DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduling Namespace
Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the WPF Scheduler suite. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxsch=”“ namespace reference.
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduling.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Scheduling
Name | Description |
AgendaView | A view that displays a chronological list of appointments grouped by day. |
AppointmentAddedEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentAdded event. |
AppointmentAddingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentAdding event. |
AppointmentCRUDEventArgs | The base class for CRUD (create, read, update, delete) events. |
AppointmentDragResizeViewModel | View model used in the drag-and-drop and resize operations, containing appointment property values which are modified during an action. |
AppointmentEditedEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentEdited event. |
AppointmentEditingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentEditing event. |
AppointmentEditViewModel | A base class for View Models used in appointment editing window and in-place appointment editor. |
AppointmentEditViewModelBase | A base class for View Models created for end-user appointment editing (window editor, in-place editor, drag and resize). |
AppointmentInplaceEditorViewModel | A View Model that contains in-place editor settings. |
AppointmentItem | An appointment in the Scheduler. |
AppointmentItemCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.BeforeAppointmentItemDelete event. |
AppointmentItemCollection | A collection of appointments. |
AppointmentItemConflictEventArgs | Provides data to the SchedulerControl.CustomAllowAppointmentConflicts event. |
AppointmentItemDragDropEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentDrag and SchedulerControl.AppointmentDrop events. |
AppointmentItemEventArgs | Serves as the base class for classes which provide data for certain AppointmentItem events. |
AppointmentItemOperationEventArgs | Provides data for the CustomAllowAppointment… events of the SchedulerControl. |
AppointmentItemResizeEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentResize event. |
AppointmentLabelItem | An object used as a label to categorize appointments. |
AppointmentLabelItemCollection | Represents a collection of appointment labels. |
AppointmentLabelMappings | Provides information on the appointment label properties’ mapping to data fields. |
AppointmentMappings | Provides information on the appointment properties’ mapping to data fields. |
AppointmentRemovedEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentRemoved event. |
AppointmentRemovingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentRemoving event. |
AppointmentRestoredEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentRestored event. |
AppointmentRestoringEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentRestoring event. |
AppointmentStatusItem | An object used to indicate the busy status of the user for the appointment. |
AppointmentStatusMappings | Provides information on the appointment status properties’ mapping to data fields. |
AppointmentWindowShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentWindowShowing event. |
AppointmentWindowTimeIntervalViewModel | A View Model which specifies the appointment’s interval. |
CellBrushSchema | A combination of colors used to paint the cell background and borders. |
CommitAppointmentResizeEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.CommitAppointmentResize event. |
CompleteAppointmentDragDropEventArgs | Provides data for the CompleteAppointmentDragDrop event. |
CompleteAppointmentResizeEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.CompleteAppointmentResize event. |
CreateSourceObjectEventArgs | Provides data to the DataSource.CreateSourceObject event. |
CustomAppointmentBackgroundEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.CustomAppointmentBackground event. |
CustomFieldMapping | Provides information on custom property mapping to appropriate data fields. |
CustomWorkTimeEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.CustomWorkTime event. |
DailyRecurrenceBuilder | Allows you to define daily recurrences. |
DataSource | An object that specifies data sources and mappings for the Scheduler objects. |
DateNavigationPanel | Indicates the interval displayed by the Scheduler control and provides navigation buttons. |
DayView | A view that displays a detailed picture of events across one or more days. |
DayViewBase | A base class for views which display one or more days in a detailed manner. |
DefaultBarItemNames static | Stores the names of the default Scheduler Ribbon items and Pop-Up Menus. |
DefaultBrushNames static | Contains the names of the default brushes used to colorized the scheduler’s elements. |
DeleteOccurrenceWindowShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.DeleteOccurrenceWindowShowing event. |
DropAppointmentEventArgs | Provides data for the DropAppointment event. |
FetchDataEventArgs | Provides data for the FetchAppointments and FetchTimeRegions events. |
FilterAppointmentEventArgs | Provides data for the FilterAppointment event. |
FilterTimeRegionEventArgs | Provides data for the FilterTimeRegion event. |
FixedTimeScale | A time scale in the Timeline view whose time cell value is set to a custom fixed interval. |
GotoDateWindowShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.GotoDateWindowShowing event. |
HourlyRecurrenceBuilder | Allows you to define hourly recurrences. |
ItemPropertyChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.ItemPropertyChanged event. |
ItemsCollectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.ItemsCollectionChanged event. |
LabelColorCollection | A color collection used for appointment label colors. |
ListView | A grid that displays appointments, and allows you to group, sort, and filter them for better analysis. |
Mapping | Maps persistent object’s properties to the data source fields. |
MappingsBase | Base class for Scheduler Mappings. |
MinutelyRecurrenceBuilder | Allows you to define a minute recurrence. |
MonthlyRecurrenceBuilder | Allows you to define monthly recurrences. |
MonthView | A view that enables end-users to schedule and view user events by month (several weeks). |
OptionsContextMenu | Provides options used to customize the Scheduler context menus. |
OptionsPrinting | Provides options used to customize the Scheduler printing reports. |
OptionsWindows | Allows specifying custom window types instead of the default windows. |
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.PopupMenuShowing event. |
QueryContinueAppointmentResizeEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.QueryContinueAppointmentResize event. |
RecurrenceBuilder | Allows you to define recurrence rules using method chaining (Fluent API style). |
RecurrenceWindowShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.RecurrenceWindowShowing event. |
ReminderItem | A reminder for a non-recurring appointment. |
RemindersWindowShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.RemindersWindowShowingEvent event. |
ResizeAppointmentOverEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.ResizeAppointmentOver event. |
ResourceBrushSchema | A color combination which contains colors used to paint scheduler resources. |
ResourceBrushSchemaCollection | A collection of color combinations used to paint Scheduler resources. |
ResourceItem | A common attribute which can be assigned to appointments to group them. |
ResourceItemCollection | A collection of Scheduler resources. |
ResourceItemEmpty static | Provides static methods to obtain the empty resource and its identifier. |
ResourceMappings | Provides information on the resource properties’ mapping to data fields. |
ResourceTreeCommands | Provides access to Resource Tree commands. |
ResourceTreeControl | A Resource Tree control. |
SchedulerCommands | Provides access to Scheduler commands. |
SchedulerControl | The main control of the Scheduler suite which displays and manages appointments. |
SchedulerControlBase | A base class for the SchedulerControl. |
SchedulerDateNavigatorStyleSettings | Contains additional settings and functionality applied to the DateNavigator bound to the SchedulerControl. |
SchedulerItemBase | A base class for appointment items. |
SchedulerItemBaseMappings | A base class for classes that provide information on the appointment properties’ mapping to data fields. |
SchedulerViewBase | A base class for the scheduler views. |
SourceObjectContainer | A base class for the Scheduler persistent objects. |
StartAppointmentResizeEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.StartAppointmentResize event. |
TimelineView | A view that arranges events and appointments across horizontal timelines. |
TimeRegionItem | A time region in the Scheduler. |
TimeRegionMappings | Provides information on the time region properties’ mapping to data fields. |
TimeRuler | A time ruler for the SchedulerControl. |
TimeRulerWindowShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.TimeRulerWindowShowing event. |
TimeScale | A time scale. Time scales are displayed at the top of the Timeline View. |
TimeScaleBase | A base class for classes which are time scales in the Timeline view. |
TimeScaleCollection | A collection of time scales in the Timeline view. |
TimeScaleDay | A time scale in the Timeline view whose time cell value is equal to a single day. |
TimeScaleHour | A time scale in the Timeline view whose time cell value is equal to a single hour. |
TimeScaleMonth | A time scale in the Timeline view whose time cell value is equal to a single month. |
TimeScaleQuarter | A time scale in the Timeline view whose time cell value is equal to a quarter of a year. |
TimeScaleWeek | A time scale in the Timeline view whose time cell value is equal to a single week. |
TimeScaleWorkDay | A time scale in the Timeline view displaying only workdays. Its time cell value is equal to a single day. |
TimeScaleWorkHour | A time scale in the Timeline view displaying only working hours. Its time cell value is equal to a single hour. |
TimeScaleYear | A time scale in the Timeline view whose time cell value is equal to a single year. |
TimeSpanCollection | An ObservableCollection of time intervals. |
TriggeredReminder | An object that identifies a reminder which is due. |
ViewBase | A base class for all Scheduler views. |
VisibleIntervalsChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.VisibleIntervalsChanged event. |
WeeklyRecurrenceBuilder | Allows you to define weekly recurrences. |
WeekView | A view that displays the entire week. |
WindowShowingEventArgs<T> | A base class that provides data for events which occur before displaying windows and dialogs. |
WorkWeekView | A view that displays appointments for the working days in a particular week. |
YearlyRecurrenceBuilder | Allows you to define yearly recurrences. |
Name | Description |
IDataSourceBase | Base interface for the DataSource object. |
ISchedulerHitInfo | Contains information about a specific point within a scheduler. |
ITimeScale | Contains information about time scales. |
Name | Description |
AppointmentDragResizeMode | Lists modes which determine how an appointment fits in the time cell when dragging or resizing. |
BrushSavingType | Lists data types used for storing the Brush object. |
CommandBarStyle | Lists values used to specify the type of the Scheduler’s command bar. |
DateNavigationPanelDisplayMode | Lists the values for the DisplayMode. |
DXColorSavingType | Lists data types used for storing the color. |
FetchMode | Lists values that specify whether to process the FetchAppointments and FetchTimeRegions events in bound or unbound mode. |
ItemType | Lists item types for which the SchedulerControl.ItemPropertyChanged and SchedulerControl.ItemsCollectionChanged events occur. |
MonthViewDisplayUnit | Lists values that specify whether to round the selection up to a whole week or a whole month. |
MonthViewMode | Lists the values that specify the MonthView display mode. |
MoreButtonVisibility | Lists values used to specify the More buttons visibility. |
RefreshDataKind | Lists types of data to be refreshed and reflect any changes made in it. |
ResizeAction | Lists values that specify if and how the resize operation should continue. |
ResizeHandle | Lists values that indicate whether the user is dragging the appointment’s top or bottom edge. |
ResizeState | Lists states of the resize action. |
SchedulerHitTestType | Lists the values that identify a scheduler’s elements. |
ScrollOnDragMode | Lists values that specify whether the user can scroll the scheduler’s view area by dragging an appointment to the viewport’s border. |
SnapToCellsMode | Lists the fit modes of appointment in the time cell(s) by stretching it to the cell’s boundaries. |
TimelineViewMode | Lists the values that specify the TimelineView display mode. |
TimeRegionType | Lists the types of time regions. |
TimeScaleUnit | Lists the values that specify the time scale measure unit. |
ToolTipMode | Lists the values used to specify a visual element the SchedulerControl displays when the mouse pointer hovers over an appointment. |