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DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Microsoft365Calendar Namespace

Includes API that implements synchronization with Microsoft 365 Calendars.

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.Microsoft365Calendar.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Scheduler.Core.Desktop.Microsoft365Calendar


Name Description
ConvertEventArgs Contains data for the CustomizeAppointmentToEvent and CustomizeEventToAppointment events.
DXOutlook365Sync A component that allows you to synchronize user appointments in WinForms Scheduler/WPF Scheduler with Outlook 365 Calendars (bi-directionally).
InitCompleteEventArgs Contains data for the InitComplete event.
Outlook365CalendarMergeEventArgs Contains data for the MergeSingleItem and MergeConflictResolve events.
OutlookCalendarItem Contains settings of an Outlook 365 calendar.
OutlookEngine The default implementation of the IOutlookEngine interface.


Name Description
IOutlookEngine Allows you to create classes that work with Microsoft 365 calendars.


Name Description
InitStatus Enumerates values that indicate the result of DXOutlook365Sync initialization.
MergeActionType Enumerates values that specify a merge action.