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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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ItemsView Members

Renders items (records) using HTML-CSS templates.


Name Description
ItemsView() Initializes a new instance of the ItemsView class.

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Name Description
MaxRowCopyCount static Allows you to limit the maximum number of rows that are copied to the Clipboard when the BaseView.CopyToClipboard method is called, or when an end-user presses the CTRL+C shortcut. Inherited from BaseView.

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Name Description
AccessibleDescription Gets or sets the object’s description used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from BaseView.
AccessibleName Returns the object’s name used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from BaseView.
AccessibleRole Gets or sets the object’s accessible role. Inherited from BaseView.
ActiveEditor Gets a View’s active editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
ActiveFilter Gets an object which returns information on the filter criteria applied to the View. Inherited from ColumnView.
ActiveFilterCriteria Gets or sets the current filter criteria. Inherited from ColumnView.
ActiveFilterEnabled Gets or sets whether the filtering functionality is enabled. Inherited from ColumnView.
ActiveFilterString Gets or sets the filter criteria in string format. Inherited from ColumnView.
Appearance Gets the appearance settings specific to the ItemsView.
AppearancePrint Provides access to the properties that specify the appearances of View elements when they are printed/exported. Inherited from BaseView.
BaseInfo Gets an object providing information for creating and initializing the View. Inherited from BaseView.
BorderStyle Gets or sets the border style for the current View. Inherited from BaseView.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
CanShowEditor Gets a value indicating whether a View can activate cell editors. Inherited from ColumnView.
Columns Provides access to the collection of columns available for display within the View. Inherited from ColumnView.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
DataController Gets the data controller which implements data-aware operations. Inherited from BaseView.
DataRowCount Gets how many data rows are contained within the View. Inherited from BaseView.
DataSource Gets the data source whose data is displayed by a View. Inherited from BaseView.
DefaultEdit Obsolete. The property is obsolete and you should not use it in your code. Inherited from ColumnView.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
DetailHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of a View when it serves as a detail View. Inherited from BaseView.
DetailLevel Gets the nesting level of a View. Inherited from BaseView.
DetailTabHeaderLocation Gets or sets the position of detail tabs within detail sections. Inherited from BaseView.
DisableCurrencyManager Gets or sets whether the View’s focused record is synchronized with the current position of the corresponding CurrencyManager object. Inherited from ColumnView.
Editable Determines whether end-users can modify the View’s cell values. Inherited from ColumnView.
EditingValue Gets or sets the currently edited value. Inherited from ColumnView.
EditingValueModified Determines whether the edited cell value has been changed since the cell editor was activated. Inherited from ColumnView.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
FilteredColumnsCount Obsolete. Gets the number of columns that specify filtering conditions. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPanelText Gets the text displayed within the filter panel. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupMaxRecordsCount Obsolete. Gets or sets the maximum number of records whose field values can be displayed within filter dropdowns. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupRowCount Obsolete. Gets or sets the maximum number of items filter dropdowns can display at once. Inherited from ColumnView.
FindFilterText Gets or sets the query in the Find Panel. Inherited from ColumnView.
FindPanelItems Gets settings that allow you to display custom items within the Find Panel. Inherited from ColumnView.
FindPanelVisible Gets or sets whether the Find Panel is visible. This property is obsolete. Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedColumn Gets or sets the focused column/card field (in CardView and LayoutView Views). Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedRowHandle Get or sets the focused row’s handle. Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedRowModified Gets a value indicating whether the focused row’s cell values have been modified since the row last received focus. Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedValue Gets the focused cell value. Inherited from ColumnView.
ForceDoubleClick Gets or sets whether double-clicking within the View fires the DoubleClick event, even if a data cell has been double-clicked and its editor has been invoked on the first click. Inherited from BaseView.
FormatConditions Gets the collection of style format conditions for a View. Inherited from BaseView.
FormatRules Provides access to a collection of conditional format rules, which allow you to change the appearance of individual cells or rows based on specific conditions. Inherited from ColumnView.
GridControl Gets the grid control that owns a specific View. Inherited from BaseView.
GroupCount Gets or sets how many columns are used to group data. Inherited from ColumnView.
GroupedColumns Gets the collection of columns involved in data grouping. Inherited from ColumnView.
HasColumnErrors Indicates whether the focused row or at least a single cell within the focused row has an error assigned. Inherited from ColumnView.
HtmlImages Gets or sets a collection of images that can be embedded in column/band headers, group rows and cells using the image tag. Inherited from BaseView.
HtmlTemplate Specifies the default HTML-CSS template used to generate items.
HtmlTemplates Provides access to the collection of HTML-CSS templates.
Images Gets or sets a collection of images that can be displayed within column headers and band headers. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsAsyncInProgress Gets whether async data loading is in progress. This property is in effect in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsDefaultState Gets a value indicating whether the View is in normal state. Inherited from BaseView.
IsDetailView Gets a value indicating whether the current View is a detail View. Inherited from BaseView.
IsDisposing Gets whether the current object is being disposed of. Inherited from BaseView.
IsDraggingState Gets a value indicating whether a View element is currently being dragged. Inherited from BaseView.
IsEditorFocused Gets a value indicating whether the active editor has input focus. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsEmpty Determines whether a View contains any rows. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsFindPanelVisible Gets whether the Find Panel is visible. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsFirstRow Determines whether the first visible data or group row is focused. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsFocusedRowLoaded Gets whether the focused row’s data has been loaded (in Instant Feedback Mode). Inherited from ColumnView.
IsFocusedView Determines whether a View has input focus. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsLastRow Determines whether the last visible data or group row is focused. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsLastVisibleRow Determines whether the last visible row is focused. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsLevelDefault Gets whether the current View object is associated with a node within the GridControl.LevelTree at a non-root level. Inherited from BaseView.
IsLoading Gets a value indicating whether a specific View is being initialized at present time. Inherited from BaseView.
IsMultiSelect Indicates whether multiple rows (cards) can be selected. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsServerMode Gets whether the View obtains data in Server Mode. Inherited from BaseView.
IsShowFilterPanel Determines whether the filter panel is visible. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsSizingState Gets a value indicating whether a View element is currently being resized. Inherited from BaseView.
IsZoomedView Determines whether the current detail View is maximized. Inherited from ColumnView.
LevelName Gets the name of the master-detail relationship corresponding to the current detail View. Inherited from BaseView.
LinkCount Gets how many objects are connected to the View. Inherited from BaseView.
MRUFilters This property is not intended to be used in code. To edit MRUFilters, use the ColumnView.MRUFiltersInfo collection instead. Inherited from ColumnView.
MRUFiltersInfo Provides access to the recently applied filters list (see MRU Filter List article). Inherited from ColumnView.
Name Gets or sets the View name. Inherited from BaseView.
OptionsFilter Provides access to the View’s filtering options. Inherited from ColumnView.
OptionsFind Provides access to settings controlling the behavior and visibility of the Find Panel and its elements. Inherited from ColumnView.
OptionsLayout Provides options which control how the current View’s layout is stored to/restored from a data store (a stream, xml file or system registry). Inherited from ColumnView.
OptionsPrint Provides options that control how the View is printed/exported. Inherited from BaseView.
OptionsSelection Allows you to access properties that control text selection behavior inside this ItemsView. See this article for more information: AllowContentSelection.
OptionsView Provides access to the View’s display options. Inherited from ColumnView.
PaintStyleName This member is not supported. Inherited from BaseView.
ParentView Gets or sets a master View for the current View. Inherited from BaseView.
RowCount Gets a count of the total number of visible rows contained within the current View. Inherited from BaseView.
RowFilter Gets the expression used to filter the records displayed within the View. Inherited from ColumnView.
SelectedRowsCount Gets the number of selected rows (cards). Inherited from ColumnView.
SelectedText Returns the text content of currently selected HTML elements. See this article for more information: AllowContentSelection.
ShowButtonMode Obsolete. Gets or sets a value specifying editor button display mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
SortedColumns Gets the collection of columns involved in sorting. Inherited from ColumnView.
SortInfo Provides access to the collection of sorted and grouping columns within the current View. Inherited from ColumnView.
SortInfoState This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from ColumnView.
SourceRow Gets a master row for a View. Inherited from BaseView.
SourceRowHandle Gets the handle of a master row for a View. Inherited from BaseView.
SourceView Gets the pattern View used to create a clone View. Inherited from BaseView.
SynchronizeClones Gets or sets a value specifying whether this View’s clones have synchronized appearance and data representation settings. Inherited from BaseView.
Tag Gets or sets the data associated with the current View. Inherited from BaseView.
ViewCaption Gets or sets the View Caption. Inherited from BaseView.
ViewCaptionHeight Gets or sets the height of the View Caption region. Inherited from ColumnView.
ViewRepository Gets the View repository that owns the current View. Inherited from BaseView.
VisibleColumns Gets the visible column collection. Inherited from ColumnView.
WorkAsLookup This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from BaseView.

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Name Description
AddNewRow() Creates a new blank row within the View. A user can specify cell values and accept changes to add the row to the grid’s data source, or cancel the operation. Inherited from ColumnView.
ApplyColumnsFilter() Enables the filtering functionality. Inherited from ColumnView.
ApplyFindFilter(String) Sets the Find Panel‘s query to the specified string and applies the search/filter. Inherited from ColumnView.
Assign(BaseView, Boolean) Copies properties and, optionally, event handlers from another View to the current view.
BeginDataUpdate() Prevents visual and internal data updates until the BaseView.EndDataUpdate method is called. Inherited from ColumnView.
BeginInit() Starts the runtime View initialization. Inherited from BaseView.
BeginSelection() Prevents selection updates until the BaseView.EndSelection or the BaseView.CancelSelection method is called. Inherited from BaseView.
BeginSort() Prevents visual and internal data updates until the ColumnView.EndSort method is called. Inherited from ColumnView.
BeginUpdate() Locks the BaseView object by preventing visual updates of the object and its elements until the EndUpdate method is called. Inherited from BaseView.
BindCommand(Expression<Action>, Object, String, Func<Object>) Uses the command selector to find an appropriate parameterized command of the target type in the source and binds it to this HTML element.
BindCommand(Object, String, Func<Object>) Binds the specific parameterized MVVM command to an HTML element.
BindCommand<T>(Expression<Action<T>>, Object, String, Func<T>) Uses the command selector to find an appropriate parameterized MVVM command of the target type in the source, and binds this command to the target HTML element.
CalcColumnBestWidth(GridColumn) Returns the minimum width that the specified column needs to display its contents completely. Inherited from ColumnView.
CalcHitInfo(Point) Returns information about the View elements located at the specified point.
CalcHitInfo(Int32, Int32) Returns information about the View elements located at the specified point.
CancelSelection() Enables selection updates after the BaseView.BeginSelection method call, but doesn’t force an immediate update. Inherited from BaseView.
CancelUpdateCurrentRow() Cancels changes made to focused row cells. Inherited from ColumnView.
CanGroupColumn(GridColumn) Indicates whether grouping by a specific column is enabled. Inherited from ColumnView.
CanResizeColumn(GridColumn) Indicates whether end-users can resize a specific column by dragging its right edge. Inherited from ColumnView.
CanSortColumn(GridColumn) Indicates whether end-users can sort data by the specified column’s values. Inherited from ColumnView.
CheckLoaded() Forces the grid control to finish its initialization. Inherited from BaseView.
ClearColumnErrors() Removes error descriptions for the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
ClearColumnsFilter() Removes any filter conditions applied to the View’s columns. Inherited from ColumnView.
ClearDocument() Clears a previously generated document for printing/exporting. Inherited from BaseView.
ClearFindFilter() Discards the query in the Find Panel. Inherited from ColumnView.
ClearSelection() Unselects any selected rows in the current View when multiple row selection is in effect. Inherited from ColumnView.
ClearSorting() Clears sorting applied to the View. Inherited from ColumnView.
CloseEditor() Hides the active editor saving changes made. Inherited from BaseView.
Connect(Object) Connects the View to the specified object. Inherited from BaseView.
ConvertFormatConditionToFormatRules() Converts objects from the BaseView.FormatConditions collection to GridFormatRule objects and adds them to the ColumnView.FormatRules collection. Inherited from ColumnView.
CopyToClipboard() Copies the selected record(s) to the Clipboard as text. Inherited from BaseView.
CreateDocument() Creates a print/export document from the View’s data. Inherited from BaseView.
CreateExportLink(IExportProvider) Returns an object that enables you to export a View’s data in a number of different formats. Inherited from BaseView.
CreateObjRef(Type) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
DeleteRow(Int32) Deletes a data record or group row (in Grid Views) from the View. Also removes the corresponding row from a data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
DeleteSelectedRows() Deletes the selected rows/cards in multiple selection mode or focused row/card in single selection mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
Disconnect(Object) Removes the connection between the View and the specified object. Inherited from BaseView.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
EndDataUpdate() Enables visual and internal data updates after the BaseView.BeginDataUpdate method call, and forces an immediate View update. Inherited from BaseView.
EndInit() Ends the runtime View initialization. Inherited from BaseView.
EndSelection() Enables selection updates after calling the BaseView.BeginSelection method and forces an immediate update. Inherited from BaseView.
EndSort() Enables visual and internal data updates after the ColumnView.BeginSort method call, and forces an immediate View update. Inherited from ColumnView.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the BaseView object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from BaseView.
EnsureRowLoaded(Int32, OperationCompleted) Loads a row (if it is not already loaded) and calls your callback method after that. This method is in effect in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Export(ExportTarget, Stream, ExportOptionsBase) Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a stream, using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
Export(ExportTarget, Stream) Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a stream. Inherited from BaseView.
Export(ExportTarget, String, ExportOptionsBase) Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a file, using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
Export(ExportTarget, String) Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a file. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToCsv(Stream, CsvExportOptions) Exports the control’s data to the specified stream in CSV format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToCsv(Stream) Exports the control’s data to the specified stream in CSV format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToCsv(String, CsvExportOptions) Exports the control’s data to the specified file in CSV format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToCsv(String) Exports the control’s data to the specified file in CSV format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToDocx(Stream, DocxExportOptions) Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML format (DOCX file) and sends it to the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToDocx(Stream) Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML file format (DOCX file) and sends it to the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToDocx(String, DocxExportOptions) Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML format and saves it to the specified DOCX file. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToDocx(String) Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML file format and saves it to the specified DOCX file. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToExcelOld(String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MS Excel format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(Stream, HtmlExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in HTML format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(Stream, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in HTML format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in HTML format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(String, HtmlExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in HTML format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(String, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified HTML file with the specified title, using the specified character encoding. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(String, String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to an HTML file using the specified character encoding. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in HTML format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtmlOld(String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in HTML format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(Stream, MhtExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in MHT format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(Stream, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in MHT format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(String, MhtExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(String, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(String, String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified character encoding. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToPdf(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in PDF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToPdf(String, PdfExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in PDF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToPdf(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in PDF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToRtf(Stream, RtfExportOptions) Exports the view’s data to a stream in RTF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToRtf(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in RTF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToRtf(String, RtfExportOptions) Exports the view’s data to a file in RTF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToRtf(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in RTF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream, TextExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in Text format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream, String, Boolean, Encoding) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format using the specified separator string, quotation and text encoding settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format using the specified separator string and quotation settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream, String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format using the specified separator string. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String, TextExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in Text format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String, String, Boolean, Encoding) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in TXT format using the specified separator string, quotation and text encoding settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in TXT format using the specified separator string and quotation settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String, String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in TXT format using the specified separator string. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in TXT format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToTextOld(String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in TXT format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(Stream, XlsExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in XLS format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(Stream, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in XLS format with the specified formatting settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in XLS format Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(String, XlsExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in XLS format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in XLS format with the specified formatting settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in XLS format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXlsx(Stream, XlsxExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXlsx(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXlsx(String, XlsxExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXlsx(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format. Inherited from BaseView.
FindRow(Object) Searches for the target data row within this ColumnView. Inherited from ColumnView.
Focus() Focuses the Grid Control and current View within it. Inherited from BaseView.
FocusInvalidRow() Allows you to temporarily hide the row focus. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetColumnError(GridColumn) Gets the error description for a specific cell or the entire focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetColumnErrorType(GridColumn) Gets the type of the error associated with the specified cell in the currently focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetColumnHeaderBestWidth(GridColumn) Returns the column header width that allows the content to be displayed in its entirety. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetDataRow(Int32) Returns a DataRow in the bound DataTable that contains data for the specified grid row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetDataSourceRowIndex(Int32) Returns the index of the data source record that corresponds to the specified row handle. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetDisplayTextByColumnValue(GridColumn, Object) Formats a value according to the specified column’s format settings. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFilterDisplayText(CriteriaOperator) Returns the textual representation of the specified CriteriaOperator object. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFilterDisplayText(ViewFilter) Returns the textual representation of the specified filter. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedDataRow() Returns a DataRow in the bound DataTable that contains data for the focused grid row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedDataSourceRowIndex() Returns the index of the data source record that corresponds to the focused grid row (card). Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedDisplayText() Returns the focused cell’s display value. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRow() Returns an Object in the bound data source that contains data for the focused grid row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRowCellDisplayText(GridColumn) Returns the text displayed in the specified column within the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRowCellDisplayText(String) Gets the display value of the specified cell in the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRowCellValue(GridColumn) Returns the specified column’s edit value within the focused row. Returns null if the column is not found. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRowCellValue(String) Returns the edit value of the specified cell within the focused row. Returns null if a column with such field name is not found. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedValue() Returns the focused cell’s value. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetIncrementalText() Returns the text being searched during an incremental search. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetListSourceRow(Int32) Inherited from ColumnView.
GetListSourceRowCellValue(Int32, GridColumn) Returns the value of the specified cell, which is identified by a column and the index of a record in the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetListSourceRowCellValue(Int32, String) Returns the value of the specified cell, which is identified by a field name and the index of a record in the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetNearestCanFocusedColumn(GridColumn) Returns the nearest column to the specified one that can be focused. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetNextVisibleRow(Int32) Returns the visible index of the row that follows a specific row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetPrevVisibleRow(Int32) Gets the visible index of the row that is located prior to the specified row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRow(Int32) Returns an Object in the bound data source that contains data for the specified grid row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowCellDisplayText(Int32, GridColumn) Returns a specific cell’s display value from the current View. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowCellDisplayText(Int32, String) Gets the display value of the specified cell. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowCellValue(Int32, GridColumn) Returns a specific cell value from the current View. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowCellValue(Int32, String) Gets the value of the specified cell in the grid’s data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowHandle(Int32) Returns the handle of the row which represents the specified record in the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetSelectedRows() Returns handles of the selected rows (or cards). Inherited from ColumnView.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetShowEditorMode() Returns a value that specifies how an in-place editor is activated for a grid cell. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetShowEditorMode(Int32) This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetViewCaption() Gets the View’s display caption. Inherited from BaseView.
GetViewInfo() Returns the object which contains the internal information used to render the View. Inherited from BaseView.
GetVisibleColumn(Int32) Returns the column displayed at a specific position. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetVisibleIndex(Int32) Returns the visible index of the row specified by its handle. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetVisibleRowHandle(Int32) Returns the handle of the row which is displayed at the specified position. Inherited from ColumnView.
HideEditor() Closes the currently active inplace editor discarding changes made to the edited value. Inherited from ColumnView.
HideFindPanel() Hides the Find Panel. Inherited from ColumnView.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Invalidate() Invalidates the region occupied by the current View (adds it to the control’s update region that will be repainted during the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the grid control. Inherited from BaseView.
InvalidateHitObject(BaseHitInfo) Invalidates the View element located at the point specified by the hit information object. Inherited from BaseView.
InvalidateRect(Rectangle) Invalidates the specified region of a View (adds it to the control’s update region, which will be repainted during the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the grid control. Inherited from BaseView.
InvertRowSelection(Int32) Toggles the specified row’s selected state. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsDataRow(Int32) Indicates whether the specified record is a regular data row/card. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsNewItemRow(Int32) Indicates whether the specified row/card is the New Item Row/Card. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsRowLoaded(Int32) Gets whether the specified row’s data has been loaded (in Instant Feedback Mode). Inherited from ColumnView.
IsRowSelected(Int32) Indicates whether the specified row is selected. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsValidRowHandle(Int32) Indicates whether the specified row handle is valid. Inherited from ColumnView.
LoadRow(Int32) Loads a row in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
LoadRowHierarchy(Int32, OperationCompleted) Loads the specified data row’s parent group rows (if they are not already loaded) in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
LocateByDisplayText(Int32, GridColumn, String) Locates rows by cells’ display texts. Inherited from ColumnView.
LocateByValue(Int32, GridColumn, Object, OperationCompleted[]) Locates rows by cell values. Inherited from ColumnView.
LocateByValue(String, Object, OperationCompleted[]) Locates rows by cell values. Inherited from ColumnView.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
MoveBy(Int32) Moves row focus by the specified number of rows. Inherited from ColumnView.
MoveFirst() Moves focus to the first row. Inherited from ColumnView.
MoveLast() Moves focus to the last data record. Inherited from ColumnView.
MoveLastVisible() Moves focus to the last visible row. Inherited from ColumnView.
MoveNext() Moves focus to the row which is after the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
MovePrev() Moves focus to the previous row. Inherited from ColumnView.
MovePrevPage() Moves focus to the previous page. Inherited from ColumnView.
NormalView() Cancels View zooming. Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns() Creates columns for all fields in the bound data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns(DataColumnInfo[]) Creates columns for the specified DataColumnInfo objects. Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns(DataTable) Creates columns for all the fields of the specified DataTable. Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns(Object) Creates columns for record fields in the specified data source (System.Data.DataTable, System.ComponentModel.ITypedList, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.Generic.IList, DevExpress.XtraGrid.IXtraList, etc. ). Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns(Type, PopulateColumnsParameters) Generates columns for the custom code-first data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
PostEditor() Saves the modified cell value to the data source. If the GridOptionsView.RowAutoHeight setting is disabled, the currently active cell editor remains opened. Inherited from BaseView.
Print() Prints the grid control’s GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) without showing a print preview or print dialog. Inherited from BaseView.
PrintDialog() Displays the standard Print dialog to print the data displayed in the Grid Control’s GridControl.DefaultView. Inherited from BaseView.
QueryMoreRows() Sends a request to a data source to load more records in virtual (event-based) server mode. Inherited from BaseView.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RefreshEditor(Boolean) Refreshes the active editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
RefreshRow(Int32) Invalidates the specified row, and forces it to be redrawn. Inherited from ColumnView.
ResetCursor() Sets the mouse cursor to the grid’s Cursor property value. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromRegistry(String, OptionsLayoutBase) Restores the View’s layout using the specified settings stored at the specified system registry path. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromRegistry(String) Restores a View’s layout stored at the specified system registry path. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream, OptionsLayoutBase) Restores the View’s layout using the specified settings which are stored in the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream) Restores a View’s layout from the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String, OptionsLayoutBase) Restores the View’s layout using the specified settings from the specified XML file. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String) Restores a View’s layout from a specific XML file. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToRegistry(String, OptionsLayoutBase) Saves the View’s layout using the specified settings to the specified system registry path. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToRegistry(String) Saves a View’s layout to a system registry path. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream, OptionsLayoutBase) Saves the View’s layout using the specified settings to the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream) Saves a View’s layout to a specific stream. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToXml(String, OptionsLayoutBase) Saves the View’s layout using the specified settings to the specified XML file. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToXml(String) Saves a View’s layout to a specific XML file. Inherited from BaseView.
ScrollToEnd() This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
SelectAll() Selects all rows (cards) within the View, except rows residing within collapsed groups. Inherited from ColumnView.
SelectRange(Int32, Int32) Selects the visible rows (cards) in the specified range. Inherited from ColumnView.
SelectRow(Int32) Adds a row (card) to the current selection. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetColumnError(GridColumn, String, ErrorType) Sets an error description and an error type for the specified cell within the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetColumnError(GridColumn, String) Sets an error description for a cell within the focused row or for the entire focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetFocusedRowCellValue(GridColumn, Object) Assigns a value to the specified column within the currently focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetFocusedRowCellValue(String, Object) Assigns a value to the specified field within the currently focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetFocusedRowModified() Marks the focused row as modified. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetFocusedValue(Object) Assigns a value to the focused cell. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetRowCellValue(Int32, GridColumn, Object) Assigns a value to a specific cell. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetRowCellValue(Int32, String, Object) Sets the value of the specified cell in the current View. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowCustomFilterDialog(GridColumn) Displays the custom filter dialog. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowEditor() Activates the focused cell’s editor. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowEditorByKey(KeyEventArgs) Activates an editor for the focused row cell and passes a specific key to it. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowEditorByKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs) Activates an editor for the focused row cell and passes a specific key to it. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowEditorByMouse(DXMouseEventArgs) Activates an editor for the focused row cell and passes a mouse click to it. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowFilterEditor(GridColumn) Displays the Filter Editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowFindPanel() Displays the Find Panel. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowPrintPreview() Opens the Print Preview window with a Bars UI. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowRibbonPrintPreview() Displays the Print Preview window with a Ribbon UI. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowUnboundExpressionEditor(GridColumn) Invokes an Expression Editor that enables editing an expression for the specified unbound column. Inherited from ColumnView.
Synchronize(BaseView, SynchronizationMode) Copies the specified settings of a View to the current View. Inherited from BaseView.
Synchronize(BaseView) Copies the visual and data representation settings of a specific View to the current View. Inherited from BaseView.
SynchronizeData(BaseView) Synchronizes a View’s data representation settings with the specified View. Inherited from ColumnView.
SynchronizeVisual(BaseView) Synchronizes a View’s visual settings with the specified View. Inherited from ColumnView.
ToString() Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component.
UnselectRow(Int32) Removes a row (card) from the current selection. Inherited from ColumnView.
UpdateCurrentRow() Validates the focused row and saves its values to the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
ValidateEditor() Validates the active editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
ViewRowHandleToDataSourceIndex(Int32) Converts the specified row handle to a data source record index. Inherited from ColumnView.
WaitForAsyncOperationEnd() This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from ColumnView.
ZoomView() Maximizes the current detail View. Inherited from BaseView.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
AsyncCompleted Fires when async data loading has finished, in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
BeforeLeaveRow Occurs before the focused row changes. Handle this event to prevent the focused row change. Inherited from ColumnView.
BeforeLoadLayout Occurs before a layout is restored from storage (a stream, xml file or the system registry). Inherited from BaseView.
CellValueChanged Fires immediately after a cell value has been changed. Inherited from ColumnView.
CellValueChanging Fires when a user changes a cell value: types or deletes a character, chooses a value from the dropdown list, etc. Does not fire when you change cell values in code. Inherited from ColumnView.
Click Occurs when a View is clicked. Inherited from BaseView.
ColumnChanged Fires when changing a column’s properties. Inherited from ColumnView.
ColumnFilterChanged Occurs when a column’s filter condition changes. This event also raises when the Find Panel finishes its search. Inherited from ColumnView.
ColumnPositionChanged Allows you to respond to changing a column’s position within the View. Inherited from ColumnView.
ColumnUnboundExpressionChanged Fires after a column’s GridColumn.UnboundExpression property has been changed. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomColumnDisplayText Allows you to replace cell display text (for cells with textbox-based editors), group row text, and filter menu item captions. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomColumnSort Allows you to implement custom rules according to which a Grid column will sort its data. A column uses these custom rules only when its GridColumn.SortMode property is set to ColumnSortMode.Custom. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomDrawEmptyForeground Enables a View’s empty space to be custom painted when there aren’t any rows displayed. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomDrawFilterPanel Enables you to paint the filter panel manually. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomDrawViewCaption Enables you to paint the view caption. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomFilterDialog Enables the Custom Filter Dialog to be replaced with custom filtering facilities. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomFilterDisplayText Allows you to set a custom Filter Panel text. This techique is aplicable only when the Filter Panel is in “Text” mode (see the FilterCriteriaDisplayStyle property). Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomizeItem Allows you to customize individual items.
CustomRowFilter Allows you to hide/show specific rows (that exist in the data source) based on a condition regardless of the grid’s filter. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomUnboundColumnData Allows you to supply data to cells in visible unbound columns, and save values entered by users. Inherited from ColumnView.
DataError Fires when an error occurs in the data controller and allows you to handle the error. Inherited from ColumnView.
DataManagerReset Fires when significant data source changes occur. Inherited from ColumnView.
DataSourceChanged Occurs when the data source of the current View changes. Inherited from BaseView.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
DoubleClick Occurs when a View is double-clicked. Inherited from BaseView.
EndGrouping Fires after the grouping operation has been completed. Inherited from ColumnView.
EndSorting Fires after the sorting operation has been completed. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterEditorCreated Allows you to customize the Filter Editor before it is displayed on screen. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterExpressionEditorCreated Allows you to customize the Expression Editor used to edit custom expressions that are displayed in the control’s Filter Editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelCustomizeTemplate Allows you to customize templates for Excel-style filters and for external editors generated with Filtering UI Context. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelData Allows you to add, remove, and modify data values and customize predefined filters in the Excel style pop-up filter menus. Filter items added manually on this event must be unique and sorted. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelParseFilterCriteria Allows you to parse the filter criteria applied to data and select the corresponding values in the filter menu. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelPrepareTemplate Allows you to replace the UI for the Excel-styled menus’ “Values” tab. Also affects editors generated by the Filtering UI Context component attached to this Data Grid. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelQueryFilterCriteria Fires when a filter criteria is about to be applied to data and allows you to customize the filter criteria. Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedColumnChanged Fires in response to changing column focus. Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedRowChanged Fires when the focused row’s handle changes. Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedRowLoaded Fires when the focused row’s data has been loaded (in Instant Feedback Mode). Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedRowObjectChanged Fires after focus is moved to another row object. Inherited from ColumnView.
FormatRuleExpressionEditorCreated Allows you to customize the Expression Editor embedded in the Edit Formatting Rule dialog. Inherited from ColumnView.
FormatRuleManagerFormCreated Fires when the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager is about to be displayed. Inherited from ColumnView.
GotFocus Occurs when a View receives focus. Inherited from BaseView.
HiddenEditor Fires immediately after an inplace editor has been closed. Inherited from ColumnView.
HyperlinkClick Occurs when a user clicks a URL in an HTML template and allows you to manually handle the event.
InitNewRow Enables you to initialize added rows. Inherited from ColumnView.
InvalidRowException Fires when a row fails validation or when it cannot be saved to the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
InvalidValueException Enables you to provide a proper response to entering an invalid cell value. Inherited from BaseView.
KeyDown Fires when a user presses a key while the View has focus. Inherited from BaseView.
KeyPress Fires when a character key is pressed while the View has focus. Inherited from BaseView.
KeyUp Occurs when releasing the pressed key. Inherited from BaseView.
Layout Fires immediately after a View’s layout has been changed. Inherited from BaseView.
LayoutUpgrade Occurs when a layout is restored from storage (a stream, xml file or system registry) and its version differs from the version of the current View’s layout. Inherited from BaseView.
LostFocus Occurs when a View loses focus. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over a View and a mouse button is pressed. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseEnter Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the View. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseLeave Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the View. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer moves over a View. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseUp Occurs when the mouse button is released if it was pressed within a View. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseWheel Occurs when the mouse wheel is moved while a View has focus. Inherited from BaseView.
PaintStyleChanged Fires after the View’s paint style has changed. Inherited from BaseView.
ParseFindPanelText Fires after the query in the find panel changes. Allows you to create a filter condition based on the query and specify how to highlight results in the control. Inherited from ColumnView.
PrintExportCompleted Allows you to determine whether the view data was printed or exported without errors. Inherited from BaseView.
PrintExportProgress Fires repeatedly while the View’s data is being printed/exported. Inherited from BaseView.
PrintInitialize Allows you to customize general print/export settings when the View is about to be printed/exported. Inherited from BaseView.
PropertyDeserializing Allows you to restore certain settings previously saved in the layout. Inherited from BaseView.
PropertySerializing Allows you to include certain settings in the layout when you save it. Inherited from BaseView.
QueryCustomFunctions Allows you to add custom-function-based filters (for example, ‘discount is more than 15%’) to Excel-style pop-up filter menus and/or the filter editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
QueryItemTemplate Allows you to assign and customize templates for individual items.
RowCellDefaultAlignment Enables you to specify content alignment for individual cells. Inherited from ColumnView.
RowCountChanged Occurs when the number of visible records is changed within a View. Inherited from BaseView.
RowDeleted Fires after a data row is deleted. Inherited from ColumnView.
RowDeleting Fires when a data row is about to be deleted. Inherited from ColumnView.
RowEditCanceled Fires after row editing was canceled. Inherited from ColumnView.
RowLoaded Fires when a row’s data has been loaded (in Instant Feedback Mode). Inherited from ColumnView.
RowUpdated Occurs after changes made to a focused data row have been saved to an underlying data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
SelectedTextChanged Occurs whenever the SelectedText property changes its value. See this article for more information: AllowContentSelection.
SelectionChanged Fires when row/cell selection is changed. In v21.1 and higher, the event fires both in single and multiple row selection modes. Inherited from ColumnView.
SelectionChanging Allows you to specify whether users can select and unselect rows. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowFilterPopupCheckedListBox Allows you to customize checked filter dropdown lists before they are displayed. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowFilterPopupDate Allows you to customize the filter dropdown for date-time columns. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowFilterPopupExcel Allows you to hide specific filter conditions from Filters and Values tabs of the Excel-style Drop-down Filter. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowFilterPopupListBox Enables you to customize a particular column’s filter dropdown list. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowingEditor Occurs when a cell editor is about to open, and allows you to cancel the action. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShownEditor Fires immediately after a cell editor is invoked. Inherited from ColumnView.
StartGrouping Fires before a grouping operation is started. Inherited from ColumnView.
StartSorting Fires before a sorting operation is started. Inherited from ColumnView.
SubstituteFilter Allows you to update or replace the filter that is about to be applied with a custom filter. Inherited from ColumnView.
SubstituteSortInfo For internal use only. Inherited from ColumnView.
UnboundExpressionEditorCreated Fires after an Expression Editor has been created for an unbound column. Inherited from ColumnView.
ValidateRow Fires when a user edits row cell values and attempts to select another row. Handle this event to check whether these new values are valid, and if not, choose the required behavior (discard edits, show a warning message, ignore errors, or keep the focus on this row until a user enters valid values). Inherited from ColumnView.
ValidatingEditor Fires when a user edits a row cell value and attempts to select another cell. Handle this event to check whether this new value is valid, and if not, choose the required behavior (discard edits, show a warning message, ignore errors, or keep the focus on this cell until a user enters valid values). This event allows you to track edits made in the Edit Form. Inherited from BaseView.
See Also