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IntervalDateTimeScaleOptions Class

Stores options for the date-time x-axis whose scale is divided into intervals.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public class IntervalDateTimeScaleOptions :


Use the IntervalDateTimeScaleOptions class to specify the DateTimeScaleOptions property.

The IntervalDateTimeScaleOptions class introduces the following properties:


This example demonstrates how to create a histogram chart based on date-time values.

Use the following API members to configure histogram options:

Member Description
IntervalDateTimeScaleOptions Stores options for the date-time x-axis whose scale is divided into intervals.
ManualDateTimeScaleOptions.AggregateFunction Gets or sets the function that is used to aggregate date-time axis data when one of the AxisX2D.DateTimeScaleOptions, AxisX3D.DateTimeScaleOptions, or RadarAxisX2D.DateTimeScaleOptions properties is set to ManualDateTimeScaleOptions.
OverflowValue Gets or sets the overflow interval’s start value.
UnderflowValue Gets or sets the underflow interval’s end value.
Pattern Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the axis label and crosshair label.
OverflowValuePattern Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the overflow interval axis label and crosshair label.
UnderflowValuePattern Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the underflow interval axis label and crosshair label.
<dxc:ChartControl x:Name="chartControl" 
                  Width="480" Height="270">
            <dxc:AxisX2D TickmarksMinorVisible="False" 
                    <!-- Configure histogram options. -->
                    <dxc:IntervalDateTimeScaleOptions AggregateFunction="Histogram"
                                                      Pattern="{}{A1:MMM dd} - {A2:MMM dd}"
                                                      OverflowValuePattern="After {A1: MMM dd}"
                                                      UnderflowValuePattern="Before {A2: MMM dd}"/>
                    <dxc:Range SideMarginsValue="0.8" AutoSideMargins="False"/>
        <dxc:BarSideBySideSeries2D  DisplayName="Series" 
See Also