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DevExpress.Xpf.Printing Namespace

Contains classes that provide the basic functionality for the DXPrinting for WPF library. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxp=”“ namespace reference.

Assemblies: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.v24.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Wpf.Core, DevExpress.Wpf.Printing


Name Description
BackstagePrintPreview A control used to print documents in WPF applications and easily incorporated into a Backstage View-based menu.
BarManagerCustomization static Provides functionality for customization of the Document Preview toolbar.
BooleanExportSettings static The provider of attached properties that define how to export the Boolean value of a particular dependency object.
CollectionViewLink A link to print objects which implement the ICollectionView interface.
CompositeLink A composite link that can be used to combine several Printing Links together into a composite document.
CreateAreaEventArgs Provides data for all area creation events.
CustomCursor A custom mouse cursor, corresponding to a specific action in a Silverlight Report Designer.
DialogService A service that is used to show dialogs on the client.
DocumentCommandProvider Provides commands that correspond to end-user actions in the DocumentPreviewControl.
DocumentPreview Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the DocumentPreviewControl class to display a print preview.
DocumentPreviewBase Obsolete. Use the DocumentPreviewControl class to display a print preview.
DocumentPreviewControl A control that you can use to publish (preview, print, and export) documents in WPF applications.
DocumentPreviewModelBase The base for classes that provide the Preview Model functionality.
DocumentPreviewMouseEventArgs Provides data for the DocumentPreviewControl.DocumentPreviewMouseClick, DocumentPreviewControl.DocumentPreviewMouseDoubleClick and DocumentPreviewControl.DocumentPreviewMouseMove events.
DocumentPreviewPropertyProvider Specifies the behavior of the Parameters and Document Map dock panels in Print Preview.
DocumentPreviewWindow A window containing a Print Preview.
DocumentViewer Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the DocumentPreviewControl class to display a print preview.
EditingFieldEditorEventArgsBase Provides data for the HiddenEditingFieldEditor event.
EditingFieldExtensions Provides functionality to register custom editors to be used for editing the control content in Print Preview.
EditingFieldTemplateSelector Enables you to select which editors to use for content editing in Print Preview.
EditingFieldValidationEventArgs Provides data for the ValidateEditingField event.
ExportOptionsContainer Represents different options which are used when exporting a document.
ExportSettingDefaultValue static Contains named constants that provide default values for other properties.
ExportSettings static The provider of attached properties, which define how to export a particular dependency object.
FaultEventArgs Provides data for the ReportServicePreviewModel.CreateDocumentError, ReportServicePreviewModel.ExportError and ReportServicePreviewModel.PrintError events.
GdiPlusImageRenderHook A service enabling you to customize the GDI+ rendering process before creating report documents.
GroupInfo Represents an object, which contains information about a group.
GroupInfoCollection Represents a collection of group information objects.
ImageCollectionEditorInfo Provides information about an image collection editor that is used to edit image content in Print Preview.
ImageEditorOptions Provides options for the image editor that you can use to edit the XRPictureBox control’s content in Print Preview.
ImageGalleryItem An object that provides an image and its display name.
ImageInplaceEditorInfo Provides information about an image editor that you can then use to edit image content in Print Preview.
InplaceEditorInfo Provides information about an in-place editor that is used to edit the control content in Print Preview.
InplaceEditorInfoBase The base for classes that provide information about custom editors to be used to edit content in Print Preview.
InputController Handles keyboard and mouse events on the client.
LegacyLinkPreviewModel Obsolete. Obsolete. Provides the Preview Model functionality for printing Windows Forms controls in WPF applications.
LegacyPrintableComponentLink A link to print Windows Forms controls that implement the IPrintable interface.
LinkBase The base class for all printing links within the DXPrinting library.
LinkPreviewModel Obsolete. Obsolete. Provides the Preview Model functionality for printing links.
NavigationPaneSettings The NavigationPaneSettings class provides the properties that set up the Document Preview‘s Navigation Pane.
PageBreakInfo Contains information about a page break.
PageBreakInfoCollection A collection of PageBreakInfo objects.
PageMarginInfo Contains information about page margins for BackstagePrintPreview.
PageNumberExportSettings static The provider of attached properties that define how to display page numbers within a particular dependency object.
ParametersMergingErrorEventArgs Provides data for the ReportServicePreviewModel.ParametersMergingError event.
PreviewClickEventArgs Provides data for the IDocumentPreviewModel.PreviewClick, IDocumentPreviewModel.PreviewMouseMove and IDocumentPreviewModel.PreviewMouseMove events.
PreviewCustomCursors static For internal use. Provides information about mouse cursors shown in a Document Preview.
PreviewModelBase The base for classes that provide the Preview Model functionality.
PrintableControlLink A link to print DevExpress controls and the base class for links to print other data.
PrintHelper static Provides methods to display a Print Preview for links, grids and reports.
PrintingLocalizer A base class that provides necessary functionality for custom localizers of the Printing-Exporting Library.
PrintingResXLocalizer The default localizer to translate the DXPrinting’s resources.
PrintingSystem Implements the basic functionality of the DXPrinting Library.
PrintingSystemPreviewModel Obsolete. The base for classes that provide the Preview Model functionality in WPF applications.
PrintOptions Provides print settings for BackstagePrintPreview.
ReportServicePreviewModel Obsolete. Obsolete. Provides the Preview Model functionality for a Report Service.
RibbonDocumentPreview Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the DocumentViewer class instead.
RibbonDocumentPreviewWindow Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the DocumentPreviewWindow class instead.
ShowingEditingFieldEditorEventArgs Provides data for the ShowingEditingFieldEditor event.
SimpleFaultEventArgs Provides data for the ReportServicePreviewModel.GetPageError event.
SimpleLink A link to print linear data.
TemplatedLink The base class for links that provide printing functionality for WPF controls.
TextExportSettings static The provider of attached properties, which define how to export the text value of a particular dependency object.
XtraReportPreviewModel Obsolete. Obsolete. Provides the Preview Model functionality for XtraReports.
ZoomFitModeItem An individual zoom fit mode.
ZoomItemBase The base class for the ZoomValueItem class.
ZoomValueItem An individual document zoom factor value available in Print Preview.


Name Description
ICursorService When implemented by a class, enables it to manipulate the mouse cursor on the client.
IDialogService When implemented by a class, enables it to display dialog windows on the client.
IDocumentPreviewModel When implemented by a class, enables it to use the document model.
IExportSendService When implemented by a class, enables it to export documents and attach them to emails.
IPageSettingsConfiguratorService When implemented by a class, enables it to configure the document page settings.
IPreviewModel When implemented by a class, enables it to use the viewer model.
IPrintableControl When implemented by a class, enables it to print DevExpress controls.


Name Description
CursorModeType Enumerates values that specify the cursor mode in the document preview.
NavigationPaneTabType Lists the values specifying the Navigation Pane’s tab type.
PageNumberKind Lists the formats used to display page numbers in a document.
PrintingStringId Lists the strings that can be localized in a WPF application.
ScaleMode Lists values that specify a scale mode for documents.
TargetType Lists the report control types assigned when exporting a report.
ZoomFitMode Lists the available zoom fit modes.