DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Microsoft365Calendar Namespace
Includes API that implements synchronization with Microsoft 365 Calendars.
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.Microsoft365Calendar.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Scheduler.Core.Desktop.Microsoft365Calendar
Name | Description |
ConvertEventArgs | Contains data for the CustomizeAppointmentToEvent and CustomizeEventToAppointment events. |
DXOutlook365Sync | A component that allows you to synchronize user appointments in WinForms Scheduler/WPF Scheduler with Outlook 365 Calendars (bi-directionally). |
InitCompleteEventArgs | Contains data for the InitComplete event. |
Outlook365CalendarMergeEventArgs | Contains data for the MergeSingleItem and MergeConflictResolve events. |
OutlookCalendarItem | Contains settings of an Outlook 365 calendar. |
OutlookEngine | The default implementation of the IOutlookEngine interface. |
Name | Description |
IOutlookEngine | Allows you to create classes that work with Microsoft 365 calendars. |
Name | Description |
InitStatus |
Enumerates values that indicate the result of DXOutlook365Sync initialization.
MergeActionType | Enumerates values that specify a merge action. |