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DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.UI Namespace

Contains classes which implement the user-interface interaction functionality of the DXScheduler for WPF suite.

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Scheduler


Name Description
AppointmentFormController Provides all the settings which are required to edit a particular appointment in a custom Edit Appointment form.
AppointmentInplaceEditor Represents an in-place editor.
AppointmentInplaceEditorBase Provides all the settings which are required to edit a particular appointment in a custom in-place editor.
AppointmentLabelEdit Represents a combo box control used to select appointment labels. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms.
AppointmentResourceEdit Represents a combo box control used to select a resource for an appointment. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms.
AppointmentResourcesEdit Represents a popup checked list box control used to select multiple resources in order to assign them to an appointment. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms.
AppointmentStatusEdit Represents a combo box control used to select appointment statuses. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms.
DailyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for daily recurrent appointments.
MonthEdit Represents a combo box used to select a month.
MonthlyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for monthly recurrent appointments.
RecurrenceRangeControl A control used to specify an end condition for the series of recurring appointments.
ResourcesCheckedListBoxControl Represents the checked list box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control.
ResourcesComboBoxControl Represents the combo box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control.
ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl The popup checked list box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control.
SchedulerMenuItemName Contains captions of popup menus and their default items.
TimeZoneEdit Represents a combo box used to specify a time zone.
WeekDaysCheckEdit Represents a control that allows the selection of days of the week, by checking the corresponding boxes.
WeekDaysEdit Represents a combo box used to select days of the week.
WeeklyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for weekly recurrent appointments.
WeekOfMonthEdit Represents a combo box used to select a week of the month.
YearlyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for yearly recurrent appointments.