IntervalNumericScaleOptions.UnderflowValuePattern Property
Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the underflow interval axis labels and crosshair labels.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts
Property Value
Type | Description |
String | A format string. |
Patterns can contain regular text (displayed as is) and value placeholders in braces. To format numeric and date/time values, you can apply Format Specifiers. Use a colon to separate a placeholder and its format specifier.
The following table contains the available placeholders:
Placeholder | Description |
{OB} | Displays an opening bracket. |
{CB} | Displays a closing bracket. |
{OS} | Displays the greater than sign. |
{US} | Displays the less than or less than or equal to sign. |
{A1} | Displays the interval start value. |
{A2} | Displays the interval end value. |
This example demonstrates how to create a histogram chart with bins of a given width.
The code below configures a histogram for a chart with a numeric x-axis scale.
<dxc:ChartControl x:Name="chartControl">
<dxc:AxisX2D TickmarksMinorVisible="False"
<!-- Configure a histogram with the specified number of bins. -->
<dxc:WidthIntervalNumericScaleOptions AggregateFunction="Histogram"
Pattern="{}{OB}{A1:F0}; {A2:F0}{CB}"
OverflowValuePattern="{}{OS} {A1:F0}"
UnderflowValuePattern="{}{US} {A2:F0}"/>
<dxc:Range SideMarginsValue="0.8"/>
<dxc:AxisTitle Content="Temperature (°C)" FontSize="14" Margin="0" Padding="0"/>
<dxc:BarSideBySideSeries2D DisplayName="Temperature"
The following API members configure the histogram options:
Member | Description |
WidthIntervalNumericScaleOptions | The options that provide means to create axis intervals with a specified width. |
ManualNumericScaleOptions.AggregateFunction | Gets or sets the function that is used to aggregate numeric axis data when one of the AxisX2D.NumericScaleOptions, AxisX3D.NumericScaleOptions, or CircularAxisX2D.NumericScaleOptions properties is set to ManualNumericScaleOptions. |
WidthIntervalNumericScaleOptions.Width | Gets or sets the interval width in x-axis measurement units. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.OverflowValue | Gets or sets the start value for the interval that includes overflow values. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.UnderflowValue | Gets or sets the end value for the interval that includes underflow values. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.GridLayoutMode | Gets or sets the value that specifies the alignment of grid lines, major tickmarks and axis labels. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.Pattern | Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the interval axis labels and crosshair labels. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.OverflowValuePattern | Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the overflow interval axis labels and crosshair labels. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.UnderflowValuePattern |
Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the underflow interval axis labels and crosshair labels. |