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DevExpress.Xpf.Core.FilteringUI Namespace

Contains classes that implement the filtering UI functionality.

Assemblies: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.dll, DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Grid.Core


Name Description
BinaryFilterModel A model for operators with two operands (e.g., Equals, Is greater than).
CalendarFilterElement A calendar filter element that allows a user to filter by date values.
CalendarFilterModel A model for the CalendarFilterElement.
CheckBoxFilterElement A check box filter element that allows a user to filter by boolean values.
CheckBoxFilterModel A model for the CheckBoxFilterElement.
CheckedListFilterElement A checked list filter element that allows a user to select multiple filter values from a set.
CheckedListFilterModel A model for the CheckedListFilterElement.
CheckedTreeListFilterElement A checked treelist filter element that allows a user to filter by hierarchical values.
CheckedTreeListFilterModel A model for the CheckedTreeListFilterElement.
ConstantFilterModel A model for operators with one operand (e.g., Is null, Is Yesterday).
CustomUniqueValuesEventArgs Provides data for the FilterBehavior.CustomUniqueValues event.
CustomValueDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the FilterBehavior.CustomValueDisplayText event.
DatePeriodFilterValue A predefined date filter.
DatePeriodsFilterElement A date periods filter element that allows a user to apply predefined date filters.
DatePeriodsFilterModel A model for the DatePeriodsFilterElement.
DateRangeFilterElement A date range filter element that allows a user to specify a date interval.
DateRangeFilterModel A model for the DateRangeFilterElement.
ExcelStyleFilterElement An Excel-style filter element.
ExcelStyleFilterElementOperatorItem An item in the ExcelStyleFilterElement‘s operator list.
ExcelStyleFilterElementOperatorItemList A list of ExcelStyleFilterElementOperatorItems in the ExcelStyleFilterElement.
ExcelStyleFilterElementQueryOperatorsEventArgs Provides data for the ExcelStyleFilterElement.QueryOperators event.
ExcelStyleFilterModel A model for the ExcelStyleFilterElement.
FieldItem An item in the FilterEditorControl‘s field list.
FieldList A list of FieldItems displayed in the FilterEditorControl.
FilterBehavior Allows you to use the Filter Editor, Filter Panel, and Filter Elements to filter data-bound controls that do not provide a filtering UI (for example, Chart, Scheduler, Data Editors).
FilterChangedEventArgs Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.FilterChanged event.
FilterEditorCommands Provides access to the FilterEditorControl‘s commands.
FilterEditorControl The Filter Editor control allows users to build complex filter criteria. Users can add filter conditions and use logical operators to group filters.
FilterEditorOperatorItem An item in the FilterEditorControl‘s operator list.
FilterEditorOperatorItemList A list of FilterEditorOperatorItems displayed in the FilterEditorControl.
FilterEditorQueryOperatorsEventArgs Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.QueryOperators event.
FilterElement Serves as a base for classes that represent Filter Elements.
FilterField A filter field that specifies edit settings and predefined filters.
FilterFieldCollection A collection of the FilterField objects.
FilteringPanelControl The filter panel control.
FilteringUIContext A context that allows you to bind a filtering UI item to a control’s data.
FilterModel Serves as a base for classes that represent filter element models.
FilterModelBase Serves as a base for classes that represent filter element models.
FormatConditionFilterElement A filter element that works with a column’s Conditional Formatting Filters.
MultiFilterElement A multi filter element that allows a user to choose filter conditions.
MultiFilterModel A model for the MultiFilterElement.
OperatorItemBase An item in the operator list.
PredefinedFilter A predefined filter.
PredefinedFilterCollection A collection of Predefined Filters.
PredefinedFiltersElement A filter element that works with a column’s Predefined Filters.
PredefinedFiltersModel A model for the PredefinedFiltersElement.
QueryConditionOperationsEventArgs Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.QueryConditionOperations event.
QueryDateTimeFunctionsEventArgs Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.QueryDateTimeFunctions event.
QueryFieldsEventArgs Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.QueryFields event.
QueryGroupOperationsEventArgs Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.QueryGroupOperations event.
QueryGroupTypesEventArgs Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.QueryGroupTypes event.
QueryOperandFieldsEventArgs Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.QueryOperandFields event.
QueryOperandsEventArgs Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.QueryOperands event.
QueryOperatorsEventArgsBase<T> Provides data for the FilterEditorControl.QueryOperators and ExcelStyleFilterElement.QueryOperators events.
RadioListFilterElement A radio list filter element that allows a user to select one filter value from a set.
RadioListFilterModel A model for the RadioListFilterElement.
RangeFilterElement A range filter element that allows a user to filter by numeric values.
RangeFilterModel A model for the RangeFilterElement.
RangeFilterModelBase<T> Serves as a base for classes that represent range filter models.
TernaryFilterModel A model for operators with three operands (e.g., Is between, Is between dates).
VariadicFilterModel A model for operators with a variable number of operands (e.g., Is any of, Is none of).


Name Description
AllowedAggregateFilters Lists aggregate filters that GridControl columns support.
AllowedDataAnalysisFilters Lists the values that specify the ColumnBase.AllowedDataAnalysisFilters property.
AllowedExcelStyleFilterTypes Lists the values that specify the ExcelStyleFilterElement.AllowedFilterTypes property.
AllowedFormatConditionFilters Lists values that specify whether the GridControl‘s column supports conditional formatting filters.
DateTimeFilterTreeType Lists the values that specify the CheckedTreeListFilterElement.DateTimeFilterTreeType property.
ExcelStyleFilterElementOperatorType Lists the values that specify the ExcelStyleFilterElementOperatorItem.OperatorType property.
ExcelStyleFilterType Lists the values that specify the ExcelStyleFilterElement.DefaultFilterType property.
FilterEditorOperandType Lists the values that specify the QueryOperandsEventArgs.DefaultOperan property.
FilterEditorOperatorType Lists the values that specify the FilterEditorOperatorItem.OperatorType property.
FilterValuesSortMode Lists the values that specify the FilterElement.FilterValuesSortMode property.
PropertySelectorMode Lists the values that specify the FilterEditorControl.PropertySelectorMode property.
StringFilterTreeType Lists the values that specify the CheckedTreeListFilterElement.StringFilterTreeType property.