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DevExpress.Xpf.Grid Namespace

Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the DXGrid for WPF suite. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxg=”“ namespace reference.

Assemblies: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.dll, DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.Core.dll, DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.Extensions.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Grid.Core


Name Description
ActivationActionEventArgsBase Provides data for the DataViewBase.GetIsEditorActivationAction and DataViewBase.ProcessEditorActivationAction events.
BandBase Serves as a base class for bands.
BaseColumn Serves as a base for classes that represent columns or card fields.
BaseGridColumnHeader The base class for grid column headers.
BaseGridHeader The base class for grid column headers.
CanSelectCellEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.CanSelectCell and TreeListView.CanSelectCell events.
CanSelectRowEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.CanSelectRow event.
CanUnselectCellEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.CanUnselectCell and TreeListView.CanUnselectCell events.
CanUnselectRowEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.CanUnselectRow event.
CardData Contains information about a card.
CardHeaderData Contains a card header’s data.
CardView Represents a View that displays data using cards.
CardViewCommands Provides access to the CardView‘s built-in commands.
CardViewHitInfo Contains information about the specified element contained within the Card View.
CellContentPresenter Displays the content of a data cell.
CellMergeEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.CellMerge event.
CellValueChangedEventArgs Provides data for the GridViewBase.CellValueChanged event.
CellValueChangedInEditFormEventArgs Contains data for the CellValueChanging event that occurs when a user edits data in the Edit Form.
CellValueEventArgs Provides data for the GridViewBase.CellValueChanging and GridViewBase.CellValueChanged events.
ClipboardRowCellValuePastingEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.ClipboardRowCellValuePasting and TreeListView.ClipboardRowCellValuePasting events.
ClipboardRowCopyingEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.ClipboardRowCopying / TreeListView.ClipboardNodeCopying events.
ClipboardRowPastingEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.ClipboardRowPasting and TreeListView.ClipboardRowPasting events.
ColorScaleFormatCondition A Color Scales conditional format.
ColumnBase Serves as a base for classes that represent columns or card fields.
ColumnChooserControl The legacy Column Chooser control allows users to show and hide the GridControl‘s columns at runtime.
ColumnCollectionBase<TColumn> The base class for column collections.
ColumnDataEventArgsBase Serves as a base for classes that provide data for events used to supply data for unbound columns.
ColumnHeaderClickEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.ColumnHeaderClick event.
CompactModeFilterItem Represents a filter item displayed within the compact panel in compact mode.
ContentDetailDescriptor Represents a Detail with freely-customizable content.
CopyingToClipboardEventArgs Provides data for the GridViewBase.CopyingToClipboard event.
CopyingToClipboardEventArgsBase Serves as the base class for classes that provide data for events related to copying data to the clipboard.
CurrentItemChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DataControlBase.CurrentItemChanged event.
CustomBestFitEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.CustomBestFit event.
CustomBestFitEventArgsBase Serves as the base class for classes that provide data for events related to changing the column’s width.
CustomCellAppearanceEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.CustomCellAppearance and TreeListView.CustomCellAppearance events.
CustomColumnDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.CustomColumnDisplayText event.
CustomColumnSortEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.CustomColumnSort event.
CustomDataUpdateFormatConditionEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition and TreeListView.CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition events.
CustomFilterDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.CustomFilterDisplayText event.
CustomGroupDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.CustomGroupDisplayText event.
CustomRowAppearanceEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.CustomRowAppearance and TreeListView.CustomRowAppearance events.
CustomUniqueValuesEventArgs Provides data for the CustomUniqueValues event.
DataBarFormatCondition A Data Bars conditional format.
DataControlBase Serves as a base for classes that represents data-aware controls (e.g. GridControl).
DataControlDetailDescriptor Represents a detail that displays a grid control and natively integrates with the master grid.
DataControlSerializationOptions Contains options that specify how column specific settings are stored to and restored from a stream or file in XML format.
DataSourceRefreshEventArgs Provides data for the DataSourceRefresh event.
DataUpdateFormatCondition A Data Update conditional format.
DataViewBase Serves as a base for classes that represent Views.
DataViewCommandsBase Contains built-in commands common to all the GridControl views.
DefaultColumnMenuItemNames Contains default item captions displayed within the column context menu.
DefaultSummaryMenuItemNames Contains default item captions displayed within the summary context menu.
DetailDescriptorBase Implements the basic functionality for objects that represent Detail Views within the grid’s master-detail hierarchy.
DetailDescriptorCollection Stores a collection of Detail Descriptors.
DetailDescriptorSelector Enables you to select which detail descriptor to use in data dependent details.
DetailDescriptorTrigger Represents a trigger that selects a proper detail for each master row conditionally.
DialogEditFormBehavior Allows you to enable edit operations in a Data Grid bound to a Server Mode or Instant Feedback data source.
EditFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.EditFormShowing and TreeListView.EditFormShowing events.
EditGridCellData Contains information about a data cell in edit mode.
EditorEventArgs Provides data for the GridViewBase.ShownEditor and GridViewBase.HiddenEditor event.
EditorEventArgsBase Serves as the base class for all classes that provide data for different events, related to using in-place editors.
ExcelColumnFilterSettings Contains settings specific to an Excel-style column filter.
ExpressionConditionBase Serves as a base class for expression based conditional formats.
ExtendedColumnChooserControl The Column Chooser control allows users to show and hide the GridControl‘s columns at runtime.
FilterCellContentPresenter Displays the content of a automatic filter row cell.
FilterEditorEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.FilterEditorCreated event.
FilterGroupSortChangingEventArgs Provides data for the DataControlBase.FilterGroupSortChanging event.
FilterPopupEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.ShowFilterPopup event.
FocusedRowChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.FocusedRowChanged event.
FocusedRowHandleChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.FocusedRowHandleChanged event.
FocusedRowHandleChangingEventArgs Contains data for the FocusedRowHandleChanging event.
FormatCondition A value based conditional format.
FormatConditionBase Serves as a base class for conditional formats.
FormatConditionCollection A collection of conditional formats.
GetActiveEditorNeedsKeyEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.GetActiveEditorNeedsKey event.
GetIsEditorActivationActionEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.GetIsEditorActivationAction event.
GridBandMenuInfo Contains information about a context menu invoked for a grid band.
GridCell Represents an object which corresponds to a data cell.
GridCellData Contains information about a data cell.
GridCellValidationEventArgs Provides data for the GridColumn.Validate event.
GridColumn The grid column.
GridColumnCollection Represents the grid’s column collection.
GridColumnCommands Provides access to column commands.

Contains information about a column.

This class supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

GridColumnDataEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.CustomUnboundColumnData event.
GridColumnHeader Represents a column’s header.
GridColumnHeaderBase Represents the base class for a grid column header.
GridCommands static Provides access to built-in grid commands.
GridControl The Data Grid control.
GridControlBand The grid band.
GridControlBandsLayout This class supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GridControlLocalizer A base class that provides necessary functionality for custom localizers of the Data Grid control.
GridDataBase Serves as a base for classes that provide information about grid elements (cells, columns, etc.).
GridDataViewBase Serves as a base for classes that represent Views.
GridGroupSummaryData Contains information about the summary value displayed within a group row.
GridGroupSummarySortInfo Represents an element in the GridGroupSummarySortInfoCollection.
GridGroupSummarySortInfoCollection Represents a collection which contains the information required to sort the group rows by summary values.
GridGroupValueData Contains information about group row values.
GridMenuEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.ShowGridMenu event.
GridMenuInfo Contains information about the context menu.
GridPopupMenu A pop-up menu displayed within a View.
GridRowContent Displays the content of a data row.
GridRowInfo Contains information about the grid’s row.
GridRowValidationEventArgs Populates the GridViewBase.ValidateRow event handler with data.
GridSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the GridViewBase.SelectionChanged event.
GridSerializationOptions Contains options that specify how column specific settings are stored to and restored from a stream or file in XML format.
GridSortInfo Represents an element in the GridControl.SortInfo collection.
GridSortInfoCollection Represents a collection of GridSortInfo objects.
GridSummaryData Contains information about the summary value.
GridSummaryItem Represents a summary item.
GridSummaryItemCollection A collection of summary items.
GridTotalSummaryData Contains information about the total summary value displayed within the Summary Panel.
GridValidateRowDeletionEventArgs Provides data for the ValidateRowDeletion event.
GridViewBase Serves as the base for objects representing Table and Card views in a grid control.
GridViewCommandsBase Provides access to View commands.
GridViewHitInfoBase Serves as the base for classes providing information about a particular view element.
GroupRowControl A grid group row.
GroupRowData Contains information about a group row.
HeadersData Contains information about column headers.
IconSetFormatCondition An Icon Sets conditional format.
IndicatorFormatConditionBase Serves as a base class for indicator-type conditional formats.
InitNewRowEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.InitNewRow event.
InvalidRowExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the GridViewBase.InvalidRowException event.
LightweightCellEditor Displays the content of a data cell in the optimized mode.
LightweightCellEditorBase Serves as the base for classes that display the content of a data cell in the optimized mode.
MultiDetailDescriptor Serves as the base for Detail Descriptors that allow you to display multiple details at the same level.
ProcessEditorActivationActionEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.ProcessEditorActivationAction event.
RowAllowEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.GroupRowExpanding and GridControl.GroupRowCollapsing events.
RowControl A grid row.
RowData Contains information about a data row.
RowDataBase Serves as a base for classes that contain information about rows and cards.
RowDoubleClickEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.RowDoubleClick event handler.
RowEditFinishedEventArgs Contains data for the RowEditFinished event.
RowEditStartedEventArgs Contains data for the RowEditStarted event.
RowEditStartingEventArgs Contains data for the RowEditStarting event.
RowEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.GroupRowExpanded, GridControl.GroupRowCollapsed, GridViewBase.RowUpdated and GridViewBase.RowCanceled events.
ScrollBarAnnotationInfo Contains information about the layout and appearance of a particular type of scrollbar annotation marks.
ScrollBarAnnotationRowInfo Contains information about scrollbar annotation.
ScrollBarAnnotationsAppearance Contains properties that provide access to the appearance settings of particular scrollbar annotation marks.
ScrollBarAnnotationsCreatingEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.ScrollBarAnnotationsCreating and TreeListView.ScrollBarAnnotationsCreating events.
ScrollBarCustomRowAnnotationEventArgs Provides data for the TableView.ScrollBarCustomRowAnnotation and TreeListView.ScrollBarCustomRowAnnotation events.
SearchStringToFilterCriteriaEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.SearchStringToFilterCriteria event.
SelectedRowsCollection Represents a collection of selected rows.
ShowingEditorEventArgs Provides data for the GridViewBase.ShowingEditor event.
ShowingEditorEventArgsBase Serves as the base for classes that provide data for events related to showing in-place editors.
SummaryItemBase Serves as a base for classes that represent summary items.
SummaryItemCollectionBase<T> The base class for summary item collections.
TableView A View that displays data in a tabular form.
TableViewCommands Provides access to the TableView‘s built-in commands.
TableViewHitInfo Contains information about the specified element contained within the Table View.
TabViewDetailDescriptor Displays multiple Details within a tabbed container.
TopBottomRuleFormatCondition Represents the Top-Bottom and Average conditional formats.
TreeListBandMenuInfo Contains information about a context menu invoked for a treelist band.
TreeListColumn A column within a TreeListControl.
TreeListColumnCollection The treelist’s column collection.
TreeListControl The TreeList control.
TreeListControlBand The treelist band.
TreeListControlBandsLayout This class supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
TreeListControlBase Serves as a base class for the TreeListControl and the TreeViewControl.
TreeListNode A node displayed within a TreeListView.
TreeListNodeCollection A collection of nodes.
TreeListNodeIterator The Node Iterator.
TreeListNodeSummaryItemCollection A collection of node summary items.
TreeListRowInfo Contains information about the treelist’s row.
TreeListSortInfoCollection A collection of GridSortInfo objects.
TreeListSummaryItem A summary item.
TreeListSummaryItemCollection A collection of summary items.
TreeListView A View that displays information in a tree hierarchical structure.
TreeListViewCommands Provides access to the TreeListView‘s built-in commands.
TreeViewControl The TreeView control.
UnboundExpressionEditorEventArgs Provides data for the DataViewBase.UnboundExpressionEditorCreated event.
UniqueDuplicateRuleFormatCondition A Unique-Duplicate conditional format.


Name Description
IAsyncChildNodesSelector The interface that allows you to create an asynchronous child nodes selector.
IChildNodesSelector The interface that allows you to create a child nodes selector.


Name Description
GridColumnWidth Represents the width of the columns in the GridControl.


Name Description
CellValueChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridViewBase.CellValueChanged event.
CellValueEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridViewBase.CellValueChanging and GridViewBase.CellValueChanged events.
CopyingToClipboardEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridViewBase.CopyingToClipboard event.
CustomBestFitEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the TableView.CustomBestFit event.
CustomColumnDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.CustomColumnDisplayText event.
CustomColumnSortEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.CustomColumnSort and GridControl.CustomColumnGroup events.
CustomFilterDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DataViewBase.CustomFilterDisplayText event.
CustomGroupDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.CustomGroupDisplayText event.
EditorEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridViewBase.ShownEditor and GridViewBase.HiddenEditor events.
FilterEditorEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DataViewBase.FilterEditorCreated event.
FilterPopupEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DataViewBase.ShowFilterPopup event.
FocusedRowChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DataViewBase.FocusedRowChanged event.
GridCellValidationEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridColumn.Validate event.
GridColumnDataEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.CustomUnboundColumnData event.
GridMenuEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DataViewBase.ShowGridMenu event.
GridRowValidationEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridViewBase.ValidateRow event.
GridSelectionChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridViewBase.SelectionChanged event.
InitNewRowEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the TableView.InitNewRow event.
InvalidRowExceptionEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridViewBase.InvalidRowException event.
RowAllowEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.GroupRowExpanding and GridControl.GroupRowCollapsing events.
RowDoubleClickEventHandler A method that will handle the TableView.RowDoubleClick and TreeListView.RowDoubleClick events.
RowEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridViewBase.RowUpdated, GridViewBase.RowCanceled, GridControl.GroupRowExpanded and GridControl.GroupRowCollapsed events.
ShowingEditorEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridViewBase.ShowingEditor event.
UnboundExpressionEditorEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DataViewBase.UnboundExpressionEditorCreated event.


Name Description
AllowedAnyOfFilters Lists the possible any of filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowedBetweenFilters Lists the possible between filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowedBinaryFilters Lists the possible binary filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowedDateTimeFilters Lists the possible date-time filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowedTotalSummaries Lists the possible total summaries.
AllowedUnaryFilters Lists the possible unary filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowFilterEditorAggregateOperands Lists values that specify whether users can create aggregate filters.
AutoFilterCondition Lists values that specify the type of the comparison operator used to create filter conditions within the Automatic Filter Row.
AutoFilterRowClearButtonMode Contains values that specify the visibility of the clear button in the Automatic Filter Row.
AutoFilterRowPosition Lists values that specify where to display the Automatic Filter Row.
AutoGenerateColumnsMode Lists the values used to specify how columns are generated.
BestFitArea Lists the values used to specify which interface elements should be taken into account when adjusting the column width.
CardLayout Lists values that specify how cards are arranged within a Card View.
CardViewHitTest Lists values which identify card view elements.
CardViewSelectMode Lists values that specify the selection mode in a Card View.
ClipboardCopyMode Lists the values that specify the clipboard copy mode.
ClipboardCopyOptions Lists the formats with which the data copied from the GridControl should be compatible.
ClipboardMode Lists the values that specify whether the grid cell data is copied together with the format settings.
ColumnChooserColumnDisplayMode Lists values that specify how the column chooser displays columns.
ColumnFilterMode Lists values that specify how column values are filtered.
ColumnFilterPopupMode Lists values that specify the display mode of the Drop-Down Filter for all columns within the view.
ColumnPosition Lists values that specify a column’s position within a View.
ColumnSortClearMode Lists the possible modes of clearing sorting.
CompactFilterElementShowMode Lists the values that specify how the grid’s filter is displayed in compact mode.
CompactPanelShowMode Lists the values that specify the compact panel show mode.
CompactSortElementShowMode Lists the values that specify how sort elements are displayed within the compact panel.
DeleteKeyBehavior Lists actions executed when a user presses the Delete key.
EditFormPostMode Lists values that specify whether changes made to a row in the Inline Edit Form are immediately shown within the grid.
EditFormShowMode Lists values that specify the Edit Form‘s show mode.
EditorButtonShowMode Lists values that specify which cells should display editor buttons.
ErrorsWatchMode Lists values that specify the errors watch mode.
ExcelColumnFilterType Lists the possible Excel column filter types.
ExceptionMode Lists values that specify how to handle an exception.
FilterPopupMode Lists values that specify the display mode of a column’s Drop-Down Filter.
FixedRowPosition Lists the values that specify the position of the fixed row within the grid.
FixedStyle Lists values that specify a column/band’s behavior when a view is horizontally scrolled.
GridColumnUnitType Lists the values that are used to specify the BaseColumn.Width property.
GridControlRuntimeStringId Lists resource strings that can be localized at runtime.
GridControlStringId Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized.
GridMenuType Lists values that specify the context menu type.
GridSummaryCalculationMode Lists the values that specify the DataViewBase.SummaryCalculationMode and SummaryItemBase.CalculationMode properties.
GridSummaryItemAlignment Lists values that specify a summary item’s horizontal alignment within the Fixed Summary Panel.
GridViewNavigationStyle Lists values that specify whether row and cell focusing is allowed.
GroupSummaryDisplayMode Lists values that specify the alignment (position) of group summaries within a group row.
HeaderPosition Lists the values that specify the grid view’s header position.
HeaderPresenterType Lists values that specify which grid element contains a column’s header.
IncrementalSearchMode Lists values that specify the incremental search mode.
IndicatorState Lists the values used to indicate the row indicator state.
MergedGroupingMode Lists values that specify merged grouping modes.
MergeGroupPosition Enumerates values that specify the position of merged group headers.
MultiSelectMode Lists values that specify the selection mode.
NavigationType Lists user actions that lead to focus change.
NavigatorButtonType Specifies the options for displaying buttons within the Data Navigator.
NewItemRowPosition Lists values that specify the New Item Row‘s position within a View.
PostConfirmationMode Lists values that specify the response to an end-user’s attempt to move the focus from the Edit Form while it contains unsaved changes.
RowAnimationKind Lists values that specify what animation is played while data rows are being asynchronously retrieved by the data source.
RowDetailsVisibilityMode Lists values that specify when GridControl row details are displayed.
RowFixingPosition Lists values that specify the available fixed row positions.
RowPosition Lists values that specify a row’s position within a View.
ScrollAnimationMode Lists per-pixel scrolling modes.
ScrollBarAnnotationAlignment Lists values that specify the alignment of scrollbar annotation marks.
ScrollBarAnnotationMode List values that specify the scrollbar annotation modes.
ScrollingMode Lists values that specify how many rows are displayed onscreen when a View is scrolled to the bottom.
ScrollMode Lists values that specify the scrolling mode for CardView.
SearchPanelPosition Lists the values that specify the GridViewBase.SearchPanelPosition property.
SelectionState Lists values that specify a cell’s (or row’s) selection state.
ShowFilterPanelMode Lists values that specify when a View displays the Filter Panel.
ShowFixRowButton Lists values that specify the availability and behavior of the fix row buttons.
ShowSearchPanelMode Lists values that specify when the Search Panel is displayed.
ShowUpdateRowButtons Lists the values that specify the TableView.ShowUpdateRowButtons and TreeListView.ShowUpdateRowButtons properties.
TableViewHitTest Lists values which identify table view elements.
TableViewSelectMode Lists values that specify the selection mode in a Table View.
TotalSummaryPosition Lists values that specify the Summary Panel‘s position in a View.
TreeDerivationMode Lists values that specify the tree derivation mode.
TreeListFilteringMode Lists the values that specify the TreeListView.FilteringMode property.
TreeListFilterMode Lists the values that specify the TreeListView.FilterMode property.
TreeListLineStyle Lists values that specify the style of tree lines used to connect nodes.
UseCardLightweightTemplates Lists values that specify whether to enable the lightweight templates feature.
UseLightweightTemplates Lists values that specify whether to enable the lightweight templates feature.
WaitIndicatorType Lists values that specify how async data loading operations are indicated