DevExpress.Xpf.Reports.UserDesigner Namespace
Contains classes that implement the functionality specific to the Report Designer.
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.ReportDesigner.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Reporting
Name | Description |
DefaultBarItemNames static | Contains default item captions displayed in the Report Designer‘s toolbar. |
DefaultContextMenuItemNames static | Contains fields that identify context menu items and their containers in the Report Designer. |
DockLayoutManagerItemsNames static | Contains fields that identify dock panels and groups in the Report Designer. |
DockPanelOptionsBase | A base class for classes that provide options for the Report Designer‘s dock panels. |
FieldListOptions | Provides access to the Field List‘s options. |
GroupAndSortPanelOptions | Provides access to the Group and Sort Panel‘s options. |
OperationFailedEventArgs | A base class for classes providing data for events that occur when corresponding operations with the report designer document failed. |
ParameterTypeRegistrator static | Provides functionality to register custom parameter types in an Report Designer. |
PropertyGridOptions | Provides the Property Grid‘s options. |
ReportClonedEventArgs | Provides data for the ReportDesignerDocument.ReportCloned event. |
ReportDesigner | A control used to create an End-User Report Designer under the WPF platform. |
ReportDesignerBase | The class that provides basic functionality for the End-User Report Designer. |
ReportDesignerBrowserView | A web browser-inspired View intended to provide a compact and intuitive multi-document interface for the End-User Report Designer. |
ReportDesignerClassicView | A View that uses classic approaches to constructing a multi-document interface for the End-User Report Designer. |
ReportDesignerCommands | Provides access to Report Designer commands. |
ReportDesignerDocument | A single document in the End-User Report Designer. |
ReportDesignerDocumentCancelEventArgs | A base class for classes that provide data for cancellable events in the End-User Report Designer. |
ReportDesignerDocumentClosingEventArgs | Provides data for the ReportDesignerBase.DocumentClosing and ReportDesignerDocument.Closing events. |
ReportDesignerDocumentEventArgs | Provides data for events related to loading, closing and saving documents in the End-User Report Designer. |
ReportDesignerDocumentLoadFailedEventArgs | Provides data for the ReportDesignerDocument.LoadFailed and ReportDesignerBase.DocumentOpenFailed events. |
ReportDesignerDocumentOperationFailedEventArgs | A base class for classes providing data for events that occur when loading and saving report designer documents fails. |
ReportDesignerDocumentSaveFailedEventArgs | Provides data for the ReportDesignerBase.DocumentSaveFailed and ReportDesignerDocument.SaveFailed events. |
ReportDesignerDocumentSubreportLoadFailedEventArgs | Provides data for the ReportDesignerBase.SubreportLoadFailed and ReportDesignerDocument.SubreportLoadFailed events. |
ReportDesignerFieldListOptionsBehavior | Use the ReportDesigner.FieldListOptions property instead. |
ReportDesignerViewBase | The base class for the Report Designer Views. |
ReportExplorerOptions | Provides access to the Report Explorer‘s options. |
ReportGalleryOptions | Provides access to the Report Gallery‘s options. |
SubreportLoadFailedEventArgs | A base class for classes providing data for events that occur when an attempt to load subreports fails. |
Name | Description |
IReportDesignerUI | If implemented, provides functionality to save and open reports using a Custom Report Storage. |
IReportProvider | If implemented, provides functionality to obtain reports from a Custom Report Storage. |
IReportSerializer | If implemented, provides functionality to save or load a report from a stream. |
IReportStorage | If implemented, provides functionality to implement a Custom Report Storage. |
IXRChangeService | If implemented, registers the specified changes made to an XRControl or ReportDesignerDocument as a single entry in the undo-redo stack. |
Name | Description |
DockPanelVisibility | Enumerates values that specify the visibility state for the Report Designer‘s dock panels. |
ReportDesignerDocumentViewKind | Enumerates values that specify the view mode of report designer documents. |