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ColumnView.InitNewRow Event

Enables you to initialize added rows.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.2.dll


public event InitNewRowEventHandler InitNewRow

Event Data

The InitNewRow event's data class is InitNewRowEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
RowHandle Gets the handle of the added row.


The `InitNewRow`` event raises when a new row is added to a View. The event occurs in the following cases:

Handle the InitNewRow event to fill a newly added row (or some of its cells) with initial values. Pass the e.RowHandle event parameter to the ColumnView.SetRowCellValue method (see the example below).

Note that some values within a new row can be automatically initialized by a data source. For example, the key field value may already be assigned.


Do not call the following methods from the InitNewRow event handler:

Tutorial Video: How to Initialize New Rows

Run Demo: Init New Rows


The following example demonstrates how to handle the ColumnView.InitNewRow event to initialize the “ID” and “CreateDate” fields (cells) of a new data row.

Add New Row - WinForms Data Grid, DevExpress

using System;
using System.Data;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;

namespace DXApplication9 {
    public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm {
        public Form1() {
            gridControl1.DataSource = InitDataTable();
            Load += Form1_Load;
            buttonAddNewOrder.Click += ButtonAddNewOrder_Click;
            gridView1.InitNewRow += GridView1_InitNewRow;

            // Displays the New Item Row within the Grid View.
            gridView1.OptionsView.NewItemRowPosition = NewItemRowPosition.Bottom;
        private void ButtonAddNewOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            // Adds a new record to the grid's data source.
        private void GridView1_InitNewRow(object sender, InitNewRowEventArgs e) {
            GridView view = sender as GridView;
            view.SetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, view.Columns["ID"], Guid.NewGuid());
            view.SetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, view.Columns["CreateDate"], DateTime.Now);
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            // Makes the ID column read-only. Users cannnot edit its values.
            gridView1.Columns["ID"].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true;
        DataTable InitDataTable() {
            DataTable table = new DataTable("DataRecords");
            table.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] {
                new DataColumn("ID", typeof(Guid)),
                new DataColumn("CreateDate", typeof(DateTime)),
                new DataColumn("Customer Name", typeof(string))
            table.Rows.Add(new object[] { Guid.NewGuid(), new DateTime(2024, 1, 1, 9, 44, 12), "Silva" });
            table.Rows.Add(new object[] { Guid.NewGuid(), new DateTime(2023, 12, 31, 11, 15, 18), "Mike" });
            table.Rows.Add(new object[] { Guid.NewGuid(), new DateTime(2023, 12, 31, 10, 20, 10), "Nathan" });
            return table;
See Also