DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.UI Namespace
Contains classes which implement the user-interface interaction functionality of the DXScheduler for WPF suite.
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Scheduler
Name | Description |
AppointmentFormController | Provides all the settings which are required to edit a particular appointment in a custom Edit Appointment form. |
AppointmentInplaceEditor | Represents an in-place editor. |
AppointmentInplaceEditorBase | Provides all the settings which are required to edit a particular appointment in a custom in-place editor. |
AppointmentLabelEdit | Represents a combo box control used to select appointment labels. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms. |
AppointmentResourceEdit | Represents a combo box control used to select a resource for an appointment. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms. |
AppointmentResourcesEdit | Represents a popup checked list box control used to select multiple resources in order to assign them to an appointment. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms. |
AppointmentStatusEdit | Represents a combo box control used to select appointment statuses. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms. |
DailyRecurrenceControl | Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for daily recurrent appointments. |
MonthEdit | Represents a combo box used to select a month. |
MonthlyRecurrenceControl | Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for monthly recurrent appointments. |
RecurrenceRangeControl | A control used to specify an end condition for the series of recurring appointments. |
ResourcesCheckedListBoxControl | Represents the checked list box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control. |
ResourcesComboBoxControl | Represents the combo box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control. |
ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl | The popup checked list box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control. |
SchedulerMenuItemName | Contains captions of popup menus and their default items. |
TimeZoneEdit | Represents a combo box used to specify a time zone. |
WeekDaysCheckEdit | Represents a control that allows the selection of days of the week, by checking the corresponding boxes. |
WeekDaysEdit | Represents a combo box used to select days of the week. |
WeeklyRecurrenceControl | Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for weekly recurrent appointments. |
WeekOfMonthEdit | Represents a combo box used to select a week of the month. |
YearlyRecurrenceControl | Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for yearly recurrent appointments. |