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DevExpress.XtraPdfViewer.Commands Namespace

Contains commands that correspond to end-user actions in a PDF Viewer.

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraPdfViewer.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.PdfViewer


Name Description
PdfCheckableCommand A command that corresponds to a fixed value of a specific setting.
PdfCopyCommand Copies the selected document content to the Clipboard.
PdfDeleteAnnotationCommand Deletes a selected annotation.
PdfEnlargePageThumbnailsCommand Enlarges the page thumbnail size.
PdfExportFormDataCommand Exports PDF form data.
PdfFindTextCommand Finds the specified text in a document.
PdfHandToolCommand Activates the Hand Tool to scroll the document by dragging its surface.
PdfImportFormDataCommand Imports PDF form data.
PdfMarqueeZoomCommand Activates the Marquee Zoom tool that is used to change the zoom level of a document or zoom in a particular area of a page.
PdfNextPageCommand Navigates to the next document page.
PdfNextViewCommand Navigates to the next position in the document, based on the viewing history.
PdfOpenFileCommand Opens a document.
PdfOutlinesExpandCollapseTopLevelCommand Expands or collapses top-level outlines.
PdfOutlinesExpandCurrentCommand Expands current outlines located in the navigation panel of a PDF viewer.
PdfOutlinesGotoCommand Goes to a bookmark within a PDF document.
PdfOutlinesHideAfterUseCommand Hides the PDF navigation panel after clicking on the bookmark item.
PdfOutlinesPrintCommand The base class for the PdfOutlinesPrintSectionsCommand and PdfOutlinesPrintPagesCommand commands.
PdfOutlinesPrintPagesCommand Prints only pages to which selected bookmarks are linked in the document.
PdfOutlinesPrintSectionsCommand Prints document sections that correspond to selected bookmarks.
PdfOutlinesTextSizeCommand Changes node text size within the navigation pane to small, medium or large.
PdfOutlinesTextSizeToLargeCommand Changes the outlines node text size within the navigation page to large.
PdfOutlinesTextSizeToMediumCommand Changes the outlines node text size within the navigation pane to medium.
PdfOutlinesTextSizeToSmallCommand Changes outlines node text size within the navigation pane to small.
PdfOutlinesWrapLongLinesCommand Wraps long lines in the outline node text of the PDF viewer.
PdfPreviousPageCommand Navigates to the previous document page.
PdfPreviousViewCommand Navigates to the previous position in the document, based on the viewing history.
PdfPrintFileCommand Runs the system Print dialog to adjust the print settings and send the current document to a printer.
PdfReducePageThumbnailsCommand Reduces the page thumbnail size.
PdfRotatePageClockwiseCommand Rotates the document clockwise through 90 degrees.
PdfRotatePageCounterclockwiseCommand Rotates the document counterclockwise through 90 degrees.
PdfSaveAsFileCommand Save the PDF to a new file.
PdfSelectAllCommand Selects all content in a document.
PdfSelectToolCommand Activates the Select Tool to select the document content.
PdfSetActualSizeZoomModeCommand Restores the default zoom factor value, showing the document in its actual size.
PdfSetFitVisibleZoomModeCommand Adjusts the document zoom factor value to contain the visible part of the page content within the application window’s dimensions
PdfSetFitWidthZoomModeCommand Adjusts the document zoom factor value to adjust the page width to the application window’s dimensions.
PdfSetPageLevelZoomModeCommand Adjusts the document zoom factor value to attain a page size appropriate to the application window’s dimensions.
PdfSetPageNumberCommand Sets the page number and navigates to the page.
PdfSetZoomCommand Obsolete. This class is now obsolete.
PdfSetZoomModeCommand The base for classes that provide custom document zoom factor modes.
PdfShowAnnotationPropertiesCommand Runs the Annotation Properties dialog for a selected annotation.
PdfShowDocumentPropertiesCommand Runs the Document Properties dialog that provides detailed information about the current document.
PdfShowExactZoomListCommand Adjust the document zoom factor to match one of the predefined static values.
PdfTextCommentCommand The base class for each text comment command.
PdfTextHighlightCommand Highlights a selected text or activates the text highlight tool if the text is not selected.
PdfTextStrikethroughCommand Strikethroughs a selected text or activates the text strikethrough tool if the text is not selected.
PdfTextUnderlineCommand Underlines a selected text or activates the text underline tool if the text is not selected.
PdfThumbnailsPrintPagesCommand Prints pages that correspond to the selected thumbnails.
PdfViewerCommand The base class for each PDF Viewer command.
PdfViewerCommandRepository For internal use.
PdfZoom100Command Sets the zoom factor value to show the original document size.
PdfZoom10Command Sets the zoom factor value to 10 percent.
PdfZoom125Command Sets the zoom factor value to 125 percent of the original size.
PdfZoom150Command Sets the zoom factor value to 150 percent of the original document size.
PdfZoom200Command Sets the zoom factor value to 200 percent of the original document size.
PdfZoom25Command Sets the zoom factor value to 25 percent of the original document size.
PdfZoom400Command Sets the zoom factor value to 400 percent of the original document size.
PdfZoom500Command Sets the zoom factor value to 500 percent of the original document size.
PdfZoom50Command Sets the zoom factor value to 50 percent of the original document size.
PdfZoom75Command Sets the zoom factor value to 75 percent of the original document size.
PdfZoomCommand The base class for each PDF zoom command.
PdfZoomInCommand Increases the document zoom factor by ten percent.
PdfZoomOutCommand Decreases the document zoom factor by ten percent.


Name Description
PdfViewerCommandId Lists values that identify the PDF Viewer commands.