DevExpress.Xpf.Bars Namespace
Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the DXBars for WPF suite. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxb=”“ namespace reference.
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.1.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Core
Name | Description |
AddBarAction | Adds a bar to the BarManager.Bars collection. |
AddBarItemAction | Adds a bar item to the BarManager.Items collection. |
AddBarItemLinkAction | Adds a bar item link to the link container (a bar, a menu, etc.). |
Bar | A bar which is displayed on-screen using a BarContainerControl object. |
BarActionBase | The base class for actions manipulating Bar objects. |
BarButtonItem | Represents a bar button item. |
BarButtonItemLink | Represents a link to a BarButtonItem object. |
BarCheckItem | Represents a check button in bars. |
BarCheckItemLink | Represents a link to a BarCheckItem object. |
BarCollection | Represents the collection of bars. |
BarContainerControl | A container for bars (Bar, ToolBarControl, MainMenuControl and StatusBarControl objects). |
BarDockInfo | Contains information on the dock position of a bar. |
BarEditItem | Represents a bar item that allows you to embed any editor from the DXEditors library into bars. |
BarEditItemLink | Represents a link to a BarEditItem object. |
BarItem | Represents the base class for bar items. |
BarItemActionBase | The base class for actions manipulating bar items. |
BarItemCollection | Represents the collection of bar items. |
BarItemCommand | A BarItem’s command. Use this class only when you load ribbon page content when the page is visible. |
BarItemCommandCollection | A collection of bar item commands. |
BarItemLink | Represents the base class for bar item links. |
BarItemLinkActionBase | The base class for actions manipulating bar item links. |
BarItemLinkBase | Represents the base class for bar item links. |
BarItemLinkCollection | Represents a collection of links owned by a link container. |
BarItemLinkControlProperties | A set of properties that describe the BarItem’s visual states. |
BarItemLinkHolderBase | Represents the base class for link containers. |
BarItemLinkMenuHeader | A link to the BarItemMenuHeader object. |
BarItemLinkSeparator | Represents a separator between item links. |
BarItemMenuHeader | Allows you to group context menu items and specify their alignment, caption, and appearance. |
BarItemSearchSettings | Contains settings for the ThemedWindow‘s item search box. |
BarItemSelector | A container for bar items that can have only one selected item. |
BarItemSelectorLink | A link to the BarItemSelector object. |
BarItemSeparator | Visually separates bar items. |
BarItemTriggerCollection | Represents a collection of the bar item’s triggers. |
BarLinkContainerItem | Represents a container of bar item links. |
BarLinkContainerItemLink | Represents a link to a BarLinkContainerItem object. |
BarListItem | The base class for bar item link containers, allowing an end-user to control the visibility of embedded links. |
BarListItemLink | Represents a link to a BarListItem object. |
BarManager | A container for bar containers that manages operations on bars and popup menus. |
BarManagerActionCollection | Represents a collection of actions that manipulate bar objects. |
BarManagerActionContainer | Provides access to actions for a specific BarManagerController. |
BarManagerCategory | An individual category. |
BarManagerCategoryCollection | Represents a collection of categories. |
BarManagerController | Represents the base class for controllers that provide bar customization actions. |
BarManagerControllerActionBase | Represents the base class for action objects, which manipulate bar objects. |
BarManagerControllerBase | The base class for bar manager controllers. |
BarNameScope | Contains properties to define name scopes for bar objects. |
BarPopupBase | Represents the base class for popup controls. |
BarPopupExpandable | A base class for a bar’s popups. |
BarsLocalizer | A base class that provides necessary functionality for custom localizers of the Toolbar-Menu and Ribbon Controls. |
BarSplitButtonItem | Represents a bar button item supporting the drop-down functionality. |
BarSplitButtonItemLink | Represents a link to a BarSplitButtonItem object. |
BarSplitCheckItem | Combines a checkbox and dropdown buttons in one item. |
BarSplitCheckItemLink | Represents a link to a BarSplitCheckItem object. |
BarSplitItemThemeSelectorBehavior | Populates the associated BarSplitButtonItem with available themes and allows you to choose the application’s theme. |
BarStaticItem | Represents a bar item that allows you to display static text. |
BarStaticItemLink | Represents a link to a BarStaticItem object. |
BarSubItem | Represents a sub-menu. |
BarSubItemLink | Represents a link to a BarSubItem object. |
BarSubItemThemeSelectorBehavior | Populates the associated BarSubItem with available themes and allows you to choose the application’s theme. |
CreateStandardLayoutAction | Creates four BarContainerControls at the four edges of the window, allowing you to dock bars to the window. |
Gallery | Represents a gallery of items. |
GalleryControl | A control that displays an image gallery and is capable of categorizing items into groups. |
GalleryItem | Represents an item within a gallery. |
GalleryItemCollection | Represents a collection of gallery items. |
GalleryItemGroup | Represents a group of gallery items within a gallery. |
GalleryItemGroupCollection | Represents a collection of gallery groups. |
GalleryThemeSelectorBehavior | Populates the associated GalleryControl with available themes and allows you to choose the application’s theme. |
InsertAction | An insert bar action. |
InsertBarAction | Inserts a bar at a specific position within the BarManager.Bars collection. |
InsertBarItemAction | Inserts a bar item at a specific position within the BarManager.Items collection. |
InsertBarItemLinkAction | Inserts a bar item link to the item link collection of a target object (a bar, a menu, etc.). |
InsertMainMenuIfNotExistAction |
Inserts a bar at a specific position within the BarManager.Bars collection and sets the Bar.IsMainMenu flag for it. The action does nothing if a bar already exists with this flag enabled. |
InsertStatusBarIfNotExistAction | Inserts a bar at a specific position within the BarManager.Bars collection and sets the Bar.IsStatusBar flag for it. The action does nothing if a bar already exists with this flag enabled. |
ItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the BarItem.ItemClick and BarManager.ItemClick events. |
ItemMultiTrigger | Represents a trigger that applies property values when a set of conditions are satisfied. |
ItemProperty | A DependencyProperty wrapper that you can edit in XAML. |
ItemSetter | Represents a setter that applies a property value. |
ItemSetterCollection | Represents the collection of item setters. |
ItemTrigger | Represents a trigger that applies a property value when a condition is satisfied. |
ItemTriggerBase | Represents the base class for specifying a conditional value within a BarItem object. |
ItemTriggerCondition | Represents a condition for the ItemMultiTrigger, which apply changes to property values based on a set of conditions. |
ItemTriggerConditionCollection | Represents the collection of item trigger conditions. |
LinkListItem | Allows an end-user to control the visibility of links in a BarItemLinkCollection collection. |
LinkListItemLink | Represents a link to a LinkListItem object. |
MainMenuControl | A standalone control, which provides a straightforward and simplified way to create a main menu. |
MergingProperties static | Provides attached properties that control the bar merging behavior. |
PopupControlContainer | A control container that supports the popup functionality. |
PopupControlContainerInfo | This class can be used as a substitute for a PopupControlContainer object, when it’s required to initialize a property with a PopupControlContainer object in XAML. |
PopupInfo<PopupType> | This class supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
PopupMenu | A regular popup menu. |
PopupMenuBase | Represents the base class for popup menus. |
PopupMenuInfo | A regular popup menu. |
RadialContextMenu | The menu where items are arranged in a circle. |
RemoveAction | An action that removes a specific bar or ribbon item from the target item collection. |
RemoveBarAction | Removes a bar from the BarManager.Bars collection. |
RemoveBarItemAction | Removes a bar item from the BarManager.Items collection. |
RemoveBarItemAndLinkAction | Removes a bar item from the BarManager.Items collection, and removes all links to this bar item from link holders (bars, submenus, menus, and so on). |
RemoveBarItemLinkAction | Removes a specific link from the bar item link collection of a target object (a bar, a menu, etc.). |
ReplaceAction | Replaces a specific bar or ribbon item with an item, stored within this action’s Content property. |
RoutedFilteringArgs | Contains data for the ItemFiltering event. |
RoutedItemLinksArgs | Contains data for the ItemsFiltered event. |
RoutedItemsArgs | Contains data for the ItemsRequested event. |
SetBarAction | Replaces a bar at a specific position within the BarManager.Bars collection with another bar. |
SetBarItemAction | Replaces a bar item at a specific position within the BarManager.Items collection with another bar item. |
SetBarItemLinkAction | Replaces a bar item link at a specific position within a target object (a bar, a menu, etc.) with another bar item link. |
StatusBarControl | A standalone control, which provides a straightforward and simplified way to create a status bar. |
TemplatedBarManagerController | Represents a controller that loads bar customization actions from a DataTemplate object, and executes those applying to a BarManager. |
ToolBarControl | A standalone control, which provides a straightforward and simplified way to create a bar. |
ToolBarControlBase | The base class for the ToolBarControl, MainMenuControl and StatusBarControl. |
ToolbarListItem | Represents a check list of available toolbars (and optionally, check lists of bar item links owned by the bars), allowing an end-user to toggle the visibility of bars/links. |
ToolbarListItemLink | Represents a link to a ToolbarListItem object. |
UpdateAction | Updates a specific bar or ribbon item’s property with a value specified via the UpdateAction.Value. |
UpdateBarAction | For internal use. |
UpdateBarItemAction | For internal use. |
UpdateBarItemLinkAction | For internal use. |
UpdateBarItemLinkActionBase | The base class for actions affecting bar item links. |
Name | Description |
IControllerAction | If implemented, provides the basic functionality to classes that maintain the visibility of toolbar items in DevExpress controls. |
ILinksHolder | Declares methods that are common to objects displaying bar item links. |
Name | Description |
ItemClickEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle the BarItem.ItemClick and BarManager.ItemClick events. |
Name | Description |
BarContainerType | Contains values that identify the type of bar containers. |
BarItemAlignment | Enumerates possible alignments for bar items. |
BarItemAutoSizeMode | Contains values that specify how the contents of a BarStaticItem‘s link is resized. |
BarItemDisplayMode | Contains values that specify how item links are displayed on-screen. |
BarItemMergeType | Contains values that specify how item links behave during merge operations. |
BarPopupExpandMode | Lists values that specify how the BarPopup’s child items are expanded. |
BarSubItemThemeSelectorShowMode | Lists values that specify an BarSubItemThemeSelectorBehavior item’s display mode. |
ButtonSwitcher | Provides members that specify which mouse button to use in a desired context. |
ElementMergingBehavior | Contains values that specify whether the current container’s elements are merged with elements of outside containers or elements of the same container, or both. A dedicated option allows you to disable merging. |
GalleryCheckDrawMode | Identifies paint styles for gallery items when they are in the checked state |
GalleryItemCheckMode | Contains values that identify available check modes for gallery items. |
GallerySizeMode | Enumerates dropdown galleries resizing modes. |
GlyphSize | Contains values that control the size of a bar item’s glyph. |
ItemLinksHolderType | Contains values that identify bar types. |
MDIMergeStyle | Provides members used to specify what child DocumentPanels invoke the merging/unmerging mechanism. |
PopupMenuItemsDisplayMode | Identifies paint modes for menu items. |
RibbonItemStyles | Lists the options that specify the bar item link’s possible states within a Ribbon Control. |
SearchItemDisplayMode | Lists modes that define how to display the search item in a Themed window. |
ToolbarListItemType | Lists values that specify how the contents of a ToolbarListItem object are represented. |
ToolBarMergeStyle | Enumerates the types of controls for which automatic merging is enabled. |