DevExpress.XtraBars.Navigation Namespace
Contains navigation controls.
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation
Name | Description |
AccordionContentContainer | A container of custom controls for AccordionControl elements. |
AccordionContextItemCollection | Represents a collection of ContextItem objects displayed in an AccordionControlElement. |
AccordionContextItemCollectionOptions | Stores an AccordionContextItemCollection‘s settings. |
AccordionControl | An advanced hierarchical navigation menu. |
AccordionControlContextButtonCustomizeEventArgs | Provides data for the ContextButtonCustomize event. |
AccordionControlElement | An element within AccordionControl. |
AccordionControlElementBase | The base class for elements in the AccordionControl. |
AccordionControlHtmlTemplates | Contains HTML-CSS templates used to render the control’s UI elements. |
AccordionOptionsFooter | Comprises the Accordion control’s footer specific options. |
AccordionOptionsHamburgerMenu | Comprises the Accordion control’s hamburger menu view specific options. |
CustomDrawHamburgerButtonEventArgs | Provides arguments for the CustomDrawHamburgerButton event. |
ExpandStateChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the AccordionControl.ExpandStateChanging event. |
NavButton | Represents a button in the TileNavPane‘s nav bar. |
NavElement | The base class for elements in the TileNavPane control. |
NavigationBarItem | Represents an item in the OfficeNavigationBar control. |
NavigationFrame |
The flat-styled page container without built-in navigation elements (unlike the TabPane), displaying one page at a time. Supports animation effects when navigating through pages. See Navigation Frame and Tab Pane. |
NavigationPage | A child element within the NavigationPane, NavigationFrame and TabPane controls. |
NavigationPageBase | Provides base NavigationPage and TabNavigationPage properties. |
NavigationPageDefaultProperties | Contains properties for this specific NavigationPage. |
NavigationPageProperties | Provides members that affect all NavigationPages within the parent control (NavigationFrame or NavigationPane). |
NavigationPane |
The page container with vertically arranged built-in flat tabs, displaying one page at a time in an expandable area, which can be resized, maximized and collapsed. Supports animation effects when navigating through pages. See Navigation Pane. |
OfficeNavigationBar | The MS Outlook-inspired navigation bar that supports integration with the NavBarControl. |
OfficeNavigationBarHitInfo | Contains hit-testing results. |
OptionsMinimizing | Comprises options specific to the accordion control’s minimized state. |
QueryElementIndentEventArgs | Contains data for the QueryElementIndent event. |
TabNavigationPage | A content container for the Tab Pane control. |
TabPane |
The page container with built-in flat tabs (unlike the NavigationFrame), displaying one page at a time. Supports animation effects when navigating through pages. See Navigation Frame and Tab Pane. |
TileBar | The bar with tiles that support the dropdown functionality. |
TileBarDropDownContainer | The dropdown control container that can be associated with a TileBarItem object |
TileBarDropDownOptions | Contains options that specify the view and behavior settings of dropdown controls associated with TileBarItems. |
TileBarDropDownShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the TileBar.DropDownShowing event. |
TileBarGroup | A group of tiles in the TileBar control. |
TileBarItem | An item, rendered as a tile in the TileBar control. |
TileNavButtonCollection | Represents a collection of ITileNavButton objects. |
TileNavCategory | Represents a navigation element on the root level of the TileNavPane navigation hierarchy. |
TileNavCategoryCollection | Represents a collection of TileNavCategory objects. |
TileNavElement | Represents a base class for elements of the TileNavPane‘s navigation hierarchy that are represented as tiles in drop-down tile bars. |
TileNavItem | Represents a navigation element on the second level of the TileNavPane navigation hierarchy. |
TileNavItemCollection | Represents a collection of TileNavItem objects. |
TileNavPane | The hierarchical tile menu, providing navigation in a touch-friendly manner. |
TileNavPaneDropDownOptions | Represents a class containing the miscellaneous settings applied to a drop-down tile bar and its tiles. |
TileNavSubItem | Represents a navigation element on the last level of the TileNavPane navigation hierarchy. |
TileNavSubItemCollection | Represents a collection of TileNavSubItem objects. |
Name | Description |
ITileNavButton | Allows a control to be rendered as a button in the TileNavPane‘s nav bar. |
Name | Description |
ExpandStateChangingEventHandler | Represents a method that will handle the AccordionControl.ExpandStateChanging event. |
Name | Description |
AccordionContentContainerSizeMode | Enumerates values that specify whether an AccordionContentContainer is stretched vertically to occupy the Accordion Control’s available empty space. |
AccordionControlDisplayMode | Enumerates modes that specify how the AccordionControl is displayed in the expanded and collapsed states. |
AccordionControlRootDisplayMode | Enumerates how the AccordionControl‘s root groups and items are displayed. |
AccordionControlViewType | Provides values that specify the AccordionControl view type. |
AccordionPopupFormAutoHeightMode | Enumerates values that specify how to calculate the pop-up form’s height. |
ActiveGroupDisplayMode | Enumerates modes that specify how the group currently selected in the Accordion control’s footer is displayed in the main menu. |
BackColorMode | Contains values that specify how the TileBarItem.DropDownControl‘s background is painted. |
CaptionShowMode | Lists values that specify how to display captions for items with images. |
ElementStyle | Enumerates types of elements in the AccordionControl. |
ExpandElementMode | Enumerates element expansion modes in the AccordionControl. |
OfficeNavigationBarHitTest | Enumerates values that identify the visual element at a screen point. |
ScrollBarMode | Enumerates display modes for the vertical scroll bar in the AccordionControl. |
TileBarItemSize | Enumerates available tile sizes for the TileBar control. |
TileNavPaneMainButtonBehavior | Defines the contents of the drop-down tile bar that is invoked on clicking the Main Button. |