DevExpress.Xpf.Printing Namespace
Contains classes that provide the basic functionality for the DXPrinting for WPF library. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxp=”“ namespace reference.
Assemblies: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.v24.2.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Wpf.Core, DevExpress.Wpf.Printing
Name | Description |
BackstagePrintPreview | A control used to print documents in WPF applications and easily incorporated into a Backstage View-based menu. |
BarManagerCustomization static | Provides functionality for customization of the Document Preview toolbar. |
BooleanExportSettings static | The provider of attached properties that define how to export the Boolean value of a particular dependency object. |
CollectionViewLink | A link to print objects which implement the ICollectionView interface. |
CompositeLink | A composite link that can be used to combine several Printing Links together into a composite document. |
CreateAreaEventArgs | Provides data for all area creation events. |
CustomCursor | A custom mouse cursor, corresponding to a specific action in a Silverlight Report Designer. |
DialogService | A service that is used to show dialogs on the client. |
DocumentCommandProvider | Provides commands that correspond to end-user actions in the DocumentPreviewControl. |
DocumentPreview | Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the DocumentPreviewControl class to display a print preview. |
DocumentPreviewBase | Obsolete. Use the DocumentPreviewControl class to display a print preview. |
DocumentPreviewControl | A control that you can use to publish (preview, print, and export) documents in WPF applications. |
DocumentPreviewModelBase | The base for classes that provide the Preview Model functionality. |
DocumentPreviewMouseEventArgs | Provides data for the DocumentPreviewControl.DocumentPreviewMouseClick, DocumentPreviewControl.DocumentPreviewMouseDoubleClick and DocumentPreviewControl.DocumentPreviewMouseMove events. |
DocumentPreviewPropertyProvider | Specifies the behavior of the Parameters and Document Map dock panels in Print Preview. |
DocumentPreviewWindow | A window containing a Print Preview. |
DocumentViewer | Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the DocumentPreviewControl class to display a print preview. |
EditingFieldEditorEventArgsBase | Provides data for the HiddenEditingFieldEditor event. |
EditingFieldExtensions | Provides functionality to register custom editors to be used for editing the control content in Print Preview. |
EditingFieldTemplateSelector | Enables you to select which editors to use for content editing in Print Preview. |
EditingFieldValidationEventArgs | Provides data for the ValidateEditingField event. |
ExportOptionsContainer | Represents different options which are used when exporting a document. |
ExportSettingDefaultValue static | Contains named constants that provide default values for other properties. |
ExportSettings static | The provider of attached properties, which define how to export a particular dependency object. |
FaultEventArgs | Provides data for the ReportServicePreviewModel.CreateDocumentError, ReportServicePreviewModel.ExportError and ReportServicePreviewModel.PrintError events. |
GdiPlusImageRenderHook | A service enabling you to customize the GDI+ rendering process before creating report documents. |
GroupInfo | Represents an object, which contains information about a group. |
GroupInfoCollection | Represents a collection of group information objects. |
HiddenEditingFieldEditorEventArgs | |
ImageCollectionEditorInfo | Provides information about an image collection editor that is used to edit image content in Print Preview. |
ImageEditorOptions | Provides options for the image editor that you can use to edit the XRPictureBox control’s content in Print Preview. |
ImageGalleryItem | An object that provides an image and its display name. |
ImageInplaceEditorInfo | Provides information about an image editor that you can then use to edit image content in Print Preview. |
InplaceEditorInfo | Provides information about an in-place editor that is used to edit the control content in Print Preview. |
InplaceEditorInfoBase | The base for classes that provide information about custom editors to be used to edit content in Print Preview. |
InputController | Handles keyboard and mouse events on the client. |
LegacyLinkPreviewModel | Obsolete. Obsolete. Provides the Preview Model functionality for printing Windows Forms controls in WPF applications. |
LegacyPrintableComponentLink | A link to print Windows Forms controls that implement the IPrintable interface. |
LinkBase | The base class for all printing links within the DXPrinting library. |
LinkPreviewModel | Obsolete. Obsolete. Provides the Preview Model functionality for printing links. |
NavigationPaneSettings | The NavigationPaneSettings class provides the properties that set up the Document Preview‘s Navigation Pane. |
PageBreakInfo | Contains information about a page break. |
PageBreakInfoCollection | A collection of PageBreakInfo objects. |
PageMarginInfo | Contains information about page margins for BackstagePrintPreview. |
PageNumberExportSettings static | The provider of attached properties that define how to display page numbers within a particular dependency object. |
ParametersMergingErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the ReportServicePreviewModel.ParametersMergingError event. |
PreviewClickEventArgs | Provides data for the IDocumentPreviewModel.PreviewClick, IDocumentPreviewModel.PreviewMouseMove and IDocumentPreviewModel.PreviewMouseMove events. |
PreviewCustomCursors static | For internal use. Provides information about mouse cursors shown in a Document Preview. |
PreviewModelBase | The base for classes that provide the Preview Model functionality. |
PrintableControlLink | A link to print DevExpress controls and the base class for links to print other data. |
PrintHelper static | Provides methods to display a Print Preview for links, grids and reports. |
PrintingLocalizer | A base class that provides necessary functionality for custom localizers of the Printing-Exporting Library. |
PrintingResXLocalizer | The default localizer to translate the DXPrinting’s resources. |
PrintingSystem | Implements the basic functionality of the DXPrinting Library. |
PrintingSystemPreviewModel | Obsolete. The base for classes that provide the Preview Model functionality in WPF applications. |
PrintOptions | Provides print settings for BackstagePrintPreview. |
ReportServicePreviewModel | Obsolete. Obsolete. Provides the Preview Model functionality for a Report Service. |
RibbonDocumentPreview | Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the DocumentViewer class instead. |
RibbonDocumentPreviewWindow | Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the DocumentPreviewWindow class instead. |
ShowingEditingFieldEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ShowingEditingFieldEditor event. |
SimpleFaultEventArgs | Provides data for the ReportServicePreviewModel.GetPageError event. |
SimpleLink | A link to print linear data. |
TemplatedLink | The base class for links that provide printing functionality for WPF controls. |
TextExportSettings static | The provider of attached properties, which define how to export the text value of a particular dependency object. |
XtraReportPreviewModel | Obsolete. Obsolete. Provides the Preview Model functionality for XtraReports. |
ZoomFitModeItem | An individual zoom fit mode. |
ZoomItemBase | The base class for the ZoomValueItem class. |
ZoomValueItem | An individual document zoom factor value available in Print Preview. |
Name | Description |
ICursorService | When implemented by a class, enables it to manipulate the mouse cursor on the client. |
IDialogService | When implemented by a class, enables it to display dialog windows on the client. |
IDocumentPreviewModel | When implemented by a class, enables it to use the document model. |
IExportSendService | When implemented by a class, enables it to export documents and attach them to emails. |
IPageSettingsConfiguratorService | When implemented by a class, enables it to configure the document page settings. |
IPreviewModel | When implemented by a class, enables it to use the viewer model. |
IPrintableControl | When implemented by a class, enables it to print DevExpress controls. |
Name | Description |
CursorModeType | Enumerates values that specify the cursor mode in the document preview. |
NavigationPaneTabType | Lists the values specifying the Navigation Pane’s tab type. |
PageNumberKind | Lists the formats used to display page numbers in a document. |
PrintingStringId | Lists the strings that can be localized in a WPF application. |
ScaleMode | Lists values that specify a scale mode for documents. |
TargetType | Lists the report control types assigned when exporting a report. |
ZoomFitMode | Lists the available zoom fit modes. |