DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid Namespace
Contains classes implementing Grid View functionality (GridView).
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.1.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Grid, DevExpress.Win.Navigation
Name | Description |
CalcPreviewTextEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.CalcPreviewText event. |
CellMergeEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.CellMerge event. |
ClipboardRowCopyingEventArgs | Provides data for the ClipboardRowCopying event. |
ClipboardRowPastingEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.ClipboardRowPasting event. |
ColumnHeaderCustomDrawEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.CustomDrawColumnHeader event. |
CustomFilterDialogEventArgs | Provides data for the ColumnView.CustomFilterDialog event. |
CustomizationFormSearchEventArgs | Provides data for the CustomizationFormSearch event. |
CustomMasterRowEventArgs | Serves as the base for event arguments that require detail identification capabilities. |
CustomRowCellEditEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.CustomRowCellEdit event. |
DetailTabStyleEventArgs | Provides data for the DetailTabStyle event. |
DragDropGridEventArgs | Contains data for the DragDrop event. |
DragGridEventArgs | Contains data for events that allow you to customize drag-and-drop operations. |
DragOverGridEventArgs | Contains data for the DragOver event. |
DragOverGridEventArgsBase | Contains data for the DragOver event. |
EditFormEventArgsBase | Provides data for the GridView.EditFormPrepared and EditFormHidden events. |
EditFormHiddenEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.EditFormHidden event. |
EditFormPreparedEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.EditFormPrepared event that is raised when an Edit Form is about to be displayed. |
EditFormShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the event that is raised when an Edit Form is about to be displayed. |
EditFormUserControl | A custom edit form for the Data Grid control. |
EditFormValidateEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the BaseView.ValidatingEditor event when data editing is performed via the Edit Form. |
FilterItem | Represents an individual item within a filter dropdown list. |
FilterPopupCheckedListBoxEventArgs | Provides data for the ColumnView.ShowFilterPopupCheckedListBox event. |
FilterPopupDateEventArgs | Provides data for the ColumnView.ShowFilterPopupDate event. |
FilterPopupEventArgs | Provides data for showing filter popup events. |
FilterPopupExcelDataEventArgs | Provides data for the ColumnView.FilterPopupExcelData event. |
FilterPopupExcelEventArgs | Provides data for the ColumnView.ShowFilterPopupExcel event. |
FilterPopupExcelParseFilterCriteriaEventArgs | Provides data for the FilterPopupExcelParseFilterCriteria event. |
FilterPopupListBoxEventArgs | Provides data for the ColumnView.ShowFilterPopupListBox event. |
FooterCellCustomDrawEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.CustomDrawFooterCell and GridView.CustomDrawRowFooterCell events. |
GridMenuEventArgs | Obsolete. Provides data for the menu processing events. |
GridMenuItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.GridMenuItemClick event. |
GridOptionsBehavior | Provides behavior options for Grid Views. |
GridOptionsClipboard | Provides Clipboard options for the GridView. |
GridOptionsCustomization | Provides customization options for Grid Views. |
GridOptionsDetail | Provides detail customization options for Grid Views. |
GridOptionsDragDrop | Includes settings related to drag-and-drop operations. |
GridOptionsEditForm | Provides Edit Form settings. |
GridOptionsFilter | Provides access to Data Grid filtering options. |
GridOptionsHint | Contains a set of options that specify whether to display tooltips for truncated captions in a Grid View‘s specific visual elements. |
GridOptionsMenu | Provides context menu options for Grid Views. |
GridOptionsNavigation | Provides navigation options for Grid Views. |
GridOptionsPrint | Provides print/export options for Grid Views. |
GridOptionsSelection | Provides selection options for Grid Views. |
GridOptionsView | Provides appearance options for Grid Views. |
GridView | Displays data in a tabular form. |
GridViewAppearances | Provides the appearance settings used to paint the elements in a Grid View. |
GridViewOptionsFind | Contains options controlling the view and behavior settings of the Find Panel. |
GridViewPrintAppearances | Provides the appearance settings used to paint the elements in a Grid View when the grid control is printed/exported. |
GroupLevelStyleEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.GroupLevelStyle event. |
InitNewRowEventArgs | Provides data for the ColumnView.InitNewRow event. |
MasterRowCanExpandEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.MasterRowExpanding and GridView.MasterRowCollapsing events. |
MasterRowEmptyEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.MasterRowEmpty event. |
MasterRowGetChildListEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.MasterRowGetChildList event. |
MasterRowGetLevelDefaultViewEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.MasterRowGetLevelDefaultView event. |
MasterRowGetRelationCountEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.MasterRowGetRelationCount event. |
MasterRowGetRelationNameEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.MasterRowGetRelationName event. |
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs | Contains data for the GridView.PopupMenuShowing event. |
RowCellClickEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.RowCellClick event. |
RowCellStyleEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.RowCellStyle event. |
RowClickEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.RowClick event. |
RowHeightEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.CalcRowHeight event. |
RowIndicatorCustomDrawEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.CustomDrawRowIndicator event. |
RowStyleEventArgs | Provides data for the GridView.RowStyle event. |
Name | Description |
DetailExpandButtonMode | Lists the values that specify whether master-detail expand buttons are displayed grayed out when their associated details don’t contain any data. |
DrawFocusRectStyle | Contains values specifying how the focus rectangle is painted within Grid Views. |
EditFormBindingMode | Defines the set of values used to specify the binding mode. |
EditFormModifiedAction | Defines a set of actions that can be performed when an Edit Form contains unsaved changes and an end-user moves focus to another grid row. |
EditFormResult | Enumerates values that specify the button clicked in the Edit Form. |
GridEditingMode | Defines the set of values used to specify the grid editing mode. |
GridFindPanelLocation | Enumerates values that specify whether the find panel is embedded into the group panel or displayed in a separate panel. |
GridInHeaderSearchMode | Enumerates values that specify whether search boxes are enabled in column headers. |
GridMenuType | Enumerates values that specify context menu types. |
GridMultiSelectMode | Provides values that specify whether multiple cells or rows can be selected. |
GridState | Contains values indicating all available Grid View states. |
GroupDrawMode | Lists values which specify the available styles for group rows. |
GroupFooterShowMode | Lists values specifying which groups display their footers. |
MergedCellEditMode | Lists modes that allow users to edit merged cells. |
NewItemRowPosition | Specifies the position of the new item row within the View. |
RowVisibleState | Lists values representing row visibility states. |
ScrollStyleFlags | Lists values specifying a View’s scrollbar behavior. |
ShowInHeaderSearchTextMode | Enumerates values that specify whether to show search text in column header tooltips. |