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ColumnView.FindPanelItems Property

Gets settings that allow you to display custom items within the Find Panel.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.2.dll


public FindControlItems FindPanelItems { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

Contains settings that allow you to display custom items within the Find Panel.


You can use the following methods to add buttons, check buttons, or other controls within the Find Panel:

Run Demo: Find Panel

The following code sample adds a check button that switches the ColumnView.OptionsFind.Behavior property at runtime:

WinForms Grid - Add Custom Buttons

void button_AddCheck_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
    var checkItem = gridView1.FindPanelItems.AddCheckButton(
        (s, args) => {
            CheckButton checkButton = s as CheckButton;
            gridView1.OptionsFind.Behavior = checkButton.Checked ? FindPanelBehavior.Search : FindPanelBehavior.Filter;
            checkButton.Text = checkButton.Checked ? "Search" : "Filter";
    checkItem.ImageOptions.ImageUri.Uri = "Filter;Size16x16;Svg";

The AutoHeight property specifies whether to adjust the height of added items to match the Find Panel height or stretch the panel to display controls in their original size.

RemoveItem and RemoveItems methods allow you to remove custom items from the Find Panel:

void button_Remove_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {

Usage Notes

See Also