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DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls Namespace

Contains classes that provide editor functionality and specify editor appearance.

Assemblies: DevExpress.Utils.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Utils, DevExpress.Wpf.Core, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


Name Description
AddingMRUItemEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemMRUEdit.AddingMRUItem event.
BaseContainerValidateEditorEventArgs Provides data for events that allow you to validate cell values.
ButtonPressedEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemButtonEdit.ButtonPressed and RepositoryItemButtonEdit.ButtonClick events.
CalendarControl Displays a monthly calendar and allows an end-user to select a date or date range(s).
CalendarControlBase The base class for controls that incorporate calendars.
CanGetNextPrevImageEventArgs Contains data for the ImageSlider.CanGetNextPrevImage event.
ChangingEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanging event.
CheckedListBoxItem Represents an item within the CheckedListBoxControl and CheckedComboBoxEdit controls.
CheckedListBoxItemCollection Represents the CheckedListBoxControl‘s item collection.
ClosedEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemPopupBase.Closed event.
CloseUpEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemPopupBase.CloseUp event.
ComboBoxItem Serves as the base for the class representing image combo box items.
ComboBoxItemCollection Represents a collection of items within a combo box editor.
ConvertEditValueEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItem.FormatEditValue and RepositoryItem.ParseEditValue events.
CustomDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItem.CustomDisplayText event.
EditorButton An editor button displayed in a ButtonEdit control or its descendant.
EditorButtonCollection Represents a collection of editor buttons in a ButtonEdit control or its descendant.
ExceptionEventArgs Represents the base class for arguments passed to exception handling events.
GetImageEventArgs Contains data for the ImageSlider.GetImage event.
GetNotInListValueEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemLookUpEdit.GetNotInListValue event.
ImageComboBoxItem Represents an individual item in ImageComboBoxEdit controls.
ImageComboBoxItemCollection Represents a collection of items displayed within the dropdown list of ImageComboBoxEdit editors.
ImageListBoxItem Represents a single item in the collection.
ImageListBoxItemCollection Represents the collection of items displayed in the ImageListBoxControl.
ImageSlider The control that allows your end-users to browse through a collection of images using two navigation buttons. Supports animation effects when navigating between images.
InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs Provides data for events that occur when assigning an invalid value to a container control cell.
ItemCheckEventArgs Provides data for the BaseCheckedListBoxControl.ItemCheck event of check list box controls.
ItemCheckingEventArgs Provides data for the BaseCheckedListBoxControl.ItemChecking event of check list box controls.
ListBoxItem Represents a single item in the collection.
ListBoxItemCollection Represents the collection of items displayed in the ListBoxControl.
Localizer Represents an object providing a means to localize editor interface elements.
LookUpColumnInfo A column for a lookup editor.
LookUpColumnInfoCollection A collection of columns for a lookup editor.
LookUpEditAutoSearchEventArgs Provides arguments for the LookUpEdit.AutoSearch and GridLookUpEdit.AutoSearch events.
LookUpEditAutoSuggestEventArgs Provides data for the LookUpEdit.AutoSuggest and GridLookUpEdit.AutoSuggest events.
LookUpEditSearchHighlightEventArgs A base class for the AutoSearch and AutoSuggest event parameters.
OpenLinkEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit.OpenLink event.
PictureEditOptionsEditDialog Contains settings that customize the Image Editor dialog.
PictureEditOptionsMask Contains settings that enable masked mode and allow you to customize the masked mode behavior.
PopupCheckBoxSelectorMemberIsSelectedEventArgs Contains data for the QueryCheckBoxSelectorMemberIsSelected event.
PopupCheckBoxSelectorMemberValueEventArgs Contains data for the SetCheckBoxSelectorMemberValue event.
PopupSelectionChangedEventArgs Contains data for the SelectionChanged event.
PopupSelectionChangingEventArgs Contains data for the SelectionChanging event.
ProcessNewValueEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemLookUpEditBase.ProcessNewValue event.
QueryCheckStateByValueEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryCheckStateByValue event.
QueryCheckStatesEventArgs Serves as the base for classes providing data for RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryCheckStateByValue and RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryValueByCheckState events.
QueryDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemPopupContainerEdit.QueryDisplayText and RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit.QueryDisplayText events.
QueryResultValueEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemPopupContainerEdit.QueryResultValue event.
QueryValueByCheckStateEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryValueByCheckState event.
RadioGroupItem Represents a single item in the collection.
RadioGroupItemCollection Represents a collection of items within a radio group editor.
SliderBase Provides a base class for ImageSlider objects.
SliderImageCollection An image collection for an ImageSlider control.
SpinEventArgs Provides data for the RepositoryItemTextEdit.Spin event


Name Description
AddingMRUItemEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RepositoryItemMRUEdit.AddingMRUItem event.
BaseContainerValidateEditorEventHandler Represents the method for handling events which take a BaseContainerValidateEditorEventArgs object as a parameter.
ButtonPressedEventHandler Represents a method for handling the RepositoryItemButtonEdit.ButtonPressed and RepositoryItemButtonEdit.ButtonClick events of a ButtonEdit control.
ChangingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanging event.
ClosedEventHandler Represents a method for handling the RepositoryItemPopupBase.Closed event of the PopupBaseEdit control descendants.
CloseUpEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RepositoryItemPopupBase.CloseUp event of a popup editor.
ConvertEditValueEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RepositoryItem.ParseEditValue and RepositoryItem.FormatEditValue events.
CustomDisplayTextEventHandler Represents the method for handling events which take a CustomDisplayTextEventArgs object as a parameter.
ExceptionEventHandler Represents the method for handling events which take an ExceptionEventArgs object as a parameter.
GetNotInListValueEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RepositoryItemLookUpEdit.GetNotInListValue event.
InvalidValueExceptionEventHandler Represents the method for handling events which take an InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs object as a parameter.
ItemCheckEventHandler Represents a method for handling the BaseCheckedListBoxControl.ItemCheck event of a check list box control.
ItemCheckingEventHandler Represents a method for handling the BaseCheckedListBoxControl.ItemChecking event of a check list box control.
OpenLinkEventHandler Represents a method for handling the RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit.OpenLink event of a HyperLinkEdit control.
ProcessNewValueEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RepositoryItemLookUpEditBase.ProcessNewValue event.
QueryCheckStateByValueEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryCheckStateByValue event.
QueryDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RepositoryItemPopupContainerEdit.QueryDisplayText and RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit.QueryDisplayText events.
QueryResultValueEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PopupContainerEdit.QueryResultValue event of a popup container editor.
QueryValueByCheckStateEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryValueByCheckState event.
SpinEventHandler Represents the method for handling events which take a SpinEventArgs object as a parameter.


Name Description
BestFitMode Contains values that specify “best-fit” modes for lookup editors.
BorderSide Contains values specifying border sides.
BorderStyles Enumerates border and button styles for editors.
ButtonPredefines Specifies the surface image of a button.
ButtonStates Specifies the state of an EditorButton.
CalendarInactiveDaysVisibility Lists modes for displaying dates which do not belong to a current month but are displayed to fill in the first or last row.
CalendarSelectionBehavior Lists modes which determine what dates become selected when selection extends.
CheckStyles Contains values specifying the look of the check box within a CheckEdit control.
ColorText Specifies the style used to represent the selected color in a ColorEdit control.
DateOnError Specifies the response of a DateEdit editor to an invalid value.
DetailLevel Contains values specifying the editor drawing detail level.
EditValueChangedFiringMode Lists values that specify when the editor’s RepositoryItem.EditValueChanged event should be raised.
ExceptionMode Specifies how an exception should be handled.
FilterButtonShowMode Lists the values that determine the display mode for column filter.
HeaderClickMode Lists values that specify which functionality is invoked as a result of a click on a column header within the lookup editor’s dropdown list.
HourFormat Contains values specifying the manner in which the hour portion is displayed.
InplaceType Contains values specifying the inplace editor types.
MRUItemAddReason Contains values that identify how an item has beed added to the MRUEdit control.
OutputImageFormat Enumerates output formats for the Image Editor dialog.
PictureEditMaskLayoutMode Contains values that specify how a mask is aligned relative to an image in the PictureEdit control.
PictureEditMaskType Enumerates mask types for the PictureEdit control.
PictureSizeMode Specifies the size mode of the image contained within a PictureEdit or ImageEdit editor.
PictureStoreMode Lists values that specify how the PictureEdit control stores images pasted via the editor’s context menu
PopupBorderStyles Contains styles for popup window borders.
ProgressKind Lists values specifying the control’s direction.
ProgressViewStyle Contains values specifying the style of the progress bar’s indicator.
SearchMode Enumerates search modes for a lookup edior.
ShowDropDown Determines the behavior of a popup control when a user clicks within its text region.
SpinStyles Enumerates values that specify whether spin buttons in the SpinEdit, TimeEdit, and TimeSpanEdit controls are oriented vertically or horizontally.
StringId Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized.
StyleIndeterminate Contains check box paint styles applied in the indeterminate state.
TextCaseMode Contains values that specify how the text case of strings is changed.
TextEditStyles Specifies how a value is displayed and edited in the button editor’s edit box.
TimeFormat Contains values specifying the formats of time editor values.
WeekNumberRule Lists rules used to determine the first week of the year.