DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls Namespace
Contains classes that provide editor functionality and specify editor appearance.
Assemblies: DevExpress.Utils.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Utils, DevExpress.Wpf.Core, DevExpress.Win.Navigation
Name | Description |
AddingMRUItemEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemMRUEdit.AddingMRUItem event. |
BaseContainerValidateEditorEventArgs | Provides data for events that allow you to validate cell values. |
ButtonPressedEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemButtonEdit.ButtonPressed and RepositoryItemButtonEdit.ButtonClick events. |
CalendarControl | Displays a monthly calendar and allows an end-user to select a date or date range(s). |
CalendarControlBase | The base class for controls that incorporate calendars. |
CanGetNextPrevImageEventArgs | Contains data for the ImageSlider.CanGetNextPrevImage event. |
ChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanging event. |
CheckedListBoxItem | Represents an item within the CheckedListBoxControl and CheckedComboBoxEdit controls. |
CheckedListBoxItemCollection | Represents the CheckedListBoxControl‘s item collection. |
ClosedEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemPopupBase.Closed event. |
CloseUpEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemPopupBase.CloseUp event. |
ComboBoxItem | Serves as the base for the class representing image combo box items. |
ComboBoxItemCollection | Represents a collection of items within a combo box editor. |
ConvertEditValueEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItem.FormatEditValue and RepositoryItem.ParseEditValue events. |
CustomDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItem.CustomDisplayText event. |
EditorButton | An editor button displayed in a ButtonEdit control or its descendant. |
EditorButtonCollection | Represents a collection of editor buttons in a ButtonEdit control or its descendant. |
ExceptionEventArgs | Represents the base class for arguments passed to exception handling events. |
GetImageEventArgs | Contains data for the ImageSlider.GetImage event. |
GetNotInListValueEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemLookUpEdit.GetNotInListValue event. |
ImageComboBoxItem | Represents an individual item in ImageComboBoxEdit controls. |
ImageComboBoxItemCollection | Represents a collection of items displayed within the dropdown list of ImageComboBoxEdit editors. |
ImageListBoxItem | Represents a single item in the collection. |
ImageListBoxItemCollection | Represents the collection of items displayed in the ImageListBoxControl. |
ImageSlider | The control that allows your end-users to browse through a collection of images using two navigation buttons. Supports animation effects when navigating between images. |
InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for events that occur when assigning an invalid value to a container control cell. |
ItemCheckEventArgs | Provides data for the BaseCheckedListBoxControl.ItemCheck event of check list box controls. |
ItemCheckingEventArgs | Provides data for the BaseCheckedListBoxControl.ItemChecking event of check list box controls. |
ListBoxItem | Represents a single item in the collection. |
ListBoxItemCollection | Represents the collection of items displayed in the ListBoxControl. |
Localizer | Represents an object providing a means to localize editor interface elements. |
LookUpColumnInfo | A column for a lookup editor. |
LookUpColumnInfoCollection | A collection of columns for a lookup editor. |
LookUpEditAutoSearchEventArgs | Provides arguments for the LookUpEdit.AutoSearch and GridLookUpEdit.AutoSearch events. |
LookUpEditAutoSuggestEventArgs | Provides data for the LookUpEdit.AutoSuggest and GridLookUpEdit.AutoSuggest events. |
LookUpEditSearchHighlightEventArgs | A base class for the AutoSearch and AutoSuggest event parameters. |
OpenLinkEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit.OpenLink event. |
PictureEditOptionsEditDialog | Contains settings that customize the Image Editor dialog. |
PictureEditOptionsMask | Contains settings that enable masked mode and allow you to customize the masked mode behavior. |
PopupCheckBoxSelectorMemberIsSelectedEventArgs | Contains data for the QueryCheckBoxSelectorMemberIsSelected event. |
PopupCheckBoxSelectorMemberValueEventArgs | Contains data for the SetCheckBoxSelectorMemberValue event. |
PopupSelectionChangedEventArgs | Contains data for the SelectionChanged event. |
PopupSelectionChangingEventArgs | Contains data for the SelectionChanging event. |
ProcessNewValueEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemLookUpEditBase.ProcessNewValue event. |
QueryCheckStateByValueEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryCheckStateByValue event. |
QueryCheckStatesEventArgs | Serves as the base for classes providing data for RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryCheckStateByValue and RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryValueByCheckState events. |
QueryDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemPopupContainerEdit.QueryDisplayText and RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit.QueryDisplayText events. |
QueryResultValueEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemPopupContainerEdit.QueryResultValue event. |
QueryValueByCheckStateEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemCheckEdit.QueryValueByCheckState event. |
RadioGroupItem | Represents a single item in the collection. |
RadioGroupItemCollection | Represents a collection of items within a radio group editor. |
SliderBase | Provides a base class for ImageSlider objects. |
SliderImageCollection | An image collection for an ImageSlider control. |
SpinEventArgs | Provides data for the RepositoryItemTextEdit.Spin event |
Name | Description |
BestFitMode | Contains values that specify “best-fit” modes for lookup editors. |
BorderSide | Contains values specifying border sides. |
BorderStyles | Enumerates border and button styles for editors. |
ButtonPredefines | Specifies the surface image of a button. |
ButtonStates | Specifies the state of an EditorButton. |
CalendarInactiveDaysVisibility | Lists modes for displaying dates which do not belong to a current month but are displayed to fill in the first or last row. |
CalendarSelectionBehavior | Lists modes which determine what dates become selected when selection extends. |
CheckStyles | Contains values specifying the look of the check box within a CheckEdit control. |
ColorText | Specifies the style used to represent the selected color in a ColorEdit control. |
DateOnError | Specifies the response of a DateEdit editor to an invalid value. |
DetailLevel | Contains values specifying the editor drawing detail level. |
EditValueChangedFiringMode | Lists values that specify when the editor’s RepositoryItem.EditValueChanged event should be raised. |
ExceptionMode | Specifies how an exception should be handled. |
FilterButtonShowMode | Lists the values that determine the display mode for column filter. |
HeaderClickMode | Lists values that specify which functionality is invoked as a result of a click on a column header within the lookup editor’s dropdown list. |
HourFormat | Contains values specifying the manner in which the hour portion is displayed. |
InplaceType | Contains values specifying the inplace editor types. |
MRUItemAddReason | Contains values that identify how an item has beed added to the MRUEdit control. |
OutputImageFormat | Enumerates output formats for the Image Editor dialog. |
PictureEditMaskLayoutMode | Contains values that specify how a mask is aligned relative to an image in the PictureEdit control. |
PictureEditMaskType | Enumerates mask types for the PictureEdit control. |
PictureSizeMode | Specifies the size mode of the image contained within a PictureEdit or ImageEdit editor. |
PictureStoreMode | Lists values that specify how the PictureEdit control stores images pasted via the editor’s context menu |
PopupBorderStyles | Contains styles for popup window borders. |
ProgressKind | Lists values specifying the control’s direction. |
ProgressViewStyle | Contains values specifying the style of the progress bar’s indicator. |
SearchMode | Enumerates search modes for a lookup edior. |
ShowDropDown | Determines the behavior of a popup control when a user clicks within its text region. |
SpinStyles | Enumerates values that specify whether spin buttons in the SpinEdit, TimeEdit, and TimeSpanEdit controls are oriented vertically or horizontally. |
StringId | Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized. |
StyleIndeterminate | Contains check box paint styles applied in the indeterminate state. |
TextCaseMode | Contains values that specify how the text case of strings is changed. |
TextEditStyles | Specifies how a value is displayed and edited in the button editor’s edit box. |
TimeFormat | Contains values specifying the formats of time editor values. |
WeekNumberRule | Lists rules used to determine the first week of the year. |