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DevExpress AI-powered Extensions for WinForms

  • 7 minutes to read

#Supported AI Clients

  • OpenAI
  • Azure OpenAI
  • Semantic Kernel
  • Ollama (self-hosted models)



We use version 9.0.0-preview.9.24556.5 of the Microsoft.Extensions.AI.* libraries in our source code. We do not guarantee compatibility or correct operation with higher versions.

#Install DevExpress NuGet Packages

Install the following DevExpress NuGet Packages:

  1. DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms
  2. DevExpress.AIIntegration.OpenAI (required if you use the WinForms Chat control with OpenAI.Assistant)
  3. DevExpress.Win.Design (enables design-time features for DevExpress UI controls)

#Register AI Clients

DevExpress AI-powered extensions operate within an AIExtensionsContainerDesktop container. This container manages all registered AI clients so that DevExpress UI controls can automatically leverage AI services.

#Register OpenAI Client

The following code snippet registers an OpenAI client:

using Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
using DevExpress.AIIntegration;

internal static class Program {
    static void Main() {
        IChatClient asChatClient = new OpenAI.OpenAIClient(OpenAIKey)
        // Uncomment the following line if your project targets the .NET Framework and
        // you create AI-powered behaviors in code.
        // DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms.BehaviorInitializer.Initialize();
        Application.Run(new Form1());
    static string OpenAIKey { get { return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENAI_API_KEY"); } }
    static string Model { get { return "gpt-4o-mini"; } }

#Register Azure OpenAI Client

The following code snippet registers an Azure OpenAI client:

using Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
using DevExpress.AIIntegration;

internal static class Program {
    static void Main() {
        IChatClient asChatClient = new Azure.AI.OpenAI.AzureOpenAIClient(new Uri(AzureOpenAIEndpoint),
            new System.ClientModel.ApiKeyCredential(AzureOpenAIKey))
        // Uncomment the following line if your project targets the .NET Framework and
        // you create AI-powered behaviors in code.
        // DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms.BehaviorInitializer.Initialize();
        Application.Run(new Form1());
    static string AzureOpenAIEndpoint { get { return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT"); } }
    static string AzureOpenAIKey { get { return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_OPENAI_APIKEY"); } }
    static string ModelId { get { return "gpt-4o-mini"; } }

#Register Semantic Kernel

Install the connector package for the AI service. This example uses Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Connectors.Google.

using Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.ChatCompletion;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Connectors.Google;
using DevExpress.AIIntegration;

internal static class Program {
    static void Main() {
        var builder = Kernel.CreateBuilder().AddGoogleAIGeminiChatCompletion("YOUR_MODEL_ID", "YOUR_API_KEY", GoogleAIVersion.V1_Beta);
        Kernel kernel = builder.Build();
        IChatClient googleChatClient = kernel.GetRequiredService<IChatCompletionService>().AsChatClient();
        // Uncomment the following line if your project targets the .NET Framework and
        // you create AI-powered behaviors in code.
        // DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms.BehaviorInitializer.Initialize();
        Application.Run(new Form1());

#Register Ollama Client

The following code snippet registers an Ollama client:

using Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
using DevExpress.AIIntegration;

internal static class Program {
    static void Main() {
        IChatClient asChatClient = new OllamaChatClient(new Uri("http://localhost:11434/"), "MODEL_NAME");
        // Uncomment the following line if your project targets the .NET Framework and
        // you create AI-powered behaviors in code.
        // DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms.BehaviorInitializer.Initialize();
        Application.Run(new Form1());

#AI-powered Extensions

#AI Assistant (Text Transform)

AI Assistant extensions allow you to enhance the way your users interact with and manage text content with AI-powered precision. These extensions leverage advanced natural language processing (NLP) technologies to provide automated, intelligent text manipulation capabilities directly within your Windows Forms applications.

WinForms MemoEdit with AI-powered Options, DevExpress

Run Demo

AI-powered options include:

  • Change Style
  • Change Tone
  • Expand
  • Explain
  • Proofread
  • Shorten
  • Summarize
  • Translate
  • Ask AI Assistant (allows users to interact with an AI-powered assistant directly within your application)

Applies to:

Read the following help topic for additional information: AI Assistant Extensions.

#Explain Formula

The AI-powered “Explain Formula” extension generates a detailed explanation of the formula used in a worksheet cell in the DevExpress Spreadsheet control.

Explain Formula - WinForms Spreadsheet, DevExpress

Run Demo

Read the following help topic for additional information: Explain Formula.

#Generate Image Description

The AI-powered “Generate Image Description” extension generates the description for the image in DevExpress WinForms Spreadsheet and Rich Text Edit controls.

Play the following animation to see how the AI-powered “Generate Image Description” extension in a WinForms Rich Text Editor generates Alt text for an image:

AI-powered Generate Image Description Behavior - WinForms Rich Text Editor, DevExpress

Run Demo

Read the following help topic for additional information: Generate Image Description.

#Smart Autocomplete

The AI-powered “Smart Autocomplete” feature intelligently predicts and suggests words or phrases based on the user’s current input. As you type, the AI model analyzes the context of the text and makes relevant suggestions in real time.

Run Demo

Applies to:


Read the following help topic for additional information: Smart Autocomplete.

#Smart Paste

“SmartPaste” is an AI-powered feature that transforms the traditional copy-and-paste process into a smarter, more efficient tool. Designed to improve productivity, SmartPaste analyzes the content you copy and intelligently assigns the right values to the appropriate fields or row cells in the DevExpress Data Grid and LayoutControl-driven forms.

Play the following animation to see how “SmartPaste” works:

AI-powered Smart Paste Extension for WinForms | DevExpress

Run Demo

Applies to:

Read the following help topic for additional information: Smart Paste.

“Smart Search” works alongside the traditional search algorithms to offer a more powerful and user-friendly search experience. It offers results that are more aligned with what the user is seeking, even if the input contains misspellings.

Play the following animation to see how AI-powered smart search works in the DevExpress WinForms Ribbon control:

Smart Search - WinForms Ribbon Control, DevExpress

Run Demo

Applies to:

Read the following help topic for additional information: Smart Search.

#Custom Extensions

You can create custom extensions based on DevExpress AI-powered extensions. Read the following help topic for additional information and examples: Create Custom AI-powered Extensions.

Custom AI-powered Extension - WinForms Rich Text Editor, DevExpress

Run Demo

#AI Chat Control


The AI Chat Control leverages BlazorWebView to reuse the DevExpress Blazor AI Chat component (DxAIChat). To use the WinForms AI Chat Control you must have one of the following active subscriptions: Universal, DXperience, ASP.NET & Blazor.

The AI Chat Control (AIChatControl) allows you to incorporate an interactive, Copilot-inspired chat-based UI within your WinForms application. The DevExpress AI Chat Control (AIChatControl) can only be used in Windows Forms applications that target the .NET 8+ framework.

WinForms AI Chat Control, DevExpress

Features include:

  • Seamless Integration with AI Services
  • Markdown Message Rendering
  • Copy and Regenerate Responses
  • Manual Handling of Chat Messages
  • Create an Assistant That Chats Using Your Own Data
  • Save and Load Chat History
  • Streaming
  • DevExpress Skins

Read the following help topic for additional information: AI Chat Control.