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DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository Namespace

Contains classes representing repository items that store editor-specific settings.

Assemblies: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v24.2.dll


Name Description
BaseRepositoryItemCheckEdit The base class for objects that contain properties for check editors.
CalendarAppearances Contains appearance settings for the calendar visual elements in different states.
EditorsRepositoryBase Implements the basic functionality of the PersistentRepository component.
PersistentRepository Stores repository items to be shared between container controls and components (GridControl, TreeList, RibbonControl, BarManager, etc).
RatingToolTipEventArgs Contains data for the RatingControl.BeforeShowToolTip and RepositoryItemRatingControl.BeforeShowToolTip events.
RepositoryItem Serves as the base for all repository items.
RepositoryItemBaseProgressBar Serves as the base for repository items that provide settings for editors that represent a progress bar.
RepositoryItemBaseSpinEdit Represents the class which provides settings common to all spin editors.
RepositoryItemBlobBaseEdit Serves as the base for repository items corresponding to BLOB editors.
RepositoryItemBreadCrumbEdit Contains settings specific to a BreadCrumbEdit control.
RepositoryItemButtonEdit An object that contains settings specific to a ButtonEdit control. Repository items allow you to embed editors into container controls (for instance, GridControl, TreeList, RibbonControl).
RepositoryItemCalcEdit Represents a class which stores settings specific to a CalcEdit control.
RepositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit Represents the class which stores settings specific to the CheckedComboBoxEdit control.
RepositoryItemCheckEdit Represents a repository item which stores settings specific to a CheckEdit control.
RepositoryItemCollection Represents a collection of repository items.
RepositoryItemColorEdit Contains settings specific to a ColorEdit editor.
RepositoryItemColorPickEdit Represents a repository item that stores settings specific to a ColorPickEdit control.
RepositoryItemComboBox Represents a repository item which stores settings specific to ComboBoxEdit controls.
RepositoryItemDateEdit A repository item storing settings specific to a DateEdit control.
RepositoryItemDateTimeOffsetEdit A repository item that stores core settings of the DateTimeOffsetEdit editor.
RepositoryItemFontEdit Represents the class which stores settings specific to the FontEdit control.
RepositoryItemGridLookUpEdit Contains settings specific to the GridLookUpEdit control.
RepositoryItemGridLookUpEditBase Contains settings specific to the GridLookUpEditBase control.
RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit Represents the class which provides settings specific to a HyperLinkEdit control.
RepositoryItemHypertextLabel When embedded in a container’s column/cell, allows cell text to be formatted using HTML tags. No editing is supported for these cells.
RepositoryItemImageComboBox Represents a repository item which holds settings specific to ImageComboBoxEdit controls.
RepositoryItemImageEdit Represents a repository item which stores settings specific to an ImageEdit control.
RepositoryItemLookUpEdit Contains settings specific to a lookup editor.
RepositoryItemLookUpEditBase Represents the base class that contains settings common to lookup editors.
RepositoryItemMarqueeProgressBar Contains settings specific to a MarqueeProgressBarControl editor.
RepositoryItemMemoEdit Represents a class which stores settings specific to a MemoEdit control.
RepositoryItemMemoExEdit Represents a repository item which stores settings specific to a MemoExEdit control.
RepositoryItemMRUEdit Represents a class which stores settings specific to a MRUEdit control.
RepositoryItemPageNumberEdit Stores settings specific to the PageNumberEdit control.
RepositoryItemPickImage Obsolete. Represents a repository item which provides settings specific to an image combo box control.
RepositoryItemPictureEdit Represents a repository item which stores settings specific to a PictureEdit control.
RepositoryItemPopupBase Serves as the base for repository items that provide settings for editors with popup windows.
RepositoryItemPopupBaseAutoSearchEdit Contains settings that are common to the descendants of the PopupBaseAutoSearchEdit class.
RepositoryItemPopupContainerEdit Represents a repository item that provides settings for PopupContainerEdit editors.
RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit A repository item which stores settings specific to a PopupGalleryEdit control.
RepositoryItemProgressBar Represents a repository item which stores settings specific to a ProgressBarControl control.
RepositoryItemRadioGroup Represents a repository item which stores settings specific to RadioGroup controls.
RepositoryItemRangeTrackBar Contains settings specific to a RangeTrackBarControl editor.
RepositoryItemRatingControl Provides access to advanced RatingControl settings.
RepositoryItemRichTextEdit Contains settings specific to an in-place editor that displays RTF data.
RepositoryItemSearchControl An item in an editor container’s repository used to create a SearchControl.
RepositoryItemSearchLookUpEdit Contains settings specific to the SearchLookUpEdit control.
RepositoryItemSparklineEdit Contains settings specific to a SparklineEdit control.
RepositoryItemSpinEdit Represents a repository item which stores settings specific to a SpinEdit control.
RepositoryItemTextEdit Represents a repository item which contains settings specific to TextEdit editors.
RepositoryItemTimeEdit Stores settings specific to a time editor.
RepositoryItemTimeSpanEdit Represents a repository item that stores settings specific to the TimeSpanEdit control.
RepositoryItemToggleSwitch Represents a repository item which stores settings specific to a ToggleSwitch control.
RepositoryItemTokenEdit Provides access to the TokenEdit control’s settings.
RepositoryItemTrackBar Contains settings specific to a TrackBarControl editor.
RepositoryItemTreeListLookUpEdit A repository item which stores settings specific to a TreeListLookUpEdit control.
RepositoryItemZoomTrackBar Represents the class which stores settings specific to the ZoomTrackBarControl control.
RichTextEditBehaviorOptions Represents the storage of settings specifying end-user restrictions applied to document operations.
RichTextEditHorizontalScrollbarOptions Represents the class containing options for the horizontal scrollbar.


Name Description
TrackBarRange Represents the range of values.


Name Description
CalendarSelectionMode Lists selection modes available for the end-user.
CalendarView Contains values that enumerate a Calendar Control’s display modes.
EditValueTypeCollection Enumerates values that specify the type of an editor’s EditValue property value.
ExportMode Contains values that specify whether an editor’s edit value or display text is exported, when the editor’s data is exported in XLS and CSV formats.
GridLookUpSearchMode Enumerates values that specify how the editor looks for values that fit the query entered in the edit box.
GridLookUpViewType Lists the types of Views that can be used within a GridLookUpEdit control.
LookUpEditValueType Contains values that specify the type of the editor’s EditValue property value.
TimeEditStyle Enumerates values that specify how users edit the time (time span) in the TimeEdit and TimeSpanEdit controls.