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DevExpress.XtraMap Namespace

Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the WinForms Map control.

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Map


Name Description
AddressBase The base class for all classes representing the address information obtained from GIS services.
AfterMeasurementEventArgs Provides data for the AfterMeasurement event.
AfterRulerRemovalEventArgs Contains data for the AfterRulerRemoval event.
AlbersEqualAreaConicCartesianToGeoConverter Converter that transforms data from the Albers projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
ArgumentItemKeyProvider This class is used to provide an argument value of map chart items as a key for the KeyColorColorizer to colorize these items.
AttributeGroupProvider This class groups items based on the attribute values.
AttributeItemKeyProvider This class is used to provide an MapItem objects argument value as a key for the KeyColorColorizer to colorize these items.
AzureAddress Contains the address information obtained from the Azure Maps GIS service.
AzureGeocodeDataProvider The class that sends requests to the Azure Maps Geocode service.
AzureMapDataProvider Loads map images from the Azure Maps data provider.
AzureMapDataProviderBase The base class for all azure data providers.
AzureRouteCalculatedEventArgs Contains data for the RouteCalculated event.
AzureRouteCalculationResult Contains route calculation results received from an Azure Maps service.
AzureRouteDataProvider The class that communicates with Azure Maps Route service.
AzureRouteIsochroneCalculatedEventArgs Contains data for the IsochroneCalculated event.
AzureRouteIsochroneCalculationResult Contains isochrone calculation results received from an Azure Maps service.
AzureRouteIsochroneDataProvider Allows you to use the Azure Maps service to calculate an isochrone and display it on the map.
AzureRouteIsochroneOptions Contains isochrone calculation options passed to the Azure Maps service.
AzureRouteIsochroneResult Contains isochrone route calculation results from the Microsoft Azure Maps service.
AzureRouteLeg Contains information about a single leg of a route.
AzureRouteOptimizedWaypoint Contains information about the waypoint in the optimized route.
AzureRouteOptions Contains route calculation settings for the Azure Maps Route service.
AzureRouteResult Contains route calculation results received from the Microsoft Azure Route service.
AzureRouteSection Contains transportation, road type, or traffic information about a route part.
AzureRouteSummary A summary object for a route section.
AzureSearchCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the SearchCompleted event.
AzureSearchDataProvider Contains settings that are used by requests to the Azure Maps Search service.
AzureTrafficIncidentCalculatedEventArgs Contains data for the TrafficIncidentCalculated event.
AzureTrafficIncidentCalculationResult Contains traffic incident results received from the Microsoft Azure service.
AzureTrafficIncidentDataProvider Communicates with the Azure Maps service to obtain information about traffic incidents and display them on the map.
AzureTrafficIncidentOptions Contains parameters for traffic incident requests.
AzureTrafficIncidentResult Contains a traffic incident information response obtained from the Azure Maps service.
BackgroundStyle A background style applied to a map element.
BeforeMeasurementEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeMeasurement event.
BeforeRulerRemovalEventArgs Contains data for the BeforeRulerRemoval event.
BingAddress This class represents the address information obtained from the Bing GIS services.
BingDetail The additional information about the single route itinerary item.
BingElevationDataProvider Provides the capability to obtain the elevation data from the Bing Maps service.
BingGeocodeDataProvider The class that is used to send requests to the Bing Maps Geocode service.
BingGeocodePoint Contains geocode point field values returned in the response from Bing Maps Services.
BingHint The single hint to assist in the route passage.
BingItineraryItem Contains information about a single itinerary item of a Bing route.
BingItineraryItemWarning Contains information about a warning associated with an itinerary item of a Bing route.
BingLocationInformation Contains the Bing location information on the map.
BingMapDataProvider The class that loads map images from the Bing Maps data provider.
BingMapDataProviderBase The base class for all bing data providers.
BingRouteCalculatedEventArgs Provides data for the BingRouteDataProvider.RouteCalculated event.
BingRouteDataProvider The class that is used to send requests to the Bing Maps Route service.
BingRouteIsochroneCalculatedEventArgs Provides data for the IsochroneCalculated event.
BingRouteIsochroneDataProvider Allows you to use the Bing Maps service to calculate an isochrone and display it on the map. An isochrone shows an area reachable from a specific location.
BingRouteIsochroneOptions Stores the options that are used to calculate an isochrone.
BingRouteIsochronePolygonResult Stores an isochrone polygon’s calculation results received from the Bing Maps service.
BingRouteIsochroneResult Stores the isochrone calculation result and the coordinates of the point for which the isochrone is calculated.
BingRouteLeg Contains information about a single leg of a route.
BingRouteOptions Contains settings that define the parameters for calculating a route via the Microsoft Bing service.
BingRouteResult Contains results of a request to the Microsoft Bing web service for route calculation.
BingSearchCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the BingSearchDataProvider.SearchCompleted event.
BingSearchDataProvider The class that is used to send requests to the Bing Maps Search service.
BingSearchOptions Contains settings that define the parameters for searching via the Microsoft Bing service.
BingTrafficIncidentCalculatedEventArgs Provides data for the TrafficIncidentCalculated event.
BingTrafficIncidentDataProvider Allows you to receive information about traffic incidents within a specified area from the Bing Maps service and display incident icons on the map.
BingTrafficIncidentOptions Contains options that are applied when the map control requests traffic incidents from a web service.
BingTrafficIncidentResult Stores information about an incident.
BorderedElementStyle This class allows you to specify the viewport style for the mini map.
BorderedElementStyleWidthSupport The style that supports border width.
BraunStereographicProjection Represents the Braun stereographic map projection.
BubbleChartDataAdapter The data adapter that provides data to generate Bubble chart items.
ButtonPanelOptions Returns the Measurements toolbar and Map Editor button options.
CacheOptions Contains settings that define the parameters of a local cache for storing image tiles.
CapabilitiesRespondedEventArgs Provides data for the ResponseCapabilities event.
CartesianMapCoordinateSystem This class allows use of the Cartesian coordinate system for the Map Control.
CartesianPoint A Cartesian point on the map.
CartesianSourceCoordinateSystem This class allows use of the Cartesian coordinate system for the Map Control.
ChartDataSourceAdapter The base class for data adapters that provide data to generate chart items.
ChartItemValueProvider This class is used to provide chart item values to measure rules of the ChartDataSourceAdapter.
ChoroplethColorizer Represents the Choropleth-like colorizer.
ClusteredEventArgs Provides data for the MapClustererBase.Clustered event.
ColorCollection A collection of colors.
ColorConverter Converter that transforms instances of the Object class to instances of the Color class.
ColorizerBase<T> The base class for all colorizers.
ColorizerColorItem An object that contains a color for a single item, colorized by a colorizer.
ColorizerKeyCollection A collection of ColorizerKeyItem objects.
ColorizerKeyItem A key for the KeyColorColorizer.
ColorizerValueProviderBase A class that is a value provider of a colorizer.
ColorLegendBase The base class for legends that explain the meaning of vector item colors.
ColorLegendItem An item that stores information about the color and description of the ColorLegendBase class descendants.
ColorListLegend Represents a color legend as a list of colors.
ColorScaleLegend Represents a color legend as a color scale.
ConicCartesianToGeoConverter The base class for converters from a conic projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
ContourInfoList A ContourInfo objects’ collection.
CoordinateConverterBase The base class for all coordinate converters.
CoordinateSystemDataAdapterBase The base class for adapters, whose data should be interpreted by the coordinate system.
CoordPointCollection A collection of CoordPoint class descendant objects.
DataAdapterChangedEventArgs Provides data for the MapDataAdapterBase.DataChanged event.
DataLoadedEventArgs Provides data for the LayerBase.DataLoaded event.
DataProviderLegend The base class for legends that obtain data from map data providers.
DataSourceAdapterBase The base class for data adapters that can load data from data sources.
DefaultClusterItemFactory The cluster item factory that initializes map items with the default settings.
DefaultMapItemFactory The map item factory that initializes map items with the default settings.
DistanceBasedClusterer The clusterer based on the building distance tree.
DoubleCollection An ordered collection of Double values.
DouglasPeuckerShapeSimplifier Specifies the Douglas-Peucker shape simplification algorithm.
DrawMapItemEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.DrawMapItem event.
DrawMapPointerEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.DrawMapItem event if the MapPointer class descendant should be drawn.
DrawMapSegmentableItemEventArgs Contains segment data for the MapPath and MapPie vector items.
DrawMapSegmentEventArgs Contains segment options for the MapPath and MapPie vector items.
DrawMapShapeEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.DrawMapItem event if the MapShape class descendant should be drawn.
DynamicMiniMapBehavior This class provides the dynamic mini map behavior.
EditableItemHitInfo Hit test information about a map item that implements the IEditableItem interface.
EditorPanelOptions Contains the Map Editor panel’s settings.
ElevationInformation Contains the elevation information about a geographical point.
ElevationRequestResult The result of the elevation data request to a map service.
ElevationsCalculatedEventArgs Provides data for the BingElevationDataProvider.ElevationsCalculated event.
Ellipsoid This class represents an ellipsoid used to build a projected coordinate system.
EllipsoidBasedCartesianToGeoConverter The base class for converters from an ellipsoid based projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
EllipticalMercatorProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Elliptical Mercator Projection.
EPSG4326Projection The map projection that saves scales of distances along specified lines.
EqualAreaProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Equal Area Projection.
EquationRangeDistribution The base for classes that define exponential and logarithmic distribution of color ranges in a colorizer.
EquidistantProjection Represents the cylindrical equidistant map projection.
EquirectangularProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Equirectangular Projection.
Etrs89LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection.
ExpandedClusterAdaptiveLayout A layout algorithm that positions clustered items based on their count in the cluster.
ExpandedClusterCircularLayout A layout algorithm that positions clustered items in a circle.
ExpandedClusterLayoutBase The base class for layouts that define how to position items in expanded clusters.
ExpandedClusterSourceLocationLayout A layout algorithm that positions clustered items according to their actual locations (cartesian or geo coordinates).
ExpandedClusterSpiralLayout A layout algorithm that positions clustered items in a spiral.
ExponentialRangeDistribution Represents the exponential distribution of color ranges in a colorizer.
ExportMapItemEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.ExportMapItem event.
FileDataAdapterBase The base class for data adapters that can load data from a file.
FixedMiniMapBehavior This class provides the fixed mini map behavior.
GenericColorizer<T> The base class for all colorizers used with generic types.
GenericColorizerItemCollection<T> A generic collection of Colorizer‘s items.
GeocodeRequestResult Contains results of a request to a web service to obtain Geocode information about a specific location on a map.
GeoJsonFileDataAdapter A data adapter that loads data from GeoJSON files, and displays it on vector layers.
GeoMapCoordinateSystem This class allows use of the Geographical coordinate system for the Map Control.
GeoPoint A geographical point on the map.
GeoSourceCoordinateSystem This class allows use of the Geographical coordinate system for the data adapter.
GeoUtils static Cartography measurement API for maps with a geographical coordinate system.
GpxFileDataAdapter A data adapter that loads data from GPX files, and displays it on vector layers.
GraphColorizer Represents the Graph colorizer utilized to paint shapes that have a common border using different colors.
HeatmapAlgorithmBase The base class for heatmap algorithms.
HeatmapDataSourceAdapter The data adapter that provides data used to generate heatmap items.
HeatmapDensityBasedAlgorithm The algorithm that allows the Map Control to plot a heatmap based on the density of heatmap points.
HeatmapPoint A particular heatmap point.
HeatmapPointCollection A collection that stores HeatmapPoint objects.
HeatmapPointMappingInfo Contains information on how heatmap point properties map to the data source fields.
HeatmapPointStorage The data adapter that stores manually added heatmap points.
HeatmapProvider Allows you to draw a heatmap on the Map Control surface.
ImageLayer Displays map images obtained from map image data providers.
ImageTileDataProvider Provides the map with image tiles.
ImageTilesLayer Obsolete. A layer that displays image tiles obtained from one of the supported map providers.
InformationDataProviderBase The base class for all information data providers.
InformationLayer A layer that is used to display additional information above the map.
InnerBoundary Contains a list of points that define the inner boundaries of a vector item.
InnerBoundaryCollection A collection of InnerBoundary objects.
InteractiveClusterModeBase The base class for map modes that allow users to interact with clusters.
ItemsLayerLegend The base class for legends that obtain data from the VectorItemsLayer.
ItemsLoadedEventArgs Provides data for the FileDataAdapterBase.ItemsLoaded event.
KavrayskiyProjection Represents the Kavrayskiy VII map projection.
KeyColorColorizer A colorizer that uses key-color pairs to colorize map items.
KmlFileDataAdapter A data adapter that loads data from KML and KMZ files, and displays it on vector layers.
LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaCartesianToGeoConverter Converter that transforms data from the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjectionBase The base class for the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection used in the MapControl.
LambertConformalConicCartesianToGeoConverter Converter that transforms data from the Lambert projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
LambertCylindricalEqualAreaProjection Represents the Lambert cylindrical equal-area map projection.
LayerBase Serves as the base class for all layers.
LayerCollection A collection of layers.
LayerItemsGeneratingEventArgs Provides data for the InformationDataProviderBase.LayerItemsGenerating event.
LayerVisibleChangedEventArgs Provides data for the LayerBase.VisibleChanged event.
LegendCollection A collection of map legends.
LegendItemCreatingEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.LegendItemCreating event.
LinearRangeDistribution Represents the linear distribution of color ranges in a colorizer.
ListSourceDataAdapter The data adapter that provides the means to bind the Map control to data.
LocationInformation Contains information about a specific location on a map.
LocationInformationReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the BingGeocodeDataProvider.LocationInformationReceived event.
LogarithmicRangeDistribution Represents the logarithmic distribution of color ranges in a colorizer.
MapboxDataProvider A data provider that obtains vector tiles from Mapbox Service.
MapBubble The class used to draw a Bubble chart on a map.
MapBubbleMappingInfo Contains information about mapping the Bubble chart item.
MapBubbleMarkerTypeMapping This class allows you to map the MapBubble.MarkerType property to a data source field.
MapBubblePropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapBubble property mappings.
MapBubbleSizeMapping This class allows you to map the MapBubble.Size property to a data source field.
MapBubbleValueProvider The colorizer value provider that provides the value of a bubble as the value that is used to calculate a color for a cluster representative.
MapCallout The class used to draw a callout on a map.
MapCalloutPropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapCallout property mappings.
MapChartItemMappingInfo The base for all classes that contain information about mapping chart items.
MapClustererBase The base class for all vector item clusterers.
MapClustererGroupProviderBase The base class for group providers used by clusterers.
MapClusterValueProvider Provides the count of items in a cluster as the value that is used to calculate a color for a cluster representative.
MapColorizer The base class for all colorizers that are used in a Map control.
MapControl Displays raster and vector maps. Supports both popular map services (Bing Maps and OpenStreetMap) and custom map data servers inside your corporate network. See Map Control.
MapCoordinateSystem This class provides the base functionality of the coordinate system for the Map Control.
MapCustomElement The class used to draw any custom element on a map.
MapCustomElementPropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapCustomElement property mappings.
MapDataAdapterBase The base class for all data adapters that can be used with the Map control.
MapDataProviderBase The base class for all data providers.
MapDisposableObject Supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
MapDot The class used to draw a dot on a map.
MapDotPropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapDot property mappings.
MapDotShapeKindMapping This class allows you to map the MapDot.ShapeKind property to a data source field.
MapDotSizeMapping This class allows you to map the MapDot.Size property to a data source field.
MapEditor The Map Editor that allows end users to edit map vector items.
MapEditorUiHitInfo The class providing information about the Map Editor’s hit tested elements.
MapElementStyle The style of a map element.
MapElementStyleBase The base for classes that define the style of a map element.
MapEllipse The class used to draw an ellipse on a map.
MapEllipseHeightMapping This class allows you to map the MapEllipse.Height property to a data source field.
MapEllipsePropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapEllipse property mappings.
MapEllipseWidthMapping This class allows you to map the MapEllipse.Width property to a data source field.
MapErrorEventArgs Provides data for the LayerBase.Error event.
MapHitInfo Contains information about what is located at a specific point within the map.
MapImage Stores the map image options.
MapImageDataProviderBase A base class for all Map Image Data Providers.
MapImageSourceBase A base class for all classes that can load map images from an external source.
MapItem The base class for various map item types.
MapItemAttribute An attribute that can be applied to map items.
MapItemAttributeCollection A collection of attributes for an individual map item.
MapItemAttributeMapping The mapping of an attribute applied to a map item.
MapItemAttributeMappingCollection A mapping collection of map item attributes.
MapItemClickEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.MapItemClick event.
MapItemCollection A collection of MapItem objects.
MapItemColorMappingBase The base class for color-based property mappings.
MapItemCreatingEventArgs Provides data for the MapEditor.MapItemCreating event.
MapItemEditedEventArgs Provides data for the MapEditor.MapItemEdited event.
MapItemEditingEventArgs Provides data for the MapEditor.MapItemEditing event.
MapItemEventArgs Provides data for MapControl.DrawMapItem, MapControl.ExportMapItem and MapControl.MapItemClick events.
MapItemFillMapping This class allows you to map the MapItem.Fill property to a data source field.
MapItemHighlightedFillMapping This class allows you to map the MapItem.HighlightedFill property to a data source field.
MapItemHighlightedStrokeMapping This class allows you to map the MapItem.HighlightedStroke property to a data source field.
MapItemHighlightedStrokeWidthMapping This class allows you to map the MapItem.HighlightedStrokeWidth property to a data source field.
MapItemMappingInfo Contains information about the mapping of a map item.
MapItemMappingInfoBase The base for all classes that contain information about mapping various chart items.
MapItemPropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapItem property mappings.
MapItemPropertyMappingCollection A collection of MapItemPropertyMappingBase class descendant objects.
MapItemSelectedFillMapping This class allows you to map the MapItem.SelectedFill property to a data source field.
MapItemSelectedStrokeMapping This class you to map the MapItem.SelectedStroke property to a data source field.
MapItemSelectedStrokeWidthMapping This class alows you to map the MapItem.SelectedStrokeWidth property to a data source field.
MapItemsEventArgs Provides data for the MapEditor.MapItemEdited and MapClustererBase.Clustered events.
MapItemsLayerBase The base class for layers that display map items.
MapItemsLoadedEventArgs Provides data for the LayerBase.DataLoaded event of the VectorItemsLayer.
MapItemStorage The data adapter that stores manually added vector items.
MapItemStrokeMapping This class allows you to map the MapItem.Stroke property to a data source field.
MapItemStrokeWidthMapping This class allows you to map the MapItem.StrokeWidth property to a data source field.
MapItemStyle Specifies a style for a map item.
MapItemTextStyle The style of text in the Map Control.
MapItemVisiblePropertyMapping This class allows you to map the MapItem.Visible property of MapItem class descendant objects to a data source field.
MapLegendBase The base class for all legends that can be used in the Map control.
MapLegendHitInfo Contains information about what is located at a specific point on the map legend.
MapLegendItemBase The base class for items displayed in map legends.
MapLegendItemCollection A collection of MapLegendItemBase objects.
MapLine Contains map line settings.
MapLineCap Contains map line cap settings.
MapLineEndCapIsFilledMapping Defines the IsFilled property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapLineEndCapLengthMapping Defines the Length property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapLineEndCapTemplateMapping Defines the Template property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapLineEndCapVisibleMapping Defines the Visible property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapLineEndCapWidthMapping Defines the Width property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapLinePoint1XMapping This class allows you to map the X coordinate of MapLine.Point1 to a data source field.
MapLinePoint1YMapping This class allows you to map the Y coordinate of MapLine.Point1 to a data source field.
MapLinePoint2XMapping This class allows you to map the X coordinate of MapLine.Point2 to a data source field.
MapLinePoint2YMapping This class allows you to map the Y coordinate of MapLine.Point2 to a data source field.
MapLinePropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapLine property mappings.
MapLineStartCapIsFilledMapping Defines the IsFilled property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapLineStartCapLengthMapping Defines the Length property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapLineStartCapTemplateMapping Defines the Template property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapLineStartCapVisibleMapping Defines the Visible property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapLineStartCapWidthMapping Defines the Width property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source.
MapMultipointItemMappingBase<T> The base class for mappings that are used to load point coordinates of multi-point items.
MapNotificationOptions Contains options to support map notification.
MapOverlay A Map Control overlay.
MapOverlayCollection A collection that stores MapOverlay objects.
MapOverlayHitInfo Contains information about what is located at a specific point on the map overlay.
MapOverlayImageItem An image that can be placed on map overlay.
MapOverlayItemBase A base class for all overlay items.
MapOverlayItemCollection A collection that stores MapOverlayItemBase class descendant objects.
MapOverlayTextItem A text item that can be placed on a map overlay.
MapPath The class used to draw a path on a map.
MapPathBase<T> The base class for map items that are drawn as a path.
MapPathPropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapPath property mappings.
MapPathSegment A segment of a MapPathSegment object.
MapPathSegmentCollection A collection of map path segments.
MapPie The class used to draw a pie chart on a map.
MapPieMappingInfo Contains information about mapping the Pie chart item.
MapPiePropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapPie property mappings.
MapPointer The class used to draw a map pointer on a map.
MapPolygon The class used to draw a polygon on a map.
MapPolygonPointCollectionMapping Allows you to specify data members used to create map polygons.
MapPolygonPropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapPolygon property mappings.
MapPolyline Contains map polyline settings.
MapPolylineBase A base class for polylines.
MapPolylinePointCollectionMapping Allows you to specify data members used to create map polylines.
MapPolylinePropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapPolyline property mappings.
MapPushpin The class used to draw a pushpin on a map.
MapRectangle The class used to draw a rectangle on a map.
MapRectangleHeightMapping This class allows you to map the MapRectangle.Height property to a data source field.
MapRectanglePropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapRectangle property mappings.
MapRectangleWidthMapping This class allows you to map the MapRectangle.Width property to a data source field.
MapRuler Draws a ruler on the map.
MapRulerStyle Contains ruler style options.
MapSearchPanelOptions Contains map search panel settings.
MapSegmentBase The base for classes that are used to draw segments.
MapSegmentCollectionBase<T> Defines the base type for collections used by vector items containing segments.
MapSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.SelectionChanged event.
MapSelectionChangingEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.SelectionChanging event.
MapSelectionEventArgs The base for classes that provide data for the map selection events.
MapShape The base class for all vector items that have an outline.
MapShapePropertyMappingBase The base class for all MapShape property mappings.
MapSpline Draws a spline on the map.
MapTileDataProviderBase A base class for Map Tile Providers.
MapTileSourceBase The base for all classes that can load image tiles from external map data providers.
MapUiHitInfo The class providing information about hit tested elements.
MapViewport A map viewport.
MapWebRequestEventArgs Provides data for the MapImageDataProviderBase.WebRequest event.
MarkerClusterer The clusterer based on grouping items in an item neighborhood.
MbTilesDataProvider A data provider that loads vector tiles from a MbTiles database.
Measurements Contains API to manage rulers that help users measure distances and areas on a map.
MeasurementToolbarHitInfo Hit test information about the Measurements toolbar.
MeasurementToolbarOptions Contains the Measurements toolbar settings.
MeasureRules Contains measure rules for vector items.
MeasureUnit Represents a measure unit used by a map.
MercatorAuxiliarySphereCartesianToGeoConverter Converter that transforms data from the Mercator Auxiliary projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
MillerProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Miller Projection.
MiniMap Implements a mini map displayed within the MapControl.
MiniMapBehavior The base class to provide mini map behavior.
MiniMapImageTilesLayer A layer that displays image tiles, obtained from one of the supported map providers, on the mini map.
MiniMapLayerBase The base class for all mini map layers.
MiniMapLayerCollection A collection of mini map layers.
MiniMapVectorItemsLayer A layer that displays vector data on the mini map.
MouseHoverInteractiveClusterMode Allows the Map Control to handle hover operations over clusters.
MultiScaleTileSource The class that provides functionality to load image tiles for different zoom scales from an external image tile source.
NamedAttributeProviderBase Provides the base functionality to provide map item attributes values by their names.
NavigationPanelOptions Contains options that define the appearance, position and layout of the navigation panel element.
ObjectSelectedEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.ObjectSelected event.
OpenStreetMapDataProvider The class that loads map images from a web resource that provides data in the OpenStreetMap format.
OsmAddress An address used to specify the location for which to obtain geo data from the Open Street Map service.
OsmGeocodeDataProvider Provides the capability to obtain geocode data from the Open Street Map service.
OsmSearchDataProvider Provides the search options using the Open Street Map service.
OverlayArrangement Contains information about the overlay and its child item arrangement.
OverlaysArrangedEventArgs Provides data for the MapControl.OverlaysArranged event.
OwnedCollection<T> The base class of the generic owned collection.
PieChartDataAdapter The data adapter that provides data to generate Pie chart items.
PieSegment A segment of a pie chart item.
PieSegmentCollection A collection of PieSegment objects.
PredefinedColorsColorizer The base for all colorizers with a predefined set of colors.
ProjectionBase The base class for all projections used in the MapControl.
QueryCursorEventArgs Provides data for the QueryCursor event.
ReadOnlyCoordPointCollection A read-only collection of CoordPoint objects.
RequestCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the MapImageDataProviderBase.WebRequest event.
RequestResultBase The base for all classes that contain results of requests to web services.
RouteCalculationResult Contains results of a request to a web service for route calculation.
RouteIsochroneCalculationResult Contains isochrone calculation results obtained from a web service.
RouteWaypoint Contains information on a specific waypoint of a route, calculated by the Route service.
SearchBoundingBox The rectangular area bounding the region containing a search result.
SearchCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the OsmSearchDataProvider.SearchCompleted event.
SearchPanelOptions Stores the Search Panel‘s settings.
SearchRequestResult Contains the results of a request to a web service to search a specific location.
SelectedItemCollection A collection of selected map items.
ShapeAttributeValueProvider The class that is used to obtain an attribute from a shape file source (Shapefile or KML file) that is applied to shape items.
ShapefileDataAdapter A data adapter that loads data from shapefiles and displays it on vector layers.
ShapeSimplifierBase The base class for map shape simplifiers.
ShapeTitleOptions Contains options that define the visibility, text and appearance of shape titles.
ShpExportOptions Stores shapefile export options.
SinusoidalProjection Represents the sinusoidal map projection.
SizeLegend Represents a map legend that details the meaning of Bubble sizes in a Bubble chart.
SourceCoordinateSystem The base class for the coordinate systems of a data adapter.
SphericalMercatorProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Spherical Mercator Projection.
SqlGeometryDataAdapter A data adapter that loads data from a SQL geometry data source and displays it on vector layers.
SqlGeometryDataAdapterBase This class provides the base functionality to provide data from a SQL Geometry data source.
SqlGeometryItem This class is used to represent the SQL Geometry spatial data objects.
SqlGeometryItemCollection A collection of SqlGeometryItems.
SqlGeometryItemStorage The date adapter stores manually added SqlGeometryItem objects.
SvgExportOptions The options to be applied when exporting the vector layer to the SVG file format.
SvgFileDataAdapter A data adapter that loads data from SVG files, and displays it on vector layers.
TextElementStyle Defines a style of the text element within a map.
TrafficIncidentCalculationResult Contains results of a request to a web service for traffic incident information.
TransverseMercatorCartesianToGeoConverter Converter that transforms data from the Transverse Mercator projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
UriBasedVectorTileDataProvider Provides map data from a set of PBF or MVT files.

Converter that transforms data from the Universal Transverse Mercator projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.

VectorItemsLayer A layer that displays a collection of vector elements.
VectorTileDataProviderBase The base class for vector tile data providers.
ViewportChangedEventArgs Provides data for the LayerBase.ViewportChanged event.
VisvalingamShapeSimplifier Specifies the Visvalingam shape simplification algorithm.
WebInformationDataProvider The base class for providers requesting GIS from map services.
WmsBoundingBox A bounding rectangle containing the geographical region specified by two geo points.
WmsCustomParameterCollection Represents a collection of web map service custom parameters.
WmsDataProvider Provides map images from the Web Map Service.
WmsLayer Provides information about a single layer obtained from a Web Map Service Provider.
WmsLayerCollection Provides a collection of WMS layers.


Name Description
IClusterer The interface that should be implemented by classes providing clustering functionality.
IClustererGroupProvider The interface that should be implemented by classes that can be used as group providers for clusterers.
IClusterItemFactory This interface should be implemented by classes which can be used as a cluster item factory.
IColorizerElement Interface that should be implemented by any object which can colorize a map element.
IColorizerValueProvider Interface that should be implemented by any object which supports a method required for a colorizer value provider.
IEditableItem An interface that should be implemented by any class representing a map item that can be edited using the Map Editor.
IExpandedClusterLayout The interface that should be implemented by classes that specify the layout of expanded cluster items.
IHeatmapPointSource The interface that should be implemented by classes that serve as a heatmap point source.
IImageTileSource The interface that should be implemented by classes that are tile sources for the ImageTileDataProvider.
IInformationData Interface that should be implemented by any object which can obtain the information data from map services.
IMapDataAdapter If implemented by a class, provides methods required for a VectorItemsLayer to operate with data.
IMapItemFactory Provides a method for creating map items.
IMapSvgPaletteProvider The interface that should be implemented by classes that are SVG palette providers.
IMapUiHitInfo The interface that should be implemented by a class providing information about hit tested UI elements.
IMouseClickRequestSender Interface that should be implemented by any object which can define a location by a mouse click on a Map control surface.
ISearchPanelRequestSender Interface that should be implemented by any object which can receive information and display a specific location represented as a search result in a Search Panel.
ISupportWebRequest An interface that should be implemented by a class that sends web requests.
IWmsPointConverter The interface that should be implemented by classes providing a point converter.


Name Description
AreaMeasurementUnit Specifies area measurement units for Map Control rulers.
ContourInfo The structure providing information about a map item’s outline.
MapPoint The screen coordinates of a map point.
MapSize Specifies the map size.
MapUnit A class that contains a location in internal map units.


Name Description
AfterMeasurementEventHandler Defines a signature (parameter list types) for the method that handles the Measurements.AfterMeasurement event.
BeforeMeasurementEventHandler Defines a signature (parameter list types) for the method that handles the Measurements.BeforeMeasurement event.
BingRouteCalculatedEventHandler A method that will handle the BingRouteDataProvider.RouteCalculated event.
BingRouteIsochroneCalculatedEventHandler A method that handles the BingRouteIsochroneDataProvider.IsochroneCalculated event.
BingSearchCompletedEventHandler A method that will handle the BingSearchDataProvider.SearchCompleted event.
BingTrafficIncidentCalculatedEventHandler A method that handles the BingTrafficIncidentDataProvider.TrafficIncidentCalculated event.
CapabilitiesRespondedEventHandler A method that handles the ResponseCapabilities event.
ClusteredEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the MapClustererBase.Clustered event.
ClusteringEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the MapClustererBase.Clustering event.
DataAdapterChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the MapDataAdapterBase.DataChanged event.
DataLoadedEventHandler A method that will handle the LayerBase.DataLoaded event.
DrawMapItemEventHandler A method that will handle the MapControl.DrawMapItem event.
ElevationsCalculatedEventHandler A method that will handle the BingElevationDataProvider.ElevationsCalculated event.
ExportMapItemEventHandler A method that will handle the MapControl.ExportMapItem event.
ItemsLoadedEventHandler A method that will handle the FileDataAdapterBase.ItemsLoaded event.
LayerItemsGeneratingEventHandler A method that will handle the InformationDataProviderBase.LayerItemsGenerating event.
LayerVisibleChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the LayerBase.VisibleChanged event.
LegendItemCreatingEventHandler A method that will handle the MapControl.LegendItemCreating event.
LocationInformationReceivedEventHandler A method that will handle the BingGeocodeDataProvider.LocationInformationReceived event.
MapErrorEventHandler A method that will handle the LayerBase.Error event.
MapItemClickEventHandler A method that will handle the MapControl.MapItemClick event.
MapItemCreatingEventHandler A method that will handle the MapEditor.MapItemCreating event.
MapItemEditedEventHandler A method that will handle the MapEditor.MapItemEdited event.
MapItemEditingEventHandler A method that handles the MapEditor.MapItemEditing event.
MapSelectionChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the MapControl.SelectionChanged event.
MapSelectionChangingEventHandler A method that will handle the MapControl.SelectionChanging event.
MapWebRequestEventHandler A method that will handle the MapImageDataProviderBase.WebRequest event.
ObjectSelectedEventHandler A method that will handle the MapControl.ObjectSelected event.
OverlaysArrangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the MapControl.OverlaysArranged event.
QueryCursorEventHandler A method that handles the MapControl.QueryCursor event.
SearchCompletedEventHandler A method that will handle the OsmSearchDataProvider.SearchCompleted event.
ViewportChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the LayerBase.ViewportChanged event.


Name Description
AzureLocalizedView Lists map views for a certain country/region.
AzureResponseTravelMode Lists the values used to specify transportation / commute mode.
AzureRouteAvoidType Lists values that the AzureRouteDataProvider should avoid when calculating the route.
AzureRouteReport Lists values that specify the data that should be reported for diagnostic purposes.
AzureRouteSectionType Lists section types reported in route responses.
AzureTileset Lists tilesets supplied by Azure Maps.
AzureTrafficDelayMagnitude Lists values that specify the magnitude of the delay associated with the incident.
AzureTrafficIconCategory Lists icon categories associated with the incident.
AzureTrafficIncidentDetailStyle Lists styles that are used to render the tile in the AzureTrafficIncidentDataProvider.
AzureTrafficIncidentGeometryType Lists types of vector geometry added to incidents.
AzureTravelMode Lists the values used to specify transportation / commute mode.
BingAvoidRoads Lists limitations in the use of toll and highway roads when route planning.
BingCalculationMethod Lists methods used to compute geocode points.
BingConfidence Lists the values that specify the possible confidence level of the geocoded location search results.
BingItineraryWarningSeverity Lists values indicating a warning level associated with an itinerary item of a Bing route.
BingItineraryWarningType Lists the values used to specify a warning type.
BingManeuverType Lists the values used to specify the current maneuver type.
BingMapKind Lists the values used to specify the kind of maps to be obtained from the BingMapDataProvider.
BingMapTopLayer Lists Bing Maps layers that can be displayed on the map.
BingMatchCode Lists the possible geocoding levels for the each location in the map service response.
BingRouteOptimization Lists the values used to specify how to optimize route calculation.
BingTrafficIncidentSeverity List incident severity levels.
BingTrafficIncidentType Lists traffic incident types.
BingTravelMode Lists the values used to specify the travel mode to calculate the route.
BingUsageType Lists ways to use geocode points.
CircularScrollingMode Lists values indicating items that should be circularly scrolled.
ConnectionProtocol Lists all available connection protocols.
CreatableMapItemKind Lists the map item types that the Map Editor can create while it is in the Create mode.
DistanceMeasureUnit Lists the values used to specify units to measure distances on a map.
ElementSelectionMode Lists the values used to specify the selection mode of a map element.
ElementState Lists states of the map elements.
FieldValueType Lists the field value types of the map item attribute.
Hemisphere Lists the values used to specify the Earth’s hemishpere.
LegendAlignment Contains values that specify how a map legend is aligned.
LegendItemsSortOrder Lists the sorting variants values of a ColorListLegend object.
MapboxTileset Lists tilesets that the MapboxDataProvider can use.
MapDotShapeKind Lists the values used to specify the shape of map dots.
MapEditActionResult Lists values that specify the edit action results.
MapEditMode Lists values that specify the map edit modes.
MapEditorAction Lists all actions that can cause map item changes.
MapEditorUiElement Lists the Map Editor’s elements that can be hit.
MapElementState Lists states of the map elements.
MapHitUiElementType Lists element types that can be hit.
MapItemTransform Lists transformations that can be applied to a map item.
MapItemType Lists the types of a map item.
MapLegendHitElement Lists legend elements that can be positioned in a hit-test point.
MapPrintSizeMode Lists the values specifying size modes used when a map is printed or exported.
MapUpdateType Lists the values that specify types of data updates.
MarkerType Lists the values that specify types of markers displayed as bubble chart items above the map.
MiniMapAlignment Lists the values used to specify the position of a mini map on a map.
OpenStreetMapKind Lists the values used to specify the kind of layer that should be obtained from the OpenStreetMapDataProvider.
PredefinedColorSchema Lists the predefined color schemas which are used by the map colorizer to color map shapes.
QueryCursorAction Lists actions that make the map control switch the cursor image.
RenderMode Lists the values used to specify the render mode of a map control.
RequestResultCode Lists the values used to specify the resulting code of a request.
RotationDirection Lists the values that specify how pie slices should be rotated.
RulerType Lists ruler types of the Measurements class.
ShapeType Lists shape types that can be stored in the shapefile format.
SizeLegendType Lists the values that specify the types of size legends.
SummaryFunction Lists the values that specify the types of summary functions used when generating chart items for the Map control.
TextAlignment Specifies how the text associated with the map pointer should be aligned.
TimeMeasureUnit Lists time measurement units.
TransformOrigin Lists all the possible transform origins.
VisibilityMode Lists the values that specify visibility modes for various map elements.