DevExpress.XtraPdfViewer.Commands Namespace
Contains commands that correspond to end-user actions in a PDF Viewer.
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraPdfViewer.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.PdfViewer
Name | Description |
PdfCheckableCommand | A command that corresponds to a fixed value of a specific setting. |
PdfCopyCommand | Copies the selected document content to the Clipboard. |
PdfDeleteAnnotationCommand | Deletes a selected annotation. |
PdfEnlargePageThumbnailsCommand | Enlarges the page thumbnail size. |
PdfExportFormDataCommand | Exports PDF form data. |
PdfFindTextCommand | Finds the specified text in a document. |
PdfHandToolCommand | Activates the Hand Tool to scroll the document by dragging its surface. |
PdfImportFormDataCommand | Imports PDF form data. |
PdfMarqueeZoomCommand | Activates the Marquee Zoom tool that is used to change the zoom level of a document or zoom in a particular area of a page. |
PdfNextPageCommand | Navigates to the next document page. |
PdfNextViewCommand | Navigates to the next position in the document, based on the viewing history. |
PdfOpenFileCommand | Opens a document. |
PdfOutlinesExpandCollapseTopLevelCommand | Expands or collapses top-level outlines. |
PdfOutlinesExpandCurrentCommand | Expands current outlines located in the navigation panel of a PDF viewer. |
PdfOutlinesGotoCommand | Goes to a bookmark within a PDF document. |
PdfOutlinesHideAfterUseCommand | Hides the PDF navigation panel after clicking on the bookmark item. |
PdfOutlinesPrintCommand | The base class for the PdfOutlinesPrintSectionsCommand and PdfOutlinesPrintPagesCommand commands. |
PdfOutlinesPrintPagesCommand | Prints only pages to which selected bookmarks are linked in the document. |
PdfOutlinesPrintSectionsCommand | Prints document sections that correspond to selected bookmarks. |
PdfOutlinesTextSizeCommand | Changes node text size within the navigation pane to small, medium or large. |
PdfOutlinesTextSizeToLargeCommand | Changes the outlines node text size within the navigation page to large. |
PdfOutlinesTextSizeToMediumCommand | Changes the outlines node text size within the navigation pane to medium. |
PdfOutlinesTextSizeToSmallCommand | Changes outlines node text size within the navigation pane to small. |
PdfOutlinesWrapLongLinesCommand | Wraps long lines in the outline node text of the PDF viewer. |
PdfPreviousPageCommand | Navigates to the previous document page. |
PdfPreviousViewCommand | Navigates to the previous position in the document, based on the viewing history. |
PdfPrintFileCommand | Runs the system Print dialog to adjust the print settings and send the current document to a printer. |
PdfReducePageThumbnailsCommand | Reduces the page thumbnail size. |
PdfRotatePageClockwiseCommand | Rotates the document clockwise through 90 degrees. |
PdfRotatePageCounterclockwiseCommand | Rotates the document counterclockwise through 90 degrees. |
PdfSaveAsFileCommand | Save the PDF to a new file. |
PdfSelectAllCommand | Selects all content in a document. |
PdfSelectToolCommand | Activates the Select Tool to select the document content. |
PdfSetActualSizeZoomModeCommand | Restores the default zoom factor value, showing the document in its actual size. |
PdfSetFitVisibleZoomModeCommand | Adjusts the document zoom factor value to contain the visible part of the page content within the application window’s dimensions |
PdfSetFitWidthZoomModeCommand | Adjusts the document zoom factor value to adjust the page width to the application window’s dimensions. |
PdfSetPageLevelZoomModeCommand | Adjusts the document zoom factor value to attain a page size appropriate to the application window’s dimensions. |
PdfSetPageNumberCommand | Sets the page number and navigates to the page. |
PdfSetZoomCommand | Obsolete. This class is now obsolete. |
PdfSetZoomModeCommand | The base for classes that provide custom document zoom factor modes. |
PdfShowAnnotationPropertiesCommand | Runs the Annotation Properties dialog for a selected annotation. |
PdfShowDocumentPropertiesCommand | Runs the Document Properties dialog that provides detailed information about the current document. |
PdfShowExactZoomListCommand | Adjust the document zoom factor to match one of the predefined static values. |
PdfTextCommentCommand | The base class for each text comment command. |
PdfTextHighlightCommand | Highlights a selected text or activates the text highlight tool if the text is not selected. |
PdfTextStrikethroughCommand | Strikethroughs a selected text or activates the text strikethrough tool if the text is not selected. |
PdfTextUnderlineCommand | Underlines a selected text or activates the text underline tool if the text is not selected. |
PdfThumbnailsPrintPagesCommand | Prints pages that correspond to the selected thumbnails. |
PdfViewerCommand | The base class for each PDF Viewer command. |
PdfViewerCommandRepository | For internal use. |
PdfZoom100Command | Sets the zoom factor value to show the original document size. |
PdfZoom10Command | Sets the zoom factor value to 10 percent. |
PdfZoom125Command | Sets the zoom factor value to 125 percent of the original size. |
PdfZoom150Command | Sets the zoom factor value to 150 percent of the original document size. |
PdfZoom200Command | Sets the zoom factor value to 200 percent of the original document size. |
PdfZoom25Command | Sets the zoom factor value to 25 percent of the original document size. |
PdfZoom400Command | Sets the zoom factor value to 400 percent of the original document size. |
PdfZoom500Command | Sets the zoom factor value to 500 percent of the original document size. |
PdfZoom50Command | Sets the zoom factor value to 50 percent of the original document size. |
PdfZoom75Command | Sets the zoom factor value to 75 percent of the original document size. |
PdfZoomCommand | The base class for each PDF zoom command. |
PdfZoomInCommand | Increases the document zoom factor by ten percent. |
PdfZoomOutCommand | Decreases the document zoom factor by ten percent. |
Name | Description |
PdfViewerCommandId | Lists values that identify the PDF Viewer commands. |