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DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking Namespace

Contains classes that implement docking functionality.

Assemblies: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll


Name Description
ActivePanelChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.ActivePanelChanged event.
AutoHideContainer Represents an auto hide container.
AutoHideContainerCollection Represents an auto hide container collection.
BaseDockOptions Serves as the base class for classes that contain options for controlling the docking functionality.
ControlContainer Represents the client area of a dock panel.
DockingEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.Docking event.
DockingOptions Provides docking options that are common to all dock panels.
DockManager The component that allows you to create docked, floating and/or auto-hidden dock panels inside a form or user control. See Docking Library.
DockManagerAppearances Contains appearance settings for dock panels.
DockPanel Represents a dock panel.
DockPanelCancelEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.ClosingPanel event.
DockPanelCollection Represents a dock panel collection.
DockPanelEventArgs Serves as the base class for classes which provide data to dock panel events.
DockPanelOptions Provides options for controlling a panel’s docking functionality.
EndDockingEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.EndDocking event.
EndSizingEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.EndSizing event.
FloatForm Represents a floating form where a floating panel resides.
HitInfo Contains information about a specific point within a dock panel.
LayoutSerializationOptions Contains options that specify how a layout of dock panels is stored to and restored from storage (a stream, xml file or system registry).
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.PopupMenuShowing event.
ReadOnlyPanelCollection Represents a collection of all the dock panels owned by the dock manager.
SizingEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.Sizing event.
StartSizingEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.StartSizing event.
TabContainerActiveChildNotSetException Occurs when the DockPanel.ActiveChild property of the restored tab container is not specified.
TabsPositionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.TabsPositionChanged and DockPanel.TabsPositionChanged events.
VisibilityChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DockManager.VisibilityChanged and DockPanel.VisibilityChanged events.
ZIndexControl Serves as the base class for the DockPanel class.


Name Description
ActivePanelChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DockManager.ActivePanelChanged event.
DockingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DockManager.Docking event.
DockPanelCancelEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the dock panel events.
DockPanelEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the dock panel events.
EndDockingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DockManager.EndDocking event.
EndSizingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DockManager.EndSizing event.
PopupMenuShowingEventHandler A method that will handle a DockManager’s DockManager.PopupMenuShowing event.
SizingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DockManager.Sizing event.
StartSizingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DockManager.StartSizing event.
TabsPositionChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DockManager.TabsPositionChanged and DockPanel.TabsPositionChanged events.
VisibilityChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DockManager.VisibilityChanged and DockPanel.VisibilityChanged events.


Name Description
AutoHiddenPanelCaptionShowMode Provides members that specify the content of auto-hidden panels’ captions.
DockingStyle Lists values specifying the position and manner in which a dock panel is docked.
DockPanelState Lists values indicating all the available dock panel states.
DockVisibility Contains values that specify the visible state for dock panels.
HitTest Lists values which identify the elements in a dock panel.
TabsPosition Lists values specifying the position of the tabs in a tab container.