DevExpress.Xpf.Grid Namespace
Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the DXGrid for WPF suite. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxg=”“ namespace reference.
Assemblies: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.dll, DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.Core.dll, DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.Extensions.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Grid.Core
Name | Description |
ActivationActionEventArgsBase | Provides data for the DataViewBase.GetIsEditorActivationAction and DataViewBase.ProcessEditorActivationAction events. |
BandBase | Serves as a base class for bands. |
BaseColumn | Serves as a base for classes that represent columns or card fields. |
BaseGridColumnHeader | The base class for grid column headers. |
BaseGridHeader | The base class for grid column headers. |
CanSelectCellEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.CanSelectCell and TreeListView.CanSelectCell events. |
CanSelectRowEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.CanSelectRow event. |
CanUnselectCellEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.CanUnselectCell and TreeListView.CanUnselectCell events. |
CanUnselectRowEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.CanUnselectRow event. |
CardData | Contains information about a card. |
CardHeaderData | Contains a card header’s data. |
CardView | Represents a View that displays data using cards. |
CardViewCommands | Provides access to the CardView‘s built-in commands. |
CardViewHitInfo | Contains information about the specified element contained within the Card View. |
CellContentPresenter | Displays the content of a data cell. |
CellMergeEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.CellMerge event. |
CellValueChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the GridViewBase.CellValueChanged event. |
CellValueChangedInEditFormEventArgs | Contains data for the CellValueChanging event that occurs when a user edits data in the Edit Form. |
CellValueEventArgs | Provides data for the GridViewBase.CellValueChanging and GridViewBase.CellValueChanged events. |
ClipboardRowCellValuePastingEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.ClipboardRowCellValuePasting and TreeListView.ClipboardRowCellValuePasting events. |
ClipboardRowCopyingEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.ClipboardRowCopying / TreeListView.ClipboardNodeCopying events. |
ClipboardRowPastingEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.ClipboardRowPasting and TreeListView.ClipboardRowPasting events. |
ColorScaleFormatCondition | A Color Scales conditional format. |
ColumnBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent columns or card fields. |
ColumnChooserControl | The legacy Column Chooser control allows users to show and hide the GridControl‘s columns at runtime. |
ColumnCollectionBase<TColumn> | The base class for column collections. |
ColumnDataEventArgsBase | Serves as a base for classes that provide data for events used to supply data for unbound columns. |
ColumnHeaderClickEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.ColumnHeaderClick event. |
CompactModeFilterItem | Represents a filter item displayed within the compact panel in compact mode. |
ContentDetailDescriptor | Represents a Detail with freely-customizable content. |
CopyingToClipboardEventArgs | Provides data for the GridViewBase.CopyingToClipboard event. |
CopyingToClipboardEventArgsBase | Serves as the base class for classes that provide data for events related to copying data to the clipboard. |
CurrentItemChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the DataControlBase.CurrentItemChanged event. |
CustomBestFitEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.CustomBestFit event. |
CustomBestFitEventArgsBase | Serves as the base class for classes that provide data for events related to changing the column’s width. |
CustomCellAppearanceEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.CustomCellAppearance and TreeListView.CustomCellAppearance events. |
CustomColumnDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the GridControl.CustomColumnDisplayText event. |
CustomColumnSortEventArgs | Provides data for the GridControl.CustomColumnSort event. |
CustomDataUpdateFormatConditionEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition and TreeListView.CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition events. |
CustomFilterDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.CustomFilterDisplayText event. |
CustomGroupDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the GridControl.CustomGroupDisplayText event. |
CustomRowAppearanceEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.CustomRowAppearance and TreeListView.CustomRowAppearance events. |
CustomUniqueValuesEventArgs | Provides data for the CustomUniqueValues event. |
DataBarFormatCondition | A Data Bars conditional format. |
DataControlBase | Serves as a base for classes that represents data-aware controls (e.g. GridControl). |
DataControlDetailDescriptor | Represents a detail that displays a grid control and natively integrates with the master grid. |
DataControlSerializationOptions | Contains options that specify how column specific settings are stored to and restored from a stream or file in XML format. |
DataSourceRefreshEventArgs | Provides data for the DataSourceRefresh event. |
DataUpdateFormatCondition | A Data Update conditional format. |
DataViewBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent Views. |
DataViewCommandsBase | Contains built-in commands common to all the GridControl views. |
DefaultColumnMenuItemNames | Contains default item captions displayed within the column context menu. |
DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase | |
DefaultSummaryMenuItemNames | Contains default item captions displayed within the summary context menu. |
DetailDescriptorBase | Implements the basic functionality for objects that represent Detail Views within the grid’s master-detail hierarchy. |
DetailDescriptorCollection | Stores a collection of Detail Descriptors. |
DetailDescriptorSelector | Enables you to select which detail descriptor to use in data dependent details. |
DetailDescriptorTrigger | Represents a trigger that selects a proper detail for each master row conditionally. |
DialogEditFormBehavior | Allows you to enable edit operations in a Data Grid bound to a Server Mode or Instant Feedback data source. |
EditFormShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.EditFormShowing and TreeListView.EditFormShowing events. |
EditGridCellData | Contains information about a data cell in edit mode. |
EditorEventArgs | Provides data for the GridViewBase.ShownEditor and GridViewBase.HiddenEditor event. |
EditorEventArgsBase | Serves as the base class for all classes that provide data for different events, related to using in-place editors. |
ExcelColumnFilterSettings | Contains settings specific to an Excel-style column filter. |
ExpressionConditionBase | Serves as a base class for expression based conditional formats. |
ExtendedColumnChooserControl | The Column Chooser control allows users to show and hide the GridControl‘s columns at runtime. |
FilterCellContentPresenter | Displays the content of a automatic filter row cell. |
FilterEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.FilterEditorCreated event. |
FilterGroupSortChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the DataControlBase.FilterGroupSortChanging event. |
FilterPopupEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.ShowFilterPopup event. |
FocusedRowChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.FocusedRowChanged event. |
FocusedRowHandleChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.FocusedRowHandleChanged event. |
FocusedRowHandleChangingEventArgs | Contains data for the FocusedRowHandleChanging event. |
FormatCondition | A value based conditional format. |
FormatConditionBase | Serves as a base class for conditional formats. |
FormatConditionCollection | A collection of conditional formats. |
GetActiveEditorNeedsKeyEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.GetActiveEditorNeedsKey event. |
GetIsEditorActivationActionEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.GetIsEditorActivationAction event. |
GridBandMenuInfo | Contains information about a context menu invoked for a grid band. |
GridCell | Represents an object which corresponds to a data cell. |
GridCellData | Contains information about a data cell. |
GridCellValidationEventArgs | Provides data for the GridColumn.Validate event. |
GridColumn | The grid column. |
GridColumnCollection | Represents the grid’s column collection. |
GridColumnCommands | Provides access to column commands. |
GridColumnData |
Contains information about a column. This class supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
GridColumnDataEventArgs | Provides data for the GridControl.CustomUnboundColumnData event. |
GridColumnHeader | Represents a column’s header. |
GridColumnHeaderBase | Represents the base class for a grid column header. |
GridCommands static | Provides access to built-in grid commands. |
GridControl | The Data Grid control. |
GridControlBand | The grid band. |
GridControlBandsLayout | This class supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
GridControlLocalizer | A base class that provides necessary functionality for custom localizers of the Data Grid control. |
GridDataBase | Serves as a base for classes that provide information about grid elements (cells, columns, etc.). |
GridDataViewBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent Views. |
GridGroupSummaryData | Contains information about the summary value displayed within a group row. |
GridGroupSummarySortInfo | Represents an element in the GridGroupSummarySortInfoCollection. |
GridGroupSummarySortInfoCollection | Represents a collection which contains the information required to sort the group rows by summary values. |
GridGroupValueData | Contains information about group row values. |
GridMenuEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.ShowGridMenu event. |
GridMenuInfo | Contains information about the context menu. |
GridPopupMenu | A pop-up menu displayed within a View. |
GridRowContent | Displays the content of a data row. |
GridRowInfo | Contains information about the grid’s row. |
GridRowValidationEventArgs | Populates the GridViewBase.ValidateRow event handler with data. |
GridSelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the GridViewBase.SelectionChanged event. |
GridSerializationOptions | Contains options that specify how column specific settings are stored to and restored from a stream or file in XML format. |
GridSortInfo | Represents an element in the GridControl.SortInfo collection. |
GridSortInfoCollection | Represents a collection of GridSortInfo objects. |
GridSummaryData | Contains information about the summary value. |
GridSummaryItem | Represents a summary item. |
GridSummaryItemCollection | A collection of summary items. |
GridTotalSummaryData | Contains information about the total summary value displayed within the Summary Panel. |
GridValidateRowDeletionEventArgs | Provides data for the ValidateRowDeletion event. |
GridViewBase | Serves as the base for objects representing Table and Card views in a grid control. |
GridViewCommandsBase | Provides access to View commands. |
GridViewHitInfoBase | Serves as the base for classes providing information about a particular view element. |
GroupRowControl | A grid group row. |
GroupRowData | Contains information about a group row. |
HeadersData | Contains information about column headers. |
IconSetFormatCondition | An Icon Sets conditional format. |
IndicatorFormatConditionBase | Serves as a base class for indicator-type conditional formats. |
InitNewRowEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.InitNewRow event. |
InvalidRowExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for the GridViewBase.InvalidRowException event. |
LightweightCellEditor | Displays the content of a data cell in the optimized mode. |
LightweightCellEditorBase | Serves as the base for classes that display the content of a data cell in the optimized mode. |
MultiDetailDescriptor | Serves as the base for Detail Descriptors that allow you to display multiple details at the same level. |
ProcessEditorActivationActionEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.ProcessEditorActivationAction event. |
RowAllowEventArgs | Provides data for the GridControl.GroupRowExpanding and GridControl.GroupRowCollapsing events. |
RowControl | A grid row. |
RowData | Contains information about a data row. |
RowDataBase | Serves as a base for classes that contain information about rows and cards. |
RowDoubleClickEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.RowDoubleClick event handler. |
RowEditFinishedEventArgs | Contains data for the RowEditFinished event. |
RowEditStartedEventArgs | Contains data for the RowEditStarted event. |
RowEditStartingEventArgs | Contains data for the RowEditStarting event. |
RowEventArgs | Provides data for the GridControl.GroupRowExpanded, GridControl.GroupRowCollapsed, GridViewBase.RowUpdated and GridViewBase.RowCanceled events. |
ScrollBarAnnotationInfo | Contains information about the layout and appearance of a particular type of scrollbar annotation marks. |
ScrollBarAnnotationRowInfo | Contains information about scrollbar annotation. |
ScrollBarAnnotationsAppearance | Contains properties that provide access to the appearance settings of particular scrollbar annotation marks. |
ScrollBarAnnotationsCreatingEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.ScrollBarAnnotationsCreating and TreeListView.ScrollBarAnnotationsCreating events. |
ScrollBarCustomRowAnnotationEventArgs | Provides data for the TableView.ScrollBarCustomRowAnnotation and TreeListView.ScrollBarCustomRowAnnotation events. |
SearchStringToFilterCriteriaEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.SearchStringToFilterCriteria event. |
SelectedRowsCollection | Represents a collection of selected rows. |
ShowingEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the GridViewBase.ShowingEditor event. |
ShowingEditorEventArgsBase | Serves as the base for classes that provide data for events related to showing in-place editors. |
SummaryItemBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent summary items. |
SummaryItemCollectionBase<T> | The base class for summary item collections. |
TableView | A View that displays data in a tabular form. |
TableViewCommands | Provides access to the TableView‘s built-in commands. |
TableViewHitInfo | Contains information about the specified element contained within the Table View. |
TabViewDetailDescriptor | Displays multiple Details within a tabbed container. |
TopBottomRuleFormatCondition | Represents the Top-Bottom and Average conditional formats. |
TreeListBandMenuInfo | Contains information about a context menu invoked for a treelist band. |
TreeListColumn | A column within a TreeListControl. |
TreeListColumnCollection | The treelist’s column collection. |
TreeListControl | The TreeList control. |
TreeListControlBand | The treelist band. |
TreeListControlBandsLayout | This class supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
TreeListControlBase | Serves as a base class for the TreeListControl and the TreeViewControl. |
TreeListNode | A node displayed within a TreeListView. |
TreeListNodeCollection | A collection of nodes. |
TreeListNodeIterator | The Node Iterator. |
TreeListNodeSummaryItemCollection | A collection of node summary items. |
TreeListRowInfo | Contains information about the treelist’s row. |
TreeListSortInfoCollection | A collection of GridSortInfo objects. |
TreeListSummaryItem | A summary item. |
TreeListSummaryItemCollection | A collection of summary items. |
TreeListView | A View that displays information in a tree hierarchical structure. |
TreeListViewCommands | Provides access to the TreeListView‘s built-in commands. |
TreeViewControl | The TreeView control. |
UnboundExpressionEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the DataViewBase.UnboundExpressionEditorCreated event. |
UniqueDuplicateRuleFormatCondition | A Unique-Duplicate conditional format. |
Name | Description |
IAsyncChildNodesSelector | The interface that allows you to create an asynchronous child nodes selector. |
IChildNodesSelector | The interface that allows you to create a child nodes selector. |
Name | Description |
GridColumnWidth | Represents the width of the columns in the GridControl. |
Name | Description |
AllowedAnyOfFilters | Lists the possible any of filters that the GridControl‘s column supports. |
AllowedBetweenFilters | Lists the possible between filters that the GridControl‘s column supports. |
AllowedBinaryFilters | Lists the possible binary filters that the GridControl‘s column supports. |
AllowedDateTimeFilters | Lists the possible date-time filters that the GridControl‘s column supports. |
AllowedTotalSummaries | Lists the possible total summaries. |
AllowedUnaryFilters | Lists the possible unary filters that the GridControl‘s column supports. |
AllowFilterEditorAggregateOperands | Lists values that specify whether users can create aggregate filters. |
AutoFilterCondition | Lists values that specify the type of the comparison operator used to create filter conditions within the Automatic Filter Row. |
AutoFilterRowClearButtonMode | Contains values that specify the visibility of the clear button in the Automatic Filter Row. |
AutoFilterRowPosition | Lists values that specify where to display the Automatic Filter Row. |
AutoGenerateColumnsMode | Lists the values used to specify how columns are generated. |
BestFitArea | Lists the values used to specify which interface elements should be taken into account when adjusting the column width. |
CardLayout | Lists values that specify how cards are arranged within a Card View. |
CardViewHitTest | Lists values which identify card view elements. |
CardViewSelectMode | Lists values that specify the selection mode in a Card View. |
ClipboardCopyMode | Lists the values that specify the clipboard copy mode. |
ClipboardCopyOptions | Lists the formats with which the data copied from the GridControl should be compatible. |
ClipboardMode | Lists the values that specify whether the grid cell data is copied together with the format settings. |
ColumnChooserColumnDisplayMode | Lists values that specify how the column chooser displays columns. |
ColumnFilterMode | Lists values that specify how column values are filtered. |
ColumnFilterPopupMode | Lists values that specify the display mode of the Drop-Down Filter for all columns within the view. |
ColumnPosition | Lists values that specify a column’s position within a View. |
ColumnSortClearMode | Lists the possible modes of clearing sorting. |
CompactFilterElementShowMode | Lists the values that specify how the grid’s filter is displayed in compact mode. |
CompactPanelShowMode | Lists the values that specify the compact panel show mode. |
CompactSortElementShowMode | Lists the values that specify how sort elements are displayed within the compact panel. |
DeleteKeyBehavior | Lists actions executed when a user presses the Delete key. |
EditFormPostMode | Lists values that specify whether changes made to a row in the Inline Edit Form are immediately shown within the grid. |
EditFormShowMode | Lists values that specify the Edit Form‘s show mode. |
EditorButtonShowMode | Lists values that specify which cells should display editor buttons. |
ErrorsWatchMode | Lists values that specify the errors watch mode. |
ExcelColumnFilterType | Lists the possible Excel column filter types. |
ExceptionMode | Lists values that specify how to handle an exception. |
FilterPopupMode | Lists values that specify the display mode of a column’s Drop-Down Filter. |
FixedRowPosition | Lists the values that specify the position of the fixed row within the grid. |
FixedStyle | Lists values that specify a column/band’s behavior when a view is horizontally scrolled. |
GridColumnUnitType | Lists the values that are used to specify the BaseColumn.Width property. |
GridControlRuntimeStringId | Lists resource strings that can be localized at runtime. |
GridControlStringId | Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized. |
GridMenuType | Lists values that specify the context menu type. |
GridSummaryCalculationMode | Lists the values that specify the DataViewBase.SummaryCalculationMode and SummaryItemBase.CalculationMode properties. |
GridSummaryItemAlignment | Lists values that specify a summary item’s horizontal alignment within the Fixed Summary Panel. |
GridViewNavigationStyle | Lists values that specify whether row and cell focusing is allowed. |
GroupSummaryDisplayMode | Lists values that specify the alignment (position) of group summaries within a group row. |
HeaderPosition | Lists the values that specify the grid view’s header position. |
HeaderPresenterType | Lists values that specify which grid element contains a column’s header. |
IncrementalSearchMode | Lists values that specify the incremental search mode. |
IndicatorState | Lists the values used to indicate the row indicator state. |
MergedGroupingMode | Lists values that specify merged grouping modes. |
MergeGroupPosition | Enumerates values that specify the position of merged group headers. |
MultiSelectMode | Lists values that specify the selection mode. |
NavigationType | Lists user actions that lead to focus change. |
NavigatorButtonType | Specifies the options for displaying buttons within the Data Navigator. |
NewItemRowPosition | Lists values that specify the New Item Row‘s position within a View. |
PostConfirmationMode | Lists values that specify the response to an end-user’s attempt to move the focus from the Edit Form while it contains unsaved changes. |
RowAnimationKind | Lists values that specify what animation is played while data rows are being asynchronously retrieved by the data source. |
RowDetailsVisibilityMode | Lists values that specify when GridControl row details are displayed. |
RowFixingPosition | Lists values that specify the available fixed row positions. |
RowPosition | Lists values that specify a row’s position within a View. |
ScrollAnimationMode | Lists per-pixel scrolling modes. |
ScrollBarAnnotationAlignment | Lists values that specify the alignment of scrollbar annotation marks. |
ScrollBarAnnotationMode | List values that specify the scrollbar annotation modes. |
ScrollingMode | Lists values that specify how many rows are displayed onscreen when a View is scrolled to the bottom. |
ScrollMode | Lists values that specify the scrolling mode for CardView. |
SearchPanelPosition | Lists the values that specify the GridViewBase.SearchPanelPosition property. |
SelectionState | Lists values that specify a cell’s (or row’s) selection state. |
ShowFilterPanelMode | Lists values that specify when a View displays the Filter Panel. |
ShowFixRowButton | Lists values that specify the availability and behavior of the fix row buttons. |
ShowSearchPanelMode | Lists values that specify when the Search Panel is displayed. |
ShowUpdateRowButtons | Lists the values that specify the TableView.ShowUpdateRowButtons and TreeListView.ShowUpdateRowButtons properties. |
TableViewHitTest | Lists values which identify table view elements. |
TableViewSelectMode | Lists values that specify the selection mode in a Table View. |
TotalSummaryPosition | Lists values that specify the Summary Panel‘s position in a View. |
TreeDerivationMode | Lists values that specify the tree derivation mode. |
TreeListFilteringMode | Lists the values that specify the TreeListView.FilteringMode property. |
TreeListFilterMode | Lists the values that specify the TreeListView.FilterMode property. |
TreeListLineStyle | Lists values that specify the style of tree lines used to connect nodes. |
UseCardLightweightTemplates | Lists values that specify whether to enable the lightweight templates feature. |
UseLightweightTemplates | Lists values that specify whether to enable the lightweight templates feature. |
WaitIndicatorType | Lists values that specify how async data loading operations are indicated |