DevExpress.Xpf.Docking Namespace
Contains classes that implement the main functionality of the DXDocking for WPF suite. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxdo=”“ namespace reference.
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Docking
Name | Description |
Appearance | Contains a LayoutItem cell’s states. |
AppearanceObject | Contains an item’s appearance properties. |
AutoHideGroup | A container for auto-hidden dock panels. |
AutoHideGroupCollection | Represents a collection of AutoHideGroup objects. |
BaseLayoutItem | Represents the base class for dock panels and groups. |
BaseLayoutItemCollection | Represents a collection of BaseLayoutItem objects. |
ClosedPanelCollection | Represents a collection of closed (hidden) panels. |
ContentItem | An abstract class for objects capable of displaying content. |
DefaultMenuItemNames static | Contains names of the context menu items. |
DockController | Provides methods to perform docking operations on panels. |
DockControllerBase | The base class for DockControllers that provide methods to perform docking operations on panels. |
DockControllerCommand | Provides commands on dock panels. |
DockingDocumentUIService | Allows you to show documents in docked LayoutPanels. |
DockLayoutManager | Represents a container for dock and layout items. |
DockLayoutManagerLinker static | Provides methods for link operations. |
DocumentGroup | A container for DocumentPanel and LayoutPanel objects. The DocumentGroup displays child DocumentPanel‘s in tabbed or MDI UIs. |
DocumentPanel | A child panel in a DocumentGroup. The DocumentPanel supports the MDI and Tabbed UIs. |
EmptySpaceItem | Adds whitespace to a UI. The whitespace is a rectangle object with invisible bounds that has its own height and width. |
FixedItem | Serves as a base class for fixed items that you can find in the Customization Window (the EmptySpaceItem, LabelItem, LayoutSplitter, and SeparatorItem ). |
FloatGroup | A container for floating panels. |
FloatGroupCollection | Represents a collection of FloatGroup objects. |
LabelItem | A label that displays custom text. |
LayoutControlItem | A Layout Group‘s child element that can display a control with a label. |
LayoutController | Represents the object that provides methods to manage the layout of items. |
LayoutGroup | A container for items and groups. |
LayoutPanel | A dock panel. You can use a LayoutPanel in dock and layout UIs. |
LayoutSplitter | Allows you to resize a layout item at runtime. |
MDIControllerCommand | |
MDIMenuBar | |
MDIMenuBar.MDIButtonSettings | |
RestoreLayoutOptions | Contains options that control the restoration of dock and layout items. |
SeparatorItem | A line that you can place between neighboring UI elements to improve the display of your application’s layout. |
TabbedDocumentUIService | Allows you to show documents in tabbed DocumentPanels. |
TabbedGroup | A tabbed group of dock panels (LayoutPanel objects). |
Name | Description |
IDockController | Provides methods to perform docking operations on groups and panels. DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.DockControllerBase |
IMDIController | Provides methods to perform operations on MDI panels. |
Name | Description |
ActivateOnFocusing | Lists the values that specify how the content item is activated on focusing. |
AutoHideType | Contains values that identify possible auto-hide positions for dock panels. |
AutoScrollOnOverflow | Lists the values that specify how the tab headers are scrolled while selecting tabs when tab headers could not fit into the header panel. |
CaptionAlignMode | Enumerates the options that specify how the controls and their captions are aligned within the layout items. |
CaptionLocation | Contains values that specify the position of an item’s caption. |
ClosePageButtonShowMode | Enumerates values that specify whether Close buttons are displayed in individual tab pages, the tab control’s header, or in both. |
ClosingBehavior | Contains values that specify how panels are closed. |
DockGuide | Contains values that specify dock hint sections. Each DockGuide consists of multiple DockHints. |
DockHint | Contains values that specify the dock hint. |
DockingStyle | Contains values that specify the dock behavior of the DockLayoutManager. |
DockingViewStyle | Lists the values that specify the docking items’ view style. |
DockItemState | Contains values that identify dock states. |
DockOperation | Provides members to label different docking operation types. |
FixedItemStyle | Identifies the type a FixedItem object. |
FloatingMode | Contains values that specify how floating panels can be dragged. |
FloatState | Contains values that identify dock states. |
GroupBorderStyle | Contains values that specify how a group’s borders are rendered. |
ImageLocation | Contains values that specify how an image is displayed relative to an adjacent text region. |
LogicalTreeStructure | Lists values that specify the logical tree structure. |
MDIMenuBar.ItemType | |
MDIState | Enumerates available states for panels in a DocumentGroup in MDI mode. |
MDIStyle | Contains values that specify how a DocumentGroup represents its children. |
SelectionOnTabRemoval | Lists the values that specify which tab is selected when closing the current tab. |
TabbedGroupDisplayMode | Lists the DocumentGroup‘s displaying modes. |