IntervalNumericScaleOptions.OverflowValue Property
Gets or sets the start value for the interval that includes overflow values.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts
Property Value
Type | Description |
Nullable<Double> | A floating-point value that is the overflow interval’s threshold. |
The overflow interval is the rightmost interval and includes data points whose arguments are greater than OverflowValue.
Use the IntervalNumericScaleOptions.OverflowValuePattern property to format the overflow interval text.
This example demonstrates how to create a histogram chart with bins of a given width.
The code below configures a histogram for a chart with a numeric x-axis scale.
<dxc:ChartControl x:Name="chartControl">
<dxc:AxisX2D TickmarksMinorVisible="False"
<!-- Configure a histogram with the specified number of bins. -->
<dxc:WidthIntervalNumericScaleOptions AggregateFunction="Histogram"
Pattern="{}{OB}{A1:F0}; {A2:F0}{CB}"
OverflowValuePattern="{}{OS} {A1:F0}"
UnderflowValuePattern="{}{US} {A2:F0}"/>
<dxc:Range SideMarginsValue="0.8"/>
<dxc:AxisTitle Content="Temperature (°C)" FontSize="14" Margin="0" Padding="0"/>
<dxc:BarSideBySideSeries2D DisplayName="Temperature"
The following API members configure the histogram options:
Member | Description |
WidthIntervalNumericScaleOptions | The options that provide means to create axis intervals with a specified width. |
ManualNumericScaleOptions.AggregateFunction | Gets or sets the function that is used to aggregate numeric axis data when one of the AxisX2D.NumericScaleOptions, AxisX3D.NumericScaleOptions, or CircularAxisX2D.NumericScaleOptions properties is set to ManualNumericScaleOptions. |
WidthIntervalNumericScaleOptions.Width | Gets or sets the interval width in x-axis measurement units. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.OverflowValue |
Gets or sets the start value for the interval that includes overflow values. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.UnderflowValue | Gets or sets the end value for the interval that includes underflow values. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.GridLayoutMode | Gets or sets the value that specifies the alignment of grid lines, major tickmarks and axis labels. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.Pattern | Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the interval axis labels and crosshair labels. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.OverflowValuePattern | Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the overflow interval axis labels and crosshair labels. |
IntervalNumericScaleOptions.UnderflowValuePattern | Gets or sets a format string that configures text for the underflow interval axis labels and crosshair labels. |