Icon and Image Library
- 2 minutes to read
The DevExpress Icon Library ships as part of the DevExpress WinForms subscription. From traditional high-quality raster icons to scalable vector icons optimized for high-resolution displays, the icon library contains thousands of images designed to enhance the look and feel of modern applications.
#DevExpress SVG and PNG Icons
The DevExpress Icon Library is a comprehensive resource designed to support modern, high-DPI (4K+) displays. It includes hundreds of high-quality vector-based (SVG) icons, available in both color and grayscale formats. These SVG icons are dynamic and automatically adapt their colors to match the application’s skin.
In addition to SVG icons, the library offers a broad collection of PNG icons, organized into over 60 categories, to suit a wide variety of use cases across different application types. PNG icons are available in two sizes – 16x16 and 32x32 pixels.
Read the following help topics for additional information:
#Font Icon Images
Windows 10 and 11 contains a rich set of font icons (Segoe MDL2 Assets in Windows 10 and Segoe Fluent Icons in Windows 11 fonts). Depending on the operating system, DevExpress-powered applications will automatically utilize icons from either the “Segoe MDL2 Assets” (Windows 10) or “Segoe Fluent Icons” (Windows 11) font collections. Font icon images, like SVG icons, support skin colors for a cohesive UI appearance.
Read the following help topic for additional information: Font Icon Images.