalleryPagerNextButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the next page. |
ImageGalleryPagerPageSizeItemSettings | Contains Page Size Item element specific settings. |
ImageGalleryPagerPrevButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the previous page. |
ImageGalleryPagerSettings | Contains pager settings. |
ImageGalleryPagerSummaryProperties | Provides the built-in pager summary settings. |
ImageGalleryStyle | Defines style settings for image gallery elements. |
ImageGalleryStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of various ASPxImageGallery visual elements to be defined. |
ImageGalleryTableLayoutSettings | Contains settings that relate to a control’s table layout. |
ImageGalleryTemplateContainerBase | A base class for image gallery control template containers. |
ImageGalleryThumbnailTemplateContainer | A container for the templates that are used to render ASPxImageGallery elements. |
ImageObjectProperties | Provides settings for image objects. |
ImageProperties | Contains the settings which define the image that can be displayed within particular elements of web controls. |
ImagePropertiesBase | Contains base settings which define an image that can be displayed within different elements of web controls. |
ImagePropertiesEx | Contains the settings which define the image that can be displayed within particular elements of web controls. |
ImagesBase | Serves as a base for classes that allow defining images for different visual elements of web controls. |
ImageSliderAutoGeneratedImagesSettings | Provides options for automatically generated images within the image slider control. |
ImageSliderBehaviorSettings | Provides behavior settings for ASPxImageSlider. |
ImageSliderBehaviorSettingsBase | Serves as a base class for classes that provide behavior settings for an Image Slider. |
ImageSliderClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for an image slider. |
ImageSliderImageAreaSettings | Contains image area specific settings. |
ImageSliderImageAreaStyle | Defines style settings for an image area. |
ImageSliderImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxImageSlider‘s specific elements. |
ImageSliderImagesBase | Serves as a base for classes that allow defining images for different visual elements of web controls. |
ImageSliderItem | An individual item within the image slider controls. |
ImageSliderItemBase | The base class for image items. |
ImageSliderItemCollection | A collection of items within the ASPxImageSlider. |
ImageSliderItemCollectionBase | Serves as a base class for image item collection objects. |
ImageSliderItemEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxImageSlider.ItemDataBound event. |
ImageSliderItemTemplateContainer | A container for the templates that are used to render ASPxImageSlider elements. |
ImageSliderItemTemplateContainerBase | A base class for image slider template containers. |
ImageSliderNavigationBarDotStyle | Defines style settings for a dot. |
ImageSliderNavigationBarSettings | Contains navigation bar specific settings. |
ImageSliderNavigationBarStyle | Defines style settings for a navigation bar. |
ImageSliderNavigationBarThumbnailStyle | Defines style settings for a thumbnail. |
ImageSliderNavigationButtonStyle | Defines style settings for a navigation button within the ASPxImageSlider control. |
ImageSliderPassePartoutStyle | Defines style settings for the Passe-partout. |
ImageSliderSlideShowSettings | Contains settings that relate to the ASPxImageSlider slide show functionality. |
ImageSliderStyle | A base for classes containing style settings for different image slider elements. |
ImageSliderStyles | Provides the style settings that allow the appearance of an image slider’s visual elements to be defined. |
ImageSliderStylesBase | Serves as a base for classes that define the appearance styles of image slider elements. |
ImageSpriteProperties | Serves as a base for classes that provide sprite settings of an image, defining it within a sprite image. |
ImageSpritePropertiesEx | Contains settings that define the disabled state of an image when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
ImageZoomAutoGeneratedImagesSettings | Provides options for automatically generated images in the image zoom. |
ImageZoomExpandWindowImages | Contains settings that define images displayed within the ImageZoom’s expand window. |
ImageZoomExpandWindowStyles | Provides style settings used to define the appearance of the visual elements of the ImageZoom expand window. |
ImageZoomImages | Contains settings that define images displayed within the ASPxImageZoom’s elements. |
ImageZoomNavigatorAutoGeneratedImagesSettings | Provides options for automatically generated images within the image zoom navigator control. |
ImageZoomNavigatorClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available to the ASPxImageZoomNavigator control. |
ImageZoomNavigatorImages | Contains settings that define images displayed within the navigator elements of the image zoom. |
ImageZoomNavigatorItem | An individual image item within the ASPxImageZoomNavigator control. |
ImageZoomNavigatorItemCollection | A collection of ImageZoomNavigatorItem objects. |
ImageZoomNavigatorItemEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxImageZoomNavigator.ItemDataBound event. |
ImageZoomNavigatorSettingsBehavior | Provides behavior options for thr ASPxImageZoomNavigator control. |
ImageZoomNavigatorStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of specific ASPxImageZoomNavigator elements to be defined. |
ImageZoomStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of specific ASPxImageZoom elements to be defined. |
ImageZoomWindowImagesBase | Serves as a base for classes that allow defining images for different visual elements of the image zoom control. |
ImageZoomWindowStylesBase | Serves as a base for classes that define the appearance styles of image zoom windows. |
ImageZoomZoomModeSettings | Contains settings that relate to the zoom window functionality. |
ImageZoomZoomWindowImages | Contains settings that define images displayed within the zoom window of the ImageZoom. |
ImageZoomZoomWindowStyles | Provides style settings used to define the appearance of the visual elements of the ImageZoom Overview zoom window. |
IndexPanel | Represents the Index Panel. |
IndexPanelItemCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the events whose functionality relates to processing the Command event fired by a child control within a templated index panel item. |
IndexPanelItemStyle | Defines style settings for index panel items. |
IndexPanelItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render index panel items. |
IndexPanelSeparatorStyle | Defines style settings for the index panel separator. |
IndexPanelStyle | Defines style settings for the index panel. |
IndicatorStyle | Serves as a base class for objects defining the appearance of the progress bar’s indicator. |
InternalCheckBoxImageProperties | Contains image settings. |
ItemClickClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events that relate to clicks on items within web controls. |
ItemImageProperties | Contains settings that define an item image. |
ItemImagePropertiesBase | Contains base settings that define different states (normal, disabled, hottracked, selected) of an item image. |
ItemImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define different states of an item image (disabled, hottracked, selected) when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
ItemSubMenuOffset | Defines different offset settings of submenus relative to their parent menu items. |
ItemTemplateContainerBase | Represents a base class for different template container objects. |
LabelProperties | Contains settings specific to a label control. |
LastButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the last page. |
LayoutBreakpoint | Provides settings that allows you to specify breakpoints at which the Form Layout rearranges its items if the control width changes. |
LayoutBreakpoints | A collection of LayoutBreakpoint objects. |
LayoutGroup | Represents a layout group within the ASPxFormLayout control. |
LayoutGroupBase | Represents the base class for the LayoutGroup and the TabbedLayoutGroup classes. |
LayoutGroupBoxCaptionStyle | Defines style settings for the layout group caption. |
LayoutGroupBoxStyle | Defines style settings for the layout group box. |
LayoutGroupCellStyle | Defines style settings for the cells displayed within a layout group. |
LayoutGroupItemSettings | Contains settings specific to layout items displayed within a layout group. |
LayoutGroupStyle | Defines style settings for the layout group. |
LayoutItem | Represents a layout item within the ASPxFormLayout control. |
LayoutItemBase | Represents the base class for the LayoutItem, the LayoutGroup, and TabbedLayoutGroup classes. |
LayoutItemCaptionSettings | Contains settings specific to layout item caption. |
LayoutItemCaptionStyle | Defines style settings for the layout item caption. |
LayoutItemCellStyle | Defines style settings for the cells displayed within a layout item. |
LayoutItemCollection | Represents a collection that maintains layout items. |
LayoutItemDataBindingEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFormLayout.LayoutItemDataBinding event. |
LayoutItemDataBoundEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxFormLayout.LayoutItemDataBound event. |
LayoutItemHelpTextSettings | Contains settings specific to the layout item help text. |
LayoutItemNestedControlCollection |
A collection that stores a single container for the layout item contents. This class supports the internal infrastructure of DevExpress control hierarchy realization and is mostly used to create the layout item contents declaratively, in ASP.NET markup (see a sample for ASPxFormLayout). To create the layout item contents at run-time (in code-behind files), use the LayoutItem.Controls collection of a control (see a sample for ASPxFormLayout). |
LayoutItemNestedControlContainer |
A container that stores the layout item contents. This class supports the internal infrastructure of DevExpress control hierarchy realization and is mostly used to create the layout item contents declaratively, in ASP.NET markup (see a sample for ASPxFormLayout). To create the layout item contents at run-time (in code-behind files), use the LayoutItem.Controls collection of a control (see a sample for ASPxFormLayout). |
LayoutItemStyle | Defines style settings for the layout item. |
LevelProperties | Contains settings which define the appearance of an individual node hierarchy level. |
LevelPropertiesCollection | Represents a collection that maintains node hierarchy level settings. |
LinkStyle | Contains settings that define the style of links within web controls. |
LinkStyleComponentStyle | Contains settings that define the style of links within web components. |
ListBoxClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side list box editor’s event list. |
ListBoxColumn | Contains settings that define an individual column within list editors. |
ListBoxColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns for list editors. |
ListBoxFilteringSettings | Provides settings that affect the list box’s filtering functionality. |
ListBoxItemRowPreparedEventArgs | Provides data for the editor’s ItemRowPrepared event. |
ListBoxItemStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of items within an editor’s item list. |
ListBoxItemTextCellPreparedEventArgs | Provides data for the editor’s ItemTextCellPrepared event. |
ListBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a listbox editor. |
ListEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side list editor’s event list. |
ListEditCustomFilteringEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxAutoCompleteBoxBase.CustomFiltering and ASPxListBox.CustomFiltering events. |
ListEditCustomHighlighting | Provides settings related to the editor’s custom highlighting for filtered items. |
ListEditItem | A list item. |
ListEditItemBase | The base class for list editor items. |
ListEditItemCollection | Represents the collection of list items. |
ListEditItemCollectionBase | The base class for list editor item collections. |
ListEditItemRequestedByValueEventArgs | Provides data for the editor’s ItemRequestedByValue event. |
ListEditItemsRequestedByFilterConditionEventArgs | Provides data for the editor’s ItemsRequestedByFilterCondition event. |
ListEditItemTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render list edit items. |
ListEditItemTextTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render the text of list edit items. |
ListEditProperties | Contains the base settings specific to editors which display a list of items. |
LoadingDivStyle | Contains the style settings of a specific loading div displayed over a web control while it’s waiting for a callback response. |
LoadingPanelStyle | Contains settings that define the style of a loading panel, which can be displayed while waiting for a callback response. |
LoadingPanelStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements within the MVCxLoadingPanel. |
Margins | Contains margin settings. |
MaskHintStyle | Defines style settings for the mask hint. |
MaskSettings | Contains mask settings. |
MediaObjectProperties | Serves as a base for classes that provide settings for media objects. |
MemoProperties | Contains settings specific to a memo editor. |
MenuClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for a menu. |
MenuImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxMenu‘s (ASPxPopupMenu‘s) specific elements. |
MenuItem | Represents an individual menu item within menu controls. |
MenuItemCollection | Represents a collection that maintains menu items. |
MenuItemCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the events whose functionality relates to processing the Command event fired by a child control within a templated menu item. |
MenuItemDropDownButtonSelectedStyle | Defines style settings for the selected dropdown button within a menu. |
MenuItemDropDownButtonStyle | Defines style settings for a drop down button within a menu. |
MenuItemEventArgs | Provides data for events which concern manipulations on menu items. |
MenuItemImageProperties | Contains settings that define the menu item’s image. |
MenuItemImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define different states of a menu item image (disabled, hottracked, selected, checked) when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
MenuItemStyle | Defines style settings for menu items. |
MenuItemStyleBase | Defines the base style settings for the items of different objects. |
MenuItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render menu items. |
MenuScrollButtonImageProperties | Contains settings that define a scroll button image. |
MenuScrollButtonImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define different states (hottracked, pressed) of a scroll button image when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
MenuScrollButtonStyle | Defines style settings for scroll buttons, that can be displayed within a menu. |
MenuSettingsAdaptivity | Contains settings that relate to the menu’s adaptivity. |
MenuStyle | Defines style settings for the client regions of submenus. |
MenuStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxMenu‘s (ASPxPopupMenu‘s) appearance to be defined. |
NavBarClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the navbar control. |
NavBarDataFields | Serves as a base for classes that contain properties allowing you to specify data fields from which item and group settings of a bound ASPxNavBar should be obtained. |
NavBarGroup | Represents an individual group within the ASPxNavBar control. |
NavBarGroupCancelEventArgs | Provides data for cancellable events which concern manipulations on groups. |
NavBarGroupCollection | Represents a collection of groups within the navbar control. |
NavBarGroupCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the events whose functionality relates to processing the Command event fired by a child control within a templated group. |
NavBarGroupContentStyle | Defines style settings for the client regions of groups. |
NavBarGroupDataFields | Contains properties allowing you to specify data fields from which group settings of a bound ASPxNavBar should be obtained. |
NavBarGroupEventArgs | Provides data for events which concern manipulations on groups. |
NavBarGroupHeaderStyle | Defines style settings for group headers. |
NavBarGroupTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render elements of a group - such as the group’s header and the content of the group. |
NavBarImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxNavBar‘s specific elements. |
NavBarItem | Represents an individual item within the ASPxNavBar control. |
NavBarItemCollection | Represents a collection of items within a group. |
NavBarItemCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the events whose functionality relates to processing the Command event fired by a child control within a templated item. |
NavBarItemDataFields | Contains properties allowing you to specify data fields from which item settings of a bound ASPxNavBar should be obtained. |
NavBarItemEventArgs | Provides data for events which concern manipulations on items. |
NavBarItems | Represents a collection of all items within a navbar control. |
NavBarItemStyle | Defines style settings for navbar items. |
NavBarItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render items. |
NavBarStyle | Contains specific NavBar related style settings. |
NavBarStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxNavBar‘s appearance to be defined. |
NestedControlStyle | Defines style settings for the layout item’s nested editors. |
NewsControlClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for a news control. |
NewsControlImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxNewsControl‘s specific elements. |
NewsControlPagerAllButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, displays the content of all the pages. |
NewsControlPagerFirstButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the first page. |
NewsControlPagerLastButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the last page. |
NewsControlPagerNextButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the next page. |
NewsControlPagerPageSizeItemSettings | Contains Page Size Item element specific settings. |
NewsControlPagerPrevButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the previous page. |
NewsControlPagerSettings | Contains pager settings. |
NewsControlPagerSummaryProperties | Provides the built-in pager summary settings. |
NewsControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxNewsControl‘s appearance to be defined. |
NewsItem | Represents a news item. |
NewsItemCollection | Represents a collection of NewsItem objects. |
NewsItemEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxNewsControl.ItemDataBound event. |
NewsItemSettings | Contains news item settings. |
NextButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the next page. |
NodeTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render nodes. |
ObjectContainerClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the control on the client side. |
ObjectContainerImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxObjectContainer‘s specific elements. |
ObjectProperties | Serves as a base for classes that provide settings for media objects. |
OneDriveAccount | Provides OneDrive account settings allowing the control to be connected to an OneDrive storage account. |
OneDriveFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of the OneDrive File System Provider. |
OneDriveFileSystemProviderBase | Serves as a base class for the OneDriveFileSystemProvider and OneDrivePersonalFileSystemProvider classes. |
OneDrivePersonalFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of the OneDrive Personal File System Provider. |
Paddings | Contains padding settings. |
PageControlTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render tabs within the ASPxPageControl. |
PagerButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to a pager button. |
PagerButtonStyle | Provides style settings used to paint pager buttons. |
PagerComboBoxStyle | Defines style settings for the Page Size Item element’s combo box. |
PagerDropDownButtonStyle | Defines style settings for the Page Size Item element’s drop-down button. |
PagerDropDownItemStyle | Defines style settings for the Page Size Item element’s items. |
PagerDropDownWindowStyle | Defines style settings for the Page Size Item element’s drop-down window. |
PagerImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxPager‘s specific elements. |
PagerItemStyle | Serves as a base for classes that provide style settings used to paint pager elements. |
PagerPageEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPagerBase.PageIndexChanging event. |
PagerPageSizeEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPagerBase.PageSizeChanging event. |
PagerPageSizeItemStyle | Defines style settings for the Page Size Item element. |
PagerSettingsEx | Contains pager settings. |
PagerStyle | Provides style settings used to paint the Pager. |
PagerStyles | Contains settings that allow you to specify the ASPxPager appearance. |
PagerTextStyle | Provides style settings used to paint page numbers. |
PageSizeItemSettings | Contains Page Size Item element specific settings. |
PanelAdaptivitySettings | Contains settings that relate to the panel’s adaptivity settings. |
PanelClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxPanel. |
PanelCollapsingSettings | Contains settings that relate to the panel’s collapse settings. |
PanelCollection |
A collection that stores a single container for the panel contents. This class supports the internal infrastructure of DevExpress control hierarchy realization and is mostly used to create the panel contents declaratively, in ASP.NET markup (see samples for ASPxPanel, ASPxRoundPanel, and ASPxCallbackPanel). To create the panel contents at run-time (in code-behind files), use the ASPxPanelContainerBase.Controls collection of a control (see samples for ASPxPanel, ASPxRoundPanel, and ASPxCallbackPanel). |
PanelContent |
A container that stores the panel contents. This class supports the internal infrastructure of DevExpress control hierarchy realization and is mostly used to create the panel contents declaratively, in ASP.NET markup (see samples for ASPxPanel, ASPxRoundPanel, and ASPxCallbackPanel). To create the panel contents at run-time (in code-behind files), use the ASPxPanelContainerBase.Controls collection of a control (see samples for ASPxPanel, ASPxRoundPanel, and ASPxCallbackPanel). |
PanelCornerPart | Contains the settings which define the image that can be displayed within the panel’s corner. |
PanelExpandButtonSettings | Contains settings that relate to the panel’s expand button. |
PanelImages | Contains the settings that define images displayed within the ASPxPanel’s visual elements. |
PanelModalBackgroundStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the page displayed behind the invoked modal panel. |
PanelPart | Contains the part settings. |
PanelStyle | Defines style settings for the ASPxPanel. |
PanelStyles | Contains settings that define the appearance of visual elements within the ASPxPanel and ASPxCallbackPanel controls. |
PhysicalFileSystemProvider | Provides an implementation of a physical file system provider. |
PopupControlAdaptivitySettings | Contains the settings that relate to the ASPxPopupControl‘s adaptivity settings. |
PopupControlClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for a popup control. |
PopupControlCommandEventArgs | Provides data for events whose function processes the Command event fired by a child control, within a templated popup window. |
PopupControlContentControl |
A container that stores the contents of a panel (for ASPxDockPanel) or popup window (for ASPxPopupControl). This class supports the internal infrastructure of DevExpress control hierarchy realization and is mostly used to create the panel contents declaratively, in ASP.NET markup (see samples for ASPxDockPanel and ASPxPopupControl). To create the panel contents at run-time (in code-behind files), use the ASPxPopupControlBase.Controls collection of a control (see samples for ASPxDockPanel and ASPxPopupControl). |
PopupControlImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxPopupControl‘s specific elements. |
PopupControlModalBackgroundStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the page displayed behind the invoked modal popup window. |
PopupControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxPopupControl‘s appearance to be defined. |
PopupControlTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates that are used to render a popup window. |
PopupWindow | Represents an individual popup window. |
PopupWindowAdaptivitySettings | Contains the PopupWindow‘s adaptivity settings. |
PopupWindowButtonStyle | Defines style settings for header buttons. |
PopupWindowCallbackArgs | Provides data for the ASPxPopupControlBase.WindowCallback event. |
PopupWindowCollection | Represents a collection of popup windows. |
PopupWindowContentStyle | Defines style settings for a popup window’s content region. |
PopupWindowEventArgs | Provides data for an event concerning data binding of a popup window. |
PopupWindowFooterStyle | Defines style settings for a popup window’s footer. |
PopupWindowStyle | Defines style settings for different elements of a popup window. |
PostedFile | Provides access to an uploaded file. |
PrevButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the button that when clicked, navigates a user to the previous page. |
ProgressBarIndicatorStyle | Defines style settings for the progress bar indicator element. |
ProgressBarProperties | Contains settings specific to a progress bar control. |
ProgressBarSettings | Serves as a base class for an object containing the ASPxUploadControl‘s progress bar settings. |
ProgressBarStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of a progress bar control used for in-place editing. |
ProgressBarStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of progress bar elements to be defined. |
ProgressStyle | Defines style settings for the progress bar element. |
PropertiesBase | Represents a base for classes that define specific properties of an element. |
QuickTimeObjectProperties | Provides settings for QuickTime objects (QuickTime Video and QuickTime VR (virtual reality)). |
RadioButtonListProperties | Contains settings specific to a radio button list editor. |
RadioButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to a radio button editor. |
RankProperties | Contains an individual rank’s appearance settings. |
RankPropertiesCollection | Represents a collection that maintains rank settings. |
RatingControlClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxRatingControl. |
RatingControlItemEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxRatingControl.ItemClick event. |
ReadOnlyGridColumnCollection<T> | The read-only column collection of grid-like controls. |
ReadOnlyStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of an editor in the read-only state. |
RegularExpressionValidationPattern | Contains the settings related to the regular expression validation type. |
RemoveButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to remove buttons. |
RequiredFieldValidationPattern | Contains the settings related to the required field validation type. |
ResolveAccountEventArgs | Provides data for the AccountManager.ResolveAccount event. |
ResourceItem | Represents an individual resource item (a script or a CSS file). |
ResourceItemCollection | Serves as the base type for the ScriptCollection and StyleSheetCollection objects. |
ResourcesCollection | Represents a collection of resource elements (client libraries) in the configuration file. |
ResourcesConfigurationSection |
Provides programmatic access to the DevExpress resources section in the configuration file.
ResourceScript | Represents a script resource to be registered within a page. |
ResourcesElement | Represents a resource element in the configuration file. |
ResourceStyleSheet | Represents a style sheet resource to be registered within a page. |
RibbonBaseSettings | Serves as a base for classes that define the functional settings of different elements within the ASPxRibbon. |
RibbonButtonItem | A ribbon item used to display the button functionality. |
RibbonCheckBoxItem | A ribbon item used to display the check box functionality. |
RibbonCheckBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a ribbon check box item. |
RibbonClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxRibbon. |
RibbonColorButtonItem | A ribbon item used to display the color edit functionality. |
RibbonColorButtonItemBase | The base class for ribbon color items. |
RibbonComboBoxItem | A ribbon item used to display the combo box functionality. |
RibbonComboBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a combo box editor. |
RibbonCommandExecutedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxRibbon.CommandExecuted event. |
RibbonContextTabCategory | An individual context tab category in the ASPxRibbon control. |
RibbonContextTabCategoryCollection | A collection of context tab categories in the ASPxRibbon control. |
RibbonContextTabCategoryCollection<T> | A collection to ribbon context tab categories. |
RibbonDataFields | Serves as a base for classes that contain properties allowing you to specify the data fields from which item, group, and tab settings of a bound ASPxRibbon should be obtained. |
RibbonDateEditItem | A ribbon item used to display the date edit functionality. |
RibbonDateEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a date editor. |
RibbonDropDownButtonCollection | A collection of items within the RibbonDropDownButtonItem. |
RibbonDropDownButtonItem | A ribbon item used to display the drop-down button functionality. |
RibbonDropDownGalleryProperties | Contains settings specific to a ribbon gallery drop-down window. |
RibbonDropDownToggleButtonItem | A ribbon item used to display the drop-down toggle button functionality. |
RibbonEditItemBase | The base class for ribbon editor items. |
RibbonEditorStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of different editor elements used within the ASPxRibbon to be defined. |
RibbonFileTabStyle | Defines style settings for the file tab. |
RibbonGalleryBarItem | A ribbon item used to display the gallery bar functionality. |
RibbonGalleryDropDownItem | A ribbon item used to display the drop-down gallery functionality. |
RibbonGalleryGroup | An individual gallery group in the gallery bar (RibbonGalleryBarItem) or drop-down gallery (RibbonGalleryDropDownItem) items. |
RibbonGalleryGroupCollection | A collection of groups in the RibbonGalleryBarItem or RibbonGalleryDropDownItem objects. |
RibbonGalleryItem | A gallery item that can be displayed in the gallery bar (RibbonGalleryBarItem) or drop-down gallery (RibbonGalleryDropDownItem) items. |
RibbonGalleryItemCollection | A collection of gallery items in a gallery group. |
RibbonGalleryProperties | Contains settings specific to a ribbon gallery drop-down window. |
RibbonGroup | An individual group within the ASPxRibbon control. |
RibbonGroupCollection | A collection of groups within the RibbonTab. |
RibbonGroupDataFields | Contains properties allowing you to specify data fields from which group settings of a bound ASPxRibbon should be obtained. |
RibbonGroupEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxRibbon.GroupDataBound event. |
RibbonGroupExpandButtonStyle | Defines style settings for the group expand buttons. |
RibbonGroupLabelStyle | Defines style settings for the group labels. |
RibbonGroupOneLineModeSettings | Contains settings related to a group functionality in one line mode. |
RibbonGroupSeparatorStyle | Defines style settings for the group separators. |
RibbonImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for specific elements of an ASPxRibbon. |
RibbonItemBase | The base class for ribbon items. |
RibbonItemCollection | A collection of items within the RibbonGroup. |
RibbonItemDataFields | Contains properties allowing you to specify data fields from which item settings of a bound ASPxRibbon should be obtained. |
RibbonItemEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxRibbon.ItemDataBound event. |
RibbonItemImageProperties | Contains settings that define an item image. |
RibbonItemOneLineModeSettings | Contains settings that allow you to specify a gallery bar item‘s image and text in one line mode. |
RibbonItemStyle | Defines style settings for the items. |
RibbonItemTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render a template item. |
RibbonKeyTipStyle | Defines style settings for the ribbon key tips. |
RibbonMenuStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of popup elements within the ribbon to be defined. |
RibbonOneLineModeGroupExpandButtonStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of a group‘s expand button in one line mode. |
RibbonOptionButtonItem | A ribbon item used to display the option button functionality. |
RibbonSettingsPopupMenu | Contains settings that relate to popup menu settings. |
RibbonSpinEditItem | A ribbon item used to display the spin edit functionality. |
RibbonSpinEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a spin editor. |
RibbonStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of various ASPxRibbon elements to be defined. |
RibbonTab | An individual tab within the ASPxRibbon control. |
RibbonTabCollection | A collection of tabs within the ASPxRibbon. |
RibbonTabContentStyle | Defines style settings for the tab content. |
RibbonTabControlStyles | Contains settings that define the appearance of tab control elements used by the ribbon. |
RibbonTabDataFields | Contains properties allowing you to specify data fields from which tab settings of a bound ASPxRibbon should be obtained. |
RibbonTabEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxRibbon.TabDataBound event. |
RibbonTemplateItem | A ribbon item used to display the templated item. |
RibbonTextBoxItem | A ribbon item used to display the text box functionality. |
RibbonTextBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a text box editor. |
RibbonToggleButtonItem | A ribbon item used to display the toggle button functionality. |
RoundPanelClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxRoundPanel control. |
RoundPanelContentCallbackEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxRoundPanel.ContentCallback event. |
RoundPanelHeaderContentTemplateContainer | A container for the templates that are used to render a panel header‘s content. |
RoundPanelHeaderTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates that are used to render a round panel header. |
RoundPanelImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxRoundPanel‘s specific elements. |
RoundPanelParts | Contains the settings that define the appearance of different round panel parts. |
RoundPanelStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxRoundPanel‘s appearance to be defined. |
RuntimeStorageStrategy | Represents an object that can be used for implementing a binary storage strategy. |
ScriptCollection | Represents a collection of scripts within the ASPxScriptManager. |
SelectedIndexCollection | Represents a collection of selected items’ indices within a list box editor. |
SelectedItemAndIndexCollectionBase | Represents the base class for collections of the selected items and indices. |
SelectedItemCollection | Represents a collection of selected items within a list box editor. |
SelectedValueCollection | Represents a collection containing the values of the selected items. |
SettingsConfigurationSection | Provides programmatic access to the DevExpress settings configuration-file section. |
SettingsLoadingPanel | Provides settings that affect a loading panel’s availability and content. |
ShadowImageProperties | Contains the settings which define the shadow image used by web controls. |
SharePointFileSystemProvider | Implements the SharePoint File System Provider. |
SimpleSpinButtons | Contains settings that define the appearance and position of arrow buttons within a time editor. |
SiteMapColumn | Contains settings that define an individual column within a site map control. |
SiteMapColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns within the site map control. |
SiteMapControlColumnSeparatorTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render the ASPxSiteMap’s column separator element. |
SiteMapNodeCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the events whose functionality relates to processing the Command event fired by a child control within a templated node of a site map control. |
SiteMapStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxSiteMapControl‘s appearance to be defined. |
SpaceTabTemplateStyle | Defines style settings for templates, used to render a space between a tab and a control edge. |
SpanRule | Provides settings that allow you to specify the form layout item’s behavior at different breakpoints (LayoutBreakpoint). |
SpanRules | A collection of SpanRule objects. |
SpinButtonExtended | Represents an individual spin button. |
SpinButtons | Contains settings that define the appearance and position of spin buttons. |
SpinButtonStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of spin buttons within a spin editor control. |
SpinEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side spin editor’s event list. |
SpinEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a spin editor. |
SpinEditPropertiesBase | Contains the base settings specific to spin editors. |
SplitterClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for a splitter control. |
SplitterContentControl |
A container that stores the pane contents. This class supports the internal infrastructure of DevExpress control hierarchy realization and is mostly used to create the pane contents declaratively, in ASP.NET markup (see a sample for ASPxSplitter). To create the pane contents at run-time (in code-behind files), use the ContentControlCollectionItem.Controls collection of a pane (see a sample for ASPxSplitter). |
SplitterContentControlCollection | Represents a collection that holds a container’s child controls. For internal use only. |
SplitterImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxSplitter’s specific elements. |
SplitterPane | Represents an individual pane within the ASPxSplitter control. |
SplitterPaneCollapsedStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the ASPxSplitter’s panes in the collapsed state. |
SplitterPaneCollection | Represents a collection of panes. |
SplitterPaneStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of panes within the ASPxSplitter control. |
SplitterResizingPointerStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of separators within the ASPxSplitter while resizing the panes. |
SplitterSeparatorButtonStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of button elements (such as the collapse backward button and collapse forward button) within the ASPxSplitter control. |
SplitterSeparators | Provides settings defining the appearance of separators. |
SplitterSeparatorSelectedStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of the ASPxSplitter’s separators in the selected state. |
SplitterSeparatorSelectedStyleBase | Serves as a base for a class that provides style settings defining the appearance of the ASPxSplitter’s separators in the selected state. |
SplitterSeparatorStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of separators within the ASPxSplitter control. |
SplitterSeparatorStyleBase | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of the ASPxSplitter’s separators in the collapsed state. |
SplitterSimpleStyle | Serves as a base for classes that provide style settings used to paint different elements of the ASPxSplitter control. |
SplitterStyle | Serves as a base for classes that provide style settings used to paint different elements of the ASPxSplitter control. |
SplitterStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of the ASPxSplitter‘s different elements to be defined. |
StateManagedCollectionBase | Serves as a base for collection objects. |
StateManager | Represents a base class for all classes that perform management of their view state. |
StaticEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side static editor’s event list. |
StaticEditProperties | Serves as the base class for the editor properties classes that define the behavior of static editors (which don’t allow data input). |
StorageStrategy | Serves as a base class for the RuntimeStorageStrategy object. |
StylesBase | Serves as a base for classes that allow defining appearance of particular web controls. |
StyleSheetCollection | Represents a collection of scripts within the ASPxStyleSheetManager. |
SummaryProperties | Provides the pager summary settings. |
Tab | Represents an individual tab. |
TabBase | Represents the base class for the Tab and TabPage classes. |
TabbedLayoutGroup | A tabbed layout group in the ASPxFormLayout control. |
TabbedLayoutGroupTabPageImage | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxFormLayout‘s tabbed layout group specific elements. |
TabbedLayoutGroupTabPageSettings | Contains settings specific to tab pages displayed within a tabbed layout group. |
TabbedLayoutGroupTabPageStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of elements, used within ASPxFormLayout tabbed groups, to be defined. |
TabCollection | Represents a collection of tabs within the ASPxTabControl. |
TabCollectionBase | Represents the base class for collections of tabs (tabbed pages). |
TabControlCancelEventArgs | Provides data for cancellable events which concern manipulations on tabs. |
TabControlClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for a tab control. |
TabControlCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the events whose functionality relates to processing the Command event fired by a child control within a templated tab. |
TabControlEventArgs | Provides data for events which concern manipulations on tabs. |
TabControlImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxTabControl‘s (ASPxPageControl‘s) specific elements. |
TabControlStyle | Contains specific TabControl related style settings. |
TabControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxTabControl‘s (ASPxPageControl‘s) appearance to be defined. |
TabControlTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render tabs within the ASPxTabControl. |
TabControlTemplateContainerBase | Represents a base class for a tab control’s template containers. |
TabImageProperties | Contains settings that define a tab image. |
TabImageSpriteProperties | Contains settings that define different states (disabled, hottracked) of a tab image when it’s taken from a sprite image. |
TabPage | Defines an individual tab page. |
TabPageCollection | Represents a collection of tabbed pages within the ASPxPageControl. |
TabsSpaceTemplateContainer | A container for templates, used to render a space between tabs and control edges. |
TabStyle | Defines style settings for tabs. |
TemplateContainerBase | Serves as a base for classes representing template containers. |
TextBoxClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side textbox editor’s event list. |
TextBoxClientSideEventsBase | Contains a list of client-side events specific to editors allowing data to be inputted into their text boxes. |
TextBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a textbox editor. |
TextBoxPropertiesBase | Contains the base settings specific to textbox editors. |
TextEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side text editor’s event list. |
TextEditHelpTextSettings | Contains settings specific to the ASPxTextEdit help text. |
TextEditProperties | Contains the base settings specific to text editors. |
ThemesAssemblyAttribute | For internal use only. |
ThemesConfigurationSection | Provides programmatic access to the DevExpress theme-related configuration-file section. |
TimeEditClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side time editor’s event list. |
TimeEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a time editor. |
TimerClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for a timer component. |
TitleIndexClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for a title index control. |
TitleIndexColumn | Contains settings that define an individual column within a ASPxTitleIndex control. |
TitleIndexColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns within a ASPxTitleIndex control. |
TitleIndexGroupContentStyle | Defines style settings for the client regions of groups. |
TitleIndexGroupHeaderStyle | Defines style settings for group headers. |
TitleIndexImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxTitleIndex‘s specific elements. |
TitleIndexItem | Represents an individual data item within the ASPxTitleIndex control. |
TitleIndexItemCollection | Represents a collection of data items displayed within the ASPxTitleIndex control when it isn’t bound to any data source. |
TitleIndexItemCommandEventArgs | Provides data for the events whose functionality relates to processing the Command event fired by a child control within a templated data item. |
TitleIndexItemEventArgs | Provides data for events which concern manipulations on data items. |
TitleIndexItemStyle | Defines style settings for data items. |
TitleIndexItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render data items. |
TitleIndexStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxTitleIndex‘s appearance to be defined. |
TokenBoxClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side token box editor’s event list. |
TokenBoxCustomTokensAddedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTokenBox.CustomTokensAdded event. |
TokenBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a token box editor. |
TokenCollection | A collection of tokens in the ASPxTokenBox. |
ToolTipStyleBase | Defines the base style settings for the tooltips and help texts. |
TrackBarButtonStyle | Contains style settings defining a button appearance within a track bar. |
TrackBarClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the track bar editor. |
TrackBarElementImageProperties | Contains the settings that define an image that can be displayed in track bar visual elements. |
TrackBarItem | An individual item within the ASPxTrackBar control. |
TrackBarItemCollection | A collection of TrackBarItem objects. |
TrackBarProperties | Contains settings specific to a track bar editor. |
TrackBarTickStyle | Defines style settings of ticks. |
TrackBarTrackElementStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the track element. |
TrackBarValueToolTipStyle | Contains style settings defining the appearance of the value tooltip. |
TreeViewClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxTreeView. |
TreeViewImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for specific elements of an ASPxTreeView. |
TreeViewNode | Represents an individual node within an ASPxTreeView control. |
TreeViewNodeCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeView.ExpandedChanging event. |
TreeViewNodeCheckBoxStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint check boxes. |
TreeViewNodeCollection | A collection of nodes within the ASPxTreeView control. |
TreeViewNodeCommandEventArgs | Provides data for events whose function processes the NodeCommand event fired by a child control, within a templated node. |
TreeViewNodeEventArgs | Provides data for events which concern manipulations on nodes. |
TreeViewNodeStyle | Defines style settings for nodes. |
TreeViewNodeTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the ASPxTreeView’s elements. |
TreeViewNodeTextStyle | Defines style settings for nodes’ text. |
TreeViewSettingsLoadingPanel | Provides settings that affect the loading panel’s appearance and functionality. |
TreeViewStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of various ASPxTreeView elements to be defined. |
TreeViewVirtualModeCreateChildrenEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxTreeView.VirtualModeCreateChildren event. |
TreeViewVirtualNode | A virtual equivalent of the ASPxTreeView’s TreeViewNode object. |
UnboundSiteMapNode | Represents a node in the hierarchical site map structure maintained by the UnboundSiteMapProvider. |
UnboundSiteMapProvider | Represents an unbound site map provider that can hold and generate site map data. |
UnboundSiteMapProviderBase | Provides a base implementation for an unbound site map provider component. |
UploadAdvancedModeSettings | Contains settings that relate to the Advanced Upload Mode of ASPxUploadControl. |
UploadButtonProperties | Contains settings specific to the upload button. |
UploadControlAmazonSettings | Contains settings that allow you to connect the Upload Control to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). |
UploadControlAzureSettings | Contains settings that allow you to connect the Upload Control to Azure. |
UploadControlBrowseButtonStyle | Defines style settings for the browse button. |
UploadControlButtonProperties | Serves as the base class for button objects in the upload control. |
UploadControlButtonPropertiesBase | Serves as the base class for button objects in the upload control. |
UploadControlButtonStyle | Contains style settings defining the button appearance. |
UploadControlClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxUploadControl. |
UploadControlDropboxSettings | Contains settings that allow you to connect the Upload Control to Dropbox. |
UploadControlDropZoneStyle | Defines style settings for the drop zone. |
UploadControlFileListItemStyle | Defines style settings for the file list items. |
UploadControlFileListStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint the Upload Control’s file list. |
UploadControlFileSystemSettings | Provides settings allowing you to specify a folder where uploaded files will be automatically saved. |
UploadControlGoogleDrivePersonalSettings | Provides account settings allowing the upload control to access a file system retained in the Google Drive (personal account). |
UploadControlGoogleDriveSettings | Contains settings that allow you to connect the Upload Control to Google Drive. |
UploadControlImages | Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the ASPxUploadControl‘s specific elements. |
UploadControlNullTextStyle | Defines style settings for null text in a text box. |
UploadControlOneDrivePersonalSettings | Provides account settings allowing the upload control to access a file system retained in the OneDrive (personal account). |
UploadControlOneDriveSettings | Contains settings that allow you to connect the Upload Control to OneDrive. |
UploadControlSharePointSettings | Contains settings that allow you to connect the Upload Control to SharePoint. |
UploadControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the ASPxUploadControl‘s appearance to be defined. |
UploadControlTextBoxStyle | Defines style settings for the text box. |
UploadControlTextBoxStyleBase | Serves as a base for classes that provide style settings defining the appearance of the ASPxUploadControl’s text box. |
UploadControlUploadStorageSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes that contain settings related to storages used by the Upload Control. |
UploadControlValidationSettings | Contains settings that relate to ASPxUploadControl‘s uploaded file validation. |
UploadedFile | Contains settings that define a file uploaded via an individual file input field within the ASPxUploadControl. |
UploadProgressBarSettings | Contains the settings of the progress bar within the ASPxUploadControl. |
ValidationCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxGlobalEvents.ValidationCompleted event that allows you to centrally validate user input within all DevExpress web controls to which validation is applied. |
ValidationEventArgs | Provides data for editor validation events. |
ValidationPattern | Represents a base for classes that contain settings related to different editor validation types. |
ValidationSettings | Contains the settings that relate to editor validation. |
ValidationSummaryClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side validation summary editor’s event list. |
ValidationSummaryErrorStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the error item within the validation summary editor. |
ValidationSummaryHeaderStyle | Contains style settings that define the appearance of the validation summary’s header. |
ValidationSummaryStyles | Contains settings that allow the ValidationSummary‘s appearance to be defined. |
VerticalGridAlternatingCellStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint an Alternating Record. |
VerticalGridBaseTemplateContainer | Serves as a base for classes that represent containers for the templates used to render the ASPxVerticalGrid’s elements. |
VerticalGridBatchEditItemTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render edit cells in batch edit mode. |
VerticalGridBatchEditSettings | Contains Batch Edit Mode specific settings. |
VerticalGridBinaryImageRow | Represents a row that displays images from a binary stream. |
VerticalGridButtonEditRow | Represents a row with the button editor. |
VerticalGridCallbackCommand | Declares server constants that contain the names of the VerticalGrid’s default commands executed through callbacks. |
VerticalGridCategoryRow | Represents a category row. |
VerticalGridCheckRow | Represents a Boolean row. |
VerticalGridClientSideEvents | Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridColorEditRow | Represents a row used to display and edit color values. |
VerticalGridComboBoxRow | Represents a row with the combo box editor. |
VerticalGridCommandButtonSettings | Provides settings that affect the command button‘s appearance and functionality. |
VerticalGridCommandRow | Represents a command row. |
VerticalGridCommandRowCustomButton | Represents a custom command button. |
VerticalGridCommandRowCustomButtonCollection | Represents the collection of custom command buttons. |
VerticalGridDataItemTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render data cells within the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridDataRow | Serves as a base for classes that represent data rows. |
VerticalGridDataRowHeaderFilterSettings | Contains the row’s header filter specific settings. |
VerticalGridDataRowSettings | Provides options for data rows. |
VerticalGridDateRow | Represents a data row used to display DateTime values. |
VerticalGridDropDownEditRow | Represents a row with an editor containing a customizable dropdown window. |
VerticalGridEditDataRow | Serves as a base for classes that represent edit rows. |
VerticalGridEmptyRecordTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the template used to render an empty record within the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridExportAppearance | Provides the appearance settings used to paint the ASPxVerticalGrid’s elements when it is exported. |
VerticalGridExportStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements within the ASPxVerticalGrid when it is exported. |
VerticalGridFilterBuilderPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a Filter Builder (Filter Control). |
VerticalGridFilterControlPopupSettings | Contains filter control specific settings. |
VerticalGridFormatConditionCollection | A collection of format conditions in the ASPxVerticalGrid control. |
VerticalGridFormatConditionColorScale | A grid format condition that allows you to color grid cells. |
VerticalGridFormatConditionHighlight | A grid format condition that allows you to highlight cell values based on a custom expression. |
VerticalGridFormatConditionIconSet | A grid format condition that allows you to provide grid cells with predefined icons. |
VerticalGridFormatConditionTopBottom | A grid format condition that allows you to highlight top or bottom cell values. |
VerticalGridHeaderFilterPopupSettings | Contains Header Filter specific settings. |
VerticalGridHeaderFilterPopupStyle | Contains styles settings defining the appearance of a Header Filter. |
VerticalGridHeaderStyle | Provides the style settings used to paint row headers. |
VerticalGridHeaderTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render row headers. |
VerticalGridHierarchicalRow | Serves as a base for classes that represent rows displayed within the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridHyperLinkRow | Specifies a row with hyperlink functionality. |
VerticalGridImageRow | Represents a row that displays images located at the specified URLs. |
VerticalGridImages | Contains the settings that define images displayed within the ASPxVerticalGrid’s elements. |
VerticalGridMemoRow | Represents a row used to display memo data. |
VerticalGridPagerBarTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the Pager. |
VerticalGridPopupControlStyle | Contains styles settings defining the common appearance of popup elements within a grid. |
VerticalGridPopupControlStyles | Contains settings that allow the appearance of popup elements within the ASPxVerticalGrid to be defined. |
VerticalGridProgressBarRow | Represents a row with the progress bar editor. |
VerticalGridRow | Serves as a base for classes that represent rows displayed within the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridRowCollection | Represents the ASPxVerticalGrid’s row collection. |
VerticalGridRowDateRangeCalendarSettings | Contains settings that relate to a calendar displayed in the header filter. |
VerticalGridRowDateRangePeriodsSettings | Contains settings that relate to a periods section displayed in the header filter. |
VerticalGridRowDateRangePickerSettings | Contains settings that relate to a date range picker displayed in the header filter. |
VerticalGridSpinEditRow | Represents a row used to display numeric data. |
VerticalGridStatusBarTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the status bar. |
VerticalGridStyle | Serves as a base for classes that provide style settings used to paint grid elements. |
VerticalGridStyles | Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements within the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridTemplates | Contains the templates used to display the ASPxVerticalGrid’s data cells, records, etc. |
VerticalGridTextRow | Represents a row used to display string values. |
VerticalGridTimeEditRow | Represents a row used to display and edit time portions of DateTime values. |
VerticalGridTitleTemplateContainer | Represents a container for the templates used to render the title panel. |
VerticalGridTokenBoxRow | A row with the token box editor. |
VerticalGridToolbar | A base class for the VerticalGrid’s toolbar. |
VerticalGridToolbarCollection | Represents the ASPxVerticalGrid’s toolbar collection. |
VerticalGridToolbarItem | Implements the Vertical Grid’s toolbar item functionality. |
VerticalGridToolbarItemCollection | Represents a collection of an ASPxVerticalGrid’s toolbar items. |
VideoObjectProperties | Provides settings for video objects. |
WebColumnBase | Represents a base class for column objects used by different DevExpress web controls (the ASPxGrid or ASPxTreeList, for instance). |
WebResourceAssemblyAttribute | For internal use only. |
Name | Description |
IFilterablePropertyInfo | For internal use only. |
IPropertiesOwner | For internal use only. |
Name | Description |
ActivateTabPageAction | Specifies which action forces a tab to be selected within a tab control. |
ActiveItemChangeAction | Specifies which action forces an active item to change. |
AddUploadButtonsHorizontalPosition | Lists values that specify the horizontal position of the add and upload buttons. |
AllowedDockState | Contains values specifying what states are allowed for a panel |
AllowScriptAccess | Lists values that control the ability to perform outbound scripting within a Flash SWF. |
AnimationType | Lists values that specify the animation type used by a control. |
ASPxColumnCaptionLocation | Lists values that specify the location of the edit cell’s caption |
AutoBoolean | Lists values which specify the validity of a condition (indicates whether the condition is true or false). |
AutoFilterCondition | Lists values that specify the type of the comparison operator used to create filter conditions. |
AutoSeparatorMode | Specifies the manner in which a specific separator is displayed to separate menu items from each other. |
BackgroundImageRepeat | Specifies how a background image fills the available space. |
BinaryImageButtonPanelPosition | Lists values specifying the button panel position within the ASPxBinaryImage. |
BinaryImageButtonPosition | Lists values that specify the position of buttons relative to the button panel. |
BinaryStorageMode | Specifies the storage for binary data. |
BorderBetweenItemAndSubMenuMode | Specifies how the border is displayed between a menu item and its submenu. |
BreadcrumbsPosition | Lists values that specify the breadcrumbs‘s position in the ASPxFileManager control. |
BreakpointsLayoutDeviceSizes | Lists values that specify the device size. |
ButtonRenderMode | Specifies whether a button control is rendered using the div (with the input inside) or a HTML element. |
ButtonsPosition | Specifies an edit button’s position within a button editor. |
CancelButtonHorizontalPosition | Lists values that specify the horizontal position of the cancel button in the progress panel. |
CardViewBatchEditMode | Lists values that specify which control element is switched to edit mode (used to edit the grid data) in batch edit mode. |
CardViewCommandButtonType | Lists values that identify command buttons within the ASPxCardView. |
CardViewEditingMode | Lists values that specify the ASPxCardView’s editing mode. |
CardViewEndlessPagingMode | Lists values that specify the endless paging mode within ASPxCardView. |
CardViewToolbarCommand | Lists the values that specify names of commands that can be performed by clicking toolbar items. |
CheckBoxValidStateMode | Lists values specifying the check box’s valid states. |
CheckState | Lists the values specifying a check state of an element. |
ClearButtonDisplayMode | Lists values specifying the clear button display mode. |
ClientLayoutMode | Lists the values that indicate which operation should be performed when handling a web control’s ClientLayout event. |
CloseAction | Specifies which action forces a popup window to close. |
ColorOnError | Specifies the action to perform after entering an invalid color value to the editor. |
ColumnCommandButtonType | Lists values that specify a command button‘s type. |
ColumnFilterMode | Lists values that specify how column values are filtered. |
ColumnResizeMode | Lists values that specify how a control behaves when an end-user resizes a column. |
ControlRenderMode | Specifies whether the control is rendered by using semantic or classic render mode. |
ControlType | Lists values that specify the control type. |
CustomButtonsPosition | Lists values specifying the position of custom control buttons. |
DataSecurityMode | Lists values that specify whether users can enter and select values that do not exist in the Items collection. |
DataViewEndlessPagingMode | Lists values that specify the endless paging mode. |
DateHorizontalPosition | Lists values that specify the date’s horizontal position within the headline. |
DateOnError | Specifies how a date editor responds to an invalid value. |
DatePickerDisplayMode | Specifies whether an editor is rendered as a calendar or as a scroll picker. |
DatePickerType | Lists values specifying a date component an end user can select (a day, month, decade or year) in the calendar. |
DateVerticalPosition | Lists values that specify the date’s vertical position within the headline. |
Direction | Lists the values that specify the editor direction. |
Display | Specifies how the editor error message is rendered. |
DockZoneOrientation | Lists values that specify the direction in which panels are arranged within the zone. |
DoctypeMode | Lists values that specify the document type mode. |
DragElement | Specifies which part of a popup window can be dragged to move the window within the page |
DropDownEditAdaptivityMode | Lists values that specify the adaptivity mode of the drop down editors. |
DropDownElementVisibility | Lists values that specify the visibility mode of the dropdown editor’s elements (Ok and Cancel buttons). |
DropDownStyle | Specifies the manner in which an end user can change a combobox editor’s value. |
EditFormat | Specifies possible edit formats for a date editor’s value. |
EditorCaptionHorizontalAlign | Contains values that specify the horizontal alignment of an editor caption relative to its parent container. |
EditorCaptionPosition | Specifies a caption text’s position relative to an editor. |
EditorCaptionVerticalAlign | Specifies the vertical alignment of editor caption within its parent container. |
EditorInplaceMode | Specifies possible modes of using editors in-place within an ASPxGridView control. |
EditorRequiredMarkMode | Lists values that specify the type of a mark displayed within the editor caption. |
ElementVisibilityMode | Lists values that specify the visibility mode of an element. |
EmbedMethod |
Lists the values that specify the method used to embed a flash movie in web pages. Note: This enumeration is now obsolete. The FlashObjectProperties.EmbedMethod property is obsolete. Now a property value is selected automatically. |
ErrorDisplayMode | Specifies how an error message is represented within an editor’s error frame. |
ErrorTextPosition | Specifies an error text’s position within an error frame relative to a validated control. |
ExpandButtonPosition | Lists the values that specify the position of expand buttons within groups. |
ExpandGroupAction | Specifies which action forces a navbar group to expand. |
ExtremeItemClickMode | Contains values that specify how a click on an extreme item should be processed. |
FastNavigationDisplayMode | Lists values that specify the display mode of the calendar’s fast navigation. |
FieldRequiredMarkMode | Lists values that specify the type of a mark displayed within the layout item. |
FileInfoType | Lists values that specify the type of information that is displayed in a column. |
FileListView | List values that specify the file list view. |
FileManagerAllowedFolder | Lists values that specify whether uploading is available for a specified folder only. |
FileManagerDetailsViewAdaptivityMode | Lists values that specify the adaptivity mode of the file manager’s detail view mode. |
FileManagerErrors | Lists values specifying the errors that caused exceptions. |
FileManagerFilePermissions | Lists values that specify permissions for the File Manager files. |
FileManagerFilterBoxMode | Lists values that specify the filter box search mode. |
FileManagerFilteredFileListViewMode | Lists values that specify how the file manager displays the filtering results. |
FileManagerFolderPermissions | Lists values that specify permissions for the File Manager folders. |
FileManagerProviderType | Lists values that specify the type of provider used by the ASPxFileManager. |
FilterBoxPosition | Lists values that specify the filter box’s horizontal position within the ASPxTitleIndex control. |
FilterBoxVerticalPosition | Lists values that specify the filter box’s vertical position within the ASPxTitleIndex control. |
FilterControlColumnType | Contains values that specify the data type of columns. |
FilterControlDataType | Lists values that specify the type of data displayed in the FilterControlComplexTypeColumn column. |
FilterControlViewMode | Lists values that specify the visibility of the text filter expression editor. |
FirstSubMenuDirection | Lists the values that specify the direction in which the first sub menu is displayed. |
FlashAlign | Lists values that specify the location of a Flash movie in the browser window. |
FloatingActionButtonHorizontalPosition | Lists values specifying the floating action button’s horizontal position. |
FloatingActionButtonTextVisibilityMode | Lists values that specify the visibility mode of the action button’s text. |
FloatingActionButtonVerticalPosition | Lists values specifying the floating action button’s vertical position. |
FormLayoutAdaptivityMode | Lists values specifying the availability of adaptivity mode. |
FormLayoutHorizontalAlign | Contains values that specify the horizontal alignment of a layout item or layout group relative to the cell that contains it. |
FormLayoutVerticalAlign | Specifies the vertical alignment of layout items and groups. |
GridBatchEditErrorImagePosition | Lists the values specifying the position of the validation error image relative to the editor content in the batch edit mode. |
GridColumnDisplayTextEventKind | Lists values that specify types of operations with grid data. |
GridColumnMoveMode | Lists the values that specify how an end-user is allowed to move ASPxGridView columns using drag-and-drop. |
GridCommandButtonRenderMode | Specifies the render mode of command buttons in the grid. |
GridConditionColorScaleFormat | Lists values that specify the format (color scale) applied to cells by the GridViewFormatConditionColorScale condition. |
GridConditionHighlightFormat | Lists values that specify the format applied to cells by the GridViewFormatConditionHighlight condition. |
GridConditionIconSetFormat | Lists values that specify the format (icon set) applied to cells by the GridViewFormatConditionIconSet condition. |
GridConditionRule | Lists values that specify the format condition rule applied to cells by the GridViewFormatConditionHighlight condition. |
GridErrorTextKind | Lists values that indicate the error source. |
GridHeaderFilterEditorType | Lists editor types in the header filter. |
GridHeaderFilterListBoxSearchUIVisibility | Lists values that specify the display of the Search UI within the grid’s header filter dropdown. |
GridHeaderFilterMode | Lists values that specify the header filter mode used in a grid. |
GridLookupSelectionMode | Lists the values that specify the selection behavior for an ASPxGridLookup editor. |
GridSelectCheckBoxPosition | Lists values that specify the Select check box position. |
GridToolbarItemAlign | Specifies the alignment of toolbar items along the control side specified by the GridToolbar.ItemAlign property. |
GridToolbarItemDisplayMode | Lists values specifying the toolbar item display mode. |
GridToolbarPosition | Lists the values specifying the toolbar position relative to the grid. |
GridTopBottomRule | Lists values that specify the format condition rule applied to cells by the GridViewFormatConditionTopBottom condition. |
GridViewAdaptiveColumnPosition | Lists values that specify an adaptive column position. |
GridViewAdaptivityMode | Lists values that specify the grid layout adaptivity mode. |
GridViewAutoFilterEventKind | Lists the values that indicate which action should be performed within the ASPxGridView.ProcessColumnAutoFilter event handler. |
GridViewBatchEditMode | Lists values that specify which control element is switched to edit mode (used to edit the grid data) in batch edit mode. |
GridViewBatchStartEditAction | Lists values that specify which action is used to begin editing grid data in batch edit mode. |
GridViewColumnFixedStyle | Lists values that specify a column’s behavior when the ASPxGridView’s contents is scrolled. |
GridViewContextMenuCommand | Lists the values that specify names of commands that can be performed by clicking context menu items. |
GridViewContextMenuType | Lists values that specify context menu types for the ASPxGridView control. |
GridViewCustomButtonVisibility | Lists values that specify in which rows a custom button is displayed. |
GridViewDetailExportMode | Lists values that specify which detail rows can be exported. |
GridViewDetailRowButtonState | Lists the values that specify the expand button’s state. |
GridViewEditingMode | Lists values that specify the ASPxGridView’s editing mode. |
GridViewExportedRowType | Lists values that specify which rows should be exported. |
GridViewFilterRowMode | Lists values that specify filter row behavior. |
GridViewGroupFooterMode | Lists values that specify when the ASPxGridView displays group footers. |
GridViewLoadingPanelMode | Lists values that specify how a loading panel is displayed in a grid control. |
GridViewMergeGroupsMode | Lists values specifying the merged grouping mode. |
GridViewNewItemRowPosition | Lists values that specify the position of the new item row within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewPagerBarPosition | Lists values that specify the pager’s position within grid-like controls. |
GridViewPagerMode | Lists values that specify the navigation in the grid. |
GridViewRowType | Lists values that identify rows within the ASPxGridView. |
GridViewSearchPanelGroupOperator | Lists the values that specify the group operator types. |
GridViewSelectAllCheckBoxMode | Lists values that specify the Select All check box visibility and selection mode. |
GridViewSelectionStoringMode | Lists the values that specify how ASPxGridView stores keys of the selected rows. |
GridViewStatusBarMode | Lists values that specify the visibility of the status bar and filter bar elements in the ASPxGridView and ASPxCardView controls. |
GridViewTableCommandCellType | Lists values that specify in which row a command cell is displayed. |
GridViewTemplateReplacementType | Lists values that specify which controls are displayed by the ASPxGridViewTemplateReplacement object. |
GridViewToolbarCommand | Lists the values that specify names of commands that can be performed by clicking toolbar items. |
GridViewVerticalScrollBarStyle | Lists values that specify the operating mode of the vertical scrollbar. |
GroupBoxDecoration | Lists the values that define the group box decoration type. |
GroupItemLinkMode | Lists the values that specify how to represent items as links within groups. |
HeaderFilterMode | Obsolete. Lists values that specify the header filter mode used in a grid. This enumeration is now obsolete. Use the GridHeaderFilterMode enumeration instead. |
HeadlineImagePosition | Lists values that specify the image position within the headline. |
HelpTextDisplayMode | Lists the values that specify how to display a help text. |
HelpTextHorizontalAlign | Specifies the help text horizontal alignment. |
HelpTextPosition | Specifies a help text’s position relative to a control. |
HelpTextVerticalAlign | Specifies the help text vertical alignment. |
HintPosition | Lists values that specify the hint’s position relative to the target element. |
HintTriggerAction | Specifies which action triggers a hint. |
Html5PreloadMode | Lists the values that specify how a media file should be loaded when the page loads. |
HtmlAlign | Lists values that specify the position of the Flash SWF window in the browser window. |
IconType | Lists values used to specify the type of resource icons. |
ImageGalleryImageLocation | Lists the values that specify the location of the processed image. |
ImageLoadMode | Lists values that specify the ASPxImageSlider’s item loading mode. |
ImagePosition | Lists values that specify the image position within an element. |
ImageSizeMode | Lists the values that specify how an image fits into the image area. |
IncrementalFilteringMode | Lists the filter modes. |
IndexPanelBehavior | Lists values that control how the ASPxTitleIndex control responds to clicks on items displayed within the Index Panel. |
InlineFastNavigationZoomLevel | Lists values that specify the size of a date range displayed within the calendar’s fast navigation area. |
ItemBulletStyle | Specifies the bullet style for the group’s items. |
ItemLinkMode | Lists the values that specify how to represent items as links. |
LargeImageLoadMode | Lists values that specify when an image displayed in the zoom window and expand window should be loaded. |
Layout | Specifies a control’s layout. |
LayoutItemCaptionLocation | Specifies a caption’s location within an item relative to a nested control. |
ListEditSelectionMode | Lists the values that specify the selection behavior for a list editor. |
LoadContentViaCallback | Lists values specifying the content loading mode. |
LoadPanelContentViaCallback | Lists values specifying the panel content loading mode. |
MaskIncludeLiteralsMode | Specifies which literal characters of the mask are included in an editor’s value. |
MenuIconSetType | Lists values specifying a set of icons to be used within a ribbon, toolbar or menu. |
MenuItemAlignment | Lists the values used to specify menu root items’ alignment. |
MouseBoxOpacityMode | Lists values that specify the opacity mode of the mouse box. |
NavigationBarMode | Lists values that specify how items are displayed within the navigation bar. |
NavigationBarPagingMode | Lists values that specify the navigation bar paging mode. |
NavigationBarPosition | Lists values that specify the navigation bar‘s position within an ASPxImageSlider control. |
NavigationButtonVisibilityMode | Lists values that specify the visibility mode of navigation buttons. |
NavigationDirection | Lists the values that specify the direction in which items navigate within the image slider control. |
NodeBulletStyle | Specifies the bullet style for the site map nodes located at a specific nesting level. |
NullTextDisplayMode | Lists values that specify the null text mode for editors. |
ObjectType | Specifies the type of a media object. |
PagerAlign | Lists values that specify the pager’s alignment within a container control. |
PagerButtonPosition | Lists values that specify the position of the summary text within a pager. |
PagerEllipsisMode | Lists values that specify how an Ellipsis symbol(s) is drawn to indicate page numbers that are omitted. |
PagerPageSizePosition | Specifies the position of the page size item within a pager. |
PagerPanelPosition | Lists values that identify the pager in which a pager panel template is positioned. |
PagerPanelTemplatePosition | Lists values that specify the template’s position within a pager. |
PanelExpandButtonGlyphType | Lists values that specify the expand button’s glyph type. |
PanelExpandButtonPosition | Specifies the expand button position within the expand bar. |
PanelExpandEffect | Lists values that specify the expand effect used by a collapsible panel (like the ASPxPanel or ASPxCallbackPanel control). |
PanelFixedPosition | Specifies a panel’s fixed position within the browser window. |
PopupAction | Specifies which action forces a popup element to appear. |
PopupAdaptiveHorizontalAlign | Specifies the horizontal alignment of the popup control in adaptive mode. |
PopupAdaptiveVerticalAlign | Specifies the vertical alignment of the popup control in adaptive mode. |
PopupAlignCorrection | Lists values that specify the availability of popup element correction. |
PopupControlAdaptivityMode | List values that specify the ASPxPopupControl‘s adaptivity mode. |
PopupHorizontalAlign | Specifies a popup element’s horizontal alignment. |
PopupMenuCloseAction | Specifies which action forces an opened popup menu to close. |
PopupVerticalAlign | Specifies a popup element’s vertical alignment. |
ProgressBarDisplayMode | Lists values specifying the position display mode. |
Quality | Lists values that specify the anti-aliasing level used when playing a Flash movie. |
RatingControlItemFillPrecision | Lists the values that specify how the ASPxRatingControl‘s items should be filled. |
RenderMode | Specifies whether a panel control is rendered using the div or table HTML element. |
RenderTag | Lists values that specify a render tag that defines the image. |
RequestEvent | Lists the values specifying how to process the PRE/POST requests. |
RequiredMarkMode | Lists values that specify the type of a marks that should be displayed within the ASPxFormLayout control. |
ResizingMode | Specifies how an element visually responds to resizing operations. |
ResourcesType | Lists resources that can be automatically added. |
RibbonItemSize | Lists values that specify an item‘s size. |
Rights | Lists values that control the action permissions within access rules. |
Scale | Lists values that specify how a Flash object is placed within the browser window. |
ScaleLabelHighlightMode | Lists values that specify which scale labels are highlighted within an editor. |
ScalePosition | Specifies the scale position within an editor. |
Scales | Enumerates the algorithms used to normalize item weights. |
ScrollBarMode | Lists values that specify the display mode of a scroll bar. |
SEOFriendlyMode | Lists values that specify whether Search-Engine Optimization (SEO) mode is enabled. |
ShowDropDownOnFocusMode | Lists values that specify drop-down window visibility when the editor gets focus. |
ShowSizeGrip | Specifies the visibility of a popup window’s size grip element. |
SideMenuExpandMode | Lists values that specify the manner in which the side menu is expanded. |
SpinButtonKind | Lists values that indicate a spin button’s type. |
SpinEditNumberFormat | Specifies possible display formats for a spin editor’s value. |
SpinEditNumberType | Specifies possible editing modes of the ASPxSpinEdit control. |
Suite | Lists values that identify suites. |
SyncSelectionMode | Contains values that specify how automatic synchronization of item selection with the path of the currently browsed page should be performed. |
TabAlign | Specifies the alignment of tabs along the control’s side specified by the ASPxTabControlBase.TabPosition property. |
TabPosition | Specifies the position of tabs within a tab control. |
TabSpaceTemplatePosition | Lists values that specify the template’s position within a tab header. |
TailImagePosition | Lists values that specify the location of the tail image referenced to the tail text. |
TailPosition | Lists values that specify the position of the tail text. |
ThumbnailNavigationBarButtonPosition | Lists values that specify the position of the page navigation buttons within the navigation bar. |
TitleIndexItemBulletStyle | Specifies the bullet style for the control’s Data Item. |
ToggleSwitchDisplayMode | Lists values that specify when the element (a radio button or check box) should be displayed as a toggle switch. |
TreeViewLoadingPanelMode | Lists values that specify how a loading panel is displayed within the ASPxTreeView. |
TreeViewNodeImagePosition | Lists values that specify the image position within a node. |
UIMode | Lists values that specify which control elements are shown in a Player. |
UploadControlFileListPosition | Lists values that specify the file list‘s vertical position within the ASPxUploadControl control. |
UploadControlFileUploadMode | Lists values which specify when the file upload process is automatically executed on the server side. |
UploadControlUploadMode | Lists the values specifying an ASPxUploadControl’s upload mode. |
UploadControlUploadStorage | Lists values that specify the type of upload storage used by the ASPxUploadControl. |
UploadFileStorageType | Lists values that specify the type of upload storage used by the ASPxHtmlEditor control. |
ValidationSummaryRenderMode | Specifies whether the validation summary editor’s error items are rendered as a bulleted list, an ordered list or by using the table tag. |
ValueToolTipPosition | Specifies the value tooltip position within an editor. |
VerticalGridCommandButtonType | Lists values that identify command buttons within the ASPxVerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridEditingMode | Lists values that specify the ASPxVerticalGrid’s editing mode. |
VerticalGridExportPart | Lists values that specify which part of the ASPxVerticalGrid is being exported. |
VerticalGridPagerMode | Lists values that specify the navigation in the grid. |
VerticalGridRowLoadingMode | Lists values that specify how child rows are loaded when their parent or category rows are expanded. |
VerticalGridToolbarCommand | Lists the values that specify names of commands that can be performed by clicking toolbar items. |
View | Specifies the ASPxRoundPanel‘s external view. |
WindowCloseAction | Specifies which action forces an opened popup window to close. |
WindowMode | Lists values that specify the window mode of a Flash movie. |
WindowPopupAction | Specifies which action forces a popup window to appear. |
ZoomWindowPosition | Lists values that specify the zoom window position related to the preview image. |