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Column Header

  • 2 minutes to read

Column headers identify columns in Grid Views, Banded Grid Views, and Advanced Banded Grid Views. A column header contains the following UI elements:

The column header panel contains headers of all visible columns. Headers of grouped columns are displayed in the group panel. The Customization Form displays headers of hidden columns. A right click on a column header in the header panel or the group panel activates the column header context menu.


The following table lists the main properties that allow you to customize column headers:


The GridViewAppearances.HeaderPanel property specifies appearance settings for all column headers. Individual columns may override these settings using the GridColumn.AppearanceHeader property.

Custom Draw Event



GridOptionsView.ShowColumnHeaders and GridOptionsView.ShowGroupPanel options specify whether to display the column header panel and group panel respectively. A column’s OptionsColumn.ShowInCustomizationForm option specifies whether the column header can appear in the Customization Form when the column is hidden.


GridColumn.Caption, GridColumn.ImageOptions

You can use HTML tags to format a column’s caption if the GridOptionsView.AllowHtmlDrawHeaders option is enabled.


GridOptionsHint.ShowColumnHeaderHints, GridColumn.ToolTip

See Also