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DevExpress.Xpf.Reports.UserDesigner Namespace

Contains classes that implement the functionality specific to the Report Designer.

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.ReportDesigner.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Reporting


Name Description
DefaultBarItemNames static Contains default item captions displayed in the Report Designer‘s toolbar.
DefaultContextMenuItemNames static Contains fields that identify context menu items and their containers in the Report Designer.
DockLayoutManagerItemsNames static Contains fields that identify dock panels and groups in the Report Designer.
DockPanelOptionsBase A base class for classes that provide options for the Report Designer‘s dock panels.
FieldListOptions Provides access to the Field List‘s options.
GroupAndSortPanelOptions Provides access to the Group and Sort Panel‘s options.
OperationFailedEventArgs A base class for classes providing data for events that occur when corresponding operations with the report designer document failed.
ParameterTypeRegistrator static Provides functionality to register custom parameter types in an Report Designer.
PropertyGridOptions Provides the Property Grid‘s options.
ReportClonedEventArgs Provides data for the ReportDesignerDocument.ReportCloned event.
ReportDesigner A control used to create an End-User Report Designer under the WPF platform.
ReportDesignerBase The class that provides basic functionality for the End-User Report Designer.
ReportDesignerBrowserView A web browser-inspired View intended to provide a compact and intuitive multi-document interface for the End-User Report Designer.
ReportDesignerClassicView A View that uses classic approaches to constructing a multi-document interface for the End-User Report Designer.
ReportDesignerCommands Provides access to Report Designer commands.
ReportDesignerDocument A single document in the End-User Report Designer.
ReportDesignerDocumentCancelEventArgs A base class for classes that provide data for cancellable events in the End-User Report Designer.
ReportDesignerDocumentClosingEventArgs Provides data for the ReportDesignerBase.DocumentClosing and ReportDesignerDocument.Closing events.
ReportDesignerDocumentEventArgs Provides data for events related to loading, closing and saving documents in the End-User Report Designer.
ReportDesignerDocumentLoadFailedEventArgs Provides data for the ReportDesignerDocument.LoadFailed and ReportDesignerBase.DocumentOpenFailed events.
ReportDesignerDocumentOperationFailedEventArgs A base class for classes providing data for events that occur when loading and saving report designer documents fails.
ReportDesignerDocumentSaveFailedEventArgs Provides data for the ReportDesignerBase.DocumentSaveFailed and ReportDesignerDocument.SaveFailed events.
ReportDesignerDocumentSubreportLoadFailedEventArgs Provides data for the ReportDesignerBase.SubreportLoadFailed and ReportDesignerDocument.SubreportLoadFailed events.
ReportDesignerFieldListOptionsBehavior Use the ReportDesigner.FieldListOptions property instead.
ReportDesignerViewBase The base class for the Report Designer Views.
ReportExplorerOptions Provides access to the Report Explorer‘s options.
ReportGalleryOptions Provides access to the Report Gallery‘s options.
SubreportLoadFailedEventArgs A base class for classes providing data for events that occur when an attempt to load subreports fails.


Name Description
IReportDesignerUI If implemented, provides functionality to save and open reports using a Custom Report Storage.
IReportProvider If implemented, provides functionality to obtain reports from a Custom Report Storage.
IReportSerializer If implemented, provides functionality to save or load a report from a stream.
IReportStorage If implemented, provides functionality to implement a Custom Report Storage.
IXRChangeService If implemented, registers the specified changes made to an XRControl or ReportDesignerDocument as a single entry in the undo-redo stack.


Name Description
DockPanelVisibility Enumerates values that specify the visibility state for the Report Designer‘s dock panels.
ReportDesignerDocumentViewKind Enumerates values that specify the view mode of report designer documents.